
And I definitely don't agree with Ieroner though about us being too hard on the poor Jews. Too many people have shared that line of thinking in our history. That's why the Jews were always welcomed back after they were kicked out a country or they were allowed to convert to Christianity.

The Jews do it out evil and hatred for Whites.


And Philosopher since when does religion getting attacked bother you ? I thought you agreed with the Jews on Christianity ?

I was talking about this:

and remeber that many europeans were killed for refusing to believe this, for example:
it explains the aggressive tone some have when they talk about christianism

Not that any 'Christian' has replied to it.
jews like israel shamir are the absolute worst

they are the biggest advocates of a world without borders

Shamir, a communist, has however shown himself to be an honest man. He defended Ernst Zundel, and he even wrote glowing intro and reviews for my brilliant national socialist friend's book.

PS Louis-Ferdinand Celine: "What THEY really fear is racial communism!"

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Also,there is this hilarious story of Linder being asked to take a fully paid for 'DNA test' at a place very close to his home....which he refused.

See for yourselves,here.

I just posted this on that other forum I mentioned :

"... I don't actually know what all that cursing out of Linder on that White Nationalist and Christian websites, and vice versa, is all about, though, and a last name alone doesn't really prove anything, as many Talmudists have names that can also be those of non-Jews. But it's like when politicians curse each other out, I figure both sides are probably right.

I believe the earlier post by FD on page 1 is mistaken, tho. Caste was affiliated in some way with Stormfront not VNN, something I just learned. I'm quite sure that Stormfront is now a co-opted honey trap."
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Do you have to defend Jews here?
Do you have to?:ranger:

Jews hunt us in every aspect of life.
At work,at college,at sport,at music,at religion....everything......and you care to say a good few words about the supposed 'good jew'.

Don't fall for that BS.

They like playing every side of every game.Like it is said here,in the Soccer section:

I'm trying to be fair, Mr Philosopher. Of course the World Parasite is expert at exploiting the weaknesses of its targets, and one of the main weaknesses of Aryan man is "trying to be fair". But I note that Talmudism is an ancient and powerful and malevolent cult, and not a race, albeit with a racial strain amongst the ruling Ashcanazi/AshcanNazi European branch, inbred over the centuries. And in this cult there are also many who transcend its evil, and I will always respect those who have the fortitude to transcend their wicked environment. For instance, tens of thousands of righteous Jews fought FOR the Reich, including thousands in the Waffen SS (non-talmudic Karaite Jews from the CRIMEA), the greatest fighting force in the history of the world, and also the largest all volunteer fighting force in history.

Mordechai Vanunu proved what he was made of, and not just with hollow words.
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I just posted this on that other forum I mentioned :

"... I don't actually know what all that cursing out of Linder on that White Nationalist and Christian websites, and vice versa, is all about, though, and a last name alone doesn't really prove anything, as many Talmudists have names that can also be those of non-Jews. But it's like when politicians curse each other out, I figure both sides are probably right.

I believe the earlier post by FD on page 1 is mistaken, tho. Caste was affiliated in some way with Stormfront not VNN, something I just learned. I'm quite sure that Stormfront is now a co-opted honey trap."

Caste Football has not been "affiliated" with Stormfront, not sure what you just "learned" but this is an independent site.
Caste Football has not been "affiliated" with Stormfront, not sure what you just "learned" but this is an independent site.

Were you linked to Stormfront at one time? I never heard about that, but that's what someone said on, I think, this thread (?) and on the other forum, so correct me if I'm wrong. It's the first I ever heard about it.
Correct me if I'm wrong, and I'll go back to every place where I repeated that and retract it.
Were you linked to Stormfront at one time? I never heard about that, but that's what someone said on, I think, this thread (?) and on the other forum, so correct me if I'm wrong. It's the first I ever heard about it.

I don't know what "linked" means. That's a word the SPLC uses a lot. I like to stay on good terms with people and organizations no matter where they are on the ideological spectrum as long as they reciprocate. I've known Don Black for many years and like him, but that doesn't mean CF is therefore affiliated or linked with Stormfront.
I don't know what "linked" means. That's a word the SPLC uses a lot. I like to stay on good terms with people and organizations no matter where they are on the ideological spectrum as long as they reciprocate. I've known Don Black for many years and like him, but that doesn't mean CF is therefore affiliated or linked with Stormfront.

SPLC? "Linked" is a common word in common usage and has nothing to do with SPLC. I suppose it meant that there was a link on Stormfront to Caste, something like that. I didn't even read anything derogatory into it. I used to post on Stormfront myself.
Shamir, a communist, has however shown himself to be an honest man. He defended Ernst Zundel, and he even wrote glowing intro and reviews for my brilliant national socialist friend's book.

PS Louis-Ferdinand Celine: "What THEY really fear is racial communism!"


yes he is honest, while the zionist jews are not true to themselves by behaving more like nazis than like true jews (that's what shamir says i think)
but if he thinks that about jews wanting to keep israel jewish, imagine what he thinks about us who want to keep white countries white

the only thing we might have in common with him is historical revisionism (but not all of us are in favor in revisionism, although it's obvious that holocaust propaganda is way over-the-top and anti-white)

about the quote from celine, he's french and writes in a very special style, so it must be very hard to translate

i say this because i think that that quote is not true

the closest thing i found to your quote is this:

"Moi je me sens devenir si pervers que ça me tourne en folie raciste. Et pas qu’un petit peu ! Raciste 100 pour 100 ! autant que communiste, sans les Juifs !"

here he says that he is racist and communist, but he wants communism without jews
he was racist, so he didn't want to integrate jews like your quote seems to imply
SPLC? "Linked" is a common word in common usage and has nothing to do with SPLC. I suppose it meant that there was a link on Stormfront to Caste, something like that. I didn't even read anything derogatory into it. I used to post on Stormfront myself.

I'm not saying it's derogatory, simply inaccurate and lazy. Stormfront has what, 10 million posts on it? I'm sure countless websites, people and groups have been mentioned at one time or another, favorably and unfavorably. Are they all therefore "linked" with Stormfront? Is Stormfront now "linked" to CF because of this thread?
yes he is honest, while the zionist jews are not true to themselves by behaving more like nazis than like true jews (that's what shamir says i think)
but if he thinks that about jews wanting to keep israel jewish, imagine what he thinks about us who want to keep white countries white

the only thing we might have in common with him is historical revisionism (but not all of us are in favor in revisionism, although it's obvious that holocaust propaganda is way over-the-top and anti-white)

about the quote from celine, he's french and writes in a very special style, so it must be very hard to translate

i say this because i think that that quote is not true

the closest thing i found to your quote is this:

"Moi je me sens devenir si pervers que ça me tourne en folie raciste. Et pas qu’un petit peu ! Raciste 100 pour 100 ! autant que communiste, sans les Juifs !"

here he says that he is racist and communist, but he wants communism without jews
he was racist, so he didn't want to integrate jews like your quote seems to imply

OK, fair points. My quote may indeed have been mistranslated, or it may have been a different Celine quote. I found this, by Michael Hoffman. Here Celine says - or it says he says - I don't know French - "The Jew is afraid of only one thing, communism without Jews."

"Céline was all in favor of communism, not Marxism or Russian communism, but communism of a very special type, which had thus far only prevailed in the distant past of Europe and which he hoped National Socialism would embody. He outlined this in 1938 in his volcanic work of black comedy and intractable anti-humanism, The School for Cadavers, which he dedicated to the pagan emperor, Julian the Apostate. Identifying himself as a "Communist of the soul," he proclaimed: "The Jew is afraid of only one thing, communism without Jews."
OK, fair points. My quote may indeed have been mistranslated, or it may have been a different Celine quote. I found this, by Michael Hoffman. Here Celine says - or it says he says - I don't know French - "The Jew is afraid of only one thing, communism without Jews."

"Céline was all in favor of communism, not Marxism or Russian communism, but communism of a very special type, which had thus far only prevailed in the distant past of Europe and which he hoped National Socialism would embody. He outlined this in 1938 in his volcanic work of black comedy and intractable anti-humanism, The School for Cadavers, which he dedicated to the pagan emperor, Julian the Apostate. Identifying himself as a "Communist of the soul," he proclaimed: "The Jew is afraid of only one thing, communism without Jews."

to sum it all up, jews are against everything that isn't open to them, or to any human being
because they don't believe in human races, they believe that all humans are brothers, related
if they are excluded from something because of their race, they don't like it
that's why they will always try to get into every movement
by the way, that quote that was already posted in this thread:

jews like to be everywhere, there's a joke about it: if an antisemetic party would be created in france, the chairman would be a jew

was originally from celine
it shows what i tried to tell
I'm not saying it's derogatory, simply inaccurate and lazy. Stormfront has what, 10 million posts on it? I'm sure countless websites, people and groups have been mentioned at one time or another, favorably and unfavorably. Are they all therefore "linked" with Stormfront? Is Stormfront now "linked" to CF because of this thread?

Hey, it wasn't even me who brought it up! See post #56 on this thread. And then someone on Freedomportal mentioned it too, or VNN, or whatever they said. Of course if someone just mentions another place in a post it's not any kind of "link". I just mentioned another place here and this place there. That doesn't mean they're linked. I even said I'd apologize and write a correction, both here and there if the info I read, or if I misinterpreted it, was wrong. All you had to do is say, no, it's not true, but instead you're reacting in a very hostile way.
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to sum it all up, jews are against everything that isn't open to them, or to any human being
because they don't believe in human races, they believe that all humans are brothers
, related
if they are excluded from something because of their race, they don't like it
that's why they will always try to get into every movement
by the way, that quote that was already posted in this thread:

Ha ha! Yeah right. Jews believe that "all humans are brothers" - except all humans except themselves aren't human at all, they're goyim, cattle, that their "G_d" (the Devil) put on earth just to serve them in any way they please.

I think I gotta get outa here.
Hey, it wasn't even me who brought it up! See post #56 on this thread. And then someone on Freedomportal mentioned it too, or VNN, or whatever they said. Of course if someone just mentions another place in a post it's not any kind of "link". I just mentioned another place here and this place there. That doesn't mean they're linked. I even said I'd apologize and write a correction, both here and there if the info I read was wrong. All you had to do is say, no, it's not true, but instead you're reacting in a very hostile way.

I am not reacting in a hostile way. I stated a fact in post #83, which I thought was sufficient to clarify the situation, and then answered your follow-up posts. You may think my reference to the SPLC was hostile towards you, but I used it because your reference to "linked" was vague and ambiguous at best (and wrong in this particular situation), which reminds me of the SPLC's m.o., which is to "link" anyone they don't like to groups they don't like. The word "linked" is rarely used accurately or fairly when there's an agenda involved. Maybe it was inflammatory to bring up the hated SPLC, but again, CF is not affiliated or "linked" to Stormfront.

This is an independent site. To the extent it is affiliated, it is to the American Freedom Union and The Nationalist Times newspaper, the political organization and newspaper, respectively, that I run. But the affiliation is informal at best as I have always understood that this site would develop an audience of its own.

This is an independent site. To the extent it is affiliated, it is to the American Freedom Union and The Nationalist Times newspaper, the political organization and newspaper, respectively, that I run. But the affiliation is informal at best as I have always understood that this site would develop an audience of its own.

OK, that's all I wanted to hear, and that is also what I always thought, too, that this place was independent, but affiliated with the places you just mentioned. I shall write a correction on the FreedomP place.
I just posted this correction:

Correction to earlier post(s) re CasteFootball sports website. It is not now, nor has it ever been, affiliated with Stormfront or VNN. Here is the Caste Administrator's statement:

"This is an independent site. To the extent it is affiliated, it is to the American Freedom Union and The Nationalist Times newspaper, the political organization and newspaper, respectively, that I run. But the affiliation is informal at best as I have always understood that this site would develop an audience of its own."
Ha ha! Yeah right. Jews believe that "all humans are brothers" - except all humans except themselves aren't human at all, they're goyim, cattle, that their "G_d" (the Devil) put on earth just to serve them in any way they please.

I think I gotta get outa here.

as celine said, jews are mongrels, so how can they be racist?
they invented monotheism, which was a big deal back then, to tell that there was only one god for all humans meant that all humans were brothers
see for example how julian the apostate reacted saying that this was impossible because the different peoples (races) were too different physically

the jewish mission according to the bible is to teach the gentiles that there is only one god, so one people
once this is done, humanity will be united again
the reason why they must stay separated from the other humans is because they need to protect god's message until everybody accepted it
as celine said, jews are mongrels, so how can they be racist?
they invented monotheism, which was a big deal back then, to tell that there was only one god for all humans meant that all humans were brothers
see for example how julian the apostate reacted saying that this was impossible because the different peoples (races) were too different physically

the jewish mission according to the bible is to teach the gentiles that there is only one god, so one people
once this is done, humanity will be united again

Haven't read a better post on CF,great one!:first:

Just don't expect a response from the christians,they'll act as if this post is invisible.

Also,are this 'Celine's writings available in english?
Haven't read a better post on CF,great one!:first:

Just don't expect a response from the christians,they'll act as if this post is invisible.

Also,are this 'Celine's writings available in english?

Sure they are:éline/e/B004560D98

Well, I'm not a Christian so I don't ignore it. But I think that Judaism - Talmudism - functions far more like a parasitic criminal cult than a real religion. Many, if not most, of the leaders of Israel, and the secret and not so secret rulers of the USSA too, are atheists; the Judeo-Bolsheviks all were.
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But I think that Judaism - Talmudism - functions far more like a parasitic criminal cult than a real religion. Many, if not most, of the leaders of Israel are atheists; the Judeo-Bolsheviks all were.

Very true.

They have one God-the bill of exchange.
"they [Jews] invented monotheism"

I think that Iranian Zoroastrianism predates Judaism.
Those who claim that Linder has jewish roots aren't clutching at straws.This man has made a good forum into a freaking circus,in my opinion.

Over the last few months most of the committed WN have been banned for rather 'trivial' reasons to say the least.
While troll,santi-whites and SPLC agents(just use google) roam free.

Then,there was this time when VNN made a notorious pornstar a 'moderator'(while competent mods were relieved of such duties).
VNN actually resembled a hardocre porn site for a few days,all under the watch of Linder,and only after repeated,shrill cries of the other members did he budge from his stance and do the necessary 'cleaning up'.

Why would a serious WN let such^^ things happen?

Then,there is this tendency of Linder and his 'IT guy' to ridicule,mock,humiliate most of the 'serious WN's' at a time.Questioning their sexuality is where it begins.

Linder also has plans to make the forum one for 'Real persons' only,where everyone will have to post under their real names only.

Qui bono?

Also,Linder will out you,without a thought:


That is just one illustration^.

Finally,VNN has its own Gaysott act.
Actually,it is even more Draconian:

It was put into place by their 'IT guy' on the behest of Linder.

Let me assure you,that the above was not done because posters were accusing others of being jews left,right and centre.Not at all.

There were murmurs,mere murmurs,mostly by 'pm' that Linder's actions were suspicious and a tiny few were questioning his allegiance(brought up because of the rapidly deteriorating state of the place).

And suddenly,said act is passed,to stifle any discussion of Linder's allegiance,ethnicity.

Why resort to such tried and tested jew tricks?

There are far too many questions and few answers.In conclusion I'm slightly leaning towards a 'jewish Linder'.But nothing is certain or indeed proven.

P.S.-I refrained from naming people and putting up their photos as I'm not certain if it would be a transgression of the rules on my part.Also,it would derail this thread,if it hasn't already happened.

Bump....any response,gentlemen?
Trust me I'm desperate to be proven wrong here,having 'invested' a bit in the place.
American Freedom News