YouTube bans anyone who isn't in agreement with Cultural Marxism

Reddit seems to be doing the same thing and I expect others to follow, all falling before the wave of pro-BLM posturing.
I've noticed they've ramped up their globohomo commie censorship lately as well. They blocked this video today after I had just watched it earlier in the day!

I'll be transitioning over to Bitchute for now on and hopefully as it continues to grow they don't fold under globohomo pressure.
I love,, and a few others. Bitchute is gonna be the new

We need to get alot of sports channnels and videos over on Maybe we should start our own channel. They do not censor there!
I love,, and a few others. Bitchute is gonna be the new

We need to get alot of sports channnels and videos over on Maybe we should start our own channel. They do not censor there!

Like cfhighlightvideo?
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YouTube has gone full blown censorship since being purchased by Google. So, “truther” channels will move to Bitchute. As soon as Bitchute gets big, Google will buy it.
I've noticed they've ramped up their globohomo commie censorship lately as well. They blocked this video today after I had just watched it earlier in the day!

I'll be transitioning over to Bitchute for now on and hopefully as it continues to grow they don't fold under globohomo pressure.
Yea, it’s gotten so bad I’ve finally caved and signed up over there. I honestly should have done so a year or 2 ago but liked the convenience of the YouTube app. That and the fact I had all my subscribed channels set up. Now I’d say almost half of the channels I follow have been banned.

I think they are obviously trying to crush the online presence that got Trump elected 3.5 years ago. A few of the big tech oligarchs have even said so much and felt personally responsible that they didn’t “do more” to stop him in 2016. Most of us have gotten off the Trump Train but it is interesting how much The Left and their myriad of institutions hate the guy. They really want the empty vassal Biden in power so they can fully institute their judeo-Marxist gay-plex over us. They’d get there eventually under Trump but the Marxist Machine can’t even tolerate some minor speed bumps along the way.
YouTube has gone full blown censorship since being purchased by Google. So, “truther” channels will move to Bitchute. As soon as Bitchute gets big, Google will buy it.

A purchase that should be banned by antitrust laws, but won't be. If you're leftist enough, Jewish enough, and rich enough - in that order - you can get away with anything. Google is far, far worse than Standard Oil ever was.

What Donald Trump should have done, rather than run for president, is use his wealth, fame, and influence to create viable alternatives to leftist monopolies such as Google/YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Basically, a Bitchute where you'd never have to worry about them selling out to Google.

Also, a legal fund for defending White people accused of "hate crimes" - and also going on the attack, suing anti-white organizations, would have been great. And there are so many other possibilities. Would have done a lot more to help regular White people than being a well-meaning but shackled president constantly getting threatened by leftist-worshipping cuckservatives.
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A purchase that should be banned by antitrust laws, but won't be. If you're leftist enough, Jewish enough, and rich enough - in that order - you can get away with anything. Google is far, far worse than Standard Oil ever was.

What Donald Trump should have done, rather than run for president, is use his wealth, fame, and influence to create viable alternatives to leftist monopolies such as Google/YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Basically, a Bitchute where you'd never have to worry about them selling out to Google.

Also, a legal fund for defending White people accused of "hate crimes" - and also going on the attack, suing anti-white organizations, would have been great. And there are so many other possibilities. Would have done a lot more to help regular White people than being a well-meaning but shackled president constantly getting threatened by leftist-worshipping cuckservatives.

I have heard rumors that he was going to do just that after he LOST, which was expected by all, including him. Ironic that him winning may have been the more unfavorable result.
One of the great things about YouTube 1.0, much like internet 1.0, was the ability to “rabbit hole” your way to a lot of unique topics that you wouldn’t have learned in school or wouldn’t have even thought about searching from the Nazca Lines to gardening to the Holocaust to parallel universes to usury to architecture in the 1800s to just alternative viewpoints in general. Their “you may like” or “related video” algorithm was unmatched. Now everything is banned or hidden behind Layers of promoted content whether relevant or not. I’ve lost track of the number of times YouTube has suggested I watch a recap of Jimmie kimmels show from the night before and his “jokes”

music has to go through vevo

Home improvement has to go through some sort of sponsored angies list type production company

science has to be dumbed down and go through Neil de grasse Tyson or “I ****ing love science, inc.”

etc etc

sorry a bit of a somewhat relevant ramble lol
One of the great things about YouTube 1.0, much like internet 1.0, was the ability to “rabbit hole” your way to a lot of unique topics that you wouldn’t have learned in school or wouldn’t have even thought about searching from the Nazca Lines to gardening to the Holocaust to parallel universes to usury to architecture in the 1800s to just alternative viewpoints in general. Their “you may like” or “related video” algorithm was unmatched. Now everything is banned or hidden behind Layers of promoted content whether relevant or not. I’ve lost track of the number of times YouTube has suggested I watch a recap of Jimmie kimmels show from the night before and his “jokes”

music has to go through vevo

Home improvement has to go through some sort of sponsored angies list type production company

science has to be dumbed down and go through Neil de grasse Tyson or “I ****ing love science, inc.”

etc etc

sorry a bit of a somewhat relevant ramble lol

Great post. I can still recall browsing youtube in its infancy up until they sold to Google. So many videos were lost due to copyright issues and today's youtube is basically a streaming commercial if you do not pay for the subscription service (which I refuse to do). Youtube is a great example of how the Big Tech monopolies have killed and taken over the internet.
I have noticed one thing youtube has been doing with my subscription channels is taking one out of one list and putting them at the bottom of another list of channels. I think they are hoping I won't take the time to look for them and look at something else.
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