Mass Shooting in Vegas

Shades of 911 when massive amounts of put options were placed on airline stocks right before 911!
And then the slow introduction of body scanners throughout the airports...
I googled in search of cartoons mocking the incompetence of law enforcement in investigating the shooting. Couldn't find any.

And then the slow introduction of body scanners throughout the airports...

Those naked body scanner machines were owned by the Israeli spy Michael Chertoff's company. Chertoff was the first head of the new Dept. of Homeland Security, an agency whose very name seems alien as nobody ever used to call the USA "homeland". Chertoff was co-author of the "Patriot Act". His mother was one of the very first Israeli Mossad agents. Chertoff took the Israelis from the Mossad front company, UMC, who were caught filming the attacks on the WTC from a NJ rooftop and celebrating - and had their camera equipment set up before the attacks started, according to the NY Times and AP and FOX News!!! - and sent them not to the concentration camp in occupied Cuba for life but back to Israel first class (where they appeared on Israeli tv and said they were in NYC "to document the event". Where is the film they took? What did Chertoff do with it? Where are the records of their interrogation during their almost 3 month incarceration in the federal lockup during which time they said they were tortured? What did Chertoff do with it?
SGT Report is an excellent YouTube channel. He's been especially been on target of late with his work in exposing the Zionists.

He is talking about things I brought up earlier, the FBI's prime role in covering up the 911 false flag terror attacks.
I thought I read that Billy King was released from the hospital and sent home after only three days, but I can't find that now, so I'm deleting my posts that refer to it.
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Was there any blood on the ground? No emergency medical reponders, just like at Sandy Hoax and Boston. No police helicopters, no nothing. When seconds count the police SWAT team made it to the hotel room in an hour and a quarter.
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Everyone is running for their lives and then one man wearing a reflective vest suddenly swivels around and goes into a deep two handed shooting stance and you see the muzzle flash and then hear the machine gun fire from very close up. You can even see his face when he passes by. Starts at 1:50:

Starts at 1:50 >


So where are the las vegas hotel surveillance camera videos, like the hall video on Paddock’s floor? Where is the video they told us he made in the room? Oh yeah, they’re at the same place the 911 Pentagon videos and the Sandy Hook school videos are at.


Unhurt Woman Survivor, 100% Certain
There Were Multiple Ground Level
Shooters In Crowd, Tells Her Horrific Story -
And Is Then Found Dead In Her Bedroom

Unhurt Woman Survivor, 100% Certain ThereWere Multiple Ground LevelShooters In Crowd, Tells Her Horrific Story - And Is Then Found Dead In Her Bedroom

And this one:

Starts at 2:25:

Don't buy the they were all high explanation. I don't care what you're high on you'll sober up real fast in a shooting situation, and I've dealt with a lot of high criminals.


Little interest in it anymore, even here. It's already yesterday's news. People have short attention spans, and they get away with their **** every time.
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I'd like to see the surveillance camera footage for so many of these events. In spite of surveillance cameras and smartphones being everywhere, there's almost no conclusive footage ever shown of these events. The Pentagon and surrounding businesses and buildings on 9/11 is the most glaring example; I guess when the system's media pets let that go without any questions being asked they knew they could get away with anything and any "official" explanation no matter how dubious. The Vegas event has the most footage, yet not nearly enough to answer the most obvious questions about the official conspiracy theory narrative as it's likely nothing pertinent from Mandalay Bay's thousands of surveillance cameras will ever be shown to the sheeple.
I'd like to see the surveillance camera footage for so many of these events. In spite of surveillance cameras and smartphones being everywhere, there's almost no conclusive footage ever shown of these events. The Pentagon and surrounding businesses and buildings on 9/11 is the most glaring example; I guess when the system's media pets let that go without any questions being asked they knew they could get away with anything and any "official" explanation no matter how dubious. The Vegas event has the most footage, yet not nearly enough to answer the most obvious questions about the official conspiracy theory narrative as it's likely nothing pertinent from Mandalay Bay's thousands of surveillance cameras will ever be shown to the sheeple.

FBI Wipes Clean Phones & Laptops of Las Vegas Massacre Eyewitnesses

Supposedly, 200 bullets came through the door but there is not one hole in it. Shades of the Waco door where they said the Branch Davidians fired at them and then the BATF and FBI had to return fire, except all the bullet holes were incoming, and then the door conveniently disappeared.
I'm getting a huge kick how in these events the actors love to leave their shoes in weird places.When you scroll halfway down the thread you can laugh out loud.

Yes, the American flag boots photo was released the first day. It was an obviously staged photo. These events are designed psychological operations. Your government is effing with you. Skinnylegs: thanks for posting, not too many posters here have gone down the rabbit hole far enough to reach September Clues and Clues Forum.
Jim Fetzer: The Raw Deal "Jeff Rense Fired Me for This Show" - YouTube

"Jim Fetzer: The Raw Deal "Jeff Rense Fired Me for This Show". JR has been mocking people, including me, for being suspicious of the actuality of the shooting itself, and not just the cover story which is all too obviously false as anyone can see by devoting ten minutes (much longer than the average American tv watcher's attention span) looking into it. But then there was that group standing around ignoring the whole thing - I've dealt with a lot of high criminals. If they are upright they sober up in a hurry- and one guy giving the finger towards the alleged shooter - you don't do that to someone shooting a machine gun at you - but you might do that to an actor pretending to shoot a machine gun at you! - no visible blood, no emergency response, medical or police helicopters, no signs of bullet impacts, people allegedly badly shot making remarkable recoveries, apparently ads for crowd actors (they changed the name from "crisis actors" now I think) etc etc.
I'm getting a huge kick how in these events the actors love to leave their shoes in weird places.When you scroll halfway down the thread you can laugh out loud.

I posted about that before. Where did all that stuff come from. In the videos I saw people trying to leave as quickly as possible, but I didn't see people divesting themselves of their shoes and clothes and belongings in the process.
From Fake News channel ABC:

Paddock is believed to have removed the hard drive before fatally shooting himself, and the missing device has not yet been recovered, sources told ABC News.

Investigators digging into Paddock’s background also learned he purchased software designed to erase files from a hard drive, but without the hard drive to examine it is impossible to know if he ever used the software, one source said.

So, he (supposedly) removed the hard drive from his laptop right before he shot himself, but it cannot be found? Hmmm...
From Fake News channel ABC:

Paddock is believed to have removed the hard drive before fatally shooting himself, and the missing device has not yet been recovered, sources told ABC News.

Investigators digging into Paddock’s background also learned he purchased software designed to erase files from a hard drive, but without the hard drive to examine it is impossible to know if he ever used the software, one source said.

So, he (supposedly) removed the hard drive from his laptop right before he shot himself, but it cannot be found? Hmmm...

He must have hidden it really well in that hotel room.
American Freedom News