Worst commercial ever


Oct 15, 2004
The one where a fat white fan sneaks around a training camp then rustles through the dirty sweaty clothes to get an "authentic" team jersey. How disgusting! The worst of it is that there are a lot of ridiculous white fans that would act that way.
Commercials are the most blatant form of male-bashing (most
of whom are white, of course) in the media. Part of the reason
for that is that they're marketing to women because they buy
so much useless crap. I try to change the channel, quickly
quickly quickly....
You are exactly right, jaxvid! That commercial just infuriates me. The
chubby white they hired for the part perfectly exemplifies the way the
media sees white males, in regards to sports; they are out of shape,
pasty wimps, whose only function is to cheer for the black athletes,
whom they know are superior.
On the very first episode of ABC's "politically correct" venture, "lost",an overweight,oafish white male,wonders what they are going to do about the remaining dead "bodys" in the crashed airliner.

At which time,a young black male replies,"That word is spelled,bodies,not bodys"!
I don't know if this is true or not. This is old news,but in 2001 a local Jacksonville, Florida company that makes sub sandwiches showed a white girl walking on the beach with a muscular black guy. she was throwing food at white guys saying to the camera she likes big ones. I found this on a web site called NAAWP florida chapter. If this was true it has to be the worst of the worst
We know that much thought and effort go into the production of commercials and movies. There is an obvious and also covert message in most of them. It is always -funny- to see white guys slapped, hit or kicked by blacks and women, the reverse is forbidden. The white guy is the fool, the female and African are noble, smart and wise.

Try looking for the hidden messages. A few months ago I saw one that totally disgusted me. Can't recall what was being sold, maybe it was just anNFL promo. Anyway, thisfat, ugly, black limeman is rehabbing in a hot tub or tank, then suddenly a dork white guy pops his head up out of the water holding a hot dog? What the heck? The sybolism was so obvious. Some little weasel bagel biter must have worked over timedirecting that one. Most white sheeple just laughed I'm sure. This is worse than the excited, slob, white idiot who clutches stinky , sweaty jersey's, while looking towards heaven with gratitude. GRRRRR.
I would say commercials are even more influential in molding attitudes than are movies and television shows, in part because of the sheer number of them, and because they are much more elaborately made than before. Computer-made special effects make most commercials like minature TV shows, holding viewers' attention much more than before even though they are in the preferred "zombie" state. Commercials not only push a fanatically pro-multicultural, anti-white agenda, but also reinforce the mindless materialism which the corporate/Zionist system promotes in lieu of family, community, race and nation.

A related question is whether commericials (and other forms of media) contain "subliminal messages," symbols and commands reputedly picked up only by the subconscious. In the '50s, Vance Packard wrote a famous book on the topic called "The Hidden Persuaders." In the '70s, Wilson Bryan Key wrote several books about subliminals that gained notoriety. Key claimed the hidden symbols were almost always graphic sexual ones.

If that was going on back then, one can only imagine what kind of subliminals might be injected into commercials now with the technology that's available.
Don, you have piqued my curiosity. I remember reading about subliminal mesages. If a suggestion to buy Coca Cola could flash by undetected bymoviegoers in the fifties, who can tell what is being programmed into our subconscious minds today?

Years ago the audio-visual's moved along at a snails pace in comparison to today's standards. Our minds can't possibly process all the information comingat us faster than machine gun bullets. The senses become overloaded. Who knows what messages sneak through our filters.

But in truthwe'vebecome inured from the constant barrage assaulting our sensibilities. We readily accept anything thrown our way as hungry pigs devouring slop. The brainwashed are force fed in full daylight, no need for subterfuge. By the method of forced repetition we have acceptedand even grown to love ourservitude. The frog in the pot is at full boil.
The $64,000 Question is why some of us can readily see what's going on while so many can't. We may be smarter on average, but not remarkably so. Even within families it's rare to find more than one person who is aware. If we can find the answer to that question then there will be hope that we can take this country back from the traitors and madmen who have subverted it and taken it over.

I read all three of Key's books on subliminal advertising a long time
ago. They were very interesting, although I disagreed with his central
thesis, which was that corporations were using these messages to get
consumers to purchase their products. I theorize that a more sinister
motive lies behind all the subliminal stuff, like perhaps our masters
wanting to screw with our minds and promote an obsession with sex.

As for the commercials we see on t.v. now, what is most amazing about
them is how little they have to do with the product they are allegedly
peddling. Some of the most memorable commercials do not bring to mind
the product or company they represent. Again, I think that the motive
behind much advertising today, and certainly behind the anti-white ads
we discuss here, is more of a social engineering one, and not an effort
to get more profits for that partcular corporation. So many commercials
push the same agenda that sitcoms, dramas and Hollywood films do; with
strong black figures dominating, women being aggressive and strong,
children being spoiled and smarter than adults, white males being
wimpy, ignorant and unloved, and sexual imagery everywhere.

right winger,

I think the reason so many people refuse to see what we do is that we
just happen to perceive things differently than about 99% of the
population. Thomas Edison once stated that he had come to the
conclusion that only 1-2% of the people were capable of independent
thought. I am becoming more and more certain that he was right. This
isn't a question of thinking that we're in the 1% "smartest" bracket;
the most educated people, with the highest IQs, are often the hardest
to reason with over these matters. This explains why, for instance, a
Pat Buchanan could only get 1% of the vote in 2000, when so many people
actually would have agreed with at least his stance on immigration.
Most people just won't allow themselves to be in that small 1% group
most of here are in. I once thought I could persuade others about
many things, if only I could sit down and talk to them. That hasn't
often been the case, when I have tried this, even with family members
or close friends. The only way, I think, that the 99%ers would ever
come around to our way of thinking is if the mass media started sending
out messages to them to that effect. That would work, because all of
them are used to absorbing their world view from television,
especially, and a Peter Jennings or Ted Koppel is going to be able to
sell the exact same views that we can't sell.
Trying to persuade others is pointless because people love their own opinions and they don't like to be proven wrong.Let's be honest,of all the people you had a disagreement with or a difference of opinion with,how many were you able to convince to come over to your side.Hardly any,and if you did convince some they pobably didn't come willingly,I'm sure they didn't embrace you and thank you for proving them wrong.What's that saying "Change a person's opinion against his will and he will be of the same opinion still." It's better to make your point about your differences,give them your side,maybe give them something to think about then that's it,walk away.If they're ready to change,they will do it on their own,they will come to your way of thinking when they are ready and of their own will.
There's probably a lot of things that determine why a person
comes to think the way we do. For a lot of people, I think
chance plays a huge part. Going on the Internet and reading
contrarian viewpoints can deeply affect someone, but they
have to find those viewpoints, and really give them some
thought.Most people simply don't get to that point.

So the question is: if a white person read two or three dozen
(however many) of the best articles on the subjects of
government, media, race, sports, etc., and gave them
significant consideration, what would happen? Would they get
turned around like many of us did? I think a lot of them would,
but I can't say for sure. We do know that at least some would
turn very quickly, and become fanatics, since everyone wants
an ideology to believe in. It would be an interesting experiment
to see the effect it would have on a random sample of white

But most white people will never give these issues their full
consideration. They'll never be so thoroughly exposed to the
new information that it gets lodged in their brains. Because
once it's there, I doubt they would forget it. Edited by: JD074
An ad for Western Union begins with two Hispanic construction workers sitting on an I-beam (presumably high above the ground) eating lunch. One complains he sent money back home (Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras...Quien sabe?) to his family but, 'you wouldn't believe what happened'.

Cut to blonde 'stoner' type White. He explains the money was delayed. Cut to airplane with two more blonde 'stoner' types as pilot and co-pilot. Elephants in back of plane shift their weight, forcing plane to land on freeway. One of pilots leaves plane to hit on attractive female motorist.

Cut to first Hispanic flashing friendly smile as he sends money via Western Union. No problems.

The parent company of Western Union funds promotions of 'immigrant rights' through such things as community forums. WU makes big money through money transfer fees to foreign countries and is facing competition from banks like Bank of America for this market.

The ad strikes me as a sort of alternative universe. Hispanics doing steel work? Whites shown as incompetent, with competent Hispanics complaining about it?

In the real world you can never assume a Hispanic (or other non-White) is doing things right. There is almost always a problem, sometimes due to dishonesty, sometimes due to laziness, and sometimes due to a reluctance to admit they don't know English. 20 gauge wire becomes 12 gauge wire, and vice versa. Someone doesn't wear their hard hat, gets injured, but it's all your fault because you didn't explain, in writing and orally, the policy in Spanish. Ultimately there is no such thing as cheap labor.

I wonder if Whites get the insult against them. Hispanics would have no problem seeing what is intended , especially since all three White characters have blonde hair.

I can't think of an ad where the incompetent boob is non-White and the aggrieved party is White. Maybe someone else can.
All of this is part of a grand plot to destroy white America. If any of you out there know of another country I can live, please let me know.
The television is still the number one source for the media. When you have commericals with Kareem, Thomas, and our favorite Bill Walton trying to dunk a tostito in a salsa bowl and BIll misses the dunk (white men cant dunk), its no wonder people believe myths and sterotypes. This commerical is one of the worst. Isahia Thomas then says, "I thought that was a myth." Wow!!! Edited by: Alpha Male
Chris Rock is another ******* administrator of the Caste System. In his last comdey tour he even clamimed theres going to be a big black Labron James playing ice hockey. I'd love to see that when his long legged ass gets crushed into the boards. But seriosuly, I feel the the disporportionate number of blacks in football, basketball and track (their only niche) is as follows:

1.) Black parents push their children into these sports at a rate of 7 times that of white paretns. there was a study cited on www.blackathlete.com to this effect, check it out. (cultural) Black paretns push their kids into football and basketball in great numbers with the goal of them becomming pro despite the great odds. White paretns let their kids play all sports, hocket, soccor, lacross, swimming, wrestling and football, basketball, and track with the idea of being well rounded and supplementing their education.

2.) White self loathings by liberal media making it okay to discriminate against the white athlete and discredit him or her, but mostly him. These myths now engrained in our society contribute to a lack of desire in great numbers for American whites to play basketball or run track. Football I feel is more dictated by coaches and scouts slotting players and refusing to let them play certain positions no matter how talented. (psychological)

3.) Blacks have a higher percentage of population equiped to sprint orjump high while whites have a higher propensity towrds stregth and endurance. Although these genetic traits are only averages and do not account for the great disproportions. (genetic)

Also, the Olympics are a great tool in breaking down myths. When I tell people the white Europeans are winning the jumping events at the Olympics they are usually shocked then quite pleased.
Chris Rock needs a hockey puck knocked down his mouth. That will serve two purposes. 1. We won't hear his stupid foul mouth anymore, and 2. we won't see his equally stupid grin.
The Olympics is one of the few big stages will we see
white athletecism on display.The 3 major sports are
discouraging to watch sometimes.This can and will change.
We do need to encourage our kids to play sports and
excell in them.There are speed camps all over the country
to help kids develop speed & jumping ability.Things will
get better I believe in the not too far future.I want to
see the sprints in track get back similar to the 1960's.
That would be really great.
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