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Excellent points Deus Vult and Highlander.

To expand on Highlander's points on commercials, the ones that bother me in particular are those that portray minorities as living White upper-middle class lives. Usually, this will be a latino or black family doing some sort of activity in their nice suburban home, shopping together at the mall, eating out, driving around in their family van/suv, all the while behaving in a normal, civil manner, all happy with good manners, sometimes hanging out together in the backyard with their White neighbors enjoying one other's company and having a good time.

So, when your typical brain-dead, liberal-arts educated guilty white fool sees enough of this fiction/fantasy on TV, they go on to assume we are all one big happy family. That is why when they become victims of violent crime, (such as those during the various flash mob attacks last fall/summer) they act so surprised because after all, according what they were taught in school and what they saw on TV, this wasn't supposed to happen. The worst of the bunch will continue to blame society and themselves so there's no hope for these morons. For those us in the know, the process is simple. Avoid any and all scenarios in which you may find yourself with blacks and latinos, and if it becomes unavoidable, then keep your guard up and be extra careful.
Well, the TV commercials tell these people otherwise. Whether it's a silly Applebee's, Chili's, or ChuckECheese commercial, or some commercial showing a group of people in their living room enjoying their favorite corporate lite beer or corporate pizza while watching their favorite corporate football team, the crowd is always pretty much the or two black dudes, with one of them sitting close or next to some White girl, maybe some other White girl and one or two White guys, usually dressed in their DWF-best, and then, maybe, a light-skinned black woman.

Although it's difficult to tell who is with whom, relationship-wise, as we wouldn't want to assume that any of the men there are with any of the women, as that may offend the gay community. And, of course, we don't want to assume the White guy is with the White girl either. So, all that remains ambiguous.

Anyway, what I'm getting at is that these commercials usually show all of them having a grand ole time, all bff with each other. So, what this person learned is that reality is probably not what you see on TV commercials pushed by the PTB.

Another highly-astute observation from one of CF’s best posters. Thanks.
[h=1]PA clocks docks over ‘bias’[/h]By JOSH MARGOLIN
Last Updated: 1:32 AM, January 17, 2012
Posted: 1:03 AM, January 17, 2012

Change is coming to the city’s waterfront whether the longshoremen like it or not.
Port Authority chief Patrick Foye told The Post yesterday he’s enraged by the lack of diversity among the 6,000 workers on the docks of Brooklyn, Staten Island and northern New Jersey, and he’s ordering the PA to fix the problem.
“We’re going to use every tool at our disposal. We’re going to play every card in the deck,†Foye said.
Starting immediately, PA lawyers will add binding diversity rules to all leases and try to amend current leases with similar regulations.

Current statistics show that more than 99 percent of the area’s dockworkers are men and about 85 percent of them are white, Foye said.
“It’s either deliberate discrimination or inexcusable inertia,†Foye said.
Councilwoman Debi Rose (D-SI) said the work-force numbers are “alarming.â€
“The number of women and people of color working on the docks is so out of scale with the population. This is an area that needs to be looked at.â€

Now this garbage is a crime. This appeared in the NY POST today.

Tom Iron...
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on Monday, in "honor" of Michael King's holiday, several blacks beat up and shot a black girl in Little Rock during a fight after a rally. of course, the rally, fight, and shooting were all likely done in the name of peace and equality. :biggrin:
Three attacked outside Melbourne restaurant

A Melbourne resident has described how his friend was left "bleeding all over" after they were set upon by five men wielding knives and wooden sticks in a popular inner-city dining precinct.

Mohsin Mujaddadi, 21, said he had narrowly avoided being stabbed in the frightening attack outside Ziyka Pakistani and Indian restaurant in Carlton about 12.30am today.

He was standing outside the restaurant with two friends, a 34-year-old father who works there as a chef and his 18-year-old son, when the five young men approached.

Mr Mujaddadi and his younger friend believed the men were coming to speak with them over a run-in over a cigarette at a nearby bus stop half an hour earlier.

"I wasn't expecting them to start fighting because there were two customers outside the restaurant," Mr Mujaddadi told ninemsn.

"But then they started yelling 'why didn't you give us a cigarette!' and then they suddenly pulled out these big wooden sticks and knives."

Mr Mujaddadi said one of the men tried to stab him in the stomach with a knife but he managed to overpower him and escape into the restaurant.

His friends also tried to escape but the older man was struck twice in the face with a stick and his son was punched in the face and stomach.

Mr Mujaddadi said the attackers fled and he returned outside to find his older friend "bleeding all over".

"My other friend, his son, was on the floor. His whole body shaking," he said.

In the video above, which was supplied to ninemsn, a trail of blood can be seen running from outside where the attack occurred into the restaurant.

Mr Mujaddadi said this belonged to his chef friend, who was bleeding from the head.

The father and son were taken to Royal Melbourne Hospital by ambulance, where they remained overnight.

Mr Mujaddadi said the attack had left him shaken and bruised.

"I am having pain all over my shoulders and neck, and my head, where they punched me twice," he said.

The attackers did not use a knife in the assault "but they fully intended to".

He said there were two witnesses to the attack and the incident had been reported to police.

The five men, who are believed to live near the restaurant, are described as being aged in their early 20s and of African appearance.


Welcome to Australia - You certainly don't see this in the tourist ads, do You?
It's the same story everywhere you look. Australia, Norway, France, Sweden, Minnesota, Maine, Seattle, whatever. Any place where these African immigrants (usually from Somalia, Sudan, Kenya, etc) have been placed among White people, the results are racially motivated crimes against the native Whites. And of course, as in this article and countless others, the one common theme emerges: "I was shocked by the assault, it was totally unprovoked".

The complete surprise by the brainwashed/deracinated Whites is most disturbing, yet totally expected. These sheep have been socially engineered and beaten into submission to accept their guilt, and to believe in diversity and multiculturalism. The shock and surprise comes when that diversity arrives at their doorstep and is not quite what they were taught to believe.

This is what happens when you take uncivilized barbarians for whom violence is the only life they've ever known, and then forcibly resettle them among middle class White people of Western Europen origin. It simply doesn't work, and it never will and unless people wake up, it's only going to get worse from here.
An article entitled "Winston Smith: A classic and obvious false hate crime"

Somebody attached crosshair stickers to the office doors of five Missouri state senators. All five senators are diversities. The hallways are usually busy places, and they always have police officers on station, but additional officers were called in to patrol the hallways near the defiled offices. About ninety minutes after the stickers were removed, another one, larger than the first, appeared on one of the previously-adorned doors.

This incident has all the signs of a classic false hate crime, of which there are plenty! It won’t be vigorously or deeply investigated, because the last thing the perp(s) want is for the truth to come out – and I’ll wager the perp(s) is/are in a position to control any enquiry into the facts. So, the whole thing will fester and putrefy into more of the ersatz reality of White-hatred in which diversity-Americans are so comfortable.
I know we have some animals lovers on this site so I wanted to post something that really pisses me off. I see this guy and his dog walking around all the time so now it's personal. I sure hope they catch the POS that did this. I'd love to inflict some street justice on this piece of trash myself.

Photos: Killer, homeless man's pit bull, on mend after beating

Update: Killer is being cared for by Lisa Galante at at her pet grooming shop in Clifton. She gave Killer a bath there this morning and the dog continues to receive his medication.
Lisa says the phone has been ringing all day from people wanting to help and she has agreed to accept donations to defray the medical costs. Checks can be sent to Killer, c/o Lisa's Pet Salon, 476 Clifton Avenue, Clifton, N.J. 07011.


For more than a decade, a bushy-bearded drifter who the cops call “Polish Ted†has lived on the streets of Passaic with his dog, each dependent on the other.
The homeless man and his gentle pit bull friend have spent most of their days wandering Main Avenue, Ted wheeling his shopping cart, waving hello, accepting the occasional handout from locals. At night, man and dog take refuge under a pile of dirty blankets across the street from City Hall.
With no income and no family in the area, Ted and the dog, ironically named Killer, have survived mainly on food stamps and the kindness of strangers. But a stranger who visited in the middle of the night several weeks ago had other intentions.
Ted, whose real name is Tadeusz Zawistowski, said he was in his customary spot across from City Hall one night six weeks ago when evil struck. Asleep under his blanket with Killer chained next to him, a stranger arrived from out of the darkness and viciously beat the dog about the head, opening a gaping wound.
"I was deep asleep and never heard the dog bark, never saw anything," Ted recalled on Thursday, speaking in Polish to a Record reporter as he sat on a milk crate on Main Avenue. "When I woke up I saw blood all over the dog. I looked around, but I didn’t see anything. Whoever did this was gone."
Judging by the size of the wound on Killer’s head, Ted believes the assailant must have used a pipe or a bat. He immediately grabbed the dog and headed to a local drugstore, where he got some iodine.
For days, Ted applied iodine every few hours to Killer’s head, staining the fur a deep amber. Back under the blanket, he cradled his pal’s head, keeping a lonely vigil and hoping the dog would pull through. He didn’t bother to go to the police station to report the incident.
"It wouldn’t have changed anything if I had gone to the police," Ted said. "I didn’t see what happened. What was I going to tell them? Helping the dog was more important."
Ted said he never thought of taking the dog to the hospital or abandoning him to die. "That dog is like a brother to me," Ted said. "If he was going to die, I would rather that he did in the street."
Luckily, word spreads quickly on the street. Lisa Galante of Wallington runs a dog grooming shop and has known Ted and Killer since they became partners. Lisa regularly brings food to them, especially when the weather gets cold, and she nearly fainted when she saw Killer for the first time after the attack.
"I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing," Galante said. "I mean, who in the world would do such a thing?â€
Galante scooped up the dog and took him to the Nutley Animal Hospital, where she whipped out her credit card. The hospital stitched the dog and closed the ugly wound on top of his head, then wrote prescriptions for antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Since then, Galante has been visiting Ted and Killer four times a day to make sure the dog gets his medicine. Earlier this week, as the weather turned balmy and the streets got crowded once again, Galante offered the pooch a little TLC at his blanket, which had been moved to a doorway on Main Avenue.
“He’s getting better every day,†Galante said. “I can see it in his eyes. He’s beginning to look like his old self.â€
As for the crime that was committed, Galante wants justice. “I just want the world to know that this happened, so that maybe somebody who saw something will contact the police.â€
Detective Andy White, a Passaic police department spokesman, said it would have been better if Ted had alerted police immediately after the attack. White said police were looking for Ted on Thursday so they could talk to him.
“Everybody knows Polish Ted,†White said. “And Ted doesn’t bother anybody.â€
Although a lot of people have seen him, few know who he is. Interviewed on Thursday, Ted let on that he was born in Racece, Poland, in 1947. He came to the United States in 1979, leaving a wife and two sons behind in Poland, to live with relatives in Elmwood Park. He drove a tractor-trailer truck hauling garbage to landfills out of state.
He claims to have learned how to survive outdoors from his grandfather, who fought in the Polish Army against the Russians. He said his father was a Polish police officer who hated communism and was sent to prison for five years after the Russians took over the country.
His grandfather taught him how to survive in the coldest climates, he said. His father taught him to distrust government and bureaucracy, he said.
“I learned from my father that if you go to a government office for help and they say ‘no,’ then you don’t go back again,†he said. “They spit on you and tell you it’s raining outside.â€
Ted said he became homeless in 1998 after he got sick and couldn’t pay his doctor’s bill at Beth Israel Hospital in Passaic. “They said I had three months to live and here I am,†he said.
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Robber dies after trying to steal cell phone

Apparently this is the new thing to do (take peoples cell phones.) I have heard about kids in Philadelphia doing this to people. I don't understand it. What value does a used cell phone have to a thief?

A Newark man died after a tussle with a former high school wrestler he tried to rob early Saturday, NBC New York has learned. Law-enforcement sources told NBC New York that 30-year-old Gian Davis approached two men near Bloomfield Avenue at about 1:15 a.m. and asked for change. When the men said "no," he then asked to borrow a cell phone, grabbed it and tried to run off with it, sources said. One of the men lunged to get the phone back and Davis put him in a headlock, according to sources. Then, sources say the other man, a former high school wrestler, pulled Davis off his friend and put the would-be robber in a headlock. It was strong enough that Davis apparently choked to death, sources familiar with the investigation said. A source said the two men called police and then stayed on the scene until authorities arrived. Davis was pronounced dead at the hospital. A medical examiner will determine the cause of death. Tom Fennelly, chief assistant Essex County prosecutor, would only confirm that an investigation is ongoing. No charges have been filed against the former wrestler or his friend. Their names have not been released. Fennelly said they are cooperating with the investigation. Davis had prior arrests for aggravated assault and theft. He was released from his last stint in jail on July 22.
"people" riot in a mall over sneakers‏ ... do you have to guess to know what kind of "people" were involved? i just LOVE the benefits of diversity. *smirk*Maryland mall evacuated and locked down after sneaker fight. the link contains video of the news story, as well as a written report.
Man, I couldn't be paid enough to wear a pair of those gaudy, tacky, grossly overpriced Air Jordans. The el cheapos are fine with me, as name brand sport shoes are (usually) too costly. These "people" sure have their priorities waaay outta wack (to say the least).
An article entitled "Oh Look! Machetes!"

The fresh-faced, albeit rapidly darkening, but still eager to learn student body, and helpful staff of caring professionals of GAR Junior/Senior High School, located in beautiful Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, has just experienced it’s very first machete attack! A Dominican male student attacked a Black male student with a machete, on Thursday, February 9th, immediately after the day’s dismissal. The attack occurred on the school’s grounds. The Black student attempted to stop the blade with his arm, in an act of self defense, and nearly had his arm lopped off for his troubles. No worries – after 8 hours of surgery he alerted the world, via Facebook, that he’s fine. His friends are promising to “…get them (the Dominicans) back..†Hey – some-one alert Quentin Tarantino! His movie, “Machete†depicted illegal Mexican invaders attacking and hacking up Evil White Racists. Not Dominicans hacking up American Africans. He may want to re-shoot the picture. Or perhaps the Black and Brown students missed the memo that they are supposed to hate and kill Whites; not each other.
Another example of blacks faking racist graffiti. Looks like they are pulling this type of crap all over the country. Right in my back yard!

[h=1]2 Montclair State students charged with faking racist graffiti

Wednesday February 15, 2012, 11:06 AM
Associated Press
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MONTCLAIR — Police at Montclair State University say two students have been charged with creating racist graffiti they told police had been scrawled on their dorm room door.
Olivia McCrae and Tanasia Linton, both 19-year-olds from Newark, face charges of disorderly conduct, making false reports to law enforcement, and criminal mischief.
University officials say they do not know if either student has retained a lawyer.
Montclair State University police say the two women, who are African American, reported Feb. 7 to campus authorities that racist graffiti containing threats of violence had been written on their dorm door.
Police investigated it as a bias incident and say they were able to determine that the women who filed the complaint were the source of the graffiti.
They were arrested Tuesday.
Elderly white woman raped and murdered by negro:

Mt. Pleasant Michigan negro on white hate crime:

White Teen Beaten, Tortured By Negroes - Hate Crime

Mob Of Teenage Negro Girls Attacks White Minneapolis Mom, 4-Year-Old Daughter

Negro male charged with raping his own mother
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Absolutely infuriating Dempseyfire..
An article entitled " “Anti-racist†gangbangers brutally attacked by Kurdish immigrants."

A vicious Marxist gang known as “Antifa†has staged violence attacks all over Europe. The group calls itself “anti-racist†and targets members of right-wing groups. Members of the gang routinely cross national borders to commit violent assaults. One of the ongoing projects of the gang in Germany is to vandalize Thor Steinar clothing stores. The group claims that the Arab-owned clothing line caters to “Nazis†by putting Viking/Norse imagery on some of their t-shirts.

However, a group of Antifa gangbangers got some poetic justice when a mob of Kurdish immigrants stormed their Berlin gang house and brutally beat members with baseball bats. The attack occurred just days ago. The Kurdish immigrants simply wanted to attack some white people, any white people.

Members of “Antifa†have a gang headquarters called “Hausprojekt Scherer 8″ in an immigrant ghetto in Berlin. Across the street from the Antifa gang house is home base for a violent Kurdish drug gang called the “Street Fighters.â€
An article entitled "Jamaican from notorious hate crime beating slapped on the wrist."

The Jamaican bouncer from the notorious hate crime beating video on youtube was slapped on the wrist with the minimum sentence and will not face deportation.

Easton A. Byfield and a friend held a white man captive in the bathroom of club were Byfield worked as a bouncer. Byfield robbed and beat the man while his accomplice video taped the assault. At one point the victim is forced to kneel and recite “oh great brown dudeâ€￾ over and over. They uploaded the video to worldstarhiphop, an internet video sharing site that glorifies black thug culture. Numerous Videotaped racially motivated assaults against white people have been posted on the site.

The authorities refused to charge Byfield with a hate crime and worked out a special plea bargain so he could avoid a deportation hearing when he gets released.

Byfield practically giggles as he is sentenced.
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