Would you ever date a black or Asian woman

Not as long as there are still some women of the most beautiful, intelligent and sexy race (White women) left on this planet!
BoxingFanUK said:
I am a goodlooking, young, proud European/white male, and the answer to this question for me is yes.

anyone else see poor logic here?

it's not just a matter of race, but culture and allegiance as well. a multi-ethnic person is born with the conflict of who to choose between. and your spawn with a dot-head may or may not be loyal to european causes, even if you look as yourself as a conqueror.

whites grow from reproducing from their own gene pool. biologically, it's just how it is. there's no other way to do it. and by not getting on board with the reproductive 'program', a person surrenders their loyality to their heritage.
C Darwin said:
BoxingFanUK said:
I am a goodlooking, young, proud European/white male, and the answer to this question for me is yes.

anyone else see poor logic here?

it's not just a matter of race, but culture and allegiance as well. a multi-ethnic person is born with the conflict of who to choose between. and your spawn with a dot-head may or may not be loyal to european causes, even if you look as yourself as a conqueror.

whites grow from reproducing from their own gene pool. biologically, it's just how it is. there's no other way to do it. and by not getting on board with the reproductive 'program', a person surrenders their loyality to their heritage.

Sorry, I don't mean to start an argument, and thats why if you noticed I said a few times that I dont expect everyone will share my opinion. Please agree to disagree.

At the same time, even having children with someone who is Middle Eastern I would bring them up respecting white people and also identifying as white people, even though they'd be mixed.

Also, as I said, many Middle Eastern people can be considered white or atleast white in appearance.

Please respect my opinion and although it may differ from your own, we can politely disagree.

BoxingFanUK said:
Sorry, I don't mean to start an argument, and thats why if you noticed I said a few times that I dont expect everyone will share my opinion.  Please agree to disagree.At the same time, even having children with someone who is Middle Eastern I would bring them up respecting white people and also identifying as white people, even though they'd be mixed.Also, as I said, many Middle Eastern people can be considered white or atleast white in appearance.Please respect my opinion and although it may differ from your own, we can politely disagree.

an opinion is a belief, and you're entitled to it, but this is not a discussion of opinions. what you have revealed is that you endorse and take part in behaviors that hinder the sustainability of the white ethnicity. european-ish is not european, and this is not a matter of opinion, but fact.

this is a pro-white internet forum. yeah it's great to root for dirk, christian and peyton, but the bottom line above all else is, are you willing to employ a little self-discipline so that your heritage and culture can survive? it's a yes or no question with no gray area.

as my old senator pat moynahan used to say... "you are entitled to your own set of opinions, but not your own set of facts." and the fact is that you are making choices that are harmful to european sustainability. deal with it. Edited by: C Darwin
There are pretty gals from most races, but they belong with men of their own race. White women are far & away the best looking on the planet...& need to stay with us White men (only) & us with them. End of story.
Black women do a horrible job of taking care of themselves that is why they have a higher rate of obesity and heart disease. I personally don't find any of them attractive, I'm not Robert DeNiro.

Thanks for posting. Ali/Clay put that cultural marxist duped English pansy in check! The NOI is right on the money regarding their stance against miscegenation & the need for (voluntary) segregation.
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