Youtube arguements!!


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
There are some good ones out there!!

Check out my lastest on on The Runaway Beertruck (owen schmitt)


To the casual fan, like the one in that Youtube argument, the lack of whites in starting spots proves their lack of athleticism, but if they aren't allowed to compete, how can they show they are viable? The ultimate trump card in their minds that seems to pop up time and time again: "Teams want to win, they would not discriminate because it would hurt their chances to win."

I think a direct answer to that argument should be offered more readily. If they cannot fall back on that assumption, they will be more ready to see the truth.

The fact is, professional leagues are not about athletic excellence, they are about making money! The fact is, teams don't have to win to make money. Most money comes from marketing and from league-wide revenue sharing. [We see this in every pro league: groups of perennial winners and groups of perennial losers and rarely the twain shall meet.]

Thus, pro leagues become closed shops, with only internal feedback, where they manipulate the rules to create a product that sells. The image of the savage angry black sells, for whatever reason, so we get more of it. [Need we look any further than how CBS tried to foist Kimbo Slice on us? The Vick phenomenon is similar in the NFL.]

The pro league that is in the worst state of degradation, through the elevation of marketing over athletic excellence, is the NBA.It is being exposed by the rise of international basketball, but the NFL has no such external competition to expose it.

Especially given the fact that college football is the only feeder system for the NFL. Colleges have their own incentive to reserve scholarships for blacks, related to affirmative action and "diversity" quotas.

Thus, the NFL becomes the tightest of closed shops, because there is no external competition and the feeder system has its own logic of discrimination.

Now, how to boil that down to soundbite length???

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The sports fans who take their beliefs and cues from the corporate media have never seriously considered or been exposed to the possibility that there is affirmative action in sports just as there is in everything else.

The affirmative action and racial pandering in sports is actually on a much larger scale but is more difficult to see because the masses uncritically buy into the line that blacks are vastly superior athletes to whites (or conversely that whites suck as athletes), thus the unthinking acceptance of nearly all-black leagues and of all-black positions in perpetuity in football.

The concept that there isracial discriminationinvolved, e.g., that ifthe playing field was color-blind rather than having an agendatilting it just as the playing field is tilted in non-sports jobs by racial considerations,blacks might be say 25 percent of NFL players (still a number twice theirproportion of the population) rather than 75 percent is alien to them.

Football is the biggest inculcator of the black superiority myth as blacks dominate every facet of it -- the positions defined by speed, strength, stamina, hand-eye coordination, etc. -- except for quarterback.