Working Class Whites

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Where are the whites from tough economic circumstances in sports? We see how recruiters comb the ghettos for black football and basketball players, but where are their white equivalents? The vast majority of white professional athletes seem to be from middle class, upper middle class and upper class environments.

The majority of the poor in the U.S. are white, but we don't see them bettering themselves through sports like we once did. Are we going to use the old "equipment is too expensive" for them excuse that is often made to justify the black absence in so many sports?

Something that has been mentioned on the board periodically is that whites are too comfortable to have the mindset to take on and defeat the likes of Tiger Woods, the Williams sisters, thrive under very tough circumstances in the NFL and NBA, etc. I think someone can be middle or upper class and be up to the challenge, but where are the poor and working class white athletes? Have they been too deracinated, too beaten down? They're few and far between and that shouldn't be the case.
May 10, 2005
United States
I was born in Ohio and my parents divorced when I was a kid and my mom moved to California...So I grew up in the country of Ohioand right next to the ghetto in California....Both areas I lived in were middle class but I've been in the poorest neighboorhoods both have to offer... I've noticed major differences from the white poor areas back east and the black and hispanic poor areas in California....

In the ghetto EVERY black and hispanic kid goes to boxing gyms to learn how to defend themselves because their going to need it....In the countryback in Ohio,Pennsyvania, Michigan,etc or Appalachian mountain areas there are NO boxing gyms and one would have to drive like 2 hours to the ghetto if interested.....Poor white areas aren't violent like poor black/hispanic areas and boxing isn't really needed.....My dad just bought a brand new Yukon SUV and we went to the casinos in West Virgina (Real poor area) and stopped at a restaraunt in a poor white neighboorhood....My dad out of habbit left the car running.....About 10 minutes later somewhite teenage kid (Who had old torn clothes and shoes)walked into the restaraunt and said,"Somebody left a nice Yukon running in the parking lot.".....In the ghetto the SUV would have been stolen.....My dad always leaves his house unlocked and goes into grocery stores with the car running and just laughs at me when I say he's gonna get robbed someday.....Boxing isn't practiced in the country or white poor areas.......

I don't remember any basketball courts in the countryand if so it would only be good during the summer due to winter snow....The ghetto's have many courts and even a YMCA indoor basketball court so they can play year round....The white's in Ohio ONLY play basketball during season whereas the blacks play year round.....Huge disadvantage....Most white's (Especially farm boys) wrestle during this season and don't even bother with basketball....Wrestling back east is dominated by white's......Usually when a black tries to wrestle he gets snapped in half.....

From my experiences here's the difference between a poor white kid and a poor black/hispanic kid.....Even at a young age the poor white kid grows up working on farms, auction houses, and other physical type jobs to help out the family or buy things he needs....Kids in the country also help out alot more with ill family members or even helping other family members with their daily chores, like their farms...The poor white kid doesn't have nearly as much time to play sports or doesn't even have any time at all....The poor black/hispanic kid usually lives in a single parent home, dad usually left or is in jail and the mom works two jobs or is on welfare....The kids contribute nothing to the house and they run wild....Nobody including the mother has control of them....All I remember from ghetto mom's was alot of loud screaming, I remember one ghetto mom whipping her kid alot and bragged about how big and bad and tough she was...Well her son still joined a gang, gang raped a 12 year old girl and is currently DEAD......When the ghetto kids aren't gangbanging their spendingall of their time playing basketball.....This is why most black pro athletes are brats and thugs.....

I don't think most white country boys are intimidated by blacks at all...In fact most of the farm boys that I grew up around became bouncers and have beaten the living hell out of the black thugs that start crap in the bar or club.....

Just my 2 cents.....Edited by: Doc Holliday


May 20, 2005
Right on Doc.

I admire the fact that my Jujitsu instructor teaches children and adults out of Baptist church, basically for a pittance compared to what some BJJ instructors get. I love watching the children's class, watching all these young white children learning effective self-defense. If these kids are still with it by the time they reach their teens, any mud that screws with them will wish he'd never been born.

I wish we could make MMA the white national pastime. I cringe when some "respectable" whites call it barbaric. Few other sports are so completely white-dominated. No other sport demonstrates the strength and toughness of our race before such a wide public audience.

Wrestling is already well-established in many White areas of their country, it's only a small jump from wrestling training to MMA training.

We must be able to organize by race, just as the boxing gyms are for all practical purposes black or hispanic, so must their be White MMA and training gyms. Or at least organize by race in a stealthy way, such as teaching out of the afore mentioned church.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I grew up in a fairly poor neighborhood in a big city in the Midwest. We loved playing sports but we hated playing with black kids. So we didn't. There was other stuff to do and we did not have to deal with the thugs. I believe it is in the nature of white people to avoid conflict if possible and so that's what we did.
Dec 18, 2004
Tennessee had a white DE named Will Overstreet who played 1998-2001. He had been the No.1 prospect in Mississippi, but came to Tennessee. He went to a private school and seemed to have an upper-middle classveneer. It's funny, but I hadn't really noticed before that most white athletes in the major sports don't seem to be poor or working class.

I have read (and noticed) that people in the media really LOATHE working class white people. They see them as voting for the wrong people, plus having the wrong "values." There is an effort to pretend these people don't exist. Does this have anything to do with working class whites not being in the major sports as much as in the past? I'm not sure. Working class people do work and take care of themselves, whether they are in sports or not.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Nothing brings home the marginalization of working class whites to me like the victims of the club fire in Warwick, Rhode Island that killed 100 people. Most of the survivors had no health insurance, and neither the federal nor RI state government had any interest in helping them out. There were no major benefit concerts by big rock acts. The media for the most part quickly forgot about them. Too bad they weren't minority, homosexual, Jewish or rich.

Some interesting posts on this thread. I lived in a fairly poor white county for several years, and for the most part the kids had inferior government schools and inferior sports facilities and teachers. There's certainly no interest in giving these kids sports scholarships except maybe for the occasional offensive lineman or such.

Poorer whites really fall between the cracks in this society, and they are also mercilessly lampooned and ridiculed by "white" comedians and by the entertainment industry in general. They tend to have little contact with blacks and are unaware of the racial dynamics at work in the U.S.Poorer whitesstill have the most faith of any group of people in the government that long ago sold them down the river and they have always formed the bulk of the volunteer military, though of course many also join looking for a way to improve their economic circumstances.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
No doubt, they are looked down on by everyone and have little encouragement from others to try and better themselves. I grew up poor, and since I'm a grad student, I guess I still am! Anyway, I was able to use my imagination a lot when I was a kid, because I didn't have a lot of stuff. I was also outside a lot, running, playing, and working after I got older. I also had a lot of faith, not in government, but in God, and He helped me get where I am now, on my way to being able to provide a much better life for my kids than what I had. Even so, I want them to be able to use their imagination and abilities to help themselves like me, not sitting in front of a video game or getting a new sportscar when they turn 16 like too many other kids these days.


May 30, 2005
Bret Favre, Ken Shamrock, and a few others are
it. The blue collar American worker has no spokesperson.
The Station fire hurt a lot more people than the families of those
killed. It hurt all of Rhode Island's work force in a way, and it
changed the state. Actually, for decades Rhode Island's white majority
work force has been exploited due to corruption from mob related
activities. Things got so bad briefly, that many say the mafia
was necessary to keep Providence afloat. Robberies and shootings
galore. It has calmed since the 1970's, but the working class of
America has no spokesperson. No one cares about the tough white
kids. There is no program to help white people who


May 30, 2005
Notice soldiers get no respect by the
government. Men and women from America's breadbasket are cast
aside. Jobs keep declining, and more and more people are forced
to join the Army out of need for employment. They call up family
men for 2-5 years and don't let them email home because they are afraid
of black ops being revealed or something that is classified.

High ranking officials pass the buck to some low
level soldier trying to make his/her mark when something goes
wrong. You have a president that bought his way out of going to
Vietnam probably. A man from a less prominent family would have
been sent to fight.

Who really salutes the troops?

Edited by: IceSpeed2


Apr 13, 2005
Sadly, working class whites in largely urban areas tend to live in very racially mixed if not predominantly non-white neighborhoods (a sign of the wage ground lost thanks to immigration as well as the government's policy to force people together). Therefore some tend to take on a lot of the characteristics of the blacks and Hispanics around them. But not all do.


Dec 28, 2004
Very interesting post-some white kids who are poor seem to lack proper food,attend second class schools, for the most part the government couldn't care less-hoping they will join the Army and die in some useless war. I live in a midwestern state my son[who post's here as Sean]is very interested in boxing but the closest boxing gym is 200 miles away-so he takes Judo and lifts wieghs at the YMCA and will play high school football soon. I hate to see poor White kids get the shaft like they do-I don't know the answer, maybe if dad or mom could really get involved in there life it would mean a world of improvement. I grew up poor in Ohio in the 1950's and even though we could have used more food-all the guys I knew played sports and was in the military. It never crossed our mind to fear blacks. We played outside all day long-I notice kids spend too much time on the computer,games and TV. Don-what do you think we can do to help these white kids make it?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Gary said:
Don-what do you think we can do to help these white kids make it?

Gary, that's been the $64,000 question for as long as I've been involved in patriotic politics, and even long before that. A good argument can be made that the afflictions destroying America can be traced back to 1861 or 1913 or 1933. The trends have been in place a long time, and the resultingharvest has been poisonous since at least the 1960s.

If a white kid grows up in a family where he doesn't learn pride in his race, and the vast majority don't, how do they become racially aware? They either have to have a friend that influences and educatesthem, or else go on the long journey to understanding completely alone. To go on the journey alone takes an exceptional individual, who first of all is capable of thinking for himself in spite of how the government schools try to indoctrinate him, and secondly who has the interest in the subject to want to seek out answers.

I've been to so many meetings where there's a few of us or a few dozen, occasionally a hundred or two hundred, and we always wonder why there are so few of us in this large country who seek out and learn the truth. We're no different than other Americans, yet our eyes are open while everyone else's are closed. And once our eyes are open, you can't go back, and who would want to?

How do we reach large numbers? I don't know other than to get the word out as best we can and hope that we eventually reach enough new people to start turning the tide back in a pro-American direction. An individual or two with lots of money who would put it into the cause could change the course of history. That's really been the biggest problem, we have pennies and the powers that be have trillions of dollars at their disposal.


Apr 13, 2005
Gary said:
what do you think we can do to help these white kids make it?

Volunteer your time with kids. Coach them in sports, teach them off the field. Form a club for them. Talk with them and shoot straight. Stand up for them when they need it. Boost their confidence.

So many affluent whites simply abandon poorer whites to the prey of the jungle because the poorer whites are "rough" or they don't wear nice clothes or some other such BS. I like to coach those kids because they'll usually give you all they've got. Hell, I prefer the tougher white kids. They remind me of me, my brothers and our friends when I was growing up.

But remember TOUGH IS MENTAL. They need to be boosted and told that they are as good as anyone. You would not believe how mentally beaten down some white kids are. Beaten down about their race, beaten down because they don't have nice things. They need to be rescued from their own society.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Guys, I grew up and still consider myself a working class white. I was never tought to fear blacks, but that I couldn't trust most of them as far as I could throw them. I have discovered nothing to change that belief yet. I plan to teach my kids to be proud of who they are and where they came from, and I will also teach them how to defend themselves. I think doing that, and trying to be as vocal about anti-white discrimination and working to end it are about the only things we can do to help the poor white kids of the future out.


Dec 28, 2004
I have an idea about a camp for White kids-I have mentioned it before-until the day comes for such a camp-we do need to teach/train these poor Whites. I like what Bronk said-also what White Savage said about the man who teaches Jujitsu in the Baptist Church. This is a start in the right direction. I see many of these White kids really beat down. I'd really like to see White kids learn a Martial Art,Swimming,Fitness,Gun Safety and know about there racial hertiage. I have four sons and 1 daughter-they walk the woods,swim,take Hapkido[Korean Judo].Daughter plays volleyball,Track and Gymnastics. One of my sons will be a Sr.this year on his high school football team. I think parents or some mentor/coach like Bronk said can really put the kid on the right path. I want to spend my life helping these young kids. America is very,very different from the nation I once knew.
Apr 22, 2005
I live in a well-off area in Northern Michigan, but in the not far-
off outskirts there is a ton of poverty. Many of the highest rates
for various bad social indicators aren't found in Detroit, but rural
Michigan. The teenage pregnancy, the horrible schools, the
meth abuse ... I feel sorry for the kids, but what can you do if the
parents are irresponsbile, lazy and stupid ... kind of like some
other people we know?


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
The government has waged war on working class whites for many years. The mid-sixties civil rights programs were designed to make wholesale changes in our societal structure. Federal, state, count, city and municipal governing bodies were all directed to make positions for the minority groups at the expense of the lowly white male. In my city as is the case in most large cities, it is hard to find a young white male on a payroll. The remaining few old white retirement age employees are going the way of the dinosaur. In cities such as Atlanta, Philly, Los Angeles, Houston and countless more the local governments are are run by women, blacks, hispanics, Asians and God knoows what else.

Low income whites have become a pariah in the country their father's built. Most of our government has become a jobs program for minority hires. The whiteswho have comprised the backbone of building and trades are being replaced by Mexicans who work at a fraction of what used be paid. Of course many manufacturing jobs have also been shipped elsewhere. The elites in government who have caused the situation don't give a rip about blue collar types who bear the brunt of the multi-cult burden.

Several years ago I heard a Paul Harvey radio programfocusing onthe bussing problem. He reminded us thatall the Senators who desired to have your children bussed across town to inter mingle with blacks felt no need to participate in the noble experiment as virtually every damn one of them had children enrolled in exclusive private schools! They were not willing to have their children beaten, raped, abused and sent across town as guinea pigs! Hell no, the working class shmucks were chosen for the task.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Last year a little Hmong savage brutally and cowardly shot and killed several people in the Northern Wisconsin woods. Since that time Wisconsin has imported 2,500 more of these creatures to enrich the remaining members of the populace. We already have anywhere from 40+ thousand of them mucking everything up and livng on welfare. But it seems we don't have enough crime and murder, so Gov. Doyle is enriching us further. And once again, the few remaining good jobs in the north are being filled with non-whites.

Milwaukee Journal: Success stories already pepper that earlier wave. As reported by Toosi, 15-year-old Neng Yang walked with his mother for days across mountains and jungles and fields to escape Laos. Now, he's a civil engineer with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation.

Kaying Xiong, who came to Wisconsin as a refugee at age 6 with her family, is now an elementary school principal in Eau Claire - the firstHmong -American to hold such a position in the U.S., according to Doyle, who named her to head a task force to assist with the resettlement.

Doyle is setting a splendid example with his approach. The influx ofHmong into the nation and the state is not a problem; rather, it's an opportunity for America and Wisconsin to enrich themselves.

Edited by: Bart


Apr 13, 2005
Bart has nailed the situation.

The working class white, also know to some as "redneck" or "white trash," has been hurt the most by the government and big business which feeds off his ever shrinking paycheck. He can't express pride in his heritage or protest the injustices committed upon him least he be called a hatemonger. Yet when the president wants to invade some Third World backwater his services are required to fight and die by those who usually spit on him and ridicule his beliefs. The elite, none of whom would dare sully their hands with military service, wave the flag and sing the hymns of our secular religion, democracy, and off march all these clueless white kids, proud as hell to fight for a country that isn't even theirs any more.

I know, because I was one of them. I quit college and joined the United States Marines because I was sure we were about to go to war with Iran over the hostage situation I wanted to be trained and ready when the fighting started. I was not a dummy. I was well-read, reasonably intelligent and had a firm grasp of history and the issues of the day. But I was suckered and I realized it very soon after I joined up.

When I was growing up, our neighbor was a pipefitter in the bustling petro-chemical industry that lines the Houston Ship Channel. That was a damn good job in the 1960s and 1970s. It was hard work, but it paid well. Today, his job pays the same hourly wage that it did 30 years ago. Why? Illegal immigrants have so swamped the labor force that they stalled wages dead cold. As whites left the trade for better money in other fields, more illegal Mexicans poured in to the point that the major companies feared being fined for employing them. That is when the big companies quit hiring them directly and began contracting ALL labor services through second parties.

We are no different than the white farmers of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe who were sold out by people who knew they would never have to face the consequences of their actions. Now, most of those farmers are dead or have fled and their farms are occupied by clueless black squatters who can't even feed their own dogs much less a nation. How long before this happens to us, right here?

Oh, and what are we gonna do about it?


Dec 28, 2004
Bronk I agree with you-trouble is I don't know the answer.Things are so messed up no real simple answer can be found. I can think of things to do but no one in government would do what I'am thinking of!!


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Bronk said:
We are no different than the white farmers of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe who were sold out by people who knew they would never have to face the consequences of their actions. Now, most of those farmers are dead or have fled and their farms are occupied by clueless black squatters who can't even feed their own dogs much less a nation. How long before this happens to us, right here?

Oh, and what are we gonna do about it?

OOPS. I inadvertently hit the wrong button, wanted to preview post.Edited by: Bart


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Bronk said:
We are no different than the white farmers of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe who were sold out by people who knew they would never have to face the consequences of their actions. Now, most of those farmers are dead or have fled and their farms are occupied by clueless black squatters who can't even feed their own dogs much less a nation. How long before this happens to us, right here?

Oh, and what are we gonna do about it?

I hope we as a people wake up to the fact our leaders are not exactly workingfor our best interests. Most white Americans know something is wrong but just don't have a clue how or why things got so out of hand. The internet is our greatest weapon. Nothing can be done until the masses begin to understand and become enlightened to the imminent danger of becomingan oppressed minority in our own country.Most people who love the ol' flag and the traditions of theirfathers don't yet realize our beloved Uncle Sam died, a long, long time ago. An imposter has taken his place... Uncle Shmuel.


Nov 23, 2006
Poor Whites for many many years had to learn to play with inferior equipment and it has even at times helped like bouncing a basketball on dirt or rocks helps one learn balling handling. Also, many poor Whites would may not have transportation to get to after school activities. With the caste system a White needs to be two to three times better than nonwhites to get noticed. In reality, the only reason that the middle and upper class Whites are allowed to play compete in High School is they are in majority White public or private schools. The basic caste system will cost White in majority nonwhite schools to be cut or not allowed playing time because the coach likely believes that Whites can't play like nonwhites. In the hills and rural areas Whites are often in small schools that colleges won't look twice at if they are majority White.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Next of Kin"
Horrible rates of poverty, yet the crime that plagues Detroit, Norfolk, Richmond, Birmingham, St. Louis, Atlanta, Memphis (and the black population that creates it) isn't found in Kentucky. Well, in Louisville, yes, but not throughout the state. Here's a breakdown of the white population of Kentucky by county. Of 4.3 million people, the state is roughly 89 percent white. It's the kind of white population that built and sustains a civilization, the kind that both the Democrats and Republicans take for granted. If not outright hate, considering that both parties are united in their goal of accomplishing what Peter Brimelow has labeled "electing a new people." But without these people, there is no America (for further proof of this, look no further then the evidence supplied by majority black areas with high rates of poverty concentrated in a city that once all-white); there is no civilization. The paradox of Kentucky white poor, compared to the entitlement-fueled black populations that nest in the catacombs of ruined American major cities, whose deteriorating skylines cry silently - completely darkened - in the night. This is the dystopian reality that unleashing freedom produced on cities like Detroit; meanwhile, concentrated poverty in Kentucky's virtually all-white counties hasn't uprooted communities in similar levels of violence. In fact, there is no comparable violence.