Carl Lewis: 'Who cares I failed drug test?',10082,942248,0 0.html
"...admitting he had tested positive for banned substances ... Lewis has
now acknowledged that he failed three tests during the 1988 US Olympic
trials, which under international rules at the time should have prevented
him from competing in the Seoul games two months later."
Just one of dozens upon dozens of stories on Lewis and his drug use
through his career.   The article goes on:
"The admission is a further embarrassment for the United States Olympic
Committee, which had initially denied claims that 114 positive tests
between 1988 and 2000 were covered up."
Most of these positives were from sprinters, no doubt enjoying protective
coloring over the years. Do your homework and look at how long US
officials covered up for doped sprinters. Shot putter here and there?
Acceptable to have him hung out to dry. Sprinter? Female athlete?
Sacrosanct. Like Lewis. He turned out to be a bigger cheat than Ben
Johnson ever was.
On the subject of a sub 10 by a white sprinter, I think it will be someone
who isn't even on the radar yet. Wariner and others have begun to inspire
people. Kids on the way up will naturally "fight authority" in some cases.
That authority tells them they can't sprint. Wariner, Rock, Unger and
others show that isn't the case. The whole mess of a 'system' in the US is
going to go belly up, including the caste system. It will get worse before
it gets better, but there are a few bright spots. The US has had 4 white
sub 45 sprinters the last 3 track seasons. If someone would have
suggested that 4 or 5 years ago, most people would have laughed. The
sub 10 white kid is 2 to 4 years off, but when one hits, there will be
another, then another, and so on. Look at Steele, then Potter, then
Wariner, then Rock...
Drugs? Seems as if blacks have been the biggest offenders, but enjoy the
much the same coddling in sports as they do from the anti white
government we enjoy, academia, the media and so on. This is why so
many people think Carl Lewis was clean. Of course, there are the
disingenuous internet trolls who do know better, but continue to spread
lies. I suspect more than a few have visited here.
Edited by: Colonel Callan