The greatest academic institute in the world (university of Central Florida) has given major league baseball a grade of C+ in the area of diversity. The grade is supposedly derived from differences in diversity in comparison to the general population diversity percentages. Makes one wonder how the NBA and the NFL did on their report card.
In none of these stupid diversity grading studies do they ever mention the percentage of the white american population and their lack of representation. I guess we don't count. Instead they tend to focus the study on "why african americans don't dominate every single position equally". In this study they mention that Afro's make-up only 11% of infielders, 3% of pitchers, and 1% of catchers. This is compared negatively to the 26% Afro's in the outfield. This despite 11% being much closer than 26% in matching the general population. The numbers are right there and easy to figure, yet no one in the media or the liberal university think tanks seems to understand it.
C+ grade
In none of these stupid diversity grading studies do they ever mention the percentage of the white american population and their lack of representation. I guess we don't count. Instead they tend to focus the study on "why african americans don't dominate every single position equally". In this study they mention that Afro's make-up only 11% of infielders, 3% of pitchers, and 1% of catchers. This is compared negatively to the 26% Afro's in the outfield. This despite 11% being much closer than 26% in matching the general population. The numbers are right there and easy to figure, yet no one in the media or the liberal university think tanks seems to understand it.
C+ grade