World’s Strongest Man

Realistic said:
Here's a great slideshow of the most recent contest.

Note the complete dominance by Northern Europeans.

[url] rongest_Man/UPI-68741221516879/ [/url]

CHARLESTON, W.Va., Sept. 15 (UPI) -- Mariusz Pudzianowski of Poland was judged the World's Strongest Man in a contest in Charleston, W.Va., where athletes pulled a C-130 cargo plane.

It is the fifth time Pudzianowski and his 58-inch chest has earned the title, the Charleston Daily Mail reported Monday.
I watched a worlds strongest man competition the other night which was held in Scotland. The only black man competing was someone called Mark Felix from some Island in the Caribbean (although I think he lives in England now). He came last by a long way!
. I'm sure it would never make American TV for that reason.
WSM man further proofs the power edge of the White athlete. My all-time favorites are Bill Kazmaier & Gerrit Badenhorst. Pudzianowski and Magnus Ver Magnusson feats of strength are the stuff of legends!
Pudzianowski wins number five! That's just incredible. A guy to seriously watch out for is Derek Poundstone though. He's beaten Savickas and Pudzianowski, and lost to Mariusz this time on the final stone, reminiscent of Magnus ver's win over Manfred Hoeberl on the last stone in Sun City, South Africa!

Pudzianowski is my favorite athlete. I always love watching strongman as it's all whites competing. This guy is the world's best athlete not Jordan, Barry Sanders, or Ali.
DixieDestroyer said:
WSM man further proofs the power edge of the White athlete. My all-time favorites are Bill Kazmaier & Gerrit Badenhorst. Pudzianowski and Magnus Ver Magnusson feats of strength are the stuff of legends!
Kazmaier beat NFL players and pro wrestlers in the early years of this competition. He was a freak of nature. From what I have seen of him he still can pump hard for a guy approaching 60.Edited by: white is right
Angelcynn said:
I watched a worlds strongest man competition the other night which was held in Scotland. The only black man competing was someone called Mark Felix from some Island in the Caribbean (although I think he lives in England now). He came last by a long way!
. I'm sure it would never make American TV for that reason.

Mark Felix is dog-sh*t as a strongman. The only thing he has going for him is the deadlift event. Thats it. His upperbody strength is crapola compared to the rest of the competitors. He usally finishes 10th or 11th out of 12 overall.

Can you say, "token"?
Edited by: Ground Fighter
Anyone know the WSM schedule; I'd love to catch a few. Yea, blacks never do well in strongman. They are less of a presence than white sprinters and perform noticeably worse; yet, no one is telling them they can't compete because they are genetically inferior. Whites are strong, and if they get real strong without gaining tons of mass, they can sprint pretty damn fast too. <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

Kazmaier is a beast. I know youguys will appreciate this one:

What do you guys think of Mark Henry? Crap magazines like Men's Fitness promoted him as the strongest man in the world. I don't know much about him - any truth to it?

Edited by: Alpha Male
Alpha Male said:
What do you guys think of Mark Henry?  Crap magazines like Men's Fitness promoted him as the strongest man in the world.  I don't know much about him - any truth to it?&lt;o:p&gt;&lt;/o:p&gt;</font>&lt;/SPAN&gt;


I saw that article, Alpha. Its just more propagandist horse-sh*t, don't even waste your time reading it.

If certain media outlets and opinion-blabberers think he's so strong, then how come we never see his ugly mug competing in the World's Strongest Man comps? He may be the strongest BLACK man in the world, but there's no way in hell he's the overall strongest man. Not even close. My guess is that he KNOWS he can't hang with these guys, OR he just isn't qualifying in the pre-lims.

Put him against Magnus Samuelsson or Janni Virtanen, and his strength would appear to be that of a middle-schooler compaerd to these guys.
Alpha Male said:
&lt;SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 6.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"&gt;Anyone know the WSM schedule; I'd love to catch a few.  Yea, blacks never do well in strongman.  They are less of a presence than white sprinters and perform noticeably worse; yet, no one is telling them they can't compete because they are genetically inferior.  Whites are strong, and if they get real strong without gaining tons of mass, they can sprint pretty damn fast too.  &lt;?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /&gt;&lt;o:p&gt;&lt;/o:p&gt;</font>&lt;/SPAN&gt;

&lt;SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 6.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"&gt;Kazmaier is a beast.  I know you guys will appreciate this one:&lt;o:p&gt;&lt;/o:p&gt;</font>&lt;/SPAN&gt;

&lt;SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 6.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"&gt;[COLOR=#800080 size=2">[url][/COLOR">[/url]&lt;o:p&gt;&lt;/o:p&gt;&lt;/SPAN&gt;

&lt;SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 6.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"&gt; What do you guys think of Mark Henry?  Crap magazines like Men's Fitness promoted him as the strongest man in the world.  I don't know much about him - any truth to it?&lt;o:p&gt;&lt;/o:p&gt;</font>&lt;/SPAN&gt;


Alpha, I recently watched a training video of Mark Felix on youtube where he was training, the man was STRUGGLING with his form doing push presses with ONLY 225. lol. If he's struggling with 225 and his form is still garbange, how "strong" can his upper body be?

For someone who is supposodly one of the "world's strongest men", thats is a pretty piss poor performance. I'm 5' 9", 200 lbs. and I can lock out for two or three clean reps with 225 on a push press.
Good point. The title of World's Strongest Man should include overall strength, not just talent in one lift. Speaking of the push press, that is a fantastic exercise for building power in sprinters. You have some serious power, Ground Fighter. Ever thought about giving sprinting a try? You are built like me and could have talent as a power sprinter in the 55m or 60m. If you maintain your power and strength while simultaneously cutting some weight, you could be a powerful runner. <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><O:p></O:p>

I'm in the early, early phase of a new speed-training program. It emphasizes getting faster by increasing strength levels, esp. in the hamstrings, and executing proper running mechanics by reinforcing special speed drills and disregarding others - like butt kicks and B -skips -that might be popular but reinforce bad technique. It's pretty simple: step over the opposite knee and drive the foot down. Increasing strength levels will allow me to strike the earth hard as hell, thus moving my mass in the opposite direction. So, power and Olympic lifts are emphasized over hypertrophy. <O:p></O:p>

I ran with a club last year andwas injured twice bya haphazard training schedule anddumb ass coach. That won't happen again; I'm training alone. Edited by: Alpha Male
Mark Henry? Isn't this guy in that fake sport of wrestling? I believe in the WWF or whatever they call him the worlds strongest man. Please. This guy is several levels below any of the top notch strongmen like Pudzianowski and Kevin Nee.
whiteathlete33 said:
Mark Henry? Isn't this guy in that fake sport of wrestling? I believe in the WWF or whatever they call him the worlds strongest man. Please. This guy is several levels below any of the top notch strongmen like Pudzianowski and Kevin Nee.

I remember reading articles about Mark Henry with jock sniffers babbling about how Henry would dominate strongman if "only he his head on right and trained properly and....blah blah blah".
Henry represented the US at the 1996 Olympics in power lifting and finished 14th.

Tells you how good he was.

Funnily enough - the one time real world's strongest man ,Bill Kazmaier, competed in pro wrestling for WCW in the early 1990s. He was tag team champs with one of the Steiner Brothers.
Alpha Male said:
Increasing strength levels will allow me to strike the earth hard as hell, thus moving my mass in the opposite direction.  So, power and Olympic lifts are emphasized over hypertrophy.

I am a firm believer in this kind of training. My speed and quickness on the ice exploded when I started incorporating these kinds of lifts into my workouts. For example, when training shoulders, I'll do standing push presses instead of seated military presses because it focuses more on power and explosivness. Hang/power cleans, box squats, trap bar deadlifts are also great for this kind of training. I love going heavy and fast. I keep the reps in the 2-6 range, and I'll do them as explosively as possible.
When's the next Strong Man competition? I watch it all the time on ESPN but I'm not too familiar with the sport.
ESPN will air the newest competition later this month.

The next WSM comp will take place next summer. There are various tournaments throughout the year, but they usually aren't televised.
The actual competition for WSM takes place every September I believe. It is then aired every December as Deadlift stated.
Heehee, what a laugh! I always get a good laugh when a black man takes part in the World's Strongest Man competition, only to more than often, get LAST PLACE!
White men are the Strongest men in world history!!!

Just don't tell that to Shaq-daddy.