Wonderlic questions.

I think it would be interesting to see the I.Q. or Wonderlic scores for some of the coaches. The ones that are considered "brilliant" in their field are probably fairly ordinary in regular life. There are exceptions, of course. Many of the players are simply retarded/illiterate. Even more interesting would be the scores of turds like Mel Kiper, Jr. and Todd McShay. I'd also like to know how the President did on standardized tests, though the fact that we don't know tells me everything.
The new DWF trend is to not only dismiss wonderlic scores, but actually argue that there is a benefit to having a low one.
The new DWF trend is to not only dismiss wonderlic scores, but actually argue that there is a benefit to having a low one.

I think the peak Wonderlic score is around ~32. You want a QB smart enough to memorize a large playbook and make good quick decisions. The problem with being too smart is you might overthink and become risk averse, or you analyze the play too long that you get sacked or throw late and get picked off.
I think it would be interesting to see the I.Q. or Wonderlic scores for some of the coaches. The ones that are considered "brilliant" in their field are probably fairly ordinary in regular life. There are exceptions, of course. Many of the players are simply retarded/illiterate. Even more interesting would be the scores of turds like Mel Kiper, Jr. and Todd McShay. I'd also like to know how the President did on standardized tests, though the fact that we don't know tells me everything.
I'd love to see what Mike Tomlin would score on the test. I'm guessing around 20. And when it comes to turds like Kiper and McShay I don't think they're stupid, they're just dishonest scumbags. The same goes for most of the non-blacks in the caste media. They're not idiots, they just purposely lie through their teeth in order to push their racist agenda.

My guess for Obama is that he'd score in the mid to upper 20s. He's no idiot but he's far from the genius that the media and the DWF make him out to be. George Bush, who I'm no fan of, most likely has a higher IQ than Obama. He even scored a 1200 on his SAT back when it was more of an aptitude test.
The new DWF trend is to not only dismiss wonderlic scores, but actually argue that there is a benefit to having a low one.
Yes I have heard scouts argue this for positions where recognizing schemes isn't important ie tailback and cornerback. Ps Frank Gore does have a smile that looks borderline retarded but I have never heard him speak so I can't judge on his diction. Also when OJ Simpson had his trial and the endless debates years after I was on a message board and a poster stated that Simpson probably had an IQ in the Gore range as he was functionally illiterate and after the poster met him he described him as similar to this character from Anchor Man....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QN8j8wLmKIA
What job is that which requires an IQ test?

From what I've read on Steve Sailer's blog, I thought those were mostly phased out because of the race issue.
The company owner used to use it, still might, I don't know. It's a Swedish company, so they do everything differently.