
I didn’t watch either one and more amazingly I didn’t even feel tempted to try. Once you realize how fake and gay it is, it’s very difficult to get back to the place where you though it made a difference.

I think I’m gonna write in Willie Nelson/ Kanye West on my ballot. Won’t change anything either but I just can’t see voting for the uniparty.
Doing that is akin to voting for Marxists. Trump/Vivek/DeSantis/whomever is not perfect (far from it) but are a better option that a Democrat. There is no way to change to a more conservative country by giving up a vote to the far Left.
Doing that is akin to voting for Marxists. Trump/Vivek/DeSantis/whomever is not perfect (far from it) but are a better option that a Democrat. There is no way to change to a more conservative country by giving up a vote to the far Left.
That’s how I felt at one point too.

Lately though, I’ve come to realize that neither party has your interest in mind at a national level, so delegitimization of the process may be all that’s left.

Democracy by votes of anyone who is 18 or older and can fog a mirror is not going to be a good outcome for us.

Some say it’s calling it quits, but I think it’s more about openly declaring the ridiculous nature of the game we are forced to play. A slightly less stinky turd sandwich is still a turd sandwich.

Just my two Pennies.
All kinds of traditional human interaction continues to decline or disappear altogether. Already the world's most alienated and lonely society, the plandemic has only accelerated those trends in the US of Gay.

That’s how I felt at one point too.

Lately though, I’ve come to realize that neither party has your interest in mind at a national level, so delegitimization of the process may be all that’s left.

Democracy by votes of anyone who is 18 or older and can fog a mirror is not going to be a good outcome for us.

Some say it’s calling it quits, but I think it’s more about openly declaring the ridiculous nature of the game we are forced to play. A slightly less stinky turd sandwich is still a turd sandwich.

Just my two Pennies.
I don’t disagree with you sentiments at all. Black pilling is a very real and logical conclusion to make.

I worry that if people on our “side” (which includes a variety of varying ideologies but all in favor of some degree of individual liberty) opt out of the process that the Marxists only increase their stranglehold and there is nothing left for our children’s children’s children.

Where I sit, I’d rather have a semblance of a Republic than a Marxist wasteland. I guess I’m not totally done with our Constitutional Republic yet… same as how I still believe in pockets of folks beginning to wake up to the man behind the curtain. Some people are starting to wake up to the Caste system in sports (and life).
I don’t disagree with you sentiments at all. Black pilling is a very real and logical conclusion to make.

I worry that if people on our “side” (which includes a variety of varying ideologies but all in favor of some degree of individual liberty) opt out of the process that the Marxists only increase their stranglehold and there is nothing left for our children’s children’s children.

Where I sit, I’d rather have a semblance of a Republic than a Marxist wasteland. I guess I’m not totally done with our Constitutional Republic yet… same as how I still believe in pockets of folks beginning to wake up to the man behind the curtain. Some people are starting to wake up to the Caste system in sports (and life).
I hear that and while I’d love to see it too, I don’t think it happens without delegitimization of the process. The Soviet Union collapsed under its own weight and what came after sure seems better. It’s not perfect but it happened without a bloody revolt. Hopefully something similar happens here.
I hear that and while I’d love to see it too, I don’t think it happens without delegitimization of the process. The Soviet Union collapsed under its own weight and what came after sure seems better. It’s not perfect but it happened without a bloody revolt. Hopefully something similar happens here.
I agree something like that would be ideal if the system/country itself cannot be saved.
Bryce Mitchell is the outspoken patriotic UFC fighter who was interviewed by Tucker Carlson a couple of years ago. He doesn't hold back when it comes to the NWO and the rest of the globalist agenda. This short snippet is pretty funny the way he goes off:

Bryce Mitchell is the outspoken patriotic UFC fighter who was interviewed by Tucker Carlson a couple of years ago. He doesn't hold back when it comes to the NWO and the rest of the globalist agenda. This short snippet is pretty funny the way he goes off:

This is why I push people to learn about the earth. The Big Bang Theory, The Theory of Evolution and The Shape of the Earth all go
together. If you start with the earth first then people will wake up and know the other two are not true either. All to disprove the creator.

Love this kid for exposing the evil lies they push! Thanks for posting this Don.
Tuned into a Bulgarian soccer match this AM. 4 talking heads. 3 females and 1 male ex player..
This is clearly a world wide phenomenon.
Had my first full-on crash with a deer several hours ago. There are so many around here and I've grazed several and had zillions of close calls over the years, but had no chance with this one. I'm driving on a windy 35 mph speed limit road doing the speed limit more or less when from out of the darkness this doe ran full speed across the road from out of nowhere. I hit the brakes very hard but it was unavoidable. If you've ever been in a car crash you know the feeling.

It hit hard, flew onto my hood and then over the roof. No way it survived. Even though it was only 5:30 pm it was already dark thanks to "daylight savings" and I pulled over to check out my car. No obvious major damage, I'll know more tomorrow in the daylight when I look at it. The left turn signal had spazzed out, operating at about ten times normal speed, and the hood shifted a tiny bit to the left, hopefully that's the extent of it but daylight will give a better picture. The poor doe could have smashed my front end in or smashed my windshield, so at this point I feel fortunate.

October is "rutting month" for bucks so deer are everywhere now as I'm sure they don't end the hunt on October 31st. I nearly hit a threesome crossing the road on my way home from the earlier incident, way too many around but how do you deal with it? As an animal lover I don't like seeing them killed wholesale, but when there's so many they become a danger to people and their vehicles.
Had my first full-on crash with a deer several hours ago. There are so many around here and I've grazed several and had zillions of close calls over the years, but had no chance with this one. I'm driving on a windy 35 mph speed limit road doing the speed limit more or less when from out of the darkness this doe ran full speed across the road from out of nowhere. I hit the brakes very hard but it was unavoidable. If you've ever been in a car crash you know the feeling.

It hit hard, flew onto my hood and then over the roof. No way it survived. Even though it was only 5:30 pm it was already dark thanks to "daylight savings" and I pulled over to check out my car. No obvious major damage, I'll know more tomorrow in the daylight when I look at it. The left turn signal had spazzed out, operating at about ten times normal speed, and the hood shifted a tiny bit to the left, hopefully that's the extent of it but daylight will give a better picture. The poor doe could have smashed my front end in or smashed my windshield, so at this point I feel fortunate.

October is "rutting month" for bucks so deer are everywhere now as I'm sure they don't end the hunt on October 31st. I nearly hit a threesome crossing the road on my way home from the earlier incident, way too many around but how do you deal with it? As an animal lover I don't like seeing them killed wholesale, but when there's so many they become a danger to people and their vehicles.
I remember a good decade plus ago I saw a male buck on the road on the fringes of greater Toronto. I literally drove about the speed of an old man on a bicycle as I drove by the buck who had a stupid grin on it's face as I drove by. It's weird as there were no forested areas within miles of the road but it was farm country with encroaching suburbia.

Years before this I had extended family have an incident like you had in rural Philly in Delaware, from what I heard from the "gossip" was the buck hit the windshield but I have never talked about the incident with them as familial ties have died out due to deaths and old feuds in the family going back decades.
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My friend's dad who was a Marine pilot at Camp Lejeune accidentally hit one at night on that base. He was driving one of those old Chevy Corvairs and the thing did go through the windshield and land on his lap. It was dead and he got cut up pretty badly.

Yes, sorry to hear that. I've seen them dart out from the side of the road so closely that there is no way to avoid hitting them sometimes, when it's that unexpected.
Glad you’re okay! Deer are everywhere. My Husky got loose a few days ago and was chasing a full grown buck around the neighborhood!
Had my first full-on crash with a deer several hours ago. There are so many around here and I've grazed several and had zillions of close calls over the years, but had no chance with this one. I'm driving on a windy 35 mph speed limit road doing the speed limit more or less when from out of the darkness this doe ran full speed across the road from out of nowhere. I hit the brakes very hard but it was unavoidable. If you've ever been in a car crash you know the feeling.

It hit hard, flew onto my hood and then over the roof. No way it survived. Even though it was only 5:30 pm it was already dark thanks to "daylight savings" and I pulled over to check out my car. No obvious major damage, I'll know more tomorrow in the daylight when I look at it. The left turn signal had spazzed out, operating at about ten times normal speed, and the hood shifted a tiny bit to the left, hopefully that's the extent of it but daylight will give a better picture. The poor doe could have smashed my front end in or smashed my windshield, so at this point I feel fortunate.

October is "rutting month" for bucks so deer are everywhere now as I'm sure they don't end the hunt on October 31st. I nearly hit a threesome crossing the road on my way home from the earlier incident, way too many around but how do you deal with it? As an animal lover I don't like seeing them killed wholesale, but when there's so many they become a danger to people and their vehicles.
This is exactly why there is deer hunting season. Humans are the only predator still around that can keep the numbers of deer manageable. Without hunters, we would literally be overrun with them.

Sounds like you were fortunate to not have significant damage. I hit one a few years ago, had to replace my hood, fender, bumper/grill assembly and headlight.
In New Jersey they have become a massive nuisance. Fortunately I no longer live in the worst state in the “Union” but while I did I had dozens of near misses and the sides of the roads at the shore were always littered w dead deer.

New Jersey needs a massive hunt to cull the herd back. They allow it here and there but it isn’t enough to be effective.

Likely the dense population of people is a reason because you can’t discharge firearms but still one would think bow hunting would be more widely allowed .

Glad you are ok Don. My dad and many other people I know have had their cars wrecked by deer
HBO just showed a documentary about the "Love Has Won" cult in three one-hour segments. It was based around a woman named Amy Carlson who became convinced she was God and managed to convince her followers to believe the same. They called her "Mother God" and just plain old "Mom."

Carlson had a dysfunctional childhood -- divorced parents, abused by her stepmother -- and ended up marrying three times at a young age and having two children. In 2007 she abruptly left her children one day without saying anything and never saw them again as she moved to rural Colorado and teamed up with an older man who was called "Father God." There were various Father Gods after the first one and Carlson apparently took each as her lover.

What's impressive about this documentary is that it isn't the usual narrator telling viewers what to think about a group on the fringes. The cult was constantly filming themselves and regularly streaming on the internet, and various primary members are interviewed but allowed to just say what they say without anyone judging it or, again, telling viewers what to think. The fact that this was a small, batshit crazy cult speaks for itself without anyone having to say it during the documentary.

Over time, Carlson's always happy demeanor became darker. The cult always excused this by saying she was in constant pain because humanity wouldn't see and accept her as the Divine Goddess she was, there to liberate them. She was a very heavy drinker, smoked weed regularly, and she and the rest of the cult members swore like drunken sailors as the old expression goes.

One of the selling points of the cult was that "Mom" was going to "ascend," like Jesus. She claimed to have been Jesus and many other famous figures in past lives. The big beautiful clouds where they lived were believed to be spaceships hovering, getting ready to take "Mom" to wherever.

But her health got worse and worse. Eventually she couldn't walk. Her form of medicine was to ingest large amounts of colloidal silver every day along with her heavy drinking. She eventually became discolored and paralyzed. But her acoloytes continued to insist this was because of mankind rejecting her and they never took her to a regular doctor or hospital.

The group believed a concoction of new age beliefs combined with QAnon type stuff. Carlson was eventually moved to Oregon, back to Colorado and then to Hawaii, where she claimed to be the Hawaiian god Pele. This caused outraged locals to strongly demonstrate outside where they were living and they quickly scurried away to California, where Carlson died in a hotel room in April of 2021. She was only 45 years old. They transported her body back to Colorado as they still waited for her to "ascend" and eventually the local sheriff and law enforcement found her mummified corpse as it lay in a bed as cult members continued to sit by her side.

Several of the primary members, there was never more than 10 or 20 hard-core ones who lived with "Mom" at various times, still carry on the cult, though of course with the obligatory factionalism. I had never heard of this small group before. Very bizarre but worth a watch if you're interested in this kind of crazy stuff because the documentary is well done.

If only they could say what the real issue is. We are in deep trouble, friends.
Yes, as someone who loves classic architecture it saddens me to see how a good lot of it has been “given away” to blacks by White Flight in urban areas. Its destruction was ensured at that point. The author, a clueless libertarian from Alaska, either doesn’t have the courage to say the real reason or has naivety that living in a black-free area can afford. You could give Baltimore “Republican leadership” tomorrow and nothing would change with a 62% black populace. Short of ethnic cleansing, Baltimore is unfixable.
Most Boomers just want to believe the Democrat/Republican spiel. It’s easier than admitting the obvious racial differences. Every time I hear one say it’s “well they have a democratic mayor”

I counter with, it’s a black city first and foremost.
Most Boomers just want to believe the Democrat/Republican spiel. It’s easier than admitting the obvious racial differences. Every time I hear one say it’s “well they have a democratic mayor”

I counter with, it’s a black city first and foremost.
Exactly. Its not democrats shooting euch other over crack money...
Exactly. Its not democrats shooting euch other over crack money...
Another good one is to say. “Ya had to move to the burbs, all the nazis going around shooting everyone on MLK Drive. It wasn’t safe.”

That always gets some good looks too.
HBO just showed a documentary about the "Love Has Won" cult in three one-hour segments. It was based around a woman named Amy Carlson who became convinced she was God and managed to convince her followers to believe the same. They called her "Mother God" and just plain old "Mom."

Carlson had a dysfunctional childhood -- divorced parents, abused by her stepmother -- and ended up marrying three times at a young age and having two children. In 2007 she abruptly left her children one day without saying anything and never saw them again as she moved to rural Colorado and teamed up with an older man who was called "Father God." There were various Father Gods after the first one and Carlson apparently took each as her lover.

What's impressive about this documentary is that it isn't the usual narrator telling viewers what to think about a group on the fringes. The cult was constantly filming themselves and regularly streaming on the internet, and various primary members are interviewed but allowed to just say what they say without anyone judging it or, again, telling viewers what to think. The fact that this was a small, batshit crazy cult speaks for itself without anyone having to say it during the documentary.

Over time, Carlson's always happy demeanor became darker. The cult always excused this by saying she was in constant pain because humanity wouldn't see and accept her as the Divine Goddess she was, there to liberate them. She was a very heavy drinker, smoked weed regularly, and she and the rest of the cult members swore like drunken sailors as the old expression goes.

One of the selling points of the cult was that "Mom" was going to "ascend," like Jesus. She claimed to have been Jesus and many other famous figures in past lives. The big beautiful clouds where they lived were believed to be spaceships hovering, getting ready to take "Mom" to wherever.

But her health got worse and worse. Eventually she couldn't walk. Her form of medicine was to ingest large amounts of colloidal silver every day along with her heavy drinking. She eventually became discolored and paralyzed. But her acoloytes continued to insist this was because of mankind rejecting her and they never took her to a regular doctor or hospital.

The group believed a concoction of new age beliefs combined with QAnon type stuff. Carlson was eventually moved to Oregon, back to Colorado and then to Hawaii, where she claimed to be the Hawaiian god Pele. This caused outraged locals to strongly demonstrate outside where they were living and they quickly scurried away to California, where Carlson died in a hotel room in April of 2021. She was only 45 years old. They transported her body back to Colorado as they still waited for her to "ascend" and eventually the local sheriff and law enforcement found her mummified corpse as it lay in a bed as cult members continued to sit by her side.

Several of the primary members, there was never more than 10 or 20 hard-core ones who lived with "Mom" at various times, still carry on the cult, though of course with the obligatory factionalism. I had never heard of this small group before. Very bizarre but worth a watch if you're interested in this kind of crazy stuff because the documentary is well done.
I’ll have to check this out. These things are fascinating as mankind is yearning for purpose and meaning and often turns its back on the Lord in favor of false idols.
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