2013 MLB Playoffs

Boston up 1 game to 0, but Cards leading 2nd game on Matt Holiday leadoff triple and Molina knocking Holiday in Cards 1 Red Sox 0, 4th inning, Cards 22 year-old, Wacha no hitter through 3, I think.
No more no-hitter for Wacha, Pedroia double off the the wall to lead off the 4th. I guess I jinxed Wacha, sorry.
CRAP! Ortiz 2-run homerun. Red Sox 2 Cards 1. 6th inning.
Wacha throws a high 85 mph change-up!
Why are all the Cardinals hitters besides Holliday so small?

The Sox hitters look about 20kg bigger on average.
Why are all the Cardinals hitters besides Holliday so small?

The Sox hitters look about 20kg bigger on average.


Some Cards infielders,

Adams 6'3 260 lbs.

Freese 6'2 225 lbs.

Craig 6'2 215 lbs.

Carpenter 6'3 215 lbs.

Some Red Sox infielders,

Napoli 6'0 220 lbs.

Stephen Drew 6'0, 190 lbs.

Will Middlebrooks 6'0 220 lbs.

Xander Bogaerts 6'3 185 lbs.

looks pretty even to me infield wise, but give the edge size wise to the Cards!

Some Cards infielders,

Adams 6'3 260 lbs.

Freese 6'2 225 lbs.

Craig 6'2 215 lbs.

Carpenter 6'3 215 lbs.

Some Red Sox infielders,

Napoli 6'0 220 lbs.

Stephen Drew 6'0, 190 lbs.

Will Middlebrooks 6'0 220 lbs.

Xander Bogaerts 6'3 185 lbs.

looks pretty even to me infield wise, but give the edge size wise to the Cards!

Cards up 4-2, bottom of the 7th,

Wainwright 6'7

Wacha 6'6
Think the announcers are excited enough about the Cardinals pitcher, one of the endless parade of Martinezes in the league? I thought McCarver was going to run out on the field and rape him, as he marveled at his magnificent leaping ability, "like a gymnast!"

The Red Sox gave this game away. Gomes had an easy throw to the plate to get the runner, but it was way off line. The catcher muffed the throw anyway, and then the pitcher completes the charade by making an awful, wild throw to third. Seldom have we seen such defensive mistakes, on one play, by three different players.
Think the announcers are excited enough about the Cardinals pitcher, one of the endless parade of Martinezes in the league? I thought McCarver was going to run out on the field and rape him, as he marveled at his magnificent leaping ability, "like a gymnast!"

The Red Sox gave this game away. Gomes had an easy throw to the plate to get the runner, but it was way off line. The catcher muffed the throw anyway, and then the pitcher completes the charade by making an awful, wild throw to third. Seldom have we seen such defensive mistakes, on one play, by three different players.

Yesterday the Cards muffed a 40 ft pop up in front of the mound. It's baseball, usually a couple of errors a game. And in the WS they are big. Adds to the drama. I sure didn't want a sweep again anyway.
Cards win! Getting the all-important win in Boston. Series tied 1-1.

Some great play by white players, Hoilliday had a triple, run scored, he's now 3 for 8, and a HR last night. Wacha and Roesenthal pitched a great game. Carpenter with an RBI and Kozma's great play at shortstop.

Looking like a great series so far!
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This article is currently featured on American Renaissance. Don't know if the author is a CF poster, but the site gets a lot of traffic from the pro-White crowd and some plugs for CF in the comments after it would be helpful.

A Very White World Series

Peter Bradley, American Renaissance, October 25, 2013

America’s pastime as it used to be.

The 2013 World Series started on Wednesday when the Boston Red Sox beat the St. Louis Cardinals. As it happens, these are the two of the whitest teams in baseball. Of the ten starters for the opening game, eight of the Cardinals were white as were seven of the Red Sox. Boston usually starts eight whites as well but their starting third baseman, Will Middlebrooks, was on the bench for some reason, and his backup is a mulatto Hispanic.

In addition to this being a heavily white World Series, there is almost a complete absence of blacks. The Cardinals have zero American blacks on their entire roster. Boston’s only regular black starter is David Ortiz, and he is the designated hitter (meaning he only hits and does not play in the field). Another starter for Boston, Shane Victorino, is half white and half Asian. St. Louis starts two mestizo Hispanics.

Both managers are white men.

Major League Baseball (MLB) has actually been getting slightly whiter over the past several years and is now about 63 percent white. American blacks make up only about 8 percent of players, and Hispanics are the bulk of the rest. Some Hispanics are mestizo and some are even white, but many are black or mulatto Hispanics from the Dominican Republic. MLB set up fully funded camps there decades ago to develop local talent that will play for much less money than Americans.

But if the last few years are any indication, whites are still the best players. If MLB funded camps for white kids in rural and suburban areas—as it does for inner city blacks—there would be even more whites in baseball.

There will be much barking about the lack of diversity in the World Series this year. Sports writers were aghast when the nearly all-white Houston Astros went to the World Series in 2005. Of course, the NBA finals are often 75 to 80 percent black with only a handful of whites ever seeing the court, but any sports writer who criticized the lack of diversity in basketball would be out of a job.

In one respect, however, this World Series is just like the NBA and the NFL. A black singer warbling the national anthem is now de rigeur at every American sporting event. The opening game of the series was no exception, with Mary J. Blige serenading the mostly white crowd.

Aside from her, more than a few older baseball fans are probably watching this year’s series and fondly remembering the days when America’s pastime was actually American.

Bostonites and coastal baseball fans will moan deep into the winter, but Game 3 of the world series ended on a CORRECTLY called obstruction rule. It does not matter if Craig was slow getting home, if the 3b intentionally tripped him, if there was contact, if Craig fell down on his own, et cetera. Once Craig began his movement in the direction of home plate and Middlebrooks was in his way, that is officially obstruction and Craig automatically is awarded home plate.
Bostonites and coastal baseball fans will moan deep into the winter, but Game 3 of the world series ended on a CORRECTLY called obstruction rule. It does not matter if Craig was slow getting home, if the 3b intentionally tripped him, if there was contact, if Craig fell down on his own, et cetera. Once Craig began his movement in the direction of home plate and Middlebrooks was in his way, that is officially obstruction and Craig automatically is awarded home plate.

Sox fans will bitch and moan that he had no way to get out of the way, well how does that change the fact that it was still obstruction?
I guess they'll just have to learn to live with it.
Baseball isn't football or basketball. There are rules written that way and have always been applied consistently.
It didn't matter if Middlebrooks had no possible way to get out of the way. Just the fact that he was where he was at that exact moment was enough for the obstruction rule to come into play.
And, even though there's no possible controversy here, if Boston fans did want to gripe about Middlebrooks's location, Cards fans could always respond with "leg raise" which clearly tripped Craig.
Besides, Boston fans deserve some heartburn. Their roided-up 2004 team stole the World Series from St. Louis.
This article is currently featured on American Renaissance. Don't know if the author is a CF poster, but the site gets a lot of traffic from the pro-White crowd and some plugs for CF in the comments after it would be helpful.

A Very White World Series

Peter Bradley, American Renaissance, October 25, 2013

America’s pastime as it used to be.

The 2013 World Series started on Wednesday when the Boston Red Sox beat the St. Louis Cardinals. As it happens, these are the two of the whitest teams in baseball. Of the ten starters for the opening game, eight of the Cardinals were white as were seven of the Red Sox. Boston usually starts eight whites as well but their starting third baseman, Will Middlebrooks, was on the bench for some reason, and his backup is a mulatto Hispanic.

In addition to this being a heavily white World Series, there is almost a complete absence of blacks. The Cardinals have zero American blacks on their entire roster. Boston’s only regular black starter is David Ortiz, and he is the designated hitter (meaning he only hits and does not play in the field). Another starter for Boston, Shane Victorino, is half white and half Asian. St. Louis starts two mestizo Hispanics.

Both managers are white men.

Major League Baseball (MLB) has actually been getting slightly whiter over the past several years and is now about 63 percent white. American blacks make up only about 8 percent of players, and Hispanics are the bulk of the rest. Some Hispanics are mestizo and some are even white, but many are black or mulatto Hispanics from the Dominican Republic. MLB set up fully funded camps there decades ago to develop local talent that will play for much less money than Americans.

But if the last few years are any indication, whites are still the best players. If MLB funded camps for white kids in rural and suburban areas—as it does for inner city blacks—there would be even more whites in baseball.

There will be much barking about the lack of diversity in the World Series this year. Sports writers were aghast when the nearly all-white Houston Astros went to the World Series in 2005. Of course, the NBA finals are often 75 to 80 percent black with only a handful of whites ever seeing the court, but any sports writer who criticized the lack of diversity in basketball would be out of a job.

In one respect, however, this World Series is just like the NBA and the NFL. A black singer warbling the national anthem is now de rigeur at every American sporting event. The opening game of the series was no exception, with Mary J. Blige serenading the mostly white crowd.

Aside from her, more than a few older baseball fans are probably watching this year’s series and fondly remembering the days when America’s pastime was actually American.


Yes, 2005 was also known as a very White World Series to which Chicago White Sox Hispanic manager, Ozzie Guillen and Black GM Kenny Williams came under fire for a mostly white Chicago lineup. I seem to recall Guillen saying something to the fact, that he didn't care what color his players were as long as we win and we won The World Series! He, (Guillen) is also famous for calling Chicago Sun Times Columnist, Jay Mariotti a "***".

The 2005 World Series Champion Chicago White Sox lineup consisted of the fleet-footed lead-off hitter Scot Podsednik, who had stole 129 bases between 2004 and 2005. Led the league in 2004 with 70 SB.

Other white starters included, Paul Kornerko, 427 career HR's, Catcher A.J. Pierzynski a 2002/2006 All-Star, OF Aaron Rowand a 2007 All-Star.

Joe Crede, the 3rd baseman, hit 4 post-season HR's and had 11 RBI's. Also, 4 time All-Star pitcher Mark Buehrle,

also, pitcher Jon Garland, 2005 All-Star and an 18 game winner.
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Boston’s only regular black starter is David Ortiz, and he is the designated hitter (meaning he only hits and does not play in the field).


David Ortiz is from the Dominican Republic.

He is not considered "black" because he is Hispanic! There are at least 100 other guys like him on MLB rosters that aren't included in the "drop in black players" - because they are skewed statistics and only counts American-born black players.
Cards off to an early lead in Game 4, of course the Cards keep getting into these early leads only to blow them and have to use late game heroics to save their asses. Gonna give me a goddamn heart attack.
Surprised (and a little disappointed) that this overwhelming White World Series is not the focus of more attention here at CF. Perhaps if there was a guy name Hitler playing??? :icon_wink: Anyway it looks like the Red Sox have it wrapped up which will guarantee that fat pappy Ortiz is going to win the MVP. That will probably help balance it out for the MSM.

Ortiz is another one of those guys whose involvement with PED's has been completely forgotten. Perhaps it's because he's fat. What I would like to know is what is the medical view on how long steroid or HGH use continues to provide benefits. The NFL suspends for what 10 games? so after two and a half months all the benefits of the drug are gone?? I would think the benefits would last much longer, a year at least, maybe longer.
I read an article that the benefits can last for years. The body is able to build up muscle memory of you operating at a much stronger level, even when the muscle has gone back to its old self the muscle memory is still providing benefits.
Surprised (and a little disappointed) that this overwhelming White World Series is not the focus of more attention here at CF. Perhaps if there was a guy name Hitler playing??? :icon_wink: Anyway it looks like the Red Sox have it wrapped up which will guarantee that fat pappy Ortiz is going to win the MVP. That will probably help balance it out for the MSM.

Ortiz is another one of those guys whose involvement with PED's has been completely forgotten. Perhaps it's because he's fat. What I would like to know is what is the medical view on how long steroid or HGH use continues to provide benefits. The NFL suspends for what 10 games? so after two and a half months all the benefits of the drug are gone?? I would think the benefits would last much longer, a year at least, maybe longer.

Yes, I agree jaxvid. I was watching most of the first 2 games, but have not been able to watch some of the other games, family obligations, work, laziness, keeping up with you and werewolf's posts. etc. However, it has been enjoyable watching so many white players do so well!
I still follow baseball somewhat through the media, but I just have a helluva time actually watching a game or even part of a game, even post-season ones. Too much of a purist when it comes to the sport I loved way above all others as a kid I guess. I detest the salaries the players make, the abandonment of a lot of fundamentals, and also the way TV attempts to change the tempo and pace of the sport to suit a TV audience that has a much shortened attention span.

I did just watch the very end as the Red Sox won it, and the celebration didn't impress. Instead of the players hugging and yelling and then going to the locker room to celebrate, it's now a drawn-out on-the-infield media experience of endless interviews, in this case with the bimbo Erin Andrews asking nothing but inane, kindergarten level questions. "When did you know this team was special?" "What's it like to win it in front of the home fans?" And I can do without players from the losing team lingering in their dugout, watching with stone-faced expressions as the winning team celebrates, another recent "tradition" that I believe started with black basketball and football players not leaving the field of play as they're supposed to after they lose in a championship contest. You lost, now go back in the locker room and console your teammates, don't hang around the dugout hoping to get some face time on TV.
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Now the media will drone on ad infinitum about Boston strong and "Muh 3 dead people".
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