I don't flollow women's soccer, but this story intigued me. The American team had been unbeaten in their last 51 games. They got whupped badly by the Brazillians. Seems that the coach decided to pull the goaltender and replace her with someone else before the match. The yanked girl was ticked off and said so, feeling the decision cost the team the victory. It seems a lot of folks are upset with her for speaking out, saying she is selfish and not a team player. From what i've read and heard on talk shows, she is being condemned.
I wondered if there was more to the story. I checked Yahoo for photos.It appearsthat the white girl was replaced by a black. Now, I'm sure if it was the other way around, the black girl would would be portrayed in a sypathetic light and andthe victim of racism.
Briana Scurry on the left. Hope Solo on the right.
I wondered if there was more to the story. I checked Yahoo for photos.It appearsthat the white girl was replaced by a black. Now, I'm sure if it was the other way around, the black girl would would be portrayed in a sypathetic light and andthe victim of racism.
Briana Scurry on the left. Hope Solo on the right.