Zito dumped on


Oct 15, 2004
Barry Zito has started slowly for the Giants after signing the biggest contract ever. The MSM has been quick to jump on him and this article from Yahoo sports insists he should be sent to the minors--permanently.

Vito demoted

Imagine something like this happening to a black pitcher? No way. Dontelle Willis has pitched just as badly for the Tigers but as is typical came up with a bogus "injury". He's getting kid glove treatment. Two simulated games, Two minor league rehab starts. He'll probably still suck but you will never, ever hear anyone say he should be demoted and dumped.
jaxvid said:
Barry Zito has started slowly for the Giants after signing the biggest contract ever. The MSM has been quick to jump on him and this article from Yahoo sports insists he should be sent to the minors--permanently.

Vito demoted

Imagine something like this happening to a black pitcher? No way. Dontelle Willis has pitched just as badly for the Tigers but as is typical came up with a bogus "injury". He's getting kid glove treatment. Two simulated games, Two minor league rehab starts. He'll probably still suck but you will never, ever hear anyone say he should be demoted and dumped.

In the Detroit area, they talk about Willis EVERY day.
Michigan: Yeah, but what do they say?

Do they say that he followed up a mediocre 2006 with a very bad 2007 and that the Tigers never should`ve traded for him and given him a contract extention?

Do they say that he looks like he lacks not only the physical ability to get the job done more and more, but also that he seems to have little motivation to even attempt to earn his money?

Do they say how shameful it is that young black kids who might have the slightest interest in being baseball pitchers someday have punks like D-Train and the obese Crispy Creme Sabathia to look up to? Of course they look cool in their sideways caps so that makes everything just fine.

Yeah, Zito sucks, just like Mike Hampton has sucked for the past 7 years on his contract.

But does anyone in the MSM have the guts to just flat-out say that D-Train sucks too? Let`s see what happens when Sabathia fools some team into giving his wide load butt $100 million and then he doesn`t even try to take care of himself and perform. He`ll probably go from 300 to 350 and then end up in pro wrestling in a few years.

D-Train is one of the few "Black Aces," blacks who`ve won 20 games in a season. You should be proud of how he`s conducted himself since that noteworthy achievement, michigan.Edited by: Van_Slyke_CF
I get the feeling that outrageous salaries have ruined the MLB.

It makes it harder to move "stars" (you know, those guys that are highly paid) -- and bring up minor leaguers, especially White ones.

White players actually get picked in MLB Drafts' -- so why aren't we seeing more of them in the majors? I'm especially concerned about the lack of new White hitters on the Major League level. I'm not talking about one-dimensional home run hitters, but guys who know the importance of the double and can hit it consistently. Where are the new faces?

Connor Jackson
Josh Willingham

There's only a few more.

Am I off base? Have Whites forgotten how to play baseball? It looks like young blacks are more likely to be given an opportunity -- by being called up -- compared to young Whites. It definitely hurts White players when it comes to career stat-accumulation. Do I smell the Caste System?

I watch SEC College Baseball on FSN South and it's very White, and there are many incredible players. Will they have to spend 10 years in the minors before being called up?? Needless to say, I'm disgusted by the MLB! I'd rather watch very White College Baseball -- which I make sure to do.

I will follow the stats of some White MLB players, but I have boycotted the watching of actual games.
When I went over each team for Caste Football's review of the AL and NL, I was pleasantly surprised by how many talented young white players there are. How many will become big stars is another question altogether, but just as in football the white talent keeps on coming in spite of the best efforts of the Caste System.

And yeah, the salaries make me sick. I try not to notice them because it makes it more difficult for me to follow baseball. One thing the NFL does right is not guarantee contracts. The Pirates just cut Matt Morris the other day, who's been awful after stinking up the joint last year too. But they still have to pay him $10 million in salary this year. That to me is unconscionable.
Zito is too much of a proud workhorse to fabricate an injury when he's pitching poorly. He manned up and took it on the chin. I've always been a big fan of his.

Oh by the way, Zito's stats last year weren't too bad after a "slow start":

4.53 ERA
131K / 83BB
.244 Opp BA
I'll have to check out those reviews.
Was reading an AP article about Zito. The very first sentence shows the drunk white fans of San Francisco in action: "The boos began before Barry Zito took the mound for the San Francisco Giants' home opener." Way to give the guy a chance to redeem himself for an off-season.

These are the same fans who always treated surly Barry Bonds, who poisoned baseball's most revered record, like a god. You have to wonder what gives the drunk white fans more satisfaction-- cheering for black athletes or taking out their frustrations on white ones.

A portion of this article goes into Zito's "unconventional personality" -- e.g. "Zito plays guitar, observes a quirky personal dress code and has practiced yoga."

Who f'in cares? Guess it'sbetter to be just another white drone, conformist in appearance and behavior in every way.

[url]http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080501/ap_on_sp_ba_ne/bbn_winle ss_zito[/url]
Absolutely disgraceful the way white fans have treated one of the best pitchers in baseball.
American Freedom News