rAs Frank Raymond said, once the white race is gone, there will be an acceleration of the mass extinction currently happening. As he mentioned in his interview, no one else cares about the Polar Bears - the White liberal woman who wants to save Polar Bears but hates her own race and refuses to have children, doesn't realize that after she and he people are gone, the Polar Bears will soon follow.
I've never known a single Asian or Negro to ever have any genuine concern for wildlife conservation. All the initiative that has saved various species such as Whooping Crane, Sea Otter, Peregrine Falcon and Bald Eagle when they were on the verge of extinction in the last century have been made by WHITE people. It was Diane Fossey who saved the Mountain Gorilla (probably soon to be extinct anyway) and it's only White people who want to preserve Rhinos, Elephants, Sharks, Lions, etc.
Non-whites only care about themselves and their own race, never about other species or other races. The Chinese demand for shark fin soup will soon eliminate all the species of sharks, which have been in the oceans for 420,000,000 years and survived four mass extinctions. The Chinese demand for Rhino horns will eventually result in the elimination of the last Rhinos on earth, several sub-species of Rhino are already gone forever.
We've been given a lot of propaganda over the years about American Indians, the Asiatic people who came over on the land bridge from Siberia about 11,000 years ago and, within a couple of thousand years, wiped out most of the larger animals of the Americas such as the Giant Beaver and Mastodon. Most people don't know there were seven species of wild Musk Ox from the Yukon to Mexico, only the farthest north survived these Asiatic hunters who had no concern for conservation.
The reality is, the so-called "Natives" hunt and fish all year round, and shoot everything in sight. For example, the gill net fishing of Washington State's Lummi Indians has wiped out much of the life in the sea near their reservation. I've been on Indian Reservations and never seen a single bird or mammal, the young Indians shoot everything they see all year round. Never once have I ever seen an American Indian who was at all interested in nature except for their own practical needs.