FF, the clips portrays Shatner's character from "Boston Legal" and a fellow lawyer being mugged (at gun point) by a groidian thug. The one lawyer quickers in fear & complies with ol' Leroy, whereas Shatner's character says he's got a "problem" (which irritates the thug). Shatner says he's a Democrat & if Leroy mugs/shoots him it'll derail his (Shatner's character) support/agenda of the DNC (to "help" the groidians). Ol' Leroy cocks the hammer so Shatner's character "complies" by giving him his wallet then watch...then says "gun" and shoots Leroy in the foot & leg.
On the surface it's an uplifting stand for justice, BUT (as I said above) they softballed it by having Shatner's character being a "dumbocrap". Also, Shatner is a jew....as they dare not have a White, Christian actor shoot a poooor minority.