WWE Wrestling

Do you think that some white people might be fans of wrestling, subconsciously at least, because most of the wrestlers are white? They're big, strong, great characters either good or evil, and nary a milquetoast to be found among them.
Of course, White Shogun. I think you have hit on something. Before the popularity of mma and the resurgance of the white heavyweight..the only time you would ever see a white man beat up a black man was either in a movie or in a wrestling ring. These wrestlers are such larger than life figures anyway and it's easy to live vicariously through them when you are growing up.
Actually I liked when the WWE went to a more ECW style of wrestling back in the mid-90's.They worked a stiffer style and all the shoot interviews they did made for a very interesting product.I used to love the Monday night wars they used to have with WCW as both groups would try to outdo the other.From wrestling newsletters to hotlines I was into it all,but when the WWE finally put WCW out to pasture I lost interest and these days at best I'm just a casual occasional fan.
I loved the monday night wars as well. I especially loved it when Nitro (wcw) got the upper hand for 18 months with the NWO(new world order story line) with Hogan as the lead bad guy. When Sting would come out of the rafters or from up under the ring to protect his friends from the weekly assaults..it was just great theater. Tony Shiavone was a great announcer too and really added alot to the excitement. I wonder what he is doing now days. He isn't as good as Jim Ross but it was close.
While we are gaining ground in the heavy weight boxing ranks, it appears we are suffering set backs in the wrestling arena. Booker T Washington is the heavy weight champion.
White Shogun said:
The Von Erichs were my favorite when I was a kid, especially Kerry. I thought he looked like Hercules.

The beginning of the end of my interest in wrestling occured when I went to a live match, when I was still just a boy. The Von Erichs were there and I was ready for some wrestling!

Hell yeah, Kerry Von Erich was the man! Shame what happened to him and his family. His brother David died of accute enteritis and him, Mike, and Chris all committed suicide. Damn, I miss Von Erichs
Lance Alworth said:
White Shogun said:
The Von Erichs were my favorite when I was a kid, especially Kerry. I thought he looked like Hercules.

The beginning of the end of my interest in wrestling occured when I went to a live match, when I was still just a boy. The Von Erichs were there and I was ready for some wrestling!

Hell yeah, Kerry Von Erich was the man! Shame what happened to him and his family. His brother David died of accute enteritis and him, Mike, and Chris all committed suicide. Damn, I miss Von Erichs
They are the cursed first family of wrestling....
Don't forget about the other cursed family of wrestling - the Harts. Owen, Davey Boy, plus all the stuff that has happened to Bret.
I think it's kind of interesting how Spike TV uses the UFC and TNA wrestling as lead in's for each other. Obviously two very different sports. One is sports entertainment and the other is the real thing. I am happy to see Sting(Steve Borden) having such a prominent role again. Wonder what the ratings are. It's nice to have a network that caters to men, real men anyway!
Sounds like a larger version of Scott Steiner. I always enjoyed wathing the Steiner brothers. Even if the matches were fake they ahd real techique and still made it look real.
Tired old white...what's a larger version of the Steiner Brothers....what post are you referring too?
KJV1 said:
While we are gaining ground in the heavy weight boxing ranks, it appears we are suffering set backs in the wrestling arena. Booker T Washington is the heavy weight champion.
WHAT? King booker made a good champion, but i'm glad to see edge is the champion now.Edited by: BlackPower
I'm glad to see that there are a lot of wrestling fans here. It's sad that so many guys are dying from steroids and drugs. If 65 football or baseball players died over a span of 10 years, it would be a national emergency, but when wrestlers die, it seems like no one cares. The only time anyone speaks out about wrestlers dying, they do it just so they can badmouth fans and wrestling in general, especially ESPN. Why does ESPN go out of its way to bash wrestling so much?

I don't think that race matters in wrestling. Guys of all races have proven to be talented in the ring and charismatic as well. In my opinion, the most talented guy in WWE right now is Shelton Benjamin, who is Black. Another thing is that you are much less likely to hear about wrestlers of any race getting in trouble like NFL or NBA players constantly do. Say what you want about John Cena being a 'wigger', but he is by all accounts a classy and very nice guy. He is overrated as a wrestler though. All sports should be more like wrestling, where the best guy gets pushed regardless of race.
Oooooooooh, so what you're saying is that all races should be treated equally. Why didn't any of us think of this? It's so obvious but all of us must have been so blinded by the ignorance of racism that we were unable to see things for how they really are. I feel much better. Thank You.

So pack up the website Don. gsm1988 cleared up all of our issues. We can all go post on ESPN blogs and expect the CF point of view to be represented.

That's not what I said C Darwin. All I said was that race doesn't play a role in how successful you will be in wrestling. I said that people of all races have had success in wrestling, and that other sports should be color-blind as well. Where in my post do I talk about "equality. Jesus, I thought this site was different from the other ones. I guess not.

Edited by: gsm1988
Well, this blog is just like every other in the sense that people will often question what you say. Sometimes you have to explain yourself, especially if you're new.
I think the WWE model is based solely on business and demographics of their main audience (North America minus Mexico). They have their rosters in somewhat representative numbers.

There is a 10-15% minority of blacks in North America
-> There is about 10-15 minority on the WWE roster (Lashley, Benjamin, Ron Simmons, Viscera, Corvon, etc.)

There is a 10-15% minority of Hispanics
-> 10-15% in WWE (Carlito, Chavo Guerrero, Mysterio, Super Crazy, etc.)

There is a 5-10% minority of Asians
-> 5-10% in WWE (Batista, Jimmy Wang Yang, Funaki, etc.)

60% white in N. America
-> 60% white in WWE. (HHH, Cena, Orton, JBL, Flair, etc.)

Even Jews get proportional representation with Raven and Goldberg (neither are currently in the WWE though). Amazing for an "entertainment" avenue for realistic representation (numbers-wise) of this group.

The one demographic that used to be heavily represented was Native Americans (even though Chief Jay Strongbow was really Italian, among other ethnic fakers). That has dropped since Tatanka's run. Some guys look semi-native, like Paul London.

Polynesians have also been heavily used. But since they are, on average, a physically huge group, it makes sense. They seem 'made' for stuff like football and pro wrestling.

Other minorities:
Muslims -> Sabu, Daivari
South Asians -> Great Khali

The one thing I could atrribute it to is Vince McMahon's and wrestling's bad relationship with good ol' MSM and their irrational ethnic black quarterbacks. Vince is even seen ridiculing MSM in recent RAW episodes. USA has always been kind of an outlaw network, so WWE fits in quite well. Of course UPN/CW Smackdown! has always been a little less white, but not to a great degree.
Edited by: FieldThrower
Did anyone else hear Tim Brandao's interview with Bill Goldberg (better known to 'Rasslin fans as simply "GOLDBERG")?

Goldberg was a guest on Tim Brandao's Sporting News Radio program Friday (9/24) afternoon. After a nice chat, during which Goldberg discussed the various charities he aids, Tim had to wind down the segment for a commercial break. He ended the interview by praising Goldberg for being gentlemanly, intelligent, generous, etc., and thanked him for being on the radio program, to which Goldberg replied, "I'm just trying to make up for all the Michael Vick's of the world..."
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