World’s Strongest Man


Dec 28, 2004
The Europeans have dominated the world's srtongest man contest for years.The Scandinavians seem to have been replaced by Eastern Europeans.It would be interesting to see U.S college football teams recruit in Europe like they do in Samoa.The small nation of Iceland has had two men, Jon Pal Sigmarsson and Magnus ver Magnusson win the title 8 times between them!!
I was watching that recent Hawaii game, and the
commentators mentioned something about how they recruit
New Zealand rugby players. I assume that they recruit them
based mostly on geographical proximity (or maybe not),
otherwise why not European rugby players? We see what
happens when a North American sport becomes international.
Hockey, baseball, and basketball have experienced an influx of
Europeans, Hispanics, and/or Asians from outside America.

Along with much more white Americans at the taboo positions
(that's first and foremost), I would love to see Europeans in
football. It may not be good for marketing at first, since
American fans seem to generally prefer American athletes.
The NFL is a business, and it needs to make money. But why
should fans identify more with blacks from America than whites
from outside of America? We know that it's ridiculous. I
certainly identify more with Andrei Kirilenko or Dirk Nowitzki
than any black basketball players, even if he was born in the
same town as me. I don't care where he was born. Maybe
over time Americans could learn to embrace European
athletes. Okay, rant over.
Very good points.The guy from Poland, I think his name
is like Marius Pudgenoski or something like that could
be the best of all time.He has already won the award
twice and in dominating fashion!He could easily play in
the NFL.He is still only around 29 and has almost no
body fat.He looks like a body builder and yet is stronger
than the competetors that out weigh him by a lot.This
guy is a incredible all around athlete!
Would it be difficult to coach these strongmen, since it could take
time to learn blocking and tackling techniques? Do strongmen have
good speed? It would sure be nice to see the fat, black defensive
lineman replaced by the strongman.
A black man has never won the World's Strongest Man contest.The genetic pool is not there.College football teams should scout Europe and seek out these Supermen.They would make great lineman and can you see some skinny defensive back trying to tackle Sven Karlsson.
I enjoy watching the wsm. I would enjoy watching a d-back trying to bring down a guy like, Pudzianowski for instance.
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