How the World can slow down the CASHLESS SOCIETY of TOTAL CONTROL

White Lightning

Staff member
Oct 16, 2004
Cash Friday guys. Worldwide. Start with paying everything on Fridays with cash no matter what country you live in. Then work up to using cash seven days a week whenever possible. You have privacy with cash and cash cannot be turned off. The Powers That Be what cash gone a.s.a.p. We need to help prolong the fiat currencies as long as possible. My hope is that we can save them and not be forced to only use digital currency. That makes us all slaves. If you do anything wrong they turn off your digital credits. Please spread this my brothers and put this into action. Thanks. Here is an article about it from
No one commented on this thread. I really want to encourage everyone on this board to use cash as much as possible. It will slow down our enslavement into a
cashless society. Even farmers markets need to start accepting cash only and there is no way anyone could ever be banned for not having the vaccines or whatever
requirments they try to push on society. USE CASH as much as possible and spread the world. You can still use debit cards and cryptos some but use cash mostly. It
will also slow down the death of the US Dollar which is why we have been a Super Power for many decades. Once America falls economically it won't be pretty. The
globalists want China to be the world reserve currency. Fight against this guys.
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I agree fully. We had a Big Power outage a few weeks ago, guess what, you could only buy groceries with cash.
Here is a way forward gentlemen. Spread this everywhere and NEVER EVER TAKE THE VACCINE. Resist this tyranical, draconian dictatorships! You
can look for all kinds of jobs and you don't need the jab to work at any of them. We need to share this site and make it grow. The way forward is to build
alt tech sites and platforms. We must build our own systems world wide with no censorship. The ultimate goal is a uncensored/ unbreakable internet that
can never be taken down. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!
Cash rules everything around me! Not a bad idea. I'll make it a point to keep my cash on me and when I do buy, it will be from small business and not soulless communist corporations.
One thing I’ve done is told friends and family to stop getting me gifts from Amazon. My family is so lazy, they won’t spend any time actually going to the store to get gifts they will literally just order everything off Amazon. I think companies like Amazon are instrumental in the furthering the agenda of a cash less society. People are now ordering all their groceries through and app on the phone. Not using any of these services is part of the solution. I just think that people are addicted to these services now and will never stop using them.
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One thing I’ve done is told friends and family to stop getting me gifts from Amazon. My family is so lazy, they won’t spend any time actually going to the store to get gifts they will literally just order everything off Amazon. I think companies like Amazon are instrumental in the furthering the agenda of a cash less society. People are now ordering all their groceries through and app on the phone. Not using any of these services is part of the solution. I just think that people are addicted to these services now and will never stop using them.

Excellent point and I agree. Another tip I do that everyone should do. Whenever you go to any store, take the time to wait in line. By not using the self checkout,
you are helping save fellow humans jobs. I will gladly wait and it's nice to have the face to face interaction. They want to dehumanize us. Cashless and touchless
is what they want. They want us alone, scared and afraid to put us into a depression and that is why so many people worldwide commit suicide.
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Agreed, never use the self checkout. What is funny is ALL these companies need workers, offering hiring bonuses for fast food and grocery clerks, and yet they foolishly installed machine kiosks to eliminate workers.

Honestly I am at the point where I want things to burn - we need a Convention of States to severely limit federal government. If this doesn’t happen then the country needs to split, either peacefully or through war. Things are circling the drain and will heat up very soon.
Agreed, never use the self checkout. What is funny is ALL these companies need workers, offering hiring bonuses for fast food and grocery clerks, and yet they foolishly installed machine kiosks to eliminate workers.

Honestly I am at the point where I want things to burn - we need a Convention of States to severely limit federal government. If this doesn’t happen then the country needs to split, either peacefully or through war. Things are circling the drain and will heat up very soon.

I agree with a Convention of the States. The differences between Liberals and Conservatives are massive now and the time for debate is over. The Libs are communist dictators. They
will lie, cheat, steal and deceive to acheive and remain in power. They also are all or mostly UnGodly people and they show it in their actions. I could go on and on about this.
The Final Solution for all of us. Well I still know whether I live or die, God will have the final say about what they are doing to humanity worldwide.
That clip has been around for a few years but the satanists (for all practical purpose) are still going forward according to plan. Back when that was made "they" had the attitude of "What are you gonna do about it?". Now, they are definitely at the stage of rubbing our faces in it. Time to stand fast and not move an inch.
Lookout people. They are practicing to take down the whole internet and electrical grid. Prepare for dark days my friends.
Other than totally destroying things, this doesn't make a lot of sense since their entire operations also go through the grid. I suppose it's true that only the ones at the very top won't suffer. However, all their underlings doing their bidding will seem to be unable to do the dirty work for them if the system is completely down.
Other than totally destroying things, this doesn't make a lot of sense since their entire operations also go through the grid. I suppose it's true that only the ones at the very top won't suffer. However, all their underlings doing their bidding will seem to be unable to do the dirty work for them if the system is completely down.

It would not be permanent but even a grid down scenario for a month or two would kill millions of people. Mass hysteria. Watch what Klaus Schwab the leader of the
World Economic Forum said recently about it. They are preparing and want this to happen soon. Hope it never happens but be prepared guys. Extra food, water, propane
generator, solar, etc. Better to be safe than sorry.
Still think it can't happen. the last few days is going crazy. Hundreds of websites everywhere going down.
Indeed. They seem to play their hand and test the waters for sure. On one hand I somewhat want to be an accelerationist and prefer to have it all come to hitting the fan but on the other hand I want to form my newest Christian Metal band (been out of the scene several years since my last one) and play out some and get the CD out for my daughter and her loved ones. Other than that, I'm ready to go. I mean that. That's the last thing on my bucket list in life. Whatever the future holds the Lord is with me. You guys here are cool and a good refuge but I'm ready to go even if it means eternity. I'm almost done with this evil nonsense.
I agree with a Convention of the States. The differences between Liberals and Conservatives are massive now and the time for debate is over. The Libs are communist dictators. They
will lie, cheat, steal and deceive to acheive and remain in power. They also are all or mostly UnGodly people and they show it in their actions. I could go on and on about this.
100% agreement. The sides are so far in opposition to each other that any hope of workable reconciliation is impossible. We literally exist in polar opposite spheres.

The Republic is dead.
Indeed. They seem to play their hand and test the waters for sure. On one hand I somewhat want to be an accelerationist and prefer to have it all come to hitting the fan but on the other hand I want to form my newest Christian Metal band (been out of the scene several years since my last one) and play out some and get the CD out for my daughter and her loved ones. Other than that, I'm ready to go. I mean that. That's the last thing on my bucket list in life. Whatever the future holds the Lord is with me. You guys here are cool and a good refuge but I'm ready to go even if it means eternity. I'm almost done with this evil nonsense.

I hope your able to play some music soon. We must have faith at all times. If you do make a cd, I will buy one off you. God & Jesus are the most important thing in the world. Even above family. I try to live by the 3 F's. Faith, Family and Friends. It amazes me how few people can see how Satanic the World is. It's everywhere. All of our rulers, bankers, top businesses/corporations, movies stars, musicians, many athletes, etc., etc. all worship the guy downstairs. They all use the same signs and symbols. So for thousands of years all of our controllers have served Lucifer yet people think that God and Satan don't exist. No disrespect to anyone but you have to be clueless i.m.o. to not believe in the One Creator!
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