The Confederate Flag

Confederate emblem 'anti-American,' judge in flag case says

JACKSON, Miss. — A federal judge said Tuesday that the Confederate emblem on the Mississippi flag is "anti-American" because it represents those who fought to leave the United States.

But U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves is not yet saying whether he will fully consider a lawsuit that seeks to eliminate the flag as a state symbol.

Reeves heard more than three hours of arguments about motions in the lawsuit that Carlos Moore, an African-American attorney from Grenada, Mississippi, filed against the state. Moore is asking Reeves to declare the flag an unconstitutional relic of slavery.

Moore argued that under the U.S. Supreme Court decision last summer that effectively legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, a majority of justices found the Constitution protects a fundamental right of dignity. Moore argued the state flag violates his dignity and that of other African-Americans.

"I'm nobody's second-class citizen, and I don't appreciate being treated as such," Moore said.

Reeves — who is also African-American — said he is considering two questions as he decides whether to give more thorough consideration to Moore's lawsuit or to dismiss it.

One question is whether Moore has legal standing to sue the state, including whether Moore can prove he has been harmed because of the flag. The other question is whether flag design is an issue that can be decided by a court.

Reeves asked attorneys dozens of questions on both points Tuesday.

An assistant state attorney general, Doug Miracle, argued flag design is a political question that should be decided by the Legislature.

"The issue is not one of whether the legislative branch will act," Miracle said. "The issue is whether it is capable and it is better suited."

Mississippi has used the same flag since 1894, and its upper left corner has the Confederate battle emblem — a red field topped by a blue X dotted with 13 white starts. Voters chose to keep the banner in a 2001 referendum, and it's the last state flag in the nation to prominently feature the emblem.

The public display of Confederate symbols has come under sharp debate since last summer, when nine black worshippers were massacred at a church in Charleston, South Carolina. The man charged in the slayings had the Confederate battle flag in photos of him published online.

Moore filed his lawsuit in February, days after legislative leaders declined to have the state House and Senate debate bills that would have either removed the Confederate emblem from the flag or punished public entities that refuse to fly it. Several local governments and some universities have taken down the flag since last summer. Republican Gov. Phil Bryant has said he supports the results of the 2001 vote but if the flag is to be changed, it should be done by a statewide vote.

Reeves didn't say when he will rule on the arguments he heard Tuesday, but he noted they took place on the anniversary of the first shots of the Civil War being fired in 1861 at Fort Sumter, South Carolina.

"We're still arguing about a flag in 2016 and arguing about a flag that is anti-American," Reeves said. He said the Confederate battle flag was one symbol of those who fought to secede from the United States.

The judge also said the battle emblem is a symbol of the Confederacy, "which is anathema to anybody who lives within the 21st century."

Confederate emblem 'anti-American,' judge in flag case says

JACKSON, Miss. — A federal judge said Tuesday that the Confederate emblem on the Mississippi flag is "anti-American" because it represents those who fought to leave the United States.

But U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves is not yet saying whether he will fully consider a lawsuit that seeks to eliminate the flag as a state symbol.

Reeves heard more than three hours of arguments about motions in the lawsuit that Carlos Moore, an African-American attorney from Grenada, Mississippi, filed against the state. Moore is asking Reeves to declare the flag an unconstitutional relic of slavery.

Moore argued that under the U.S. Supreme Court decision last summer that effectively legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, a majority of justices found the Constitution protects a fundamental right of dignity. Moore argued the state flag violates his dignity and that of other African-Americans.

"I'm nobody's second-class citizen, and I don't appreciate being treated as such," Moore said.

Reeves — who is also African-American — said he is considering two questions as he decides whether to give more thorough consideration to Moore's lawsuit or to dismiss it.

One question is whether Moore has legal standing to sue the state, including whether Moore can prove he has been harmed because of the flag. The other question is whether flag design is an issue that can be decided by a court.

Reeves asked attorneys dozens of questions on both points Tuesday.

An assistant state attorney general, Doug Miracle, argued flag design is a political question that should be decided by the Legislature.

"The issue is not one of whether the legislative branch will act," Miracle said. "The issue is whether it is capable and it is better suited."

Mississippi has used the same flag since 1894, and its upper left corner has the Confederate battle emblem — a red field topped by a blue X dotted with 13 white starts. Voters chose to keep the banner in a 2001 referendum, and it's the last state flag in the nation to prominently feature the emblem.

The public display of Confederate symbols has come under sharp debate since last summer, when nine black worshippers were massacred at a church in Charleston, South Carolina. The man charged in the slayings had the Confederate battle flag in photos of him published online.

Moore filed his lawsuit in February, days after legislative leaders declined to have the state House and Senate debate bills that would have either removed the Confederate emblem from the flag or punished public entities that refuse to fly it. Several local governments and some universities have taken down the flag since last summer. Republican Gov. Phil Bryant has said he supports the results of the 2001 vote but if the flag is to be changed, it should be done by a statewide vote.

Reeves didn't say when he will rule on the arguments he heard Tuesday, but he noted they took place on the anniversary of the first shots of the Civil War being fired in 1861 at Fort Sumter, South Carolina.

"We're still arguing about a flag in 2016 and arguing about a flag that is anti-American," Reeves said. He said the Confederate battle flag was one symbol of those who fought to secede from the United States.

The judge also said the battle emblem is a symbol of the Confederacy, "which is anathema to anybody who lives within the 21st century."


That scumbag tyrant doesn't know any real Americans OR the "real" America (1.0)! Radical imbeciles like this puke needs be debarred & tarred (& feathered).
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That scumbag tyrant doesn't know a real American OR the real America (1.0). Radical imbeciles like this pukes needs be debarred & tarred (& feathered).

Well that case may be struck anyway because the moron plaintiff can never prove the flag -an object- has caused him a harm. Your right, he is an imbecile (like a child).
This idiot judge's reasoning is flawed. The battle flag isn't anti-American because the Confederates had the Constitutional right to secede from the Union. It was written very clearly in the Constitution that the participation of the individual states in the Union was voluntary and they had the right to leave it at any time if they so chose. Nothing is more pro-American than exercising your Constitutional rights. This judge is a typical Marxist in that he will tell outright lies in order to destroy traditional institutions like the Constitution. The ultimate goal of his ilk is to destroy all traditional institutions and those people who believe in them and hold different opinions than they do. Just like in the Soviet Union, Red China, Cambodia, etc. they will kill millions of people if those people disagree with them. They want to do the same thing here.
Recent holiday parade in Mechanicsville Virginia (a suburb northeast of Richmond).. Confederate flag advocates (& re-enactors) participating in the parade were warmly received. Some nice photos..
I travelled to & thru Mechanicsville many times back in the 90s. I always thought it was a cool, picturesque place.
Wow, there's even a black family observing the march with the flag and I see another female mulatto in the march of the flags. It's a shame about the Dylan Roof false-flag event whose primary purpose was to remove this meaningful (non-hate) symbol from public space. Glad to see the real government (the people), think otherwise...
Recent holiday parade in Mechanicsville Virginia (a suburb northeast of Richmond).. Confederate flag advocates (& re-enactors) participating in the parade were warmly received. Some nice photos..
I travelled to & thru Mechanicsville many times back in the 90s. I always thought it was a cool, picturesque place.

Warms my heart to see true Americans honoring heroes of the Confederacy. You know...that battle flag is more American (1.0) than the 50 star rag flown today. Why's that?....because that glorious CSA battle flag represents a stand against government tyranny...which is exactly what our Founding Fathers took against the tyrant King George!! This Republic was created via rebellion against tyranny!!!
Why aren't the Marxists attempting to have the Washington monument torn down, too? The first president of our country was a prominent slave owner, after all. Oh, right, he doesn't fit the official "Hate & Demonize the Confederate South With a Totalitarian Fervor" narrative.

They play the same dehumanizing game with everything concerning their all-time favorite cartoon villain, "Nazi Germany."

And they wonder why, 150 years later, white men from all over the country still fly Rebel Flags by the millions. Likewise, 70+ years later, Adolf Hitler's is still the most recognizable human being in world history and is still so beloved, romanticized, and lionized by many on the far right the world over.
Judge Jeanine Pirro posted this on Facebook - and she's the one I want to see on the supreme court!

Judge Jeanine Pirro has Fans
Page Liked · 8 hrs ·


Judge Jeanine Pirro posted this on Facebook - and she's the one I want to see on the supreme court!

Judge Jeanine Pirro has Fans
Page Liked · 8 hrs ·



Excellent to see from a mainstream commentator. Of course, a white man in mainstream media could never post something like this and still have a job the next morning. Pirro benefits from being a woman and being "ethnic-looking." I believe has her she is half-Irish, half Arabic. Her father's last name was "Ferris" and her mother's last name was "Awad." Aside from her annoying pro-Israel stances, I agree that her politics are pretty decent...

Excellent to see from a mainstream commentator. Of course, a white man in mainstream media could never post something like this and still have a job the next morning. Pirro benefits from being a woman and being "ethnic-looking." I believe has her she is half-Irish, half Arabic. Her father's last name was "Ferris" and her mother's last name was "Awad." Aside from her annoying pro-Israel stances, I agree that her politics are pretty decent...

She's Lebanese. A friend of mine knows her and has been at her house. He said that she's a good person who was treated very badly by her ex.
She's Lebanese. A friend of mine knows her and has been at her house. He said that she's a good person who was treated very badly by her ex.

Was her father white and her mother Lebanese? Or is she fully Lebanese?

Pirro, like Hannity, was one of the precious few mainstream media types that openly supported Donald Trump from day 1. You know, back when DJT actually had guts, spoke his mind, defied the establishment, and was a nationalist/populist who actually cared about the many problems facing normal white Americans.
Lebanese people are white. Google all the Miss Lebanons. Then compare them to Miss USA, Lashawn Mogambo or whatever it is.


"Dis he beez sum grate mrthrfukn honor fo me I is all teery eyed an shitt"
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ROTFL: Woman goes into store demanding Confederate flag rugs be removed; clerks laugh her out of the store; whiney woman starts crying and feels threatened. These people are crazy, at her age she ought to know better.

ROTFL: Woman goes into store demanding Confederate flag rugs be removed; clerks laugh her out of the store; whiney woman starts crying and feels threatened. These people are crazy, at her age she ought to know better.

What a half-wit lemming! Such complete ignorance coming out of that hen's clueless yap. She's just another uneducated, sanctimonious libtard who only "knows" the (cultmarx tinged) revisionist "history" she's been spoon fed by the JewsMedia & Hellyweird.
ROTFL: Woman goes into store demanding Confederate flag rugs be removed; clerks laugh her out of the store; whiney woman starts crying and feels threatened. These people are crazy, at her age she ought to know better.

I feel sorry for her kids that will have to grow up under her leftist indoctrination. She'll probably force them into some terrible public school system so they can experience "diversity" all the while being harassed and assaulted for their (White) skin color. Glad that the Mexican store owner and White co-worker didn't give two f*cks about her or her opinion and told her and her kids to get the f*ck out.
What a half-wit lemming! Such complete ignorance coming out of that hen's clueless yap. She's just another uneducated, sanctimonious libtard who only "knows" the (cultmarx tinged) revisionist "history" she's been spoon fed by the JewsMedia & Hellyweird.

At her age to not comprehend what private property is I honestly think she is beyond help. She drinks that Jewmedia puree through a baby bottle.
I feel sorry for her kids that will have to grow up under her leftist indoctrination. She'll probably force them into some terrible public school system so they can experience "diversity" all the while being harassed and assaulted for their (White) skin color. Glad that the Mexican store owner and White co-worker didn't give two f*cks about her or her opinion and told her and her kids to get the f*ck out.

Agree. Sad to see her kids are going to get the worst of her ignorance and stupidity. Those kids will NEVER be women or men.
That woman is clearly mentally unstable.

Now notice how she uses the lefty playbook. First, trying to bully the store employees to take down the rug. When they didn't capitulate to her demands, next comes the threat of financial boycott and calls for others to do the same. "Shut it down", the mantra of the screeching SJW. Then the perpetually offended harpy refuses to leave as part of the tantrum phase. Then the crown jewel. Playing the victim in the form of the damsel in distress. Very unbecoming of a "feminist". And last but not least, the Golden SJW Rule. Lie, claiming she was assaulted by the men inside. These people are as predictable as they are demented.

For the sake of the children, they should be taken away from this psycho commie.
That woman is clearly mentally unstable.

Now notice how she uses the lefty playbook. First, trying to bully the store employees to take down the rug. When they didn't capitulate to her demands, next comes the threat of financial boycott and calls for others to do the same. "Shut it down", the mantra of the screeching SJW. Then the perpetually offended harpy refuses to leave as part of the tantrum phase. Then the crown jewel. Playing the victim in the form of the damsel in distress. Very unbecoming of a "feminist". And last but not least, the Golden SJW Rule. Lie, claiming she was assaulted by the men inside. These people are as predictable as they are demented.

For the sake of the children, they should be taken away from this psycho commie.

I agree with everything you said except taking away her children. Because then the Marxists use that precedent to take away our children from us. And conservatives/traditionalists have many more children than Marxists.
I agree with everything you said except taking away her children. Because then the Marxists use that precedent to take away our children from us. And conservatives/traditionalists have many more children than Marxists.

I guess I was LARPing a bit and thinking as if we were living in a White ethnostate where we actually cared about our people and future generations. Upon more reflection, maybe even in that scenario, what I said is not ideal. It just makes me sick to think about what a detrimental impact that loon will have on those children. After all, White children are the world's most precious commodity and should be cared for and nurtured as such.
roflmao what a freakoid. If she was serious about her intentions she would have done so without bringing her kids to the store in the first place lol. Free advertising for the store...priceless
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