Unite the Right Rally

Some links please, I'd like to know what he said.

I don't have a link, I saw it on TV. He said that there was blame on both sides but pointed out that the left was attacking the right, charging them with clubs. He also pointed out the right had a permit and the left didn't.

Not everything he said was good, but at least he pointed out there was another side to the story.
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Don, I don't know if all what was said is included here, but he he does go after the alt left:

Glad he said what he said about the left, but it was way overdue and he needs to come out against antifa & friends very strongly and unrelentingly. These are the scum that have been attacking Trump's supporters for over a year now, often with police stand downs like we saw in Charlottesville (Berkeley, San Jose and Chicago come quickly to mind). The deep state and fake news media will never cut him a break, so he's far better off attacking those who have targeted all of his supporters for violence.
I'll look for a link too. To his credit, Michael Savage has just played the clips of Trump showing major balls and telling the truth at a news conference! It was amazing how he put cuntz totally in their place at this news conference. Trump has dropped the ball a few times the last few months but I have never been more proud of a President than what he just said and stood up to the communist pieces of sheet in the msm!!!!
I'll look for a link too. To his credit, Michael Savage has just played the clips of Trump showing major balls and telling the truth at a news conference! It was amazing how he put cuntz totally in their place at this news conference. Trump has dropped the ball a few times the last few months but I have never been more proud of a President than what he just said and stood up to the communist pieces of sheet in the msm!!!!

Quiet Speed posted it a few posts above. Yes, he was in great form today, hope it continues, he's got nothing to lose and everything to gain by appealing to his base. The corporate/communist takeover of the United States and its anti-White totalitarian agenda has never been more brazenly on display than it has the past three days.
Don, I don't know if all what was said is included here, but he he does go after the alt left:

Notice how the fake news media kept interrupting President Trump. This is a favorite tactic of the left, if someone is saying something they don't like they try to shut them up or disrupt what they're saying with constant interruptions.

Also notice that they never answered the questions Trump asked them.
I found this article to be a fairly pragmatic take on the Charlottesville situation. I personally think the most important thing is to bring up the blatant hypocrisy when it comes to "antifa" and their approved of violent tactics by the "liberals" and media. Black on white crime, the BLM assasinations of police officers are great points to bring up for starters. Of course having a dumbed down populace helps the left's cause as it eliminates the need for critical thinking.

That press conference was great! I love that man for all that he's done, the poster Thrashen summed it up a few posts ago. He has said and done more things and opened more eyes to awaken Americans from their long slumber than I ever imagined a POTUS would do.

Those who expect more from him, you need to realize he cannot operate from a full blown white nationalist perspective. That's a losing game, at least for now. I'm perfectly happy receiving little "doses" gradually which will hopefully normalize a lot of things that were previously unmentionable.

The entire left and the (((media))) have been thrown into a frenzy and are in full blown meltdown mode after that press conference. That's how you know he hit it out of the park.

God bless President Trump!
Notice how the fake news media kept interrupting President Trump. This is a favorite tactic of the left, if someone is saying something they don't like they try to shut them up or disrupt what they're saying with constant interruptions.

Also notice that they never answered the questions Trump asked them.

That is one of the marked traits of the godless cuntz (I'm talking about male and female) of the Leftist Communist Totalitarian spoiled brats' club. They are satanic spoiled children at heart. They must have their own way, they must have everyone agree with them. That news conference put every one of those vermin's panties (once again, male and female) in such wads and tight knots it'll take a ship full of Navy sailors a year to get 'em all out! Loved it!!! Woohoo!!
I just watched NBC's and CBS's nightly fake news broadcasts. I never fail to be amazed by how openly biased they are. Everything's been ratcheted up a lot just since the election. The PTB thought that Hillary would be elected and that it would be the culmination of a generations-long march through the institutions by anti-White communist and corporate subversives. The Trump hate is palpable and seething now. CBS devoted their entire half hour of "news" to denouncing Trump and the alt-right, which is synonymous with "neo-nazi" the way it's used. NBC used about half of its time denouncing Trump before moving onto to other fake news.

My take is that they view today's attempt at semi-fairness by Trump to be the last straw, that he's now "crossed the Rubicon" and they're going to triple their efforts to remove him, and take down the pro-White movement in the process. Neither hate corporation mentioned antifa a single time, while the words "white supremacists" and "neo-nazis" was uttered dozens and dozens of times. It's just astonishing, the agenda is now out in the open for all but the most hopelessly blind to see. Trump's best hope is to do what I've urged before -- go back to the American people and build a grassroots movement among his supporters to run for office at all levels in massive numbers in 2018. The GOP godfathers in Congress have to be defeated along with the rest of the Beltway Right. At the very least a large number of state legislatures need to be in pro-American hands to provide a bulwark against the federal monstrosity and its corporate media arm.
I just watched NBC's and CBS's nightly fake news broadcasts. I never fail to be amazed by how openly biased they are. Everything's been ratcheted up a lot just since the election. The PTB thought that Hillary would be elected and that it would be the culmination of a generations-long march through the institutions by anti-White communist and corporate subversives. The Trump hate is palpable and seething now. CBS devoted their entire half hour of "news" to denouncing Trump and the alt-right, which is synonymous with "neo-nazi" the way it's used. NBC used about half of its time denouncing Trump before moving onto to other fake news.

My take is that they view today's attempt at semi-fairness by Trump to be the last straw, that he's now "crossed the Rubicon" and they're going to triple their efforts to remove him, and take down the pro-White movement in the process. Neither hate corporation mentioned antifa a single time, while the words "white supremacists" and "neo-nazis" was uttered dozens and dozens of times. It's just astonishing, the agenda is now out in the open for all but the most hopelessly blind to see. Trump's best hope is to do what I've urged before -- go back to the American people and build a grassroots movement among his supporters to run for office at all levels in massive numbers in 2018. The GOP godfathers in Congress have to be defeated along with the rest of the Beltway Right. At the very least a large number of state legislatures need to be in pro-American hands to provide a bulwark against the federal monstrosity and its corporate media arm.

They're all on the same page, same script, same agenda: Destroy White civilization and what's left of Christianity in this nation.

They really thought Killary had it in the bag, so much so that they joked incessantly about Trump's chances of ever winning. They are are still in full melt-down mode from losing, and they can' handle it, still. They (these Communist hate-mongers) had a "good run" (to use an "athletic competition term") and almost had duped everyone into feeling guilty just for being born White...

They overplayed their hand. They are gonna lose. They overstepped. Why do I say that? Fact: People are waking up from the deepest stupors. Even the most passive of White souls are getting pissed and can see through these dumb clucks' tricks. The fact of Trump not giving an inch to them, like today, is a huge plus for our side. Who knew that it would take a brash, billionaire New Yorker who can't be bought, with the attitude of Guido's brother, to have (thankfully) ZERO tact in dealing with these NWO twits.

It's truly a joy to see and hear.
They're all on the same page, same script, same agenda: Destroy White civilization and what's left of Christianity in this nation.

They really thought Killary had it in the bag, so much so that they joked incessantly about Trump's chances of ever winning. They are are still in full melt-down mode from losing, and they can' handle it, still. They (these Communist hate-mongers) had a "good run" (to use an "athletic competition term") and almost had duped everyone into feeling guilty just for being born White...

They overplayed their hand. They are gonna lose. They overstepped. Why do I say that? Fact: People are waking up from the deepest stupors. Even the most passive of White souls are getting pissed and can see through these dumb clucks' tricks. The fact of Trump not giving an inch to them, like today, is a huge plus for our side. Who knew that it would take a brash, billionaire New Yorker who can't be bought, with the attitude of Guido's brother, to have (thankfully) ZERO tact in dealing with these NWO twits.

It's truly a joy to see and hear.
. What about all the fellow whites attacking the right and taking down Confederate statues? Are they awake?
. What about all the fellow whites attacking the right and taking down Confederate statues? Are they awake?

I don't consider those freaks "fellow whites".

They are traitorous, Cultural-Marxist/k!ke-duped whores, lost souls of the most deplorable kind.
. Me too however there sure are a lot of them!

I think their mass exposure made possible by the non-stop efforts of the Bolshevik LSM is not truly indicative of their actual numbers. They are a very visible group of criminals, but they are pawns, being used as said by the Ministry of Smoke & Mirrors (MSM). It's a trick. Most people still don't think the way the demonic tools (i.e College Professors) of Satan's evangelistic strategies want people to think. Albeit, you are correct in that they are converting a lot of gullible young people to their dark side, whose goal is to destroy us...
The left and its propaganda arm the f**king fake news media realized that fake Russian collusion crap was not sticking, so they will fan this even harder. Proud that Trump stood up there and called it like it is. True Alpha Male. If the Repub congress does not pass Tax Reform, Repeal Obummercare and secure the borders, most of their pathetic jobs will be gone and sadly Trump may be defeated in 2020. What I thought was a once in life time moment to right the ship, now I treacherous waters ahead for the country. I hope that I am wrong.
I don't consider those freaks "fellow whites".

They are traitorous, Cultural-Marxist/k!ke-duped whores, lost souls of the most deplorable kind.

They're reprobate vermin who've sold their souls to Mephistopheles. Those scumbag, riffraff pinkos are definitely not worthy to be counted amongst the great White race or as true Americans (of the "1.0"/1776 mold).
Just watched Trump's press conference as well and boy was that something else. Amazing. Top form for sure. Commie Fake Media doing their best Linda Blair impressions right now, including some on the now-exposed Fox "Fake" News (only from what I'm reading in some blog comments). Funny thing is that the way Trump called it was far more factual than what's been vomited out by the sick media...he just has the balls to tell it like it really is.

I can still hear that shrill AA-hire female reporter in the front saying "but but but 'White Nationalist', 'White Nationalist'". Then Trump would ignore her and take someone else's question, then you'd hear her again "but but but 'White Nationalist', 'White Nationalist'" and then Trump just ignored her the rest of the way and then at the very end (on the video version I watched) he was small-talking to some other reporters off to the side saying about how much he loves Charlottesville because he owns a great vineyard there! Ha! "Great place, love Charlottesville, I own a vineyard there." Unfazed. Unapologetic. Classic.
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Dr. Alan Sabrosky, Marine veteran and former Director of Studies at the US Army War College, from his Facebook page:

Alan Sabrosky
16 hrs ·


The whole Charlottesville VA brouhaha is interesting in several ways. First, the violence started when some of the groups protesting the "Unite the Right" rally attacked marchers in the original rally - although you have to dig into the local media to find that out, as the mainstream media ignores it. The response fed on itself - but one would think from the assorted headlines that hundreds of bodies littered the streets, which obviously was not the case.

Second, it is pretty clear that most of those in the original rally are neither white supremacists nor racists. It is simply that whites - here and in Europe - are not allowed by the lefties who dominate the media in both places to even hint at being proud of their race. Whites who express such pride are called racists by definition in much of the media and academe; but no one else - especially blacks in the US - are treated that way, even when they loot & burn cities screaming "black power" slogans.

And third, I do not know whether this is being provoked by our old "friend" George Soros and company, but overt racial hostility certainly fits his agenda. I simply do not think he and his cohorts really appreciate what kind of a whirlwind they may unleash. Unlike the hordes of lefties and paid "protesters" who trashed Republican rallies and engaged in assorted rioting, most on the right are law abiding and patriotic - but if they ever say "enough," those who have pushed these confrontations are going to be very sorry - likely fatally so. And I believe we are approaching that point.
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. Me too however there sure are a lot of them!

They bused them in. before their buses arrived, loaded with commie scum , armed with their terroristic weapons - including acid and flame throwers - the legal demonstration by patriots was totally peaceful.

Baked Alaska, one of the speakers at the rally to protect General Robert E. Lee's statue, may have been blinded by having acid thrown in his face by one of the Antifa or BLM commie scum terrorists. Have you heard a single word about this on the enemy controlled mass media?



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The media and the establishment are in mindless hysteria after today's presser because white men are organizing on behalf of their own self interests and they appear to have a sympathetic voice in the form of POTUS, which is doubly terrifying for these traitors.

Now, I expect this from the leftist scum and their allies, but what really gets my blood boiling are the GOP cucks like Ryan, Romney, McCain, Rubio, Kasich and the rest who have come out in lockstep with Democrats in condemning Trump and the "evil white-supremacists". These spineless turncoats never utter a word of condemnation against the violence perpetrated by the antifa and other leftist thugs, but never miss an opportunity to stab their own in the back if it will help them virtue signal and win brownie points with the mainstream media and other elitist vermin.

I really wish Trump is putting together a plan to get some of these bums like Jeff Flake and Ben Sasse out-primaried before the 2018 midterms by getting some grassroots people from his base to run for office.
The front page of the Washington Compost today was screeching about how Trump is now again blaming "both sides" and described the President as "defiant" by correctly stating that the alt-left was also responsible for the violence in Charlottesville (in fact the degenerate leftists were completely responsible for the violence). So the question then is, who is he defying? Obviously, the (((globalists))) who own the Compost, i.e. Bezos and his cabal, think that the lawfully elected POTUS should be bowing down to the (((globalists))) and not have the arrogance to go against their wishes since they are the true masters of the universe and run the world. They are pushing the narrative that Trump should ignore the truth and reality and just go along with their lies about Cville that they are vomiting continuously.

Fu*k Bezos and all the (((globalist))) scum. Fu*k them to hell.
American Freedom News