The question is who will the Americans put on their team. Reports are they want A - Rod on their team, but A - Rod reportedly wanted to play for his nationality.(Dominican Republic) The demented car salesman from Wisconsin though wantsto force A - Rod to play for the US. Hey if he wants to play for the Dominicans, I wish him luck. I'm sure Hank Blalock can pick up the slack at third.If MLB was smart they would make this about nationalism for all sides just the Dominicans. Wouldn't it be great if we could see an all White USA team and an all Minority USA team? Along with Canadians, the spanish countries, the asians. Hell it'd be interesting to see the divisions among White and colored hispanics.
This brings to a slightly different topic. For MLB it would be interesting if they did what Japan did which would put a cap on how many foreginers could be on a team at a given time. I was reading a book called Japanese Baseball they said it was like 7 for the big league roster, and 12 for the whole system. I think for MLB they should be lower like 3 for a big league roster, and like 8 for an entire system. We could fill the minor league rosters with undrafted college level guys and high school phenoms, sandlot guys.
The possibilities are great, but alas just another dream.