Mass Shooting at Florida High School


More companies to boycott:

Washington Post:

US bank halts NRA credit card, car rental firm ends discount

By Grant Schulte | AP February 23 at 1:43 AM

LINCOLN, Neb. — The nation’s largest privately-owned bank holding company and a major car rental chain said Thursday they will stop promotions aimed at National Rifle Association members.

The Nebraska-based First National Bank of Omaha will not renew its contract to issue the group’s NRA Visa Card, spokesman Kevin Langin said in a statement.

“Customer feedback has caused us to review our relationship with the NRA,” Langin said.

Langin declined to say when the contract would expire and would not elaborate on what sort of feedback the company had received.

Separately, car rental company Enterprise said its three brands would end a discount program for NRA members.

Both companies released their statements dozens of times on Twitter in response to calls for them to sever ties with the NRA. Some Twitter users who identified themselves as customers pledged to take their business elsewhere.

The announcements came after the progressive news website ThinkProgress listed them as companies that support the NRA. ..
Companies should be in the business of making money. Giving a discount to NRA members probably helped them do that. Now they have to not make as much money because of leftist threats. Another example of how leftist politics drags down economies, not that leftists care.
Leftism is the most destructive, multi-tentacled force/religion on the face of the Earth.
I agree with everything in your post. Its not only the big pharma that benefits from the ssri/add/adhd narco rackets, it's also the phony psychiatrist bunch, a phony branch of medicine made up largely of drooling maniacs with md degrees, and the teachers too, who will deem a boy who is bored and fidgeting or goofing around, that is acting like a boy, or disbelieving in the pc bullcrap that she's ramming down their throats, especially a highly intelligent and imaginitive white boy that annoys her, so she'll send him to the school psychiatrist and they'll label him ADD or some other bullcrap "disease" they made up and turn him into a daily drug using hard core homicidal addict.

Spot on WW! Big Pharma has the modernist doctors (legalized pushers) in their back pocket.
Consider boycotting D*ick's Sporting Goods. I already did after Sandy Hook when they first started this.

The corporate statement also urged elected officials to follow their lead for "common sense gun reform" arguing that if "even one life is saved, it will have been worth it."

We implore our elected officials to enact common sense gun reform and pass the following regulations:
  • Ban assault-style firearms
  • Raise the minimum age to purchase firearms to 21
  • Ban high capacity magazines and bump stocks
  • Require universal background checks that include relevant mental health information and previous interactions with the law
  • Ensure a complete universal database of those banned from buying firearms
  • Close the private sale and gun show loophole that waives the necessity of background checks
The trend toward more totalitarian control over the internet is well reflected in the aftermath of this shooting. There are various "alternative interpretations" of what happened and why, as there are after most major events like this, except this time YouTube is censoring them. Even Alex Jones with his two million YouTube followers is having his videos about what happened shut down.

For those interested, here are articles by Paul Craig Roberts and Henry Makow: .html
Does anyone here think there were any crisis actors here? I don't believe that though I am sure they may have been used in the past. Maybe.
Does anyone here think there were any crisis actors here? I don't believe that though I am sure they may have been used in the past. Maybe.
No, I don't think anyone believes that. False flags have happened, such as the attack on the USS Liberty in 1967, but no sane person would believe this is one of them.

However, the (((sheriff's))) decision to not do anything before the attack when his office was contacted about Cruz might mean he wanted it to happen to push for gun control.

(((They))) seem to want to disarm law-abiding people who own guns to protect themselves and their families.
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Student witness claims three shooters were involved. Must scroll down a bit to see original interview.

Video has been removed by YouTube and also from the Facebook page of the local news station of the reporter who did the interview.
Does anyone here think there were any crisis actors here? I don't believe that though I am sure they may have been used in the past. Maybe.
I’m the one who believes that all of the school shootings are hyper-realistic drills portrayed as real events. These are Homeland Security “HSEEP” drills in conjunction with local and state law enforcement agencies.
I’m the one who believes that all of the school shootings are hyper-realistic drills portrayed as real events. These are Homeland Security “HSEEP” drills in conjunction with local and state law enforcement agencies.
Except that now they aren’t having any trouble with collateral damage. People are really dying in their ops.
This round of libtard gun control lecturing, NRA attacking and corporate virtue signaling has really triggered me more than usual. The narrative is as manufactured as ever and the propulsion of these snot nosed high schoolers into the limelight to push (((globohomo’s))) propeganda has been infuriating. I hope most Americans are seeing through this charade, and based upon increase gun sales in Florida, it seems encouraging.

I did my small part by joining the NRA, for 5 years, for the first time in my life. I was even happier with my decision after seeing excerpts of Wayne LaPierre’s speech at CPAC which was excellent. He dog whistled pretty strongly against The Tribe. I was pleasantly surprised and it is a far cry from Trump’s kabuki theatre trying to placate the Democrats.
This round of libtard gun control lecturing, NRA attacking and corporate virtue signaling has really triggered me more than usual. The narrative is as manufactured as ever and the propulsion of these snot nosed high schoolers into the limelight to push (((globohomo’s))) propeganda has been infuriating. I hope most Americans are seeing through this charade, and based upon increase gun sales in Florida, it seems encouraging.

I did my small part by joining the NRA, for 5 years, for the first time in my life. I was even happier with my decision after seeing excerpts of Wayne LaPierre’s speech at CPAC which was excellent. He dog whistled pretty strongly against The Tribe. I was pleasantly surprised and it is a far cry from Trump’s kabuki theatre trying to placate the Democrats.

Can you give any examples? As far as I know the NRA has always been kosher conservative.
I’m the one who believes that all of the school shootings are hyper-realistic drills portrayed as real events. These are Homeland Security “HSEEP” drills in conjunction with local and state law enforcement agencies.

I don't know about Florida. I know they are lying about the Las Vegas "bumper stock" shooting, and the Boston Marathon bombing and the Dylan Roof gag, and of course Sandy Hoax and 911. In fact it's hard to find anything they aren't lying about. But unlike Sandy Hoax with all it's ridiculous silly smiling laughing crisis actors and guys running through the woods and then disappearing from the news ( - no longer online but you can still see it on the Internet Archive) now they are killing real people to make their scenarios much more realistic.

I Don’t Smell a Hogg — I SMELL A BIG RAT
Posted on February 21, 2018 by INCOG MAN

By Phillip Marlowe

I saw this guy on TV and said to myself, this David Hogg has been coached or something else tricky dick is going on. Turns out, little Hogg boy is definitely not who they want you to think. We already know the idiot liberals want to disarm America — the homies are totally going out of control crime-wise. Can’t have the Second Amendment when violent, criminal blacks are running around freely, while media Jews promote our women to breed our White race away. Of course, criminal blacks will be the ones who will keep their guns. The law only comes into issue when “the man” gets “aholt” of them.

But mostly, I think the real “Deep State” realizes they have to disarm the White race because the next stage in the “Agenda” will be all too obvious — even to the braindead — and they have to prevent us from revolting en masse. Sure, a lot of weapons are out here now, but they can take efforts to pare that down quite a bit. Already the rats are talking total disarmament.

Now David Hogg, AKA Archie High School hero, is getting fully exposed (see photos below) while the media is doing everything they can to laugh it off as “conspiracy theory” or even “hate speech.” Some aide to a politician down in Florida was asking questions and they fired him, just like that. Seems none of us can ask questions anymore. Anything casting doubt on the official narrative is like “holocaust denial” (because the so-called victims are supposedly denied respectful sadness by us “haters”).*

And I am not saying the shootings at that school didn’t occur. I’ve always said these bastards have a seriously clever way of doing it. Perhaps it was a LET IT HAPPEN ON PURPOSE (LIHOP) or a MAKE IT HAPPEN ON PURPOSE (MIHOP). I personally think they have some kind of slick scenario, akin to modern day high tech magic acts, utilizing an engineered drug — possibly a version of Scopolamine or “Devil’s Breath” to control the designated patsy. They’ve tweaked the drug at the molecular level, probably to eliminate accidental lethality. Think that’s wacked? Look into it.

Florida’s shooter, Nikolas Cruz, was at least a LIHOP, while Adam Lanza at Sandy Hook and Stephen Paddock at Las Vegas were MIHOP false flag events. Crazy Cruz was probably on the radar screen and he was simply allowed to do it. But it is also possible he was drugged with Scopolamine and set up to take the fall after a purposeful killing event by a yet unknown assassin operation (yes, indeed, they have peeps who will do evil crap this). I don’t know that yet, but Hogg is definitely not who he seems.

His role in this whole thing needs to be fully exposed.

The site SQUAWKER is now claiming Hogg worked for John Podesta-funded, Center for American Progress. A huge liberal lefty outfit. As I recall, George Soros has money here, too. Hogg graduated from high school in Redondo Beach, California, in 2015 and his dad is supposed to be a retired FBI agent, if that makes any difference.

They are saying Hogg is a paid actor working for CNN and the forces behind gun control efforts.

FAKE NEWS is calling all this a “conspiracy theory” lie. But is it?
Are cardboard cutouts real no they aren't,I bet there is no school there,total fabrication.
Go here for the whole thread:
Elvis called from Bulgaria and has been in talks with the second cloned Bigfoot residing under the surface of Antarctica. He wants you to tone it down a bit and use more discretion in your posts. All the parents at Sandyhook are trying to enroll into new school districts their non-slain children who underwent sex change operations and are assuming new identities. You and certain unnamed 13 rebel Jesuits are blowing all the plans in place.
Can you give any examples? As far as I know the NRA has always been kosher conservative.
Ol Wayne may have accidentally stumbled into some “anti-semitism” but The Tribe noticed. From the Jewish Forward:

LaPierre’s speech never mentioned the word “Jew.” And yet, nearly every example of the “enemy” was Jewish.

“History proves it,” LaPierre said, to eruptions of roaring applause. “Every time, in every nation in which this political disease [socialism] rises to power, its citizens are repressed, their freedoms are destroyed, and their firearms are banned and confiscated. It is all backed in this country by the social engineering, and the billions, of people like George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer, and more.”

There are, of course, many billionaires engaged in progressive “social engineering” – Bill and Melinda Gates, for example, or Jeff Bezos. But the three LaPierre selected for opprobrium are Jews.

And while LaPierre briefly mentioned Congress members Nancy Pelosi and Chris Murphy, only Senator Charles Schumer received extended treatment, when LaPierre called him a “liar to the core.” Even the long-deceased Jewish radical Saul Alinsky got a nod. “The opportunists wasted not one second to exploit tragedy for political gain,” LaPierre said. “Saul Alinsky would have been proud.”

Read more:
Ol Wayne may have accidentally stumbled into some “anti-semitism” but The Tribe noticed. From the Jewish Forward:

LaPierre’s speech never mentioned the word “Jew.” And yet, nearly every example of the “enemy” was Jewish.

“History proves it,” LaPierre said, to eruptions of roaring applause. “Every time, in every nation in which this political disease [socialism] rises to power, its citizens are repressed, their freedoms are destroyed, and their firearms are banned and confiscated. It is all backed in this country by the social engineering, and the billions, of people like George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer, and more.”

There are, of course, many billionaires engaged in progressive “social engineering” – Bill and Melinda Gates, for example, or Jeff Bezos. But the three LaPierre selected for opprobrium are Jews.

And while LaPierre briefly mentioned Congress members Nancy Pelosi and Chris Murphy, only Senator Charles Schumer received extended treatment, when LaPierre called him a “liar to the core.” Even the long-deceased Jewish radical Saul Alinsky got a nod. “The opportunists wasted not one second to exploit tragedy for political gain,” LaPierre said. “Saul Alinsky would have been proud.”

Read more:

It would be great if it wasn't accidental and the always paranoid and super-sensitive Jews are right. The Jews' racial antennae are as sharp as a dog's compared to those of the dulled down White masses, so maybe LaPierre was indeed dog whistling. Time will tell.

The Gunowners of America are more forthright than the NRA but are far smaller. The NRA is about the only non-leftist pressure group the politicians of both monopoly parties truly fear. The NRA may end up playing a pivotal role if White America survives the current all-out war being waged against it from every direction.
Ol Wayne may have accidentally stumbled into some “anti-semitism” but The Tribe noticed. From the Jewish Forward:

LaPierre’s speech never mentioned the word “Jew.” And yet, nearly every example of the “enemy” was Jewish.

“History proves it,” LaPierre said, to eruptions of roaring applause. “Every time, in every nation in which this political disease [socialism] rises to power, its citizens are repressed, their freedoms are destroyed, and their firearms are banned and confiscated. It is all backed in this country by the social engineering, and the billions, of people like George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer, and more.”

There are, of course, many billionaires engaged in progressive “social engineering” – Bill and Melinda Gates, for example, or Jeff Bezos. But the three LaPierre selected for opprobrium are Jews.

And while LaPierre briefly mentioned Congress members Nancy Pelosi and Chris Murphy, only Senator Charles Schumer received extended treatment, when LaPierre called him a “liar to the core.” Even the long-deceased Jewish radical Saul Alinsky got a nod. “The opportunists wasted not one second to exploit tragedy for political gain,” LaPierre said. “Saul Alinsky would have been proud.”

Read more:

I absolutely love it when "the enemy" has such a notable "PANTIES IN WAD ALERT!!!!!", and it's so evident that they put it out there publicly.

Such a "boo-hoo-hoo" moment for such an undeserving bunch. Oh, the horror of it all.
It would be great if it wasn't accidental and the always paranoid and super-sensitive Jews are right. The Jews' racial antennae are as sharp as a dog's compared to those of the dulled down White masses, so maybe LaPierre was indeed dog whistling. Time will tell.

The Gunowners of America are more forthright than the NRA but are far smaller. The NRA is about the only non-leftist pressure group the politicians of both monopoly parties truly fear. The NRA may end up playing a pivotal role if White America survives the current all-out war being waged against it from every direction.
I agree with what you are saying and that the GOA are more principled than the NRA. I may join their organization as well but thought the NRA needed the support since they are under constant attack.

The dulled down White mass may not catch these things but the alt or identitarian right sure did. It was all over the web and this movement is growing by the day. Something encouraging but we’ve still got a lot of people to wake up.
Yeti cucks-out and cuts ties to the NRA Foundation. Another example of a company not knowing who the majority of their customers are. #BoycottYeti.
American Freedom News