For the Guests and Lurkers


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Hello to the anonymous Lurkers and Guests,

Just curious as to why you come to this site but never decide to join or contribute. There are plenty of page views on many new threads being created but never more than 20 or so of us online. If you are interested in what we are discussing why not join in and bring your own opinions, knowledge and experiences as they pertain to the caste system and the racial issues facing whites in the country.
I agree. Please don't be scared. We are all friendly people here. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your ethinicity. Similar to blacks, hispanics, and asians. Whites need to embarace their european culture. If white people do not learn this crucial life skill we will be replaced forever from the planet earth. Sports is just a reflection of what is happening across all society. You don't have to hate others to support your own ethinicity. Be proud of your ancestry.
Alright then. Here's your chance to convince a guy who considers himself to be somewhat on the fence.

I heard about this site on 4chan's sports board (which by the way, would be a great place to recruit other younger members - it's a confusing format but I happen to know my way around it pretty well). I decided to check it out, but am yet unimpressed. I recently started to pick up on all the white hating that goes on in sports media (for example, draftisms like "deceptively fast") - 2018 was my first "aware" draft, I don't know how any reasonable person could have missed the artificial hype built around Lamar Jackson leading up to the draft, and my suspicions were confirmed the next few years when Kyler Murray, Dwayne Haskins, and Jordan Love were, for seemingly no other possible reason, suddenly built up from being intriguing day 2 flyers with upside to first round locks who could immediately turn a franchise around.

Here's the thing though: while I recognize (and how could anyone not) the blatant discrimination undertaken by general managers and coaches, all I care about is whether each player has an equal chance of proving themselves, in order to get into a roster and earn the playing time that they deserve. What they do with it, however, is of no concern to me. I will certainly "root" for any athlete who is the subject of any kind of discrimination to be afforded the same opportunity as anyone else, but I see no reason why I ought to "root" for them to perform well while on the field. So it makes me cringe seeing all the "Woohoo! Christian McCaffrey just scored another touchdown!" in the game threads. If you believed that whites and blacks were equal (pound for pound) in athletic prowess, what's the point in cheering on the whites that are already accepted as stars? Not shaming you all, just a bit confused.

When I scroll through the NFL threads, all I see is endless bashing of nonwhite players (except for the obvious studs, who are at best referred to as "decent players"), and endless pumping up of whites. As far as I can remember (and I've read A LOT of threads), I can recall one single instance of a poster who as much as criticized a white player, that being Christian Hackenberg. That you still hold out hope for the Josh Rosens and the Mitchell Trubiskys of the world utterly baffles me, and you lose credibility among lurkers by doing so (though not among people like Rachel Maddow of course, they would bash you endlessly anyway, but that's besides the point). To me, and I'm sure to a lot of other potential posters, you are the very thing you claim to hate.
You obviously don't understand Caste Football no matter how many threads you claim to have glanced at. We "pump up" White players because that's what we're here for -- to cheer for White players. So when Christian McCaffrey scores a touchdown we cheer for it as a community on Sundays. If you can't understand that, you're not on the fence, you're clueless, or much more likely a troll, as your username makes obvious.

Interesting but I don't recall any posters still extolling the virtues of Josh Rosen. As for Trubisky, he was the second overall pick of the 2017 draft and made the Pro Bowl in his second season in 2018. Last year's regression was a team effort by the Bears' offense.

I've given credit to a lot of black players as have others here. And just earlier today I mentioned that I thought the waiving of Trey Quinn made sense given how Steven Simms had come on late last season. If you're going to claim to know much about this site you need to do way better than that.
lol Richard Maddow.

I was going to chip in my 2 cents but feel Don has handled it just fine.

If you are repulsed by White's cheering on CMac you are obviously in the wrong place.

Maybe there is some hope for Leon if he really did notice the black quarterback Agenda.
A very cogent and thoughtful response, sir.

Today at 4 PM, dozens of white men lost their jobs for no reason other than the fact that they were white. It infuriates me that this kind of racism persists in our country today, and that it is the only kind that is, for the most part, denied or ignored by society. Given this, I would contend that it is not racist to cheer for a white bubble player in training camp to outperform what ought to be the standard for making the roster, in order to counterbalance the bias of the general manager and coaches that would leave him off of the roster had he performed just as well as any other black player.

For the purposes of combating the preexisting negative stereotypes about white players that exists in the media (which I now realize has a much larger impact than I previously realized on the job security of white players), I would root for them. But with all due respect, I fail to see how the fact alone that I happen to share the same race as an athlete is intrinsically any better a reason to root for him than that we share the same blood type. In this case, the only difference is that the former happens to be a factor by which players are discriminated against, and the latter is not.

As for my name and profile picture, the Chiefs were my childhood team prior to becoming "aware", as it were. Alex Smith was my favorite player to watch, and I am convinced to this day that he could have won them a Lombardi if not for a few bad breaks in the playoffs (half the team getting injured in their collapse against the Colts, Andy Reid eating all his timeouts in the 4th quarter against the Patriots, Eric Fisher not collecting a holding penalty on the two point conversion against the Steelers). I was utterly baffled as to why the front office, the media, and the fanbase were all so desperate to replace him with a shiny, new, (preferably black) quarterback. I thought my name would be a humorous nod to the idolization of black athleticism that takes place during draft season, which was parodied in ESPN's coverage of the 2013 Draft (in which the Chiefs had the first pick) with the character "Leon Sandcastle". I can certainly change my name and profile picture if you like.
It’s not complicated. Join here to support White athletes. There’s no shame in that. Every black guy I knew shamelessly supported Michael Vick and Tiger Woods. It’s natural.
Don't change your name if you don't want to, I could care less what it is as long as it's not obscene or degrading. If you understand that White athletes are discriminated against, then how can you not understand why we cheer for them and want to see them succeed? When the league has had almost no White running backs for the past 40 years but now has one who just happens to be the best, how can you not get why we're thrilled? You can root for whoever you want, but to not understand why we root for White athletes when they are not only discriminated against but are also forever the object of negative stereotyping and low expectations from the media is very peculiar to say the least.
A very cogent and thoughtful response, sir.

Today at 4 PM, dozens of white men lost their jobs for no reason other than the fact that they were white. It infuriates me that this kind of racism persists in our country today, and that it is the only kind that is, for the most part, denied or ignored by society. Given this, I would contend that it is not racist to cheer for a white bubble player in training camp to outperform what ought to be the standard for making the roster, in order to counterbalance the bias of the general manager and coaches that would leave him off of the roster had he performed just as well as any other black player.

For the purposes of combating the preexisting negative stereotypes about white players that exists in the media (which I now realize has a much larger impact than I previously realized on the job security of white players), I would root for them. But with all due respect, I fail to see how the fact alone that I happen to share the same race as an athlete is intrinsically any better a reason to root for him than that we share the same blood type. In this case, the only difference is that the former happens to be a factor by which players are discriminated against, and the latter is not.

This is one of several flaws that white people have and why we are in such deep **** right now. White people simply aren't as "racist" as non-whites. Every time I've seen a white boxer fight a black boxer, every single black person in the audience is cheering for the black boxer regardless of what countries the two boxers were born in or live in. Let me explain something to you. You might not be interested in race, but race is interested in you. You should check out and Counter Currents the link of which is in my signature. Check out podcasts as well. I recommend the TDS podcast as Michael Enoch is a very well spoken and funny white advocate.

By the way, your idea of posting on 4Chan is an excellent one. There's no censorship there and there's a huge audience.
I would like to add, the success of white athletes also has various implications beyond the playing field. Not just that it has a possibly heartening effect, it also crushes many anti-white clichés.
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I would like to add, the success of white athletes also has various implications beyond the playing field. Not just that it has a possibly heartening effect, it also crushes many anti-white clichés.

The anti-white jews hate it when white athletes beat black ones. If it were up to the jews, whites would lose every single time they played against blacks.
Alright then. Here's your chance to convince a guy who considers himself to be somewhat on the fence.
part of
I heard about this site on 4chan's sports board (which by the way, would be a great place to recruit other younger members - it's a confusing format but I happen to know my way around it pretty well). I decided to check it out, but am yet unimpressed. I recently started to pick up on all the white hating that goes on in sports media (for example, draftisms like "deceptively fast") - 2018 was my first "aware" draft, I don't know how any reasonable person could have missed the artificial hype built around Lamar Jackson leading up to the draft, and my suspicions were confirmed the next few years when Kyler Murray, Dwayne Haskins, and Jordan Love were, for seemingly no other possible reason, suddenly built up from being intriguing day 2 flyers with upside to first round locks who could immediately turn a franchise around.

Here's the thing though: while I recognize (and how could anyone not) the blatant discrimination undertaken by general managers and coaches, all I care about is whether each player has an equal chance of proving themselves, in order to get into a roster and earn the playing time that they deserve. What they do with it, however, is of no concern to me. I will certainly "root" for any athlete who is the subject of any kind of discrimination to be afforded the same opportunity as anyone else, but I see no reason why I ought to "root" for them to perform well while on the field. So it makes me cringe seeing all the "Woohoo! Christian McCaffrey just scored another touchdown!" in the game threads. If you believed that whites and blacks were equal (pound for pound) in athletic prowess, what's the point in cheering on the whites that are already accepted as stars? Not shaming you all, just a bit confused.

When I scroll through the NFL threads, all I see is endless bashing of nonwhite players (except for the obvious studs, who are at best referred to as "decent players"), and endless pumping up of whites. As far as I can remember (and I've read A LOT of threads), I can recall one single instance of a poster who as much as criticized a white player, that being Christian Hackenberg. That you still hold out hope for the Josh Rosens and the Mitchell Trubiskys of the world utterly baffles me, and you lose credibility among lurkers by doing so (though not among people like Rachel Maddow of course, they would bash you endlessly anyway, but that's besides the point). To me, and I'm sure to a lot of other potential posters, you are the very thing you claim to hate.

Welcome, young brother. The fact that you recognize the race-based dishonesty in the professional sport business puts you far ahead of the average DWF.
However, there is something else you must realize: that colorblindness is tantamount to unilateral disarmament. Unilateral disarmament is dangerous in a hostile world. Color-blindness is a position based on fantasy. In the real world, race and ethnicity binds individuals. Only in white, traditionally high-trust societies are people (whites) imbued with the pathological altruism that directs them to aid or empower another race.

In the real world, blacks admire Michael Vick, dogs be damned. Mike Tyson is a convicted rapist who bit off a piece of Evander Holyfield's ear. He used one press conference to berate white reporters on a racial basis. In a sane world he would be all but exiled from sports and entertainment. But no, he does movies and reality shows, he is a sought-after guest on talk formats. Tiger Woods was openly acknowledged as someone whose success helped recruit blacks as golf fans. Blacks glorify Ali and Joe Lewis, not solely because they were champions, but because they were THEIR champions.

MMA fighter Cain Velasquez has "Brown Pride" tattooed on his body. Good for him. No principled race-conscious white resents Velasquez's race-pride. He is not held up as a hater, as any athlete with "White Pride" tattooed across his chest would be.

The point is, racial solidarity is natural. Whites are the only race who try to "walk a mile in the other man's shoes." This is a kind and noble indulgence in a 90% white America; our lack of white solidarity is a very dangerous thing in our present situation, where whites are becoming non-majorities in or own countries.
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When I was a kid I imagined someday I would be a big league player. I would be like Al Kaline or Carl Yastremski. I never thought of myself as Willie Mays or Hank Aaron. That didn't make sense. I liked Willie and Hank, seemed like great guys but when I was pulling for someone it would be someone I could identify with. Someone I could see a part of myself in. In some ways I still feel that way.
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