Worst olympics ever


Dec 22, 2004
At least for me this olympics fits right in with the rest of the current trends in sports this year --ie: bloody horrible--from Federer on down.
If the trajectory continues then whites will be super marginal athletes in the major sports and we will be eating poop pies for an eternity..
We will have to swallow hard because the black athletic supreme people will be gloating big time. if we apply their take on the black white speed etc. idea then what we are looking at is the eradication of a lot of white athletes which is what is happening anyway.
Begs the next question. Will whites continue being fans?
My gut feeling is unless there are changes and whites start figuring in way better than the current rate white fans will start to fall off and sports could become amore of a niche thing and start losing money.Has not quite happened yet but reality suggests that if one race is declared "better and faster etc" and it becomes an everday "truth"--which we are on the verge of---then white fans will say to themselves what does this so and so sport have to do with me?
A snapshot these days does suggest a clear black superiority. A few bright spots here but very few. Why I can't buy into that lock stock and barrel is in the past there were great white athletes--Mickey Mantle etc.and sprinters. There has been a steep decline and like Sherlock Holmesinvestigatin g a tricky murder case
the answers at this miserable point in our history is elusive. Not giving up but this has been a horrible olympics to erase stereotypes and everyone knows it.
We need a fresh start. Some white athletes must emerge. Wonder has any white fan commited suicide over despair of whites lagging behind in sprints etc.?
Bleak out there--and when it improves i will be shouting loud.
Last Olympics the 400,800 and Marathon champions were White. The 1500 and 5K was an Caucasian of Berber/Arab ancestry. The Decathlon champion was White. This year at best a Caucasian Arab will win the 800. It' hasn't been a good Olympics for White males. It's also been just as bad for White females.
You both (Sunshine and WIR) are sounding like self fulfilling prophets of doom and gloom for White Athletes. WTF, Mike Phelps, Misty May and Walsh have been a God sends. So what if blacks are dominating in Track. If this is their niche so be it.

Guys like you, I suspect watch as many NFL games as possible, and yes you support any player who is not black at this point. But do you refuse to buy any of the products from its advertizers?

You both in way are buying into the all around myth of black superiority. When you do this, you begin on that road of self loathing and unintentioally begin to, God forbid, brainwash your offspring or white youth. Stop already!
Have you ever read my posts? I know the history of track to a tee. I am just stating the truth in terms of track performance. Nothing else nothing more. I don't believe in these myths from pot bellied writers who never have run a dash or pumped weights. But the stats speak for themselves. Beyond the field events White male performances have been underwhelming to say the least. What scares me are these myths will make a junior high school talent drop track for a "white" sporting event or worse not even do any sports....
Unfortunately, most stereotypes were reinforced at the Beijing 08 track meet. We are probably at the point where the people who say that white men can't run, are now correct.

It will take aggressive athletic programs to change that. Australia is the only nation that implements anything like that.

You can see what a difference coaching makes at this level. The Clyde Hart versus Wariner versus Merritt example is striking.

Another good example is the Michael Phelps to Bob Bowman connection. Throwing Phelps in with any old coach would not have worked. Edited by: nevada
The problem is much deeper than Phelp's unworldy performance---which
at the end of the day just perpetuates stereotypes rather than crushes
them. In swimming the sprints are of most concern here and at least
Bernard won the 100 meters and a German gal swept the 50 and 100
meters. This requires fast twich muscles. Both of these stars are fantastic
But overall this has been a disaterous olympics.
The truth is sprinting is NOT something you get up in the morning and
run to daylight. It requires nuturing at a very young age and since the
black supremicists have convinced the world that whites cannot run fast
the slotting and encouragement factors begin in early childhood which is
when sprinters are made.. Plus white runners need to spend their lives in
tropical weather---. In every sport this slotting has grown in leaps and
bounds and that is the self fulfilling prophecy not mine or anyone ele's
utter frustration over the perfromances of white athletes at these
olympics. I refuse to sugarcoat what I perceive as a horrible trend that
just gets worse.
I don't think you understood, sunshine. The point is that getting the best coaches and training programs matter. The point was not about swimming. Phelps would not have won 8 events if some other guy was his coach. Wariner got 1 second slower with a different coach.

Australia has by far the best sports programs. The US should copy them.

I also don't care just about sprinting, like you seem to. White men cannot RUN right now. At any distance. I would be far more interested in seeing an improvement across the board. You seem to not care whether white men do anything at 800 meters and up.
I think all the contests as to who's the fastest this or that in the world are just social, arbitrary constructs.

Meaning it's just an arbitrary thing that whomever wins the 100 meter dash is considered the fastest human.

Why not the winner of the 200? Or 400? Or 800, 1500, 5000, 10000, marathon? Granted, for various reasons right now minorities generally win these middle to long distance events too (with the possible exception of the 800 and 1500, and marathon, in which whites have always been competitive).

I'll admit, all else being equal, I'd like for a white guy to be the arbitrary "world's fastest human," but in the end, who cares?

People attach entirely too much importance to some things. It's a sign of unhappiness (just my opinion, though).

Whites have the world's strongest human right now (that German guy who just won the Gold) and whites also win a lot of other events. I think the reason so many of us are bummed right now is because we've fallen into the hype that the short running event matters so much. That's more white people's fault than anyone else's.

When I ran track I did the 5000 and 10000. Those are grueling, tactical races, but do you know what? At track meets only our families and friends came to watch us, really. More people came to see the sprints (At my college, though, whites interestingly won often). It's just instant gratification, is all -- run in a straight line as fast as you can.

One thing you might take heart in is Japan's bronze medal effort in the 4x100 men's race. How come they won a medal and the nearest white team didn't even place? We know there is nothing inherently special about the Japanese's physical make-up. Why did they medal? Hard work.

So, that's what I'm saying. Whites didn't win a lot of medals in track this time, but they CAN. Whining about it is exactly why the Jamaicans and Asians of the world will be on the podium for track events and we're crying about how the Olympics sucks.

Worst Olympics ever? Did you SEE Phelps decimate the world? Did you see what our swimmers did to the world class athletes the rest of the globe put against us? That's history. Usain Bolt got a double WR and double gold for sprints, not to mention ANOTHER WR and gold for the 4x100. That's history, too. Triple gold!

Let's just be happy for athletic achievement in all it's forms, and not get sad because we don't get all of it to our own race.

By the way, let's not go and call Bryan Clay black. He's HALF. His other half is Japanese. See? Black and asian hard work again, haha.

But seriously, it's just a game. Go to work, have a drink tonight, tomorrow it won't even matter.
Edited by: GiovaniMarcon
GiovaniMarcon said:
I think all the contests as to who's the fastest this or that in the world are just social, arbitrary constructs.

Meaning it's just an arbitrary thing that whomever wins the 100 meter dash is considered the fastest human.

Why not the winner of the 200? Or 400? Or 800, 1500, 5000, 10000, marathon? Granted, for various reasons right now minorities generally win these middle to long distance events too (with the possible exception of the 800 and 1500, and marathon, in which whites have always been competitive).

I'll admit, all else being equal, I'd like for a white guy to be the arbitrary "world's fastest human," but in the end, who cares?

People attach entirely too much importance to some things. It's a sign of unhappiness (just my opinion, though).

Whites have the world's strongest human right now (that German guy who just won the Gold) and whites also win a lot of other events. I think the reason so many of us are bummed right now is because we've fallen into the hype that the short running event matters so much. That's more white people's fault than anyone else's.

When I ran track I did the 5000 and 10000. Those are grueling, tactical races, but do you know what? At track meets only our families and friends came to watch us, really. More people came to see the sprints (At my college, though, whites interestingly won often). It's just instant gratification, is all -- run in a straight line as fast as you can.

One thing you might take heart in is Japan's bronze medal effort in the 4x100 men's race. How come they won a medal and the nearest white team didn't even place? We know there is nothing inherently special about the Japanese's physical make-up. Why did they medal? Hard work.

So, that's what I'm saying. Whites didn't win a lot of medals in track this time, but they CAN. Whining about it is exactly why the Jamaicans and Asians of the world will be on the podium for track events and we're crying about how the Olympics sucks.

Worst Olympics ever? Did you SEE Phelps decimate the world? Did you see what our swimmers did to the world class athletes the rest of the globe put against us? That's history. Usain Bolt got a double WR and double gold for sprints, not to mention ANOTHER WR and gold for the 4x100. That's history, too. Triple gold!

Let's just be happy for athletic achievement in all it's forms, and not get sad because we don't get all of it to our own race.

By the way, let's not go and call Bryan Clay black. He's HALF. His other half is Japanese. See? Black and asian hard work again, haha.

But seriously, it's just a game. Go to work, have a drink tonight, tomorrow it won't even matter.

Thats a wonderful post.

Some of these people have never ran track, or competed in sports. So they dont know how it feels to be THERE.

The only issue i have with your post is saying that "its just a game"...lol..Have you even read posts on this site?..members such as white lightning [and his momma] pray for the day that a white man will be a gold medalist at the olympic 100m. In fact, if White lightning was the president of America, he'd make it a national holiday, the day a white man ran faster than a black man....lol
I'm pretty sure sunshine meant this was the worst Olympic track & field meet, as this is the track & field board. Not the worst Olympics in general.

I would tend to agree. A very bad meet for white athletes.
J_McBride said:
sunshine said:
The truth is sprinting is NOT something you get up in the morning and
run to daylight. It requires nuturing at a very young age and since the
black supremicists have convinced the world that whites cannot run fast
the slotting and encouragement factors begin in early childhood which is
when sprinters are made.. Plus white runners need to spend their lives in
tropical weather---

Thats utter and complete bullsh*t.

While athleticism should certainly start at a tender age (muscle memory), i dont think competitive sprints should. You either have it in you or you dont, its really that simple. The same way you cant teach forest Gump to be a nobel prize winner with a genius IQ, you will never turn a champion out of a kid, who doesnt have it in him, even if he's extremely fast [it takes a lot more than being extremely "fast" to be named the fastest man in the world]

The best that can happen to the white race in terms of sprints, is selective breeding. I know, its absurd but by breeding people of similar musculatory design you are increasing the chances of producing kids with more proficiency.

With that being said....i think these young black kids are on a different level these days, and bolt appears to have brought black sprinters to a whole new dimension, where running sub 9.9 is the only way to be recognized. So are white kids ever gonna catch up??....only through selective breeding of MANY MANY years will they ever do so.....or they can wait for miracles to happen.
I agree with the troll. Track sprint champions are born not made. When a guy like Bob Hayes tries out for track(in high school) on his first day he will a run 11.X without any training or conditioning. With conditioning a guy of that ability will be a state champion without really trying. It's only when you go to the collegiate and international levels where if a Hayes slacks of in his training will he hit the wall and not place high. For the 800 or 1500 you need to find these guys as they will generally be guys with good high school speed but not have world class potential in the sprints(they also need tremendous endurance of course) Borza is an example of this he has run 45.X quarters and has represented Russia internationally for the 4*400.
J_McBride said:
sunshine said:
The truth is sprinting is NOT something you get up in the morning and
run to daylight. It requires nuturing at a very young age and since the
black supremicists have convinced the world that whites cannot run fast
the slotting and encouragement factors begin in early childhood which is
when sprinters are made.. Plus white runners need to spend their lives in
tropical weather---

Thats utter and complete bullsh*t.

While athleticism should certainly start at a tender age (muscle memory), i dont think competitive sprints should. You either have it in you or you dont, its really that simple. The same way you cant teach forest Gump to be a nobel prize winner with a genius IQ, you will never turn a champion out of a kid, who doesnt have it in him, even if he's extremely fast [it takes a lot more than being extremely "fast" to be named the fastest man in the world]

The best that can happen to the white race in terms of sprints, is selective breeding. I know, its absurd but by breeding people of similar musculatory design you are increasing the chances of producing kids with more proficiency.

With that being said....i think these young black kids are on a different level these days, and bolt appears to have brought black sprinters to a whole new dimension, where running sub 9.9 is the only way to be recognized. So are white kids ever gonna catch up??....only through selective breeding of MANY MANY years will they ever do so.....or they can wait for miracles to happen.

I'm not so sure about the in-born speed thing...
Asafa Powell supposedly only ran a 10.8 when 18, and the gal 100m winner also improved a full second since she was 18.
If I could have improved even .9 since I was 13, I'd be faster than anybody in the NFL. I guess I never really thought it was possible; and as I look back at this now, I think it was because I was a brain-washed white kid. If I'd have known about the great white sprinters from the 50's and 60's, I maybe would have thought of myself differently.

You might be on to something with the selective breeding idea. Currently it is NOT west Africans who are dominant sprinters --- African sprinters are only marginally better than white and Asian sprinters. Rather, it seems to be specifically areas where Anglo slaveholders were predominant. (I'm not sure about this, maybe someone who knows their Caribbean history can chime in.) The areas where Spanish and Portuguese had slaves do not have dominant sprinters, and perhaps this is because the Spanish and Portuguese were Catholics and had laws against breaking apart the Negro families. Thus, maybe there was not selective breeding as did the English.
It's true that the analysts rarely point out that actual west africans do not so great at sports. There are 150 million people in Nigeria alone.
Kukulcan said:
You both (Sunshine and WIR) are sounding like self fulfilling prophets of doom and gloom for White Athletes. WTF, Mike Phelps, Misty May and Walsh have been a God sends. So what if blacks are dominating in Track. If this is their niche so be it.

Guys like you, I suspect watch as many NFL games as possible, and yes you support any player who is not black at this point. But do you refuse to buy any of the products from its advertizers?

You both in way are buying into the all around myth of black superiority. When you do this, you begin on that road of self loathing and unintentioally begin to, God forbid, brainwash your offspring or white youth. Stop already!

I wonder if some fail to see what is being choreographed. What is being choreographed will not be "magically" repelled by some "White super-athlete."

Look at the picture that is being painted. Take your time. Expect the European sprint teams to get darker. I'll be awfully surprised if things don't continue to go in that direction. The forces behind White-extinction don't even want us to COMPETE for OUR OWN COUNTRIES. Why is that?

In that context, the White European populace (not White athletes fighting against all odds) should shun what is being carefully engineered. I really don't care if some Cuban or Jamaican or Ethiopian gets a medal, but the problem is -- the agenda goes way beyond that. That's when WE are affected and that's when we need to care. The Powers-that-Be, the globalist world conquerors, are doing everything they can to deracinate the Western man, and they are using athletics and mass immigration to try to achieve their goals.

We must not be of an Old Mind. We must be of a New Mind. This is really not about who's faster or who can jump farther. As you so eloquently pointed out, Kukulcan, the powers-that-be want to instill such "self-loathing" and "guilt" into the heart of the Western Man.

Even though Usain Bolt is Jamaican, I wouldn't be surprised if he appears in commercial advertisements that get aired on American television. I could be wrong about that, but he's definitely a "useful tool" -- that's for sure. The PTB are trying to break our will, PERIOD, in totality, not simply in the short sprints which have no survival application to speak of.

Usain versus Rhinocerous: Rhino wins

Usain versus Cape Buffalo: Cape Buffalo wins

Also, imagine Usain running from an animal and then finding himself on one side of a waterway, with dry land on the other side, can he swim? Considering he's from an island nation, he should have learned how... but I dunno?
Bottom Line: There will probably be less Whites for us to root for. Do you think the "black supremacists" are bothered by that. I HIGHLY doubt it. After all, it means they have more blacks to support. Oh, sure, they might want to see a brotha whip a White once in a while, but LOOK at the NFL -- where are the White RB's, CB's, DT's for the brothas to "own"? Even I'm surprised that a few "token Whites" aren't thrown to the "lions" to prove that "Whites have no business on the field." Naturally, these tokens would probably be of a subpar variety and not the best-of-the-best. Can't have the "plan" going awry...

Win or lose, I want COMPETITION. What is being erected certainly has my eyes WIDE OPEN.

Some of you might think, "Oh, importing black sprinters to Europe will light a fire under White sprinters and make them better." Well, that's not really what the importation is about. It's about one thing, and that thing is REPLACEMENT.

Think about it.Edited by: Deadlift
I think short burst speed is so relevant to the American psyche because football is such a popular sport here. The name of this site is Caste Football. Even baseball and basketball are made up of many short bursts of speed. These sports are designed so that when you get tired, you have an opportunity to rest. The ability to produce short bursts of speed is highly prized in our entertainment based sports. In spectator sports, quick bursts of speed are more exciting than long, drawn out movements.

Watching the track at this year's olympics makes me understand why some kids turn in to whiggers. If a white guy is even in the race, he's getting his ass blown off the track (except for Wariner). In the 100, there has been NO progress since 1980, and now we're going backwards. It's very discouraging. I guess we have to keep in mind that our lives are short relevant to the cycles of history.

sunshine said:
At least for me this olympics fits right in with the rest of the current trends in sports this year --ie: bloody horrible--from Federer on down.
If the trajectory continues then whites will be super marginal athletes in the major sports and we will be eating poop pies for an eternity.. ... Not giving up but this has been a horrible olympics to erase stereotypes and everyone knows it.... Wonder has any white fan commited suicide over despair of whites lagging behind in sprints etc.?
Bleak out there--and when it improves i will be shouting loud.

Holy cow! And some of you think I get overly negative?
Overall, white athletes performed quite well, even in the high junp.How about that for demolishing stereotypes? But of course, if we define athleticismto theridiculously narrow constraints of sprinting only - we will be disappointed. How well did blacks do at weightlifting? They are weak girly-men!

I maintain that if gymnastics events were dominated by blacks, they would be hailed as the greatest of all athletes.
J_McBride, you are so full of crap its spilling out of your posts.

Your "faster man period" would quickly drown orquit in a running and swimming race with Michael Phelps. Phelps would win, no question.

The anti-white media sets the agenda on who to call the fastest man alive. I doubt you are intelligent enough to understand how pathetically subjective a title like that is. There are many aspects of fast that aren't even measured in a 100 meter straight line sprint. Why 100 meters? Why not 10? Why not the marathon? Why not short shuttle? Why not hiking up a mountain with a 50 pound pack on? Why not extending your arm upwards? There are many ways to measure speed. Anyone of them could be just as good a measure as the 100 meter sprint if not a better measure of who the fastest man in the world is. I doubt you get the point, but even if you did you would be too arrogant to admit it.
The media coverage of the Olympics perpetuates many of the stereotypes. Why is the coverage wall to wall with the sprints, but not the high jump, pole vault, javelin, or shot put? As a kid, I marveled at watching Vasili Alexeyev jerking over 500 lbs over his head in the Olympics. There would be alot of TV coverage of those events in the earlier Olympic games. Was weightlifting even televised in this Olympics?

For McBride: Were you bred for speed? Was your mother a horse or something? Your theory is the stupidest thing that I have heard. How is it that guys like Maurice Green and the aforementioned Powell were pretty average sprinters at high school age, then within a couple of years are breaking the world record? There are many white high school sprinters that could have smoked those guys in high school. What happened to make them world beaters? Genetics? Breeding? Nope, it was their PEDs.Edited by: SteveB
Colonel_Reb said:
J_McBride, you are so full of crap its spilling out of your posts.

Your "faster man period" would quickly drown or quit in a running and swimming race with Michael Phelps. Phelps would win, no question.

The anti-white media sets the agenda on who to call the fastest man alive. I doubt you are intelligent enough to understand how pathetically subjective a title like that is. There are many aspects of fast that aren't even measured in a 100 meter straight line sprint. Why 100 meters? Why not 10? Why not the marathon? Why not short shuttle? Why not hiking up a mountain with a 50 pound pack on? Why not extending your arm upwards? There are many ways to measure speed. Anyone of them could be just as good a measure as the 100 meter sprint if not a better measure of who the fastest man in the world is. I doubt you get the point, but even if you did you would be too arrogant to admit it.

Colonel, you have touched on a serious subject here. I actually just posted a new thread about this topic called "What Constitutes an Athlete." We will make the caste whores think long and hard!
Bart said:
Holy cow!And some of you think I get overly negative?
Overall, white athletes performed quite well, even in the high junp. How about that for demolishing stereotypes? But of course, if we define athleticism to the ridiculously narrow constraints of sprinting only - we will be disappointed. How well did blacks do at weightlifting? They are weak girly-men!

I maintain that if gymnastics events were dominated by blacks, they would be hailed as the greatest of all athletes.

All very true. The last comment is a great point, you can see this phenomenon in action with how the Winter Olympics (as well as hockey) is shunned by many sports talking heads. Bryant Gumbel said at some point eluding something to the point that winter Olympic athletes are "not real athletes" He also said the winter games remind him of a Republican National Convention. Yet the black speed skater who won Silver in 2006 was possibly the biggest story of the games.
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Go watch a youth sprinting event and come back and tell me the white kids are anywhere near as prepared as the black kids. It starts very early folks including the confidence and the abilty to relax while perfroming at a top level. Sports is a way of life for so many blacks and for whites it is a side show.
As for me being negative- I prefer realistic. When a true white athlete of merit comes along I am on that bandwagon. For example I am joyful about the future of hockey player Steve Stamkos the first draft pick for Tampa Bay. And I have been praising the likes of Roger Federer like crazy so I like to think when the real thing comes along I am on board . And I am always hoping and on the lookout for the next outstanding white athlete that will crush stereotypes. Still----
Overall it has been a bad olympics because the results did not curb the blatant stereotyping and will only feed the black supremicists.
Were there some good things? Yes and I will pick out my own top ten culled from all events soon---and you can bet your ass the High jump will figure in. A clean sweep for the women and a gold for the men a great smack in the face of stereotyping---and white dominance in this event is becoming a trend.
The high jump measures who is the best pure leaper in the world just as the 100 meters is the so called fastest man race.
The high jump is actually more pure---it's cousin the long jump measures speed,leap ratio--but the high jump is the true who jumps the highest in the planet event.---I did not have a good feel going into these games that white sprinters apart from Wariner would make some noise and true to form it was pretty dismal.
Well let me work on a top ten -
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