Is there a chance of a USA-Russia war in the near future?

The Russians have checkmated the Europeans by demanding payment in rubles for their resources.

given their percentage of the world energy markets it’s possible this could be the beginning of the end of the Petro-dollar.

if that comes to pass we are effed- big time .
I 100% guarantee we will see a World War III in the near future. It may start this fall. It was predicted by one of the Luciferians (Satan Worshipers) Albert Pike. He talked about the need for World War III to bring in
the New World Order. Order Ab Chaos. They need a distraction from the vaccine deaths, killing off of the worlds food supply and the destruction of all fiat money world wide.

We will see many innocent people die like always for the Bankers, and Global Elitist Families. These people are the definition of evil. Well if we are where I think we are in the Holy Bible, they will get their wishes come true.
Only for a short time though. The One World Government (Beast A.I. System) will only rule for 42 months. God and Jesus are going to clean house. The only problem is that as it says in the Bible the Majority of us will die first.
God says if he didn't shorten the days in the Tribulation not 1 person on earth would live. That's how evil these people are and they will stop at nothing to kill all of us. The hour is late gentlemen. Trust in God & Jesus. Also prepare
for times worse than the Great Depression. I'm thankful for this message board as you are all my friends and we support each other through the good and the bad.

If it's not the end times of the Bible we are still headed for the Greatest Depression ever seen in the history of the world. All the currencies will fail and all Hell is going to break loose worldwide when people can't eat and have no where to sleep.

Mathew 24:22

And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

The Abomination of Desolation
…19For those will be days of tribulation unmatched from the beginning of God’s creation until now, and never to be seen again. 20 If the Lord had not cut short those days, nobody would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, whom He has chosen, He has cut them short. 21At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There He is!’ do not believe it.…
I never thought I would see this but Russian incompetence in the battlefield reminds me of WWI and WWII. It seems like the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing...
I never thought I would see this but Russian incompetence in the battlefield reminds me of WWI and WWII. It seems like the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing...

That's because it's staged to go like the script says. They will go hard when told by the w.e.f. and the u.n. plus a few others. They all
do the same signs and signals and all belong to the same secret societies. Almost everything we see is fake. Green Screens and A.I. have
only a handful that really know what's going on. Technology has led to the One World Order Technocracy if they get what they want.
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I never thought I would see this but Russian incompetence in the battlefield reminds me of WWI and WWII. It seems like the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing...

Don't trust anything from the (((Canadian mainstream news media))). It's even worse than the American news media (at least the US has Fox News and the New York Post which do not seem to be completely controlled by the Chosen).

The CBC has been run by the Chosen since the 1960s, and it's far-left on most issues, far-right when it comes to Israel, anti-Russia, and anti-White in general. It just gives you the Jewish perspective on everything, of course they want (((Zelensky))) to succeed.
I see that the cognitive bias is still strong among some of you Putin fanboys...
I see that the cognitive bias is still strong among some of you Putin fanboys...
I see the black and jewish prince (or is it emperor) is back to enlighten us goyim.....

Oh wise one, do you foresee the Ukrainians winning this conflict? And if so, how will they do so and what is the timeline for their victory? Thank you.

Israeli newspaper names most influential Jew of 2022​

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is the most influential Jew of 2022, according to the Jerusalem Post, which published its list on Sunday. Describing the former comedian as an “icon,” the outlet hailed his use of “the media and diplomacy” to turn the West against Russia and its president.

Zelensky’s command of “media” – the word ‘propaganda’ is not used – is so great that it convinced the US and Europe to revile not only President Vladimir Putin, but all things hailing from the country, from Russian athletes to Russian blue cats. He got Sweden and Finland to discard decades of military neutrality and apply for NATO membership, and inspired the EU to drop its policy of not arming nations involved in conflict. Nearly the entire bloc was persuaded to sanction Russian oil and gas producers, even though it has driven prices to record highs and wreaked havoc on their economies.

Whether or not Zelensky’s media projections are true doesn’t matter, according to the Post. “There’s little evidence that he actually said 'I need ammunition, not a ride' when US President Joe Biden offered to evacuate him from Kiev, but it seemed like something he would say, and that was enough for the quote to go viral,” the newspaper wrote.

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Israeli newspaper names most influential Jew of 2022​

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is the most influential Jew of 2022, according to the Jerusalem Post, which published its list on Sunday. Describing the former comedian as an “icon,” the outlet hailed his use of “the media and diplomacy” to turn the West against Russia and its president.

Zelensky’s command of “media” – the word ‘propaganda’ is not used – is so great that it convinced the US and Europe to revile not only President Vladimir Putin, but all things hailing from the country, from Russian athletes to Russian blue cats. He got Sweden and Finland to discard decades of military neutrality and apply for NATO membership, and inspired the EU to drop its policy of not arming nations involved in conflict. Nearly the entire bloc was persuaded to sanction Russian oil and gas producers, even though it has driven prices to record highs and wreaked havoc on their economies.

Whether or not Zelensky’s media projections are true doesn’t matter, according to the Post. “There’s little evidence that he actually said 'I need ammunition, not a ride' when US President Joe Biden offered to evacuate him from Kiev, but it seemed like something he would say, and that was enough for the quote to go viral,” the newspaper wrote.

It's amazing how a drag queen homo comedian with zero experience in politics who was selected, not elected, into power can be influential of anything. Just shows how stupid myriads of people are and how the string-pullers control the narrative.
I see the black and jewish prince (or is it emperor) is back to enlighten us goyim.....

Oh wise one, do you foresee the Ukrainians winning this conflict? And if so, how will they do so and what is the timeline for their victory? Thank you.
I see two white nations at war, there are no winners...
There are no winners but there most definitely was an instigator. And newsflash, it was not either of the two warring countries.

However now that they are, negotiation talks need to happen to restore peace. Russia have offered and the jewish dictator has instead taken the hard stance. He instead demand more money and weapons from the US. He wants to fight to the end because he doesn’t care how many Ukrainian goyim die since they are not his people. All the jews in Ukraine were given the option to flee as refugees, while the actual Ukrainians were being conscripted. That might have been the most “jewish thing” I’ve seen in modern times.
Zelensky would probably be appeased with a large shipment of fat young gay lads, stilettos, bras, pantyhose, lipstick, and party favors. Throw in witness protection, change of identity, and a manse on Epstein Island, or wherever Jeff and Jizzlaine are now, and he'd vacate never to be seen again.
Zelensky would probably be appeased with a large shipment of fat young gay lads, stilettos, bras, pantyhose, lipstick, and party favors. Throw in witness protection, change of identity, and a manse on Epstein Island, or wherever Jeff and Jizzlaine are now, and he'd vacate never to be seen again.

Lol, epic post. I'd say worth a try.
Words of Wisdom from Brother Nathaniel. Guys we look to be headed for World War III. Our country again did the unthinkable.

No doubt the jsa did the damage over there. I'm praying God will use whatever means necessary to rid us of our evil controllers. They are endangering all the rest of us.
Vladimir Putin says more truth in his speech than I've heard in my whole life of our politicians. Not saying he doesn't have things
to hide but this is a speech the world needs to hear. Tell the truth and the truth shall set you free! Speech September 30, 2022.

Vladimir Putin says more truth in his speech than I've heard in my whole life of our politicians. Not saying he doesn't have things
to hide but this is a speech the world needs to hear. Tell the truth and the truth shall set you free! Speech September 30, 2022.

Thanks for the link WL.
I have heard that the speech is harder to find online than most would think. Censorship to some degree I'm sure. He said things no ussa politician has the guts to say or even close to it. Our politicians are spineless eunuchs.
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