As I watched that George Best video I grew angry. Not because of Best but because I have never heard of him. How in the hell could I have gone my entire life and not heard of this guy? All I ever heard when it comes to soccer was Pele this and Pele that. Damn the people that run our media in this country for trying to erase an athlete like George Best.

Oh and KP, I couldn't resist countering your list:

soccer: Best
Lacrosse: alright I don't know anything about sue me
Baseball: Joe Dimagio, Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, Ted Williams, etc...etc...
Golf: Nicklaus, Jones
Boxing: Marciano
W. Tennis: Graf, Little Mo
Al the Italian players also play in the top Italian league. The only other WC team which has this dimension, selecting only players from that country's professional league, is Saudi Arabia.

Why does Italy have Germany's number? Even Klose said Italy should be the favorite.

One reason Best may have been slighted by the American press is that he was a Protestant from Northern Ireland (there are wall murals in Orange neighborhoods which feature Best). While there are many millions of Americans with protestant Ulster roots they tend to think of themselves exclusively as American (the last Orange parade in America was about 100 years ago, in comparison to the ubiquitous St. Patrick's Day parade) and tend not to enter journalism. Irish Catholics still think of themselves, to some degree, as being Irish and also tend to enter journalism and the news media in general.

But who knows? Maybe he was just too white. Or didn't have a nice enough smile.
The Italian team is not all European. They have a mezito from Argentina on the team. Apparently he did not even know Italy's national anthem. Aside from that they are all Italian, although i think that Zambratto is part Arab.
Just came across this week old nugget:

On 30 June and 1 July 2006, FIFA will be using the platform of the world's most popular sporting event - the FIFA World Cupâ„¢ - by holding this year's FIFA Anti-Discrimination Day to make a clear statement to billions of people around the world about football's united stance against racism. At all four quarter-final matches just before kick-off, both team captains will read a declaration to demonstrate a firm stance against racism, not only in football but also in society in general. Both teams and the match officials will also pose jointly with a banner displaying the unequivocal "Say No to Racism" message as part of the official pre-match protocol.

[url] amp;name=News&file=article&sid=36214 [/url]
They have a mezito from Argentina on the team. That dudes white.
I was very disappointed that England didn't advance further, and when Germany lost the heartbreaker to Italy, that pretty much ended my rooting interest in the World Cup. I don't know what happened to Germany- it looked like they all just quit there at the end of the second overtime. I know they were dog tired, but Italy's players were in the same situation and they looked a lot fresher. As for the officiating- it was terrible throughout the tournament. Germany certainly received no "home field advantage." Basically, the "darker" team seemed to get most of the calls from the refs in each game. I also noted that few if any referees were white. Hmmm. I want Italy to beat France, but at this point I really don't care.
white tornado said:
They have a mezito from Argentina on the team. That dudes white.

Camoranesi is clearly mestizo. look at his black asiatic eyes and
smooth brown mongoloid skin (lack of facial hair). if he's white,
everyone on the mexican team is white.
The officials redeemed themselves when Zidane was red-carded. It would have been very easy to just let it go since the referee (if that's what he's called) didn't see it. But he went to the line judge and got the full story. Very cool. Very brave, ejecting the 'world's greatest player and largely the reason the U.S. press paid any attention to the WC at all since the dashing Algerian represents the success of multicultural societies everywhere'.

If England had gone to the finals and Beckham had done a Zidane to a non-white player what would the reaction have been? Would every commentary have begun with a description of what a great player Beckham is, the way it was done for Zidane? Would there be calls for Beckham to be banned from the sport, even though nothing similar was said in regards to Zidane (Zidane reports 'voices' have told him to return to play for France yet again)?

In a way the call makes up for all the dirty plays by all the non-white players over the years in various sports. Wow, just think of them. Olajawan's sucker punch of Billy Paultz. Jabbar's assault on Ken Bensen. Ron Artest going into the stands to attack the wrong person.

Just cheap, stupid stunts by people who arguably shouldn't be allowed to play reindeer games at all. Sport isn't meant to be about non-whites becoming wealthy and adored but rather about whites developing good character and healthy habits.
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