WTF? Rollins beats Holliday for MVP


Oct 15, 2004
The AL CY Young racial injustice gets dwarfed by an absolute WTF? moment as Matt Holliday, the heart and soul of the NL champ Rockies gets edged out by the black shortstop for the Phillies, Jimmy Rollins.

Clearly the writers looked around for the most eligible black player and voted for him. A guy who batted 50 points lower and had 40 less RBI's walks way with the award. Someday in the future the caste-era sports awards will be seen as having no significance since the voting has gone completely PC.
Rollins had a good year, no doubt and help lead the Phillies to the postseason. But Holliday had a great year, lead the Rockies from nowhere to the postseason and finished up even stronger and held his own in the playoffs. Rollins did have a good year, but the MVP belongs to Holliday.
MLB throws two ugly screwballs at America's home plate this year. Matt Holliday loses NL MVP to a completely subordinate effort by Jimmy Rollins. And the Cy Young award goes to someone not named Josh Beckett.
We know the sports writers do the voting, butwho are they specifically?Are their names listed somewhere? Just curious.
I don't think it was racial at all; Holliday never had a chance given Rollins' room brightening smile, or as AP called it in an article earlier this year, his "trademark smile." Sorry, Matt, you're simply a loser in the charisma department.

The Rockies were screwed over yet again, this timein the Gold Gloves awards. They set an all-time major league record for fielding percentage, but didn't have even one player awarded for excellence. Helton, a multple gold glover,considered by many as the best fielding first baseman in baseball, had only 2 errors all year, but lost to D. Lee of Chicago, who had 7 errors in far fewer attempts. Tulowitzki was absolutely stunning at SS. During the televised post season all the announcers were raving about his unbelievable ability. Of course Jimmy Rollins edged him out too. Bulls***t! The Rockies have too many whites and not enough coloreds, so they PAID the price.

Snips from recent article about their fielding prowess:

November 7, 2007

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LINCICOME: Holliday, Rockies spurned by baseball. Tulo, Helton miss out on Gold Gloves
Though the Rockies set a major league record with their .989 fielding percentage, not one of their players was selected to the NL Gold Glove team announced Tuesday.

Troy Tulowitzki, who led major league shortstops in fielding percentage and total chances, lost out to Jimmy Rollins of Philadelphia. And Derrek Lee of the Cubs won his third Gold Glove at first base, finishing ahead of Todd Helton.

"Jimmy Rollins is a great player, but it is wrong that Troy Tulowitzki did not win the Gold Glove and Todd Helton would be overlooked at first base," Rockies general manager Dan O'Dowd said. "There is a reason we set a major league record for fielding, and those two were a big part of that."

Tulowitzki committed 11 errors in 834 total chances, a .987 fielding percentage. Rollins had 11 errors, too, but he had only 717 total chances, 117 fewer than Tulowitzki.

Helton led NL first basemen with a .999 fielding percentage, committing two errors in 1,545 total chances. Lee finished fourth in the NL at .994, committing seven errors in 1,259 total chances.
How many times have I heard the excuse that no matter the stats the final vote will go to the player on the team that went the farthest? Well, where did that excuse go this year? Highway robbery, but I guess we should be used to it by now.
The bottom line is that this guy didn't deserve it. I found an article that day where Rollins discussed the lack of Black players in the Major Leagues and how this would help get more Black kids into the sport. Hmm! Sounds like MLB has an agenda to me, especially with them doing the Civil Rights game every year now.

Found! I can't imagine what would happen if a White player said this. Heads would roll that's for sure.
Rollins said he hoped the MVP, following fellow-African American C.C. Sabathia of the Cleveland Indians winning the American League Cy Young award, would encourage young black players whose numbers have dwindled in the major leagues in recent years.

"I hope they one day say I want to be Cy Young or I want to be MVP," Rollins, who grew up in Oakland and idolized A's great Rickey Henderson, said.

American Freedom News