What can I do as a racially aware white?


Jun 3, 2014
As a racially aware white male who, unfortunately, lives in the Seattle area, what exactly am I supposed to do? I'm willing to stand up for my race and help but I have no idea how to start. My family is all liberal. They are all intelligent people but they have no pride, no backbone. Debating with them goes no where. Anyone else in a situation like mine? I wouldn't even know if there is a Patrick Little type in my area and if there is, how would I find him?
I appreciate you wanting to stand up for your race, thank you for your courage. These are a couple of safe suggestions to start with. Write to your local papers about what you see wrong in your community and what is causing it, such as crime, drugs and gangs. Let it be known that it is mainly a Black thing. Go to school boards meeting and voice your opinion on whatever you think will draw attention to the white cause, same thing at city and county commissioners meeting.Grow some very thick skin you will need it. As for your family don't give up on them I promise you once a love one is killed or rape or rob by a hood rat some of that liberalism will diss appear. I hope it doesn't come to that for them to come around.
There are many things you can do.

You can post on pro-white sites such as this one. This will serve to enlighten others who may read on the site.

You can support things that help white people. For example you could oppose illegal immigration, talking to people, passing out flyers and supporting candidates. You don't even have to bring up race. You can point out that illegal immigration costs the taxpayer a lot of money, raising taxes.

You can enlighten people about black on white crime. You can give examples such as the Zebra murders, the Yahweh Ben Yahweh murders and the murder of Kevin Shifflett. In each of these case the victims were hunted and murdered because they're white. Most white people are unaware that these things are even happening.

You can be a good example in your own life. Have a plan, be a success. Live life with a high moral code. Stay away from illegal drugs and cigarette smoking.

You can promote white culture. Talk about white people and their accomplishments. You don't even have to connect it to race, just talk about the person and / or the accomplishment.

These are just some ideas. Most of us can't make major changes but if we all do our small part it adds up.
There are many things you can do.

You can post on pro-white sites such as this one. This will serve to enlighten others who may read on the site.

You can support things that help white people. For example you could oppose illegal immigration, talking to people, passing out flyers and supporting candidates. You don't even have to bring up race. You can point out that illegal immigration costs the taxpayer a lot of money, raising taxes.

You can enlighten people about black on white crime. You can give examples such as the Zebra murders, the Yahweh Ben Yahweh murders and the murder of Kevin Shifflett. In each of these case the victims were hunted and murdered because they're white. Most white people are unaware that these things are even happening.

You can be a good example in your own life. Have a plan, be a success. Live life with a high moral code. Stay away from illegal drugs and cigarette smoking.

You can promote white culture. Talk about white people and their accomplishments. You don't even have to connect it to race, just talk about the person and / or the accomplishment.

These are just some ideas. Most of us can't make major changes but if we all do our small part it adds up.

Great Post EP!
When someone mentions a black athlete and their accomplishments around me, I am generally ready to discuss an equal if not better white athlete. As you said EP, without even mentioning their race!
For example: Just the other day someone mentioned Billy Hamilton the Cincinnati Red CF and how fast he was. Yes Hamilton is fast, but Washington Nationals SS Trea is equally as fast and has 17 SB and been caught once, while Hamilton has stolen 10 bases and been caught three times. Hamilton is batting a hefty .195 with a WAR of -.6 and 2 HR's. Meanwhile, Turner's WAR is 2.1, has 7 HR's and is batting .258.
If you want to really wear them out, all you have to do is mention Mike Trout, 6'2, 235lbs. with 13 SB and hasn't been caught so far, 19 HR's, 5.5 WAR, etc., etc.....

Also, as chris 371 mentioned have plenty of children! Not only have them, but be a responsible parent and raise them to be responsible and as most of you know, I would raise them to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
BTW, I have 5 children!! I can honestly say, although my life has not been perfect, I have been blessed with wonderful children!
Join and financially support pro-White organizations to the best of your ability. Become a local activist for them if possible. Go to larger meetings when possible to meet and network with like-minded individuals. Using the internet only is a dead end. Nationalists have to return to real life activism or this country's fate is sealed.
Great Post EP!
When someone mentions a black athlete and their accomplishments around me, I am generally ready to discuss an equal if not better white athlete. As you said EP, without even mentioning their race!
For example: Just the other day someone mentioned Billy Hamilton the Cincinnati Red CF and how fast he was. Yes Hamilton is fast, but Washington Nationals SS Trea is equally as fast and has 17 SB and been caught once, while Hamilton has stolen 10 bases and been caught three times. Hamilton is batting a hefty .195 with a WAR of -.6 and 2 HR's. Meanwhile, Turner's WAR is 2.1, has 7 HR's and is batting .258.
If you want to really wear them out, all you have to do is mention Mike Trout, 6'2, 235lbs. with 13 SB and hasn't been caught so far, 19 HR's, 5.5 WAR, etc., etc.....

Also, as chris 371 mentioned have plenty of children! Not only have them, but be a responsible parent and raise them to be responsible and as most of you know, I would raise them to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
BTW, I have 5 children!! I can honestly say, although my life has not been perfect, I have been blessed with wonderful children!
ha ha, i do this at work all the time. I usually bring up Trout and how he's ahead of the pace of the all time leaders in almost every category like R, BB, HR, H, etc. So a big thank you to this forum for helping us keep up on white athletes. I think the people at work are starting to catch on ha ha. They'll be like what about Altuve. Eh, he's alright, but he's no Trout!
I also bring up a lot of the white players in football that are unheralded like the Nall RB that i learned about on here.
Ironically, WA and OR have a recent history as a ho;);)tbed of Christian Identity and white consciousness activity. St. Robert Mathews died on Whidbey Island ;)

If you'd like to make a big splash cheaply and easily, sneak some right-wing leaflets into appropriate books at the local library. They'll call out the police, the newspaper will mention it and everybody in your area will think the RAYCISSES are coming to get 'em! For content, you could do up a nice, neat, appealing half-page of.....

*promoting the Nationalist Times and Caste Football (or The Political Cesspool, whatever)
*a list of great WN and holohoax-busting sites and Youtubes
*the basic holohoax busting facts -- got any old IHR leaflets handy?
*the basic jew-busting facts
*a simple message of "It's all right to be white" accompanied by one or two choice images from the Political Cartoon and Meme Thread

If you want to connect with others of like mind, give your name and number :angel2: or CL might be useful

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