2019 MLB Season

Horror show trade. Thanks for the historical reference. Brett Butler was a speedy lead off hitter who had a terrific career and stole a lot of bases. Pitcher Len Barker was a bust. See below article that calls it one of the worst all time trades. I don't remember Barker except his name rings a bell which suggests he made no mark with the Braves. Imagine Dale Murphy and Brett Butler on the same team in this modern MLB? They would be an instant favorite on this site.

We have to take into account eras. 36 boppers may not seem like a lot of home runs in this juiced ball era and the steroid era from yore but when Dale Murphy was clobbering 30 plus home runs it was significant.
Shadowlight, my friend. I have no problem with era and the homeruns Murphy hit. It's the batting average and the on base percentage and the brevity of the stellar part of his career. Many players hit lot of HR's, but didn't hit for average or get on base a lot.
However, with that said in having dug deeper into his stats, I will give the pros to him getting in. So here goes:
Dale Murphy led the National League in games, at bats, runs, hits, extra base hits, RBI, runs created, total bases and plate appearanes in the 1980's. According to Bleacher Report. I'm a little skeptical about the RBI, Runs, because there was a 7-8 year stretch where another site said Murphy was second only to Mike Schmidt. If those stats are correct, that's pretty amazing. He was also a 30-30 guy. That stat can't be refuted. He was a two MVP. No doubts there.
In his 1983 MVP year he became the only player in history to compile a .300 batting avverage, 30 HR's, 120 RBI, 130 runs scored, 90 BB, 30 stolen bases, with fewer than 10 times caught stealing. Amazing! BTW, I figured his BA in the 80's. It was .273. Not horrible by any means.
OK, now the Cons: I knew some this, but got some of this information right of the Cooperstown Cred site Shadowlight was speaking of.
As I've said, he falls short of the benchmark stats you would expect from a HOF.
The 398 HRs are not a low total, but again combined with the low BA. 265 and OBP .342 in the second best hitters ball park in the NL during Murphy's era.
His offensive numbers a product of playing in "The Launching Pad."
Murphy home and road splits:
Home: BA .285, HR, 205, RBI: 603 OBP .374, SLG .513
Away: BA .251, HR 166, RBI: 540 OBP .329, SLG .445
Shadowlight mentioned in a previous post that none of his teammates benefitted from hitting at the launching pad. That's because, he didn't have any teammates that could have. The Braves were that bad. Which could also be cause for a pro for Murphy, however, no matter how bad your teammates are, you can still do your share of the hitting. They're not hitting for you. See Mike Trout's career BA .307 despite playing for a horrible team and a non-hitters ball park to boot.
Just for the information, here is the Braves team home-road slits from 1976-1990.
Home: BA. .262, HR 1047, RBI 4853, Runs 5165, OBP. .330, SLG .395
Away: BA. .239, HR 820, RBI 4050, Runs 4359, OBP .304, SLG. .348
From 76-90, only the Chicago Cubs had a bigger home field hitting advantage.
According to WAR Runs from fielding stat, Murphy was 21st out 21 MLB players who played at least 500 games and 50% of their games in centerfield during his years.
21st out of 21 players, last.
His career WAR is 46.5. Way too low for a HOF outfielder. 129th out of 160 among HOF position players.
Career OPS+ 121. A little low. Only eight enshrined HOF outfielders have a career OPS+ than 121.
So, there are just some of the pros and cons. There are more for each side. As I said when this began, I wouldn't consider any player the afore mentioned list, Parker, Evans, Mattingly, etc. and again nor do I think Harold Baines should be in the HOF. If anyone on this list deserves it, it would be Dale Murphy, no doubt.
By looking at all of this information, I am compelled to change my mind about Dale Murphy, but would like to add just a few more things.
Shadowlight mentioned Joe DiMaggio and Chipper Jones. Just a thought about those two HOF's compared to Murphy and would like anyone else's thoughts to further convince me about Murphy?
In looking at DiMaggio's career of only 13 years. He missed 3 of his prime years due to his military service. Dead smack in the middle of his prime. Of his 13 years if you look at his stats he was in HOF form in 11. Think about that, 11 of his 13 years he put up HOF numbers. He hit over .300 in 11 of those years and .263, Murphy's career average, in his final season. He averaged almost 28 HR's, surely he would have averaged more if he would had those prime years. Career BA. 0f .325. Two batting titles, .381 high and three MVP's. Nine time World Series Champion. Virtually the classic slash line, .300/.400/.500 for his career. 78.1 WAR. Doing all of this in five less years than Murphy. The overall numbers aren't even close.
Chipper Jones basically played the same of years as Murphy, 18. Of those 18 , Jones put up HOF numbers in 11 years as well. Again the classic slash line .300/.400/.500. Remember only 18 players in MLB history have that career line or better. Batting champion at .364. MVP., 468 HR's over 1600 RBI's. 85.2 WAR. WS Champion.
In looking at Dale Murphy's stats over 18 years, I will give him five, maybe six HOF years. Only six over an 18 year career compared to DiMaggio and Jones. Maybe one of those years compares to any of what DiMaggio did.
Again, there's no doubt what Murphy did in those 5-6 years are HOF worthy, but is 5-6 years enough as compared to the likes of DiMaggio and Jones. Players who rank 68th and 51st. Jones ranks 51st in career WAR and Murphy's stats aren't even close to Jones. Murphy's career WAR is 46.5, T-364.
As I said in a post earlier. How far do we reach down to elect players into the HOF? Does anyone want to try and answer? I always thought that the HOF was reserved for the very best, not the almost very best. Maybe I'm wrong.
With all of that I've said. I also grew up watching Dale Murphy. As a Reds fan, I did enjoy watching Murph. on TBS/Atlanta. In looking deeper into his career, I have a new respect for what he accomplished and am compelled to change my mind, as if really matters what I think. He was indeed a great player for 5-6 years, but is that enough as compared others in any era? I have enjoyed the discussion. Many knowledgeable posters here at CF.
Someone convince me. I'm almost there.
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I can ask nothing more for someone like Carolina Speed to give such a skullduggery effort investigating the Dale Murphy Hall Of Fame question. Salient points all the way around and even if we end up in different directions I find no fault in your approach.

Your oversight point about the Hall Of Fame being watered down is shared by many and I tend to agree with that. Also the new 9 man "player list" is tough to digest. As I said I would vote for Mattingly fully aware he is even a tougher case than Dale Murphy.

Dwight Evans and Dave Parker are very close but reflexively I stop short. I know Evans became a better hitter later in his career but I can't shake the image that he was a bit of a side note compared to his teammates Jim Rice and Fred Lynn. Fred Lynn is one of the great mysteries in sports for me. He was so graceful and so talented that the Joe D comparisons in his stellar 1975 rookie season were not out of line. Just a fascinating study because his talent never matched his production which ended up less than expected. Hell the Red Sox even let him go. Although he did have several brilliant seasons. He was one of the smoothest centerfielders I have ever witnessed. He played centerfield like Lance Alworth played wide receiver. Effortless and graceful like a deer. See below brief article on Lynn's strange MLB journey.


Chipper was excellent but neither Murphy or Chipper were in Joe D's class. When Mickey Mantle first came up with the Yankees he was so in awe of Joe D he was afraid to talk to him. And Joe was a stuck up jerk to boot. He treated Mickey very badly. Recently I read the "Mickey and Willie" book by Allen Barra. It is about the simultaneous rise of Willie Mays and Mickey Mantle and it makes you appreciate the hard scrabble times Mickey had to overcome to become such a star. His grim "coal mining town" upbringing is a reminder that many people grow up in exceptionally tough circumstances.

MVPs will be announced tomorrow. Bellinger is a lock. The AL is between Trout and Bregman.
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Bellinger and Trout win MVPs! Quite the combo!
Awesome news! Both guys are still so young we’ll be privileged to watch them at the top of their sport for years to come! Throw in ROTY Pete Alonso as another great young player in the mix. Cy Young Award was another White sweep with deGrom and Verlander. A very good year for our guys in baseball!
Awesome news! Both guys are still so young we’ll be privileged to watch them at the top of their sport for years to come! Throw in ROTY Pete Alonso as another great young player in the mix. Cy Young Award was another White sweep with deGrom and Verlander. A very good year for our guys in baseball!
Yep, could have been a triple crown sweep but Yordan Alverez win AL ROY by about 100 points. Its a shame Brandon Lowe of Tampa Bay was plagued by injuries cause he was the best rookie until went down and Alverez caught fire. Oh well, 5 out of 6 is still excellent results
This may be a bit surprising but the fabulous duo of Mike Trout and Cody Bellinger ( who looked like a young Bruce Springsteen when he received the announcement) winning the MVPs is arguably the most athletic white duo ( in terms of power and speed) to ever win the awards in the same year.

Not kidding. In 2016 Mike Trout won along with Kris Bryant who is a very fine athlete but doesn't quite have Bellinger's blazing speed.

Hell through all the years the closest I came to Trout/Bellinger is 1983 with CF Dale Murphy and SS Robin Yount.

This is truly a special moment in time and like Mays and Mantle ( when Willie played in NYC) Cody and Mike are next door neighbors giving Los Angeles area baseball a special glow.
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Throughout this thread I've complained how Latin players are cheating like crazy with steroids on a large scale. Again, I'm sure there are some white cheaters too, but my guess is Latin's are much more likely for various reasons I mentioned throughout this thread.

Anyway, it seems steroids isn't the only way the Latin's are cheating in baseball, as MLB is currently investigating electronic sign stealing from the mostly Latin 2017 Houston Astros, who upset the white-friendly Los Angeles Dodgers in 7 games of the World Series.

Brand new New York Mets skipper Carlos Beltran and Boston's Alex Cora were apparently the mastermind's of the cheating scam. If this proven to be true, both Beltran and Cora should be suspended for at least a season and deserve to be fired. Same with Astros A.J. Hinch. Actually, Hinch should be banned from baseball, in the same way Pete Rose has been, if he knew about this.

Here is video evidence of the Astros cheating the Chicago White Sox in 2017, it's so obvious Hinch had to know about it: https://sportsnaut.com/2019/11/watch-breakdown-shows-astros-blatantly-stealing-signs/
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Is the above the reason why free swinger George Springer has hit so many home runs in the post season?

Since MLB has willfully turned their heads the other way ignoring the Latin steroid issue I suspect the "penalties" handed out for this cheating tomfoolery will be limited since the main conspirators and recipients are Latin players and coaches.

I wanted to post a joint photo of Bellinger and Trout and the wonderful symmetry as Cody bats leftie and Trout hits from the right side. A dynamic duo if there ever was one.

Shadow, think about it this way: The heavily favored Dodgers go into Game Five of the 2017 World Series starting 9/10 whites (counting the DH) and have legendary lefty Clayton Kershaw on the mound. I know Kershaw has not been a great post-season pitcher, but if you told someone going into the game the Dodgers would score 12 runs and still lose, would anyone believe you? Dodgers should've won that game without the cheating and gone up 3-2 in the series, heading to L.A. for game six. That game has really bothered me for two years (plus). Now that we've learned about the cheating, it really bugs me a lot more. I won't even bring up Game Three in Houston, L.A. lost. If this was college hoops, that Astros title would be "vacated" and the Dodgers would be made champs?

I wholeheartedly agree with you, I fear baseball will go easy on the Astros, because two high profile Latin born and raised skippers conceived this -- Alex Cora (Red Sox) and Carlos Beltran (Mets). Again, in a fair world, Cora and Beltran should be out of baseball for concocting such an egregious scheme. A.J. Hinch should be gone first, because there is no way he did not know about it.

Instead of turning this into a really long post few will read through, I'll link some very quick, but salient, bullet points:

** There is actually direct evidence of George Springer cheating and hitting a moonshot because of it that season. Poor, beleaguered Chris Flexen of the New York Mets, if the juiced balls and the rampant steroid abuse all around baseball isn't enough, he has to deal with slimy bench coaches like Alex Cora (Astros 2017) striking Trash Cans to signal his off speed pitches are on the way. Million kudos to Chicago White Sox pitcher Danny Farquhar for being able to realize the banging and cheating in real time, despite all the crowd noise. He is one sharp man!

** Looks like several Lonsmen that built the Latin dream team in Houston are directly involved in various nefarious acts. According to reports, MLB has cold busted Astros executive Kevin Goldstein in the cheating scheme. It appears Abner Goldstein wanted to ramp up the cheating, not tamp it down!
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Cheating is nothing new in baseball of course. Using technological tools though ramps it up another notch. But because MLB is not to be trusted we cannot even be sure that they didn't know about it. Would not be the first time they looked the other way.

Remember Bud Selig and his gang of wolves knew damn well steroids were being used and did nothing about it until public pressure became too intense. And then they acted stupid as if they had "just discovered" it along with the rest of the public. Meanwhile they happily pocketed the money that was coming in during those Sosa/ Bonds/ McGwire times.

They also knew full well the baseballs were juiced this year and finally had to own up to it a "touch" when public outcry became too loud. Again they played stupid " we know they are juiced but don't know why " was their explanation when they knew exactly what was going on with the rubber balls.

They are using this same "look away nothing to see here" approach when it comes to steroid usage from non white mainly Latin players. Just like cheating has morphed into using technology now steroid usage is more sophisticated and the clever in the know players have a way of skirting the system. Obviously MLB isn't much interested in pursuing this new type of drug issue since it overwhelmingly favors non white foreign born players.

It would not shock me to learn that MLB actively assisted the Astros in their World Series victory over the nearly all white Dodgers. Their anti white agenda has been vigilant and out in the open for several years now and they make no bones about it unlike other major sports who prefer to be more "discreet" in their anti white agendas. MLB regularly bitch and moan to the high heavens every year about the so called deficit of "black players" in MLB.

I always figured there were a few tell tale signs with steroid usage. The running ability goes down and the power goes up. Players start to look a bit bulkier and more muscular. And injuries start to intrude. Barry Bonds and Sammy Sosa are poster boys for these residual steroid affects.

Players like Carlos Correa, George Springer and Jose Altuve have all seen their stolen bases decline as their power has ramped up. Altuve in particular as he was known as a speed guy but has magically transformed" himself into power hitter first and foremost slugging a career high 31 this past season. Altuve's "transformation" as well as other similar Latin players who have recently "discovered" their power stroke have been pointed out before here at CF by Truthteller.

The biggest concern on this new wave drug usage is the lack of mainstream press on the subject. I fear it will continue to be swept under the rug until it becomes exposed and right now there is little indication that Latin player drug cheating is a topic that will ever reach the surface anytime soon. In the past once it became blindingly obvious players were using steroids the press could freely expose the sham as it involved non white and most importantly white players. See in the NFL the drug usage by black defensive backs is given the silent treatment. I see the same thing happening here and fear the press will not attack this latter day drug problem because it does not include white players. In this day and age where "racial sensitivity" is heightened what media outlet is willing to single out a non white group for blatant drug cheating?

Brady Anderson, one of my favorite players, was the media poster boy for drug usage after he slugged over 50 home runs for Baltimore. But like MLB these days the NFL has little or no desire to further explore the new sophisticated means "mostly" black NFL players at speed positions are using with performance enhancing drugs. And keep in mind the NFL drug policy is not as strict as most other sports. And one of the reasons I believe that is the case is it overwhelmingly favors the black players who pretty much own the speed/skill positions. In a nutshell as long as white players aren't implicated leagues seem not to care that black players cheat. They happily accept that outcome and sweep it all under the rug. I don't think it is a coincidence that mainly white tennis has one of the strictest drug policies and the mainly black NFL has one of the weakest drug policies.

The Astros organization has all the earmarks of a modern day sleazy MLB club replete with a lot of non white position players and suspect cheating in a multitude of areas including drug usage and ramped up on the field cheating techniques. And one can't shake the feeling that MLB is complicit in all of these shenanigans.

One does wonder if MLB like the NBA might someday become concerned about low level attendance from bottom feeding teams whose rosters are overwhelmingly non white? So far there has been little indication that this is the case as the Latin floodgates increases and continues unabated.
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A lot of excellent points, Shadowlight. Great read, filled with a lot of great info. So much great info, I don't even now how to reply to all the points that deserve a response? So I'll take a few quick points:

They are using this same "look away nothing to see here" approach when it comes to steroid usage from non white mainly Latin players. Just like cheating has morphed into using technology now steroid usage is more sophisticated and the clever in the know players have a way of skirting the system. Obviously MLB isn't much interested in pursuing this new type of drug issue since it overwhelmingly favors non white foreign born players.

I think there is no doubt MLB is "looking the other way" on steroids use, because they don't want baseball to become too white -- like it is on the collegiate level. American blacks are fading fast in baseball (have been for decades), and the only way to replenish the non-white stock is via Latin/Caribbean imports. Baseball wants them to become instant stars. They don't want to go back to the "old days" (between 2009 and 2015 All-Star break) when Latin's were reverting back to mostly being slap hitters and powerless "table setters". So they not only "juiced the ball", but started becoming very lax in terms of steroid testing.

I always figured there were a few tell tale signs with steroid usage. The running ability goes down and the power goes up. Players start to look a bit bulkier and more muscular. And injuries start to intrude.

Great point about the injury aspects. One of the main reasons the owners need to force the Commissioner to really clamp down on "Roid" abusers is for their own good, as they are throwing way too much money at over-hyped cheaters that bodies are on the verge of breaking down due to long term steroid usage. Look at the Mets Yoenis Cespedes, who only a fool would not suspect he's juicing. Not long after signing a record-breaking long-term deal with N.Y. (4 year, $110 million), he broke down to the point that he could not go first-to-third without popping a hamstring. Mets got less than a year and half from him, before he broke down at age 32. So Cespedes' power helped the Mets in the short term, but his prematurely crippled legs have devastated their salary structure.

The Astros organization has all the earmarks of a modern day sleazy MLB club replete with a lot of non white position players and suspect cheating in a multitude of areas including drug usage and ramped up on the field cheating techniques. And one can't shake the feeling that MLB is complicit in all of these shenanigans.

Huge difference between the current Astros and the classy teams Drayton McLane (owner) fielded during the last decade that everybody seemed to love, except Joe Morgan. Those Astros, led by Biggio, Berkman, Oswalt and others won a lot, but never made it over the hump to win a title. Perhaps they should've reverted to widespread cheating like the current Astros?
A lot of excellent points, Shadowlight. Great read, filled with a lot of great info. So much great info, I don't even now how to reply to all the points that deserve a response? So I'll take a few quick points:

I think there is no doubt MLB is "looking the other way" on steroids use, because they don't want baseball to become too white -- like it is on the collegiate level. American blacks are fading fast in baseball (have been for decades), and the only way to replenish the non-white stock is via Latin/Caribbean imports. Baseball wants them to become instant stars. They don't want to go back to the "old days" (between 2009 and 2015 All-Star break) when Latin's were reverting back to mostly being slap hitters and powerless "table setters". So they not only "juiced the ball", but started becoming very lax in terms of steroid testing.

Great point about the injury aspects. One of the main reasons the owners need to force the Commissioner to really clamp down on "Roid" abusers is for their own good, as they are throwing way too much money at over-hyped cheaters that bodies are on the verge of breaking down due to long term steroid usage. Look at the Mets Yoenis Cespedes, who only a fool would not suspect he's juicing. Not long after signing a record-breaking long-term deal with N.Y. (4 year, $110 million), he broke down to the point that he could not go first-to-third without popping a hamstring. Mets got less than a year and half from him, before he broke down at age 32. So Cespedes' power helped the Mets in the short term, but his prematurely crippled legs have devastated their salary structure.

Huge difference between the current Astros and the classy teams Drayton McLane (owner) fielded during the last decade that everybody seemed to love, except Joe Morgan. Those Astros, led by Biggio, Berkman, Oswalt and others won a lot, but never made it over the hump to win a title. Perhaps they should've reverted to widespread cheating like the current Astros?
Guys break down like this because they have muscles that developed wrong. When you are on roids many muscle groups explode and have crazy growth and the counterbalance muscles need to be developed or you have an imbalance which will lead to injuries. I suspect clandestine roiders do this on the down low and don't consult personal trainers as football players while getting hamstring pulls too, put much more stress on them than station to station baseball players.

As for signs of PED usage, dramatic changes in body composition is one and strange pulls, also if a guy is heavy lifting during the season he should be too knackered to play baseball at a high level, but roiders can keep on going like the Energy bunny. Also many PED users set pb's well into their late 30's which is virtually impossible for hitters, or power pitchers.
Below is a long list of Hall Of Fame candidates which includes the "old timers" list that has been discussed here up above.

Again some thinking has to go into this and obviously Derek Jeter is a slam dunk. P Curt Schilling is on the list and I would nominate him. He was at the forefront of two huge World Series wins and despite a sometimes erratic career he was one of the toughest pitchers I have ever seen A real competitor with great stuff.

The buzz is his "political stances" have hindered his nomination and he did get unjustly fired from ESPN for simply not toeing their company line on political matters. The idiots at ESPN don't understand or care that a lot of their viewers have different political leanings.

It is ridiculous that these matters would intrude on his nomination. He wasn't a "bad character" when he played and while arguments can be made pro and con on his credentials at the end of the day I think this winner deserves to be in. And keep in mind Schilling had a long career and at various times including late in his career he was outstanding. Beating the Yankees jinx, with a bloody sock on the Red Sox alone really stands out ( 2004) and when he teamed with Randy Johnson in Arizona they beat the mighty Yankees in the World Series (2001). He won a another World Series with the Red Sox in his final season (2007). A tough hard nosed winner.

If MLB carries out its plan to eliminate 42 minor leagues team by 2021 the rosters will be mostly minority in a few years. They rather sign a kid from the Dominican Republic than a white kid from America.
I am glad you brought this controversial subject up booth. I admit I don't understand the full ramifications of this move if it happens. When I heard about it I thought I would have to study it before I came to a conclusion but perhaps you and others can educate me on what it will entail especially as it is related to white baseball talent?

Things are bad enough with the way baseball is trending and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if they made a major move to further eliminate and lessen the amount of white players in MLB.
I'm not sure how much an impact this would have on race makeup in MLB. It might be beneficial. After all, the minors are loaded with latin players. This might effectively make college baseball the "minor leagues". If that happens it's good for our side unless all of a sudden the college teams become all latin.
Just like the deplorable Myles Garrett whipped out the race card after getting in trouble for assaulting Mason Rudolph, Modified Godwin's Law states that it'll only be a matter of time before the Latin (un) American Houston Astros pull the race card after getting caught red-handed (or should that be brown-handed) cheating.
Shadowlight it is just my opinion that when there are fewer jobs to be filled they are always filled by people who are willing to take less money. In this case, I believe MLB will go after the Latin players who would more likely to take way less money than say a white kid drafted from a college or even a high school program. I also feel like as the major cities that have a MLB team become predominately minority in race this will lead to owners trying to please their fan base. Absolutely no data to back this up just what my gut is telling me. I know the Dodgers are the exception to this right now but things can change in a short period of time.
booth, couple weeks ago I read up on baseball's effort to subtract 42 teams. On the surface, it did not look like it would be a huge problem for whites -- as I had feared. But that could change.

Basically, baseball wants to eliminate 42 cites that have wretched attendance and/or antiquated stadiums. They also want to re-align locations, so teams like the New York Mets don't need to have their AAA team in Las Vegas, as was the case until 2018. Most being chopped are expected to be lower level teams. I believe Chattanooga and Binghamton (AA) are the highest classified teams currently in peril. Others are A ball and lower.

They also want to cut the MLB draft to 20 picks by each team. It's currently 40. At quick glance, that seems devastating to whites, as only American's, Canadians and players from Puerto Rico are currently draft eligible. But baseball is also willing to subsidize new Independent leagues, in which those 42 displaced teams (and more) can form new leagues. So those whites that are not drafted, can go to these super Indy leagues and hope to impress MLB scouts. It's expected a lot will be signed from these leagues.

This could be positive. For example, take Binghamton (Central N.Y.). Instead of taking in 30th to 40th round picks from all over the U.S. and Latin America, they can fill their roster with talented Northeastern players from, N.Y., N.J., PA, CT, Canada, ect....If these players impress, then MLB can buy their rights for a minimum of $5,000. Same can happen in Chattanooga, if they don't jump to AAA. Chattanooga can fill their rosters with players from Tenn, N.C, S.C., W.V. and other Southern States in order to increase attendance.

Quick points regarding MLB teams becoming too Latin. Don't think, for a minute, all fan bases in baseball will eagerly accept this and fill stadiums.

**As I wrote here at CF, last decade New York Mets fans actively fought back against a Dominican GM, who was discriminating against whites. Since, the Mets have become one of the more white friendly teams in baseball. Unfortunately, under the Mets new GM, the teams Jewish owners have allowed the Dominican GM to worm his way back with the team (he pushed hard to hire Beltran as skipper) -- although in a diminished capacity.

**Here's something Shadowlight knows about. Yankees and Dodgers both reported similar, great attendance figures last season. I watched a lot more Dodgers games last season than the Yankees, but it seemed to me Dodgers always had huge crowds -- and even their Mexican fans loved the team......Meanwhile the Yanks usually had half-filled to mostly empty stadiums until July? Sure poor weather might've been a factor, but the noticeably whiter Mets did not have problems to that degree....Those N.Y.Y. tickets were likely sold to big businesses and several 100,000 empty seats were counted as occupied at season's end. Could it be white Yankee fans would not even accept free tickets from corporations to watch a bunch of Latin players and a couple of often injured mulatto's (due to the long-term effects of steroid usage?) play a steady stream of boring 11-5 games? I think it's very possible, considering the incredible inconvenience of going to baseball games -- tolls, traffic, crime infested surroundings, expensive parking and food, ect.

**I'd even suggest your Braves know an all Latin team will not sell that well....Notice how much whiter they become since they moved from downtown Atlanta to the more suburban Cobb County?
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Thank you Truthteller I knew of none of this information. I know about some of the stadiums being in bad repair but little of the other facts you gave. It was very informative and I was glad to learn the facts of why MLB was doing this.
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