Best State(s) to Raise a Family?


Hall of Famer
Jul 20, 2018
I've been a city slicker all my life. I'm more than ready to move to a rural state/area. Some things I'd consider important:

- Low Taxes
- 2nd Amendment Friendly
- Low Crime
- Minimal Diversity
- Good schools, economy
- Affordable Housing

Opinions fellas? Twenty or so years ago Colorado would have been a beautiful state to consider. Now real estate is ridiculous and they've gone full libtard.

Same thing with Washington State, though Central Washington seems like a nice area. Also seen several towns in Utah mentioned as having great economies (St George, Orem, Provo, SLC). Though not sure what itd be like to live amongst Mormons.
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Lots of rural areas have many of the things you're looking for. One of the sayings about Pennsylvania is that it's "Philadelphia in the east, Pittsburgh in the west, and Alabama in the middle," except without all the blacks.

States like Florida, Texas, Nevada, Wyoming, Alaska and New Hampshire still don't have a state income tax.

Southern rural areas often have numerous blacks while northern and western rural areas are often still overwhelmingly White. The downside is that many rural areas have been deindustrialized and otherwise are not doing well economically, which means school districts are often substandard. Working class Whites in rural areas are the ones suffering from alarming rates of suicide, alcoholism, drug use, etc., much like what happened to everyday Russians in the 1990s when (((oligarchs))) were plundering that country with no accountability. I'd look into climate too, no need to live in places with lots of cold, snow, rain and gloomy weather if you don't have to. Places that are both semi-suburban and semi-rural may have the best mix of what you're looking for.
Thanks for the response Don. Also appreciate the insight on Pennsylvania, had never heard that saying before. Unfortunately I've only visited the State once on a school trip. Gettysburg for a day and then rushed off to DC.

You're damn right about the weather aspect. I don't see the need for anymore Northern Winters, so that narrows the field quite a bit. Your breakdown of the South was spot on so looks like West would be ideal for me, though South could work.
When I lived in Vegas it was 300 sunny days a year; back here in Pittsburgh it's the opposite, 300+ days with little or no sun and lots of rainy days and then snow and snow flurries this time of year.

If you've always lived in cities, a semi-suburban area might be best to try, at least initially. I lived in a rural area for a few years and like living anywhere there were positives and negatives about it. But eventually I wanted to get back to the suburban environment I've known all my life, partly because that's where I had family and partly because of convenience. But now my ideal situation would be far enough out in the suburbs that it's semi-rural. Still fairly close to a city and what it offers but with all the advantages of living well outside of one.
Tough question. South Dakota doesn't have an income tax and just passed Constitutional Carry...but it gets cold there. I've researched this some in the past and if you want all of those things you state along with warmth, the options become even more limited. Arizona, perhaps. Southern Utah. NW Arkansas and SW Missouri. Perhaps some places in Oklahoma as well.

Here's a good map from 2013 called "The Racial Dot Map" that has a pixel for every American counted in the 2010 Census along with their race.
Tough question. South Dakota doesn't have an income tax and just passed Constitutional Carry...but it gets cold there. I've researched this some in the past and if you want all of those things you state along with warmth, the options become even more limited. Arizona, perhaps. Southern Utah. NW Arkansas and SW Missouri. Perhaps some places in Oklahoma as well.

Here's a good map from 2013 called "The Racial Dot Map" that has a pixel for every American counted in the 2010 Census along with their race.

That is a fascinating map. Thanks for sharing.
That is a fascinating map. Thanks for sharing.

Ditto! :)

I’d personally love to build a remote compound in rural MT, WY, ID or Alaska. I’d also consider west Texas, northern NM or AZ, but don’t like the high number of Mexcrements in those states. Florida is too populated & humid for my taste, but I appreciate their lack of income tax.
I’m stuck in NY and probably will remain so for the next decade or two as I value having family around while my wife and I raise our family.

However, the places I’m partial to are New England, upstate NY and Pennsylvania (minus Philadelphia). All of these places are very beautiful with a lot of historic towns and villages. I love the architecture and esthetics. All of these states and regions (upstate NY) are still extremely White with many excellent school districts to raise kids.

Now the winters are cold (which I don’t mind) but the other 3 seasons are nice. I understand many are turned off by snow and cold weather, but I’m equally turned off by 90+ degree heat with high humidity. So summer in many southern states is just as bad to me as winter in the Northeast.

Another turn off of these states is liberal politics and the high taxes / anti gun legislation that come with it. While this is the case now, I can see PA, NH, ME and eventually the others (not NY because of NYC) becoming more “rightwing” as the browning of America continues. As we saw in 2016 and 2018, red and blue states are changing. Many Midwest, mostly White and post-industrial states, have gone red. Southern states, due to massive influx of mestizos to couple with the already existing black populations, have gone or are going blue. Virginia and California famously flipped and now Texas, Florida, Georgia and Arizona are on borrowed time. I guess what I’m staying is I’d rather be in a White northern state with shitlibs, who’s politics could change, than be in southern states filled with huge swarths of non-Whites. Demographics is destiny.
I’m stuck in NY and probably will remain so for the next decade or two as I value having family around while my wife and I raise our family.

However, the places I’m partial to are New England, upstate NY and Pennsylvania (minus Philadelphia). All of these places are very beautiful with a lot of historic towns and villages. I love the architecture and esthetics. All of these states and regions (upstate NY) are still extremely White with many excellent school districts to raise kids.

Now the winters are cold (which I don’t mind) but the other 3 seasons are nice. I understand many are turned off by snow and cold weather, but I’m equally turned off by 90+ degree heat with high humidity. So summer in many southern states is just as bad to me as winter in the Northeast.

Another turn off of these states is liberal politics and the high taxes / anti gun legislation that come with it. While this is the case now, I can see PA, NH, ME and eventually the others (not NY because of NYC) becoming more “rightwing” as the browning of America continues. As we saw in 2016 and 2018, red and blue states are changing. Many Midwest, mostly White and post-industrial states, have gone red. Southern states, due to massive influx of mestizos to couple with the already existing black populations, have gone or are going blue. Virginia and California famously flipped and now Texas, Florida, Georgia and Arizona are on borrowed time. I guess what I’m staying is I’d rather be in a White northern state with shitlibs, who’s politics could change, than be in southern states filled with huge swarths of non-Whites. Demographics is destiny.

Good points, I agree with what you are saying. I am in Virginia and the invasion of the browns and white marxist shi$libs has turned this state from reliably Republican to reliably Democrat in national elections in just the past 20 years. It is basically all because of the DC suburbs, where I live.

There actually seems to be alot more potential for rightwing politics in the northern areas because they are so much more white, as you say.
Every single Congressman from New England is now a Democrat, except for Socialist Bernie Sanders who is an independent. And non-Whites are being imported everywhere. All 50 states have had an increase in the percentage of non-Whites since 1970. For northeastern states, in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, 100% of population growth from 1970 to 2018 was because of the increase of non-Whites in those states. New Hampshire had the lowest increase in population growth from non-Whites among the 50 states at 19.9%, but in New Hampshire there has been a steady increase of White liberals fleeing Massachusetts, who, much like the millions of White Californians who have left that state, haven't learned a thing and continue to steadily ruin the states they move to. I wouldn't look to the northeast as any potential right wing base politically, but in those states like all others, there are areas, towns and cities that are still nice places to live.
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When I check the demographic data on wikipedia for states, how "ironic" is it that ever since the socially-engineered/manufactured weapon of (((feminism))) was introduced in 1970, that the White population started to plummet precipitously. I'm sure there's no correlation at all though...just one of my many paranoid delusions.
Every single Congressman from New England is now a Democrat, except for Socialist Bernie Sanders who is an independent. And non-Whites are being imported everywhere. All 50 states have had an increase in the percentage of non-Whites since 1970. For northeastern states, in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, 100% of population growth from 1970 to 2018 was because of the increase of non-Whites in those states. New Hampshire had the lowest increase in population growth from non-Whites among the 50 states at 19.9%, but in New Hampshire there has been a steady increase of White liberals fleeing Massachusetts, who, much like the millions of White Californians who have left that state, haven't learned a thing and continue to steadily ruin the states they move to. I wouldn't look to the northeast as any potential right wing base politically, but in those states like all others, there are areas, towns and cities that are still nice places to live.
Yes, you are explaining the current paradigm very accurately but I’m predicting a political shift in these states over the next decade or so.

As identity politics continues to take root, which it always has with non-Whites but is growing with Whites, the GOP will gain a higher percentage of the White vote. Continuing to field “populist” and “nationalist” candidates will help but really the Democrats will be the accelerant force.

They’ve gone all in on anti-White and that will be hard to dial back. Their best chance of winning a national election is still a White male doing the bit like Bidden, Beto or Newsom but the base will demand a woman or a POC. A candidate Kamala Harris would drive more Whites to our side than years of outreach by /ourguys/ could ever hope to achieve. Enjoy the show, as the 2020 Dem primary is going to be a sh1tshow.
They’ve gone all in on anti-White and that will be hard to dial back. Their best chance of winning a national election is still a White male doing the bit like Bidden, Beto or Newsom but the base will demand a woman or a POC.

I don't think we quite know yet. That power struggle is going on right now. The Coalition of the Ascendant vs. the old WASP liberals and Jews. It remains to be seen if the pets are out of control yet. If I had to make a prediction, it's that Gavin Newsom will be the Democrat nominee. Biden is too old and too weird. Beto is too much of a doofus to beat the others. I hope it's Kamala or some other POC. Will the bulk of the White population (baby boomers) be willing to explicitly engage in identity politics, or will it have to remain a subtext? Hopefully, the Left will keep pushing.
The Dems are a carnival freak show for sure. But I don't see the GOP becoming the party of White identity. Look at how Steve King has been treated. Populist and Nationalist candidates will have to be at least as good as King on identity issues and as of now there are none and the Learned Elders of the GOP will do everything in their power to keep it that way. Trump still brags about the low unemployment rates for blacks, hispanics and women and is now saying he wants more legal immigration than ever before, but I'm still waiting for him to say the word "White."

Maybe urgency will create more pro-White candidates, but where are they going to come from and how will they break through? It's a very closed political system that carefully vets candidates. Giving up one's "respectability" makes everything far more difficult, from raising money to getting volunteers. The independent or third party route has more long-term potential in spite of the ridiculously unfair ballot access laws and other obstacles that have to be dealt with by non-Republicrats.
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The Dems are a carnival freak show for sure. But I don't see the GOP becoming the party of White identity. Look at how Steve King has been treated. Populist and Nationalist candidates will have to be at least as good as King on identity issues and as of now there are none and the Learned Elders of the GOP will do everything in their power to keep it that way. Trump still brags about the low unemployment rates for blacks, hispanics and women and is now saying he wants more legal immigration than ever before, but I'm still waiting for him to say the word "White."

Maybe urgency will create more pro-White candidates, but where are they going to come from and how will they break through? It's a very closed political system that carefully vets candidates. Giving up one's "respectability" makes everything far more difficult, from raising money to getting volunteers. The independent or third party route has more long-term potential in spite of the ridiculously unfair ballot access laws and other obstacles that have to be dealt with by non-Republicrats.

The GOP is the default party of Whites simply by not being explicitly anti-White. That's a low bar. It's been a struggle just to get people this far. More hearts and minds have to be won over before there is political change. Trumpism is a winner for now, but will there be anyone to run with it after Trump, or will we be stuck with libertarian garbage again? Especially after they have thwarted Trump at every turn.
Yes, you are explaining the current paradigm very accurately but I’m predicting a political shift in these states over the next decade or so.

As identity politics continues to take root, which it always has with non-Whites but is growing with Whites, the GOP will gain a higher percentage of the White vote. Continuing to field “populist” and “nationalist” candidates will help but really the Democrats will be the accelerant force.

They’ve gone all in on anti-White and that will be hard to dial back. Their best chance of winning a national election is still a White male doing the bit like Bidden, Beto or Newsom but the base will demand a woman or a POC. A candidate Kamala Harris would drive more Whites to our side than years of outreach by /ourguys/ could ever hope to achieve. Enjoy the show, as the 2020 Dem primary is going to be a sh1tshow.

The Democrats (hard to call them that anymore as they are essentially communists at this point) are slowly coming apart at the seam - the divisions are there - the established ones who play the game to benefit themselves vs. the further leftist leaning dolts that are disciples of Bernie Sanders non-sense, race, sex, sexual orientation are cannibalizing them slowly. The media has put all of it's energy and efforts into supporting that bimbo from the Bronx who sounds like an absolute moron when she tries to speak. I totally agree with you that this nation becoming more balkanized and I would argue that the number of racially aware whites has increased dramatically since I was red-pilled back in the mid 2000s.

As for the original topic - I love Pennsylvania outside Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and the rust belt towns that have never recovered. The rest of the state is beautiful - farmland, mountains, wooded areas, seclusion with smaller quaint towns/townships. I believe it is fairly cheap as well and very right leaning everywhere outside of a major city/town as Don mentioned. Sadly there really is no good answer though for any white-friendly states/cities/towns anymore as "diversity" has become Amerika's number 1 import.
Thought this thread deserves a bump. Since I've seen it discussed a lot lately that perhaps immigration amongst American White's to areas with like minded people might be the way of the future. As other's have mentioned totally jumping ship and running from America isn't a real option for majority of population. Moving states/cities can be done.
The Ozarks in Ark. had about one or two blacks in the whole mountain chain last time i checked. I don't recall ever seeing one there. The problems that Don mentioned in the second post certainly exist amongst white people there, though. Cost of living is low. Beautiful country - except too many ticks. And "our" govmt. could notice the demographic map and start flooding the place with black Africans and mohamedans like they did to Minneapolis and Maine...
When I lived in Vegas it was 300 sunny days a year; back here in Pittsburgh it's the opposite, 300+ days with little or no sun and lots of rainy days and then snow and snow flurries this time of year.

If you've always lived in cities, a semi-suburban area might be best to try, at least initially. I lived in a rural area for a few years and like living anywhere there were positives and negatives about it. But eventually I wanted to get back to the suburban environment I've known all my life, partly because that's where I had family and partly because of convenience. But now my ideal situation would be far enough out in the suburbs that it's semi-rural. Still fairly close to a city and what it offers but with all the advantages of living well outside of one.
Talking just from a practical aspect living in the country should be planned well or it could be a disaster, economically and could cause mental health issues due to stress.

Besides the obvious of having a business or employment that can work in a remote area , IMO you need a vehicle that will be able to drive through deep snowfall as roads aren't plowed like in cities or suburbs close to major cities. You really need a reliable vehicle period as public transit is near non existent and cabs don't service rural areas well and cost a boatload of money(Uber might not service your area too). You have to be able to plan trips better as going out to get a dozen eggs could be 20 to 30 minute drive to the nearest supermarket.

IMO if you aren't a self reliant type person who can't do basic self repairs ie fix door handles, paint things and plaster basic things the country life isn't for you as it isn't easy to get repair men to get out to your place and fix problems.

As for the lifestyle if you don't like cottage living well the country isn't for you as it's fairly close to the lifestyle, granted with computers, internet and cable tv it's not exactly the same as it was in the 70's through 90's but it's much closer than urban living will ever be.

To be honest what Don has suggested is probably the best of both worlds as you can have a country lifestyle but within 30 minutes you can have the services of the city. I will say this if you buy or rent a place in the country or outer suburb of a dynamic city this can be quickly engulfed by city expansion and the country lifestyle can be a "typical" suburban lifestyle within 20 years or so.

PS I forgot about cellphone coverage in some rural areas it's spotty or non-existent so if you need good coverage for employment or a business this could be an impediment too.
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All good points fellas. It seems the current trend is that people are sick of cities, leaving in droves. Woke politics, Dieversity playing big parts in that. I know for a fact law enforcement officers are doing the same. Fleeing to suburbs or small towns.

For my situation I like my job and the convenience of knowing everything in my city. But I figure I either have 2 choices: go further up north or down south and take my chances.

There really are some nice fixer, upper houses available in some rural towns. Real Estate is noticeably cheaper in northern WI and pretty much anywhere outside of The 2 big cities in KY. As others mentioned housing is great, employment not so much. I'm just hoping I can whip up some sort of escape plan from the city within the next few years. Hate to be stuck here much longer. Now it's time to save up before **** hits the fan

And @Don Wassall really made a great assessment regarding White Middle Class decay in small towns.
Living in lower New England in close enough vicinity to NYC I can attest to there being an exodus of folks living in the city or within the periphery of it's urban sprawl that have relocated due to the "pandemic" over the past 9 months. It was a seller's market for housing and houses were going for over asking price . Over the summer I was up in a nice picturesque Vermont town for a wedding and the number of New York plates I saw was astounding. In one way hopefully this trend continues as it is mostly white families/white people who are engaging in another round of "white flight" but instead of the suburbs they have been going into smaller towns in New England and perhaps local economies will be built up again and these forgotten towns can experience a revival - remote working/telecommuting will probably become the norm for several companies and industries (it's cheaper to maintain an IT infrastructure after initial setup costs than it is to rent/own/lease commercial property for work).

Once all the data is gathered and collected it will be interesting to see the actual numbers of folks who took place in the 2020 "pandemic" relocation. I can't speak for other areas of the country but this is what I have observed.
This past year, a friend of mine was offered permanent remote work at his job in the Bay Area. He considered the variables he valued most: an airport with direct flights out toward his parents and siblings, red voting states, and mild winters. He took the airport flight maps and carved off the top third of the country. Next, he sorted those cities by white population percentage. The first place finish in that column was Nashville. Keeping it simple, he found an apartment to rent fairly quickly, settled for about 9 months, and very recently bought a house in a Nashville suburb.

I like especially like the story not because of the happy ending but for how succinct he was able to keep his process. Starting over fresh can be such an overwhelming concept that it's hard to know how to start. I struggle with this myself, as the benefits are obvious but the overhaul seems daunting. I appreciated everyone's responses in this thread - good food for thought.
This past year, a friend of mine was offered permanent remote work at his job in the Bay Area. He considered the variables he valued most: an airport with direct flights out toward his parents and siblings, red voting states, and mild winters. He took the airport flight maps and carved off the top third of the country. Next, he sorted those cities by white population percentage. The first place finish in that column was Nashville. Keeping it simple, he found an apartment to rent fairly quickly, settled for about 9 months, and very recently bought a house in a Nashville suburb.

I like especially like the story not because of the happy ending but for how succinct he was able to keep his process. Starting over fresh can be such an overwhelming concept that it's hard to know how to start. I struggle with this myself, as the benefits are obvious but the overhaul seems daunting. I appreciated everyone's responses in this thread - good food for thought.

Seems like a logical, well thought out way to find a fairly white place to live. Glad he got out of the Bay Area and the cesspool that has become over the past decade or so.
This past year, a friend of mine was offered permanent remote work at his job in the Bay Area. He considered the variables he valued most: an airport with direct flights out toward his parents and siblings, red voting states, and mild winters. He took the airport flight maps and carved off the top third of the country. Next, he sorted those cities by white population percentage. The first place finish in that column was Nashville. Keeping it simple, he found an apartment to rent fairly quickly, settled for about 9 months, and very recently bought a house in a Nashville suburb.

I like especially like the story not because of the happy ending but for how succinct he was able to keep his process. Starting over fresh can be such an overwhelming concept that it's hard to know how to start. I struggle with this myself, as the benefits are obvious but the overhaul seems daunting. I appreciated everyone's responses in this thread - good food for thought.

Yes, Phal. I lived just outside of Nashville in the late nineties. A pretty good place to live at the time. Just FYI. Tennessee along with Missouri are tied with one another for the states that borders the most other states. Each borders eight states. I'm not sure about Missouri, but Tennessee at one time was a hot zone for drugs for the reason I just mentioned. Being from North Carolina, I missed the beaches when I lived in Tennessee.
I guess I'm still partial to NC. Mild climate. You can be in the mountains or the beaches with hours. The biggest city, Charlotte was once pretty tame, but it's beginning to get more crime ridden and the influx of liberal folks form the north is turning NC into a blue state. Charlotte is the second largest banking center in the US behind New York. Raleigh is nice as well, but turning into another Charlotte. However, there are still nice suburbs in both cities. They have produced the likes of Will Shipley, Charlotte suburb Weddington and Braxton Berrios, Raleigh-Leesville Road.
Tennessee is an extension of NC without the beaches.
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