Crime Thread

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An article entitled "Media censored brutal racially motivated murder"

Michael, and take a look at these hate crime statistics. With the absolutely incredible amount of black on white crime in this country whites are charged with hate crimes more often than blacks. This truly is a sick country!

Today, the Federal Bureau of Investigation released Hate Crime Statistics, 2010 based on information submitted by law enforcement agencies throughout the nation. These data indicate that 6,628 criminal incidents involving 7,699 offenses were reported in 2010 as a result of bias toward a particular race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin, or physical or mental disability.
Hate Crime Statistics, 2010 includes the following information:

  • Of the 6,624 single bias incidents, 47.3 percent were motivated by a racial bias, 20.0 percent were motivated by a religious bias, 19.3 percent were motivated by a sexual orientation bias, and 12.8 percent were motivated by an ethnicity/national origin bias. Bias against a disability accounted for 0.6 percent of single-bias incidents.
  • There were 4,824 hate crime offenses classified as crimes against persons. Intimidation accounted for 46.2 percent of these crimes, simple assaults for 34.8 percent, and aggravated assaults for 18.4 percent. In addition, seven murders were reported as hate crimes.
  • There were 2,861 hate crime offenses classified as crimes against property; most of these (81.1 percent) were acts of destruction/damage/vandalism. The remaining 18.9 percent of crimes against property consisted of robbery, burglary, larceny theft, motor vehicle theft, arson, and other offenses.
  • Of the 6,008 known offenders, 58.6 percent were white and 18.4 percent were black. For 12.0 percent, the race was unknown, and the remaining known offenders were of other races.
  • The largest percentage (31.4 percent) of hate crime incidents occurred in or near homes. Another 17.0 percent took place on highways, roads, alleys, or streets; 10.9 percent happened at schools or colleges; 5.8 percent in parking lots or garages; and 3.7 percent in churches, synagogues, or temples. The location was considered other or unknown for 14.3 percent of hate crime incidents. The remaining 16.9 percent of hate crime incidents took place at other specified locations or multiple locations.
[h=1]Miami Police Shoot, Kill Man Eating Another Man’s Face[/h] [h=4]Surveillance Video Shows Apparent Shooting, Nude Men On The Ground[/h]
MIAMI (CBSMiami) – Miami police are still tight-lipped about the man they shot and killed on the MacArthur Causeway Saturday afternoon, but new details back claims they had no choice: the naked man they shot was trying to chew the face off another naked man, and refused to obey police orders to stop his grisly meal, which one source now claims included his victim’s nose and eyeballs.
I found this hilarious! Who could this scrawny wigger possibly harm other than himself? I'm willing to bet half the girls out there could knock him out.

[h=1]Justin Bieber wanted for questioning in scuffle[/h]Associated Press – 1 hour 16 minutes ago

CALABASAS, Calif. (AP) — Justin Bieber is wanted for questioning by Los Angeles County Sheriff's investigators after a photographer complained of being roughed up by the pop star at a shopping center.
Sheriff's Lt. Robert Wiard (ward) says the photographer called 911 on Sunday and complained of pain to his chest. Wiard said the scuffle happened when the photographer tried to snap pictures of Bieber and his girlfriend, teen actress Selena Gomez, after they walked out of a theater at The Commons at Calabasas.
Wiard says the photographer was taken to a hospital where he was treated and released.
He says Bieber and Gomez left before deputies arrived, so investigators want to talk to him to get his side of the story.
A call to Bieber's publicist was not immediately returned late Sunday.
340 lb negress sow attacks Piggly Wiggly employees as they try to stop her from stealing...bacon.

A sow stealing bacon from Piggly Wiggly....I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

DD, Colonel, others who've grown up in the South, when did this sort of behavior amongst negroes become commonplace? Was it like this in the 80s and 90s also? From what little I know, this seems to be a new phenomenon. The new, young generation of blacks down South (and elsewhere) have basically turned into animals, with complete disregard for decency and even the most basic human behavior.

What would have happened if someone tried this crap back in the 50s? Well, my guess, they never would've tried because they would be scared sh*tless of the White response in return. But these days, those store employees would be lucky to not be charged for violating the "civil rights" of this wortless negress.
A sow stealing bacon from Piggly Wiggly....I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

DD, Colonel, others who've grown up in the South, when did this sort of behavior amongst negroes become commonplace? Was it like this in the 80s and 90s also? From what little I know, this seems to be a new phenomenon. The new, young generation of blacks down South (and elsewhere) have basically turned into animals, with complete disregard for decency and even the most basic human behavior.

What would have happened if someone tried this crap back in the 50s? Well, my guess, they never would've tried because they would be scared sh*tless of the White response in return. But these days, those store employees would be lucky to not be charged for violating the "civil rights" of this wortless negress.

When I was a child living in the segregated South in the 1950s, you didn't see Negroes in a Piggly Wiggly store, or in the shopping district in general, for the most part.
Another white life lost thanks to savage negro.

[h=1]3 charged in attacks against Morristown teen who committed suicide[/h] [h=5]Published: Wednesday, May 30, 2012, 3:56 PM Updated: Wednesday, May 30, 2012, 6:25 PM[/h] By Ben Horowitz/The Star-Ledger

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FacebookA Facebook photo of Morristown High School student Lennon Baldwin, whose death is under investigation.
MORRISTOWN — Three Morristown residents have been charged in connection with assaulting, robbing and threatening Lennon Baldwin, a 15-year-old Morristown High School freshman who committed suicide on March 28.
Michael Conway, 19, a senior at the high school, was arrested, along with two juveniles, in connection with a series of incidents in March, according to Morris County Prosecutor Robert Bianchi.
Although the incidents “perfectly fit†the definition of bullying, the young men were not charged under the state’s new anti-bullying statute, which carries no criminal penalties but sets procedures for schools to deal with incidents and report criminal activities to law enforcement, Bianchi said.
Lennon was found dead at his home in Morris Township.
On March 6, Lennon was the victim of an assault at the high school that was captured on the school surveillance system, according to Bianchi. A juvenile defendant was identified and suspended, Bianchi said.
Michael Conway
The investigation revealed that on March 7, the defendant “made numerous attempts†to contact Baldwin to tell him to go to the school administration and say the incident was “a joke,†Bianchi said.
Baldwin did in fact, tell the dean of students on March 7 that the incident was a joke, Bianchi said.
Then, on March 9, Bianchi said, Conway, the juvenile involved in the first incident and a second juvenile met Lennon at the Century 21 parking garage in Morristown and stole money from him, telling him it was “punishment†for the March 6 incident and the suspension, Bianchi said.
Although Conway was allegedly present at the parking garage incident, he was not accused of taking part in the robbery.
Conway was charged only with false swearing for allegedly providing false statements to police and detectives of the prosecutor’s office. The charge is a fourth-degree crime that carries a maximum penalty of 18 months in prison, Bianchi said.
Bail for Conway was set at $1,500 with a 10 percent option and he was posting bail today, according to prosecutor’s spokesman Capt. Jeffrey Paul.
One juvenile was charged with robbery, terroristic threats, theft, conspiracy to commit robbery, obstruction of the administration of law and conspiracy to obstruct the administration of law, according to Paul.
The other juvenile was charged with simple assault, two counts of conspiracy to commit robbery, conspiracy to commit theft, obstruction of the administration of law and conspiracy to obstruct the administration of law, Paul said.
Bianchi said judges have wide discretion in sentencing juveniles, who could be released or who could face incarceration.
The juveniles were sent to the Morris County Youth Detention Facility on March 22 and 23, Bianchi said, and then released under house arrest on March 27. Lennon killed himself the next day.
Bianchi said he did know if this is the first major criminal case following passage of the state’s tough new anti-bullying law, which became effective in September 2011, at the start of the present school year. The law was enacted after the suicide of 18-year-old Tyler Clementi, a gay Rutgers Unviersity student who was spied on by a remote video camera during an intimate encounter with another man.
The “Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights†requires school officials to combat incidents of harassment, intimidation and bullying, even if they occur off school grounds, if they “substantially interfere with the orderly operation of the school or the rights of other students.â€
The law sets a procedure for reporting and dealing with bullying incidents.
Bullies “prey on vulnerable, weak people who don’t have access to groups of friends,†Bianchi said.
But Lennon, who was described as being a championship bowler and an accomplished musician, appeared to be a sociable person with friends, so why would he take his own life?
“I can’t get into Lennon Baldwin’s mind,†Bianchi said. “Kids aren’t comfortable reporting these incidents. That’s why I love this law.â€
“A lot of students know what happened and have information that would be relevant to us,†Bianchi said.
He said he has asked Morristown High School officials to hold off on administrative penalties against the students involved until the criminal investigation is over, saying those punishments might "taint" the probe.
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I won't lie, am I upset reading this story? Yes very much so, which is not good because I am about to go in bed, it's really late here and I am already irritated today with my woman's attitude how I do not spend much time with her lately..........I am sure if I did not work, if I was not politically involved as a member to a patriotic party and I was being just a lazy bum she would complain as well, but anyways back to the blood is boiling right now after I read that, but I won't even lie, I have no tears anymore, I can't rant or complain anymore, political correctness has come to an end, in my head it has.
I have no tears or words to put in a speech anymore, I can see on daily basis that my race is attacked for over 4 decades now and it has reached its peak. Greece is a nation of 10 million white Greeks and our corrupt politicians who most of them have been taking money from people as Soros, Bloomberg and Rothschild family have allowed the ILLEGAL invasion of 3 million NON WHITE immigrants and have lead the Greek citizens to daily suicides and extreme poverty. Wherever I look either is Europe, USA, South Africa etc my white people are under attack, things need to change, right here, right now.

Our kids need to be raised as men and warriors first, to be proud of their ancestors and who they are and learn to fight, not to tolerate, screw diplomacy and political correctness.
If Spartans and Romans were political correct our kind would not even exist now, don't you guys see what's going on here?

Whites need to act, it's obvious that peace and political correctness can't work with animals, just my opinion.

There's a page of "black athletic superiority" in Wikipedia, I have a full article almost complete with facts and ratios showing how our people win most medals at the Olympics, dominate the most athletic activities and dominate the most popular sports in the world........if anyone knows how we can post an article in Wikipedia, please message me and let's do that.............ACTION TIME I SAY.

May God rest the soul of our young brother, let's pray he's the last. Goodnight brothers.
When I was a child living in the segregated South in the 1950s, you didn't see Negroes in a Piggly Wiggly store, or in the shopping district in general, for the most part.

There weren't many coloreds around where I grew up, and I don't recall that modern TNB as a young kid in the 70s. I'd say it picked up in the late 80s - early 90s or so.
"When I was a child living in the segregated South in the 1950s, you didn't see Negroes in a Piggly Wiggly store, or in the shopping district in general, for the most part."

Even into the 70's the south was still largely segregated and civilized and a nice peaceful and safe place for whites AND blacks. But now - I was in the deep south last year and I've never seen so many white prostitutes cake walking around with bull negroes.
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In that photo above, he just looks to have a weather-beaten face from the hot Miami sun. He looks white here too:

I've confirmed he was white. They have the negro on tape and the mother offered no apology about the guy. All she said was that they should have tased him. Negroes are truly animals and they show no remorse for anything especially when it's a white victim.

[h=1]Mom of face-eating attacker says: 'He was no zombie'[/h]

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Rudy Eugene, left, whom police shot and killed as he ate the face of a homeless man, Ronald Poppo, right. (Miami-Dade Police Department / May 31, 2012)

By Rene Lynch May 31, 2012, 9:45 a.m.

A face-eating zombie cannibal or a Bible-reading, church-attending Christian?
Those are the two vastly different portraits being presented of Rudy Eugene, above left. He was gunned down by police Saturday afternoon in Miami after horrified onlookers found him naked and chewing on a homeless man's face, eating off his mouth, nose and forehead and gouging out one of the victim's eyes. The victim, above right, remains hospitalized and faces months, if not years, of recovery.
Eugene's mother, speaking out for the first time, said she's devastated by her son's inexplicable actions. But she says the media have her son all wrong.
She also criticized police for killing her son instead of trying to find other means of subduing the man that she said faithfully read the Bible and accompanied her to church.
“Everybody says that he was a zombie, but I know he’s not a zombie; he’s my son,†the mother, identified by the Miami Herald as Ruth Charles, told the newspaper.
"I feel devastated. That was not him who was seen on TV doing that. He was a nice kid. He was a good kid. He gave me a nice card on Mother’s Day," she told CBS TV in Miami. She added: "I never had any problems with him. The police don’t have to shoot him. They could have Tased him."Mom might be speaking from experience. The Herald and CBS report that North Miami Beach Police used a stun gun on Eugene to break up a domestic dispute involving his mother in 2004. Beyond that incident, Eugene was arrested for a handful of minor, marijuana-related charges.
There has been some speculation that Eugene might have been fueled to a frenzy by "bath salts" -- a nickname for a potent, cocaine-and-speed laced street drug. It will take weeks before toxicology reports are completed.
Meanwhile, the victim's chances of recovery remain unclear. A homeless man who had a problem with alcohol, Ronald Poppo has suffered a loss of more than 75% of his face, according to reports. Doctors are trying to deal with the immediate concern -- infection -- before they begin addressing the possibility of facial reconstructive surgery.
Well nothing of the things I have seen on here is shocking to me. Zionist Jews, self loathing liberal cultural Marxists and the rest winners of WW2, created a system where white boys should be raised as weaklings, being gay, being "political correct" and "non racist", while Negroes, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans etc are encouraged through music, movies and their general lifestyle to be as offensive as it gets, "manly", "fighters", "warriors" blah blah and all this is perfectly accepted by the big masses and the authorities in the US and England, while I bet that the Zionist Jews probably having an orgasm every time whites complain for such things, looking even weaker to do anything to protect their own lives and families.

In my opinion whites in the US and UK approach the whole thing wrong from the beginning. Even in this site, I personally see many people approaching the reality differently.
Complaining and looking for justice when you are the vast majority in a country makes you look even weaker, but that's how I see it. I am not a punk, I am not an uneducated bum or a fat scared young kid who joined KKK out of fear, as the Jews portray our glorious kind through their mass media propaganda. I am young, in perfect shape, former Navy Seal and kickboxer, a lawyer who speaks 4 foreign languages with a very very very "rich" action for my kind/race/country......... You see I have no problem if they will arrest me for being "non political correct" I know my rights, I don't care if they call me racist, Nazi, KKK blah blah, I could give a damn and it's them when they see me and my "people" that they pee on their pants from fear, not me of them.

We are WHITE men, gifted by birth and nature, taking action to defend our life, kind and family is the right thing to do, if you are expecting for "justice" or "mercy" from their system, you will end up counting more and more victims, just my opinion.

Maybe to some people in here I am not even a "true" white man since I am a modern Greek who is probably descendant of the Persians or Ottomans (ridiculous claims of the same Jews who claim that Spaniards and Italians are not white, that there's not even one single white Arab, that all Americans are mixed and no one is pure white blah blah) but fact which pisses off the Jews even more is, that Greeks have survived as a tribe for thousand years, we are a more ancient tribe than them, we have produced a way superior civilization than them, a tribe which lives on the same land for over ten thousand years, a tribe that survived Roman, Frank, Venetian, Persian, Ottoman occupation and we have always been proud warriors who fought and won wars for our freedom each time and did not beg and cried for justice and freedom like the poor Jew has always done without any sign of dignity and pride.

That's how we deal with Negroes, Arabs, Pakistani and rest illegal immigrants, when they harm one of our kind in Greece:

"Satan's chosen people" have realized that the Greek man will never be another victim of the white race, who will fall for terms such as "political correctness" "Diversity" " anti-racism" etc they have tried for over 70 years and failed miserably, so now they try to eliminate us through an incredibly unfair economic war, but they should know that in the end we will prevail and show the way to the rest whites...........Italians, Russians, Irish, Spaniards and Portuguese have already waken up and stand next to us, they see what's going on here. Even though a small nation of 11 million, if we have to, we will save white western civilization again, like we did against Persian and Ottoman rule.

Sorry if I sound too patriotic, but fight for your rights, if you expect from their "justice" to show mercy, you will wait for a very long time brothers!
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hey malaka ,

i didnt know that you got navy seals in greece ,
or is it simply bravado thats coming out .
tell me when is it apropriate to use term malaka.

i agree with alot that saying but still cant help
that are a troll , i will pretend if no the case
and that simply been seeing that the far right
is bigger in greece than ever and nice little alter
ego to troll with .
malaka ,

what are the greek special forces called again .

how much of a group , community mentality is their in greece
or is it chronic individualism and no cohesion , that totally also adds to problem

.of what i see in news it seems to be quite good in greece compared to
places like france or scandinavia ,etc and
one of reasons that not willing to sell-out to europe or as brainwashed .
speaking a different language and alphabet definitly in my opinion
helps in not being as easily brainwashed as cant be bombared as much from
propaganda from usa or england .
lets see if greece can do europe a favour and make it collapse
and wake people up, and when they are hungry and have nada ,will have to actually
work together and start to belong to something that is real and wholesome
again , and see where they really belong .

as for the immigration problem in greece , it could be alot worse
it could be 3 million sub- saharans , dont think make up much of immigrants there.
the arabs and indians ,physically are not to distant caucasians or might say converse .
but obviously is the vast cultural differences and sheer numbers that is problem
but could be alot worse as mentioned .
as goes they are more likely to use their intelligence and generally can be reasonable unlike certain other
group that only want to do is sport or entertain and get attention ,stroke never ending egos , create havoc , and
be as parasitic as possible .
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malaka ,

what are the greek special forces called again .

It's called OYK and it's ranked in the top 10 special forces globally from every valid military ranking system. American Navy Seals send about 60 of their men every year in Greece, to train with the Greek ones only so they can learn new techniques and methods. When the Americans killed Bin Ladden, in the original team, 4 of them were Greek Navy Seals, it's a known fact that Greece has one of the most decorated and ready for war military in the world......... I feel like I have to do with an ignorant amateur in here :)

As for all the rest you are talking about, I would answer it all properly, but I have learned not to debate or fighting online with cowards who feel the need to "attack" me with a troll account and not with their main one..........I mean imagine in real life what a scared individual you are, if you use tactics like this online.

I work from 9 to 18:00 - Monday to Friday. When I am done with work, from 18:30 to 21:30 I will hit the tennis courts, Kickboxing ring and Pankration palestra to train my body, while later I will take a shower to clean my body and mind from any kind of "dirt", only so I can go to the central offices of the political party I am a proud member of, to feed my soul and alert my spirit.

It's 12:20 after midnight in here and I just got home 15 min ago, while I left at 8:40 in the morning, while you are making troll accounts to attack a fellow white man and a whole white nation in a thread which is supposed to honor the victims of our race from the subhumans which is the true enemy to me. I don't think I have anything else to add.

By the way, Greece has about 100,000 black immigrants, about 1% of the total population (same as England or Germany or Italy) who play basketball night and day.............Greece is one of the 3-4 best nations worldwide in the sport, has won 21 International titles in club level and 12 medals in Euro and World Championships and the teams have traditionally been 99,9% White Greeks..........your point failed miserably :)
Man alive, these crimes keep getting worse every time this thread adds another page. These stories are truly sickening. As for the question about the South and TNB, I can remember seeing it in the mid to late 80s in the Mississippi Delta, which is probably the worst rural area in terms of dealing with blacks in the South. I'm sure the story was pretty much the same in the cities by that time. Unfortunately my memory doesn't go back much beyond that.
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