Young Whites Are Unprejudiced

Dec 18, 2004
Today I was talking to a college professor friend of mine. He was again raving about what he considers the most positive development of his teaching career. He said, "Young white people do not have the racial prejudice of their parents and grandparents. It's a great development."

I told him that there are some other ways to look at this. While being "tolerant" toward other races, they will often despise their own. I told the professor, "They have been educated to worship the Other."

Also this "lack of prejudice" by whites is a one-way street. Other races still have to the nth degree whatever prejudices THEY have, and these will increase in the coming years as whites become a minority. This has never occurred to my friend. He says he is "optimistic."


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
sport historian said:
Today I was talking to a college professor friend of mine. He was again raving about what he considers the most positive development of his teaching career. He said, "Young white people do not have the racial prejudice of their parents and grandparents. It's a great development."

Wehave become herds of white sheep.Bred to be sheared andslaughtered.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Yeah, those idealistic/esmasculated white male and "curious" white female students are the unfortuneate offspring of those drunken white fans who drink in excess and eat way too much salted snacks(another member's term, I think its funny)and live to watch black convicts/antisocials play in the NFL.

That "optimistic" professor probably self loaths himself.

God, whites are being lead into a phase where they will believe subjagation is their rightful position in life. As Bart would say, "to be shared and slaughtered." It appears that whites will disappear over several generations and a mongrel/black people will rule if WE don't WTF up! And some still think there is no difference bwtn McCain and BO. If BO is elected, it will just expedite the demise of US, I'm afraid.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
In my opinion it's instinctive to be racist. "Young whites" are just as racist as everyone else, and just as racist as they ever were.

The difference is that two generations of propaganda-style sloganeering masquerading as public school education have created a reflex action (unique to whites because no one else seems dumb enough to fall for it, since they aren't targeted by it in the first place) in whites to sing the praises of anyone who isn't white, and lambaste everything pale enough to be classified as white.

Instinct, however, breeds anger, and in my opinion a lot of the loudest bleeding heart liberals are the most vicious closet racists.

Probably a lot of these college students turn into bitter little trolls who are hamstrung by their own bullsh-- but deep inside they're really angry and dissatisfied with the world.

Thanks to their weakness and the weakness of their parents, they are increasingly in no position to do anything about their wussiness except accept it with a disgusting sense of masochism as the sleigh continues its jingle-jangle way straight to hell.


May 10, 2008
Giovani, you've outdone even yourself on this post. Brilliant insights, I think. One that particularly caught my eye was the bit about liberals and vicious closet racism. I for one believe that racism runs very deep in this country, maybe deeper now than ever, but in a different form.

I cannot help but think that when liberals talk about the "potentialities" and "raw talent" of other races, it is akin to looking at a horse and thinking oneself so brilliant a trainer that he can indeed turn that old nag into a derby winner. Give the "talentee" so many reps and X dollars of vitamins, and he will deterministically turn into a star. Like following the steps in a dog training manual.

Members of one's own race are not given the same opportunities, because we see in them our own selves or our children, with all our human foibles and the determining factor of motivation and free will. We do not look at ourselves as animals, but in the process also sometimes forget that our physicality is animal.

When there is a constant harping on the raw physical talent of another race, it does these two things:
- demotes that race to having the body of a half-animal;
- and simultaneously, but understatedly, makes it possible to think of their brain as half-animal.

Of course, it also does another thing, and that is to emasculate the one who holds these views. Also, it brainwashes those who innocently imbibe these ideas.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
GiovaniMarcon said:
In my opinion it's instinctive to be racist. "Young whites" are just as racist as everyone else, and just as racist as they ever were.

The difference is that two generations of propaganda-style sloganeering masquerading as public school education have created a reflex action (unique to whites because no one else seems dumb enough to fall for it, since they aren't targeted by it in the first place) in whites to sing the praises of anyone who isn't white, and lambaste everything pale enough to be classified as white.

Instinct, however, breeds anger, and in my opinion a lot of the loudest bleeding heart liberals are the most vicious closet racists.

Probably a lot of these college students turn into bitter little trolls who are hamstrung by their own bullsh-- but deep inside they're really angry and dissatisfied with the world.

Thanks to their weakness and the weakness of their parents, they are increasingly in no position to do anything about their wussiness except accept it with a disgusting sense of masochism as the sleigh continues its jingle-jangle way straight to hell.

White people's racial awareness has actually been surfacing more and more as we get closer to the election. Just last night, (I swear on everything holy that this is true), I was at a bar in Hoboken eating a dinner and having a beer when I overheard a conversation that one of the bartenders was having with a regular patron there. The regular said, and I quote, "And now we're going to have a f*ckin' 'moulinyan' for a president." He said this out loud, not quitely, not discreetly, just right out loud. The thing that shocked me ever more (in a good way of course) was that the bartender agreed with the man, and then he referred to Obama as a "terrorist".

It had been a while since I've heard White people publically express disdain for blacks, so I was quite impressed. As the upcoming election approaches, I firmly beleive that this will be "the eye opener" for most Whites as far as racial awareness goes.

Never-the-less, I had a very satisfying meal last night.
Edited by: Ground Fighter


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
^^^ Thanks for the compliment, Observer!

I agree with you guys -- a lot of the time, people who claim to have a cosmopolitan world view in regards to race really only do so in a patronizing way (eg, "I'll claim that blacks are equal to or better than whites publicly, but privately I wish they would stay out of my neighborhood, etc.).

And it is true that sometimes allegedly non-racist people will spout on and on about the merits of a people, as if they are talking about a breed of fauna, not realizing that they are being far more racist than the person who simply says something akin to, "all else being equal, I like white people better than blacks."

The biggest difference between white "racists" and their supposed non-racist counterparts (the allegedly enlightened and their ilk) is that the "racists" say what they mean and live by their words and actions, where as non-racists say one thing to sound good, but privately agree with everything the racists say, all the while resenting the other man's courage and hating the world because of their own cowardice.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Ground Fighter,

You said this happened in Hoboken. I'm shocked. This state is so liberal, it's disgusting. But I too am glad to hear about. I'm here at the shore and I think if such an exchange had been overhared here, both the bartender and customer would have been arrested.

Tom Iron...
Oct 24, 2005
If only these college professors could get the Mexicans and Somalians to give up their racial prejudices so that they can work together at the meat packing plant!
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
I am a newbie here, so here goes.

This professor should have been asked if the racial prejudice of blacks is significantly higher than their parents or grandparents. Typical white academic doosher like I experienced in college more than a decade ago.

But, all probing aside, it is a recreational sport in this country nowadays for young Whites to openly self-loathe and mock their race. It really boggles my mind, and you see it everywhere. It is purely disgusting.
Dec 18, 2004
OldSchoolBoy75 said:
I am a newbie here, so here goes.

This professor should have been asked if the racial prejudice of blacks is significantly higher than their parents or grandparents. Typical white academic doosher like I experienced in college more than a decade ago.

But, all probing aside, it is a recreational sport in this country nowadays for young Whites to openly self-loathe and mock their race. It really boggles my mind, and you see it everywhere. It is purely disgusting.

When I told my professor friend that Racial Tolerance is a one-way street (only white people have it), he was surprised by the idea. It had never occured to him. The professor claims not to have seen white self-loathing.


Feb 15, 2008
First we have to accept racism as a positive and not a negative. The biggest problem is that racism is considered a negative thing. To me racism is something to be embraced. If promoting the advancement and interests of our race above of all else and wanting to crush anything or anybody that causes our decline makes me a racist then I am very very racist. I AM PROUD OF IT. Unfortunately many whites do not feel that way or do but just lack a pair of balls. However I like to consider myself more of a white separatist than a racist. I just want white people living and coexisting together as a tribe without having to share our land with anybody who doesn't look like me. This is who I want as neighbors not somebody the government forces me or any other white to accept. But these days we have to play the game which means going undercover and basically putting on a disguise. No matter how disgusting this makes me feel but right now we are powerless in this struggle. This is where these white nationalist groups go wrong. They don't know how to cloak themselves.The only way (MAYBE THE BEST WAY) is to remain invisible to the enemy and strike when their guard is down.& nbsp;& nbsp;
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
sport historian said:
When I told my professor friend that Racial Tolerance is a one-way street (only white people have it), he was surprised by the idea. It had never occured to him. The professor claims not to have seen white self-loathing.

Your professor friend is a fool if he denies the existence of White self-loathing in this country. I'm surprised he didn't throw the "only Whites can be that way" canard at you; he must've been startled when you said that.
Dec 18, 2004
OldSchoolBoy75 said:
sport historian said:
When I told my professor friend that Racial Tolerance is a one-way street (only white people have it), he was surprised by the idea. It had never occured to him. The professor claims not to have seen white self-loathing.

Your professor friend is a fool if he denies the existence of White self-loathing in this country. I'm surprised he didn't throw the "only Whites can be that way" canard at you; he must've been startled when you said that.

He didn't say "only whites are racist," but he thinks in terms of "white racism" only. Last night, he told me that he "will be upset with my country if Obama loses."

Yes, my liberal professor friend was startled when I challenged him by saying that nonwhites have kept their own prejudices and then some. He has never thought of that.
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
sport historian said:
He didn't say "only whites are racist," but he thinks in terms of "white racism" only. Last night, he told me that he "will be upset with my country if Obama loses."

Yes, my liberal professor friend was startled when I challenged him by saying that nonwhites have kept their own prejudices and then some. He has never thought of that.

Sure he's never thought of that...well, what do I know. He's probably just like every other head-in-the-sand leftist White professor out there so afraid to confront racial realities in the face.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I think the main thing we need to look at is how many whites in this country actually believe that blacks can't be racist. This has been put into their heads for years. All the KKK or skinhead programs that the History and A & E show among other things. The other thing that bothers me is that the amount of whites that don't get offended when they get called "crackers" or any other racist term by blacks. They were taught to think this is normal and accepted.Also a black on white crime can never be considered a hate crime. It's always a "struggling black man" robbing a white for money to survive. That's just how bad it's gotten.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
i saw a column today that ridiculed an actual course at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington. the course, "Effective Interactions With African-American Males" along with his scathing commentary, the author provided a brief course description:

"Using an African-centered philosophical worldview and a racial socialization framework, this class will use participatory education to equip undergraduate and/or graduate students, to "better" understand and effectively work alongside and with young adult African-American men. The core tenets underlying this class are racial oppression exists, matters, is ubiquitous and pernicious and that those most affected are often ignorant of this reality."

"Students will critically examine the social and emotional effects of racism on academic, occupational, cultural and relational well-being of African-American males. Students will discuss relevant readings, media analysis, community-based research, and self-reflection. Students will also examine and develop strategies to restore a healthy definition of African-American manhood and its significance for self, family, and community relationships; culminating in a community restoration initiative proposal."

you can read the article in full along with some interesting comments by clicking the link.

hopefully, this kind of open condemnation means some of the sheep are waking up. and maybe (i'm being hopeful here) white kids will quit being so blind to the world.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
All by design gentlemen...turning young Whites into weak-minded milquetoast while lionizing "poor, oppressed" African Americans. I agree with Giovani that some degree of "racism" is inate. With/for Whites, the Globalist Elite & their minions go "all out" to supress the racial awareness of Whites (all white pushing "White guilt"). Younger folks are have less wisdom & are therefor more targeted for Marxist propaganda. As I said above, it's entirely by design (in my estimation).


Oct 18, 2008
Has anybody else noticed that white folks are the only ones who even display the abillity to have self guilt. All others, blacks most of all, have never said that anything is their own fault. They dont feel guilty for the most grusome acts of violence one could think of. Its always , the white devil made me do it. The only honest blackman, in the world, is pastor James David Manning. On youtube just type in his name. Also, my channel is very pro white.{} pnutlane{} Veiw my Favorites If you want. WHite athletes, and Pro white preaching mostly.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Manning is pretty fun to watch or listen to. I agree with what Jesse Lee Peterson says from time to time as well. He correctly blames blacks for quite a few things.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
P-NutLane said:
Has anybody else noticed that white folks are the only ones who even display the abillity to have self guilt. All others, blacks most of all, have never said that anything is their own fault. They dont feel guilty for the most  grusome acts of violence one could think of. Its always , the white devil made me do it.

this is spot on. excellent post.


Nov 23, 2006
As many in this thread have pointed out many young Whites know the real racial reality but have been taught to tell the lies the "elite" demand that Whites repeat. Expose to real nonwhites leads to knowledge about their true nature not the lies that the egalitarians spout.

Sounds like egalitarians like to delude themselves that their way is the wave of the future because the young are with them when in reality their paradigm is falling apart and will soon collapse in the face of reality (The overt Race War).