Will this site ever be featued on ESPN?

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
I've seen shows on ESPN like "Behind the Lines" (or at least thats what I think its called) that feature all sorts of unusual sports stories such as football players with no legs, homeless soccer, sports camps set up for African and Bosnian refugees, etc... They have also featured several sports websites on their show as well. Does anyone think ESPN will ever catch wind of Caste Football, and if they do (assuming they havent already) will they feature it in one of their news editorials? Would JB Cash, and Don Wassall agree to do interviews with them explaining the goal of CF? What are your opinions on this?
A friend told me that the local sports radio talk show covered this site a while back. He didn't have too much detail and I didn't catch wind of it so I don't know how it went. But I think it's possible some MSM attention will come this way.
Lance Alworth said:
jaxvid said:
But I think it's possible some MSM attention will come this way.

Do you think thats a good thing or a bad thing?

The media coverage itself will no doubt be invariably bad, if it ever happens. But on the other hand, there is no such thing as bad publicity, so they say, and a lot of people who watch the show will come to the site and see for themselves what it's all about.

Having said that, if the media outlet covering this site thinks there is any merit at all to the arguments here, there is no way this site gets covered.
White Shogun said:
Lance Alworth said:
jaxvid said:
But I think it's possible some MSM attention will come this way.

Do you think thats a good thing or a bad thing?

The media coverage itself will no doubt be invariably bad, if it ever happens. But on the other hand, there is no such thing as bad publicity, so they say, and a lot of people who watch the show will come to the site and see for themselves what it's all about.

Thats what happened when VH1 ran that special about "hate rock" a few years back. The bands came across very cordial and well spoken, while the people refuting them were some of the dumbest commies they could have found. What ended up happening was, the VH1 special backfired on those who produced it because the bands featured experienced a spike in their record sales because a lot of people were curious and wanted to see for themselves what it was all about (like you said) and because of this, VH1 ended up pulling the special from their programming lineup. It only aired maybe 5 or 6 times before it was sh*tcanned. It had the opposite effect of what they were going for
Lance Alworth said:
Does anyone think ESPN will ever catch wind of Caste Football, and if they do (assuming they haven't already) will they feature it in one of their news editorials?

They have probably heard of this site but I doubt if they would ever do a feature on it. CF doesn't get a lot of publicity. One way to increase the awareness of CF is through a website called Digg. Feel free to check it out:

DiggEdited by: Menelik
This site isn't popular enough yet to be blocked by most work filters. Baby steps...
Caste System hype machine ESPN would never give air-time to a great site like CF. If the (Globalist Elite controlled) "mainstream" media ever did discover/cover CF, they'd no doubt bash it as some right-wing, psuedo-conspiracy, hate site. That the standard MSM routine.
JoeV said:
This site isn't popular enough yet to be blocked by most work filters. Baby steps...

Blocked at my work! Last year I was able to get on CF, but then all of a sudden, it's restricted. Yet the ANU site isn't. And I work at a huge conglomeration. UGH! Anyway, if we're on their radar, we're doing something right. Keep it up, CFers!
DixieDestroyer said:
Caste System hype machine ESPN would never give air-time to a great site like CF. If the (Globalist Elite controlled) "mainstream" media ever did discover/cover CF, they'd no doubt bash it as some right-wing, psuedo-conspiracy, hate site. That the standard MSM routine.

But in a way this could be a blessing in disguise. Yeah, let the MSM bash the hell out of this site. It will only bring more visitors here, most of which sympathetic to our cause. The "lets bash anything expressing white pride" routine backfired on VH1 and it would more than likely backfire on ESPN as well
The pantswetters of the MSM would want us to stick to a script of nothing but bashing non-whites, because what they really fear is white men sticking up for themselves and other white men.
That's why I'm glad that the site has cleaned up. No slurs or vulgar language, just intelligent discussion. Edited by: Alpha Male
Alpha Male - we are far more efficient in getting the point across that way, IMHO.

Wile - They fear us because when large groups of white men gather together for a cause nations are born or destroyed.

Shogun - they most likely have our site listed as a "hate site". I'm sure media groups are aware of us, but would never even mention our site unless we were growing too quickly for thier tastes.
Speaking of growth, it seems like we have a new poster here every week or so. Any updates on the growth of the site, Don?
Who cares what ESPN says about anthing! I stoped watching them years ago.
Alpha Male said:
Speaking of growth, it seems like we have a new poster here every week or so. Any updates on the growth of the site, Don?

It's leveled off the past few months as far as daily traffic. It'll probably pick up as we get closer to football season.

It's a matter of persistence and picking up supporters a few at a time. America is too dumbed down for there to be any "mass conversion" to common sense, whether in politics, sports or anything else.
I can't see the msm picking up on this site simply because this site is a eye opener. The msm does not want any diverse opinions on this subject. We the white male have been chosen (by our own elites) to occupy the lowest rung of the social ladder. The denigration of the white male in every walk of life is a must if they are to have any hope of of succeeding in creating their slave society. Of course I think ultimately their socially engineered society will fall flat on it's face by their own doings. (man cannot go against nature and win) But you get my drift.
We will be "discovered" sooner or later.It's inevitable. Some sportwriting journalist is going to be researching the absence of White tailbacks in college football and stumble onto this site the same way the most of the rest of us did.
It'll be very easy for the MSM to cite this website because negative comments directed toward blacks will be easy to find. Thus all the sports journalist needs to do to dismiss the legitimacy of the site is say "hey look, they are mean racists!". That's more than enough to scare most people off before they look into the facts, particularly the numbers regarding position players in the NFL.

Having said that, any publicity would be good, because even if 860 out of 1000 people who sample the site are turned off, the rest might become supporters and slowly the site will grow.

As long as the NFL and colleges continue to ignore or racially slot very talented white running backs and defensive backs this site will have weight to it with which to continue growing.
But forget about the message board though. I think a lot of us forget about the other sections of this website. Just about all of it is very well written and is in no way racist. I think if they did an interview with JB Cash or Don Wassall, and being that they are probably pretty well spoken individuals, it could only do the site good
Hmm, I don't know about that Lance. You know how it would go in today's media. They would take select clips of Don and JB speaking to support thier "angle" on the story, then have ten "experts" on racism call the site "deplorable", etc ad nauseum.
InfamousOne said:
Hmm, I don't know about that Lance. You know how it would go in today's media. They would take select clips of Don and JB speaking to support thier "angle" on the story, then have ten "experts" on racism call the site "deplorable", etc ad nauseum.

"Experts" on racism huh? Now, I wonder what the morons at ESPN consider the guidelines on being an expert on racism to be?

I endured a horrific youth, growing up in a minority dominated inner-city, and experienced "racism" every day. So, technichally, I am an "expert" on the subject, right? Do I get to voice my opinion on ESPN? Of course not, because I am White. The double standard in this country just gets more deplorable everyday.
Edited by: Ground Fighter
Of course the ESPN racial "experts" would be minooooorities themselves OR some socialist/marxist psycho-babble Ph.D, etc. ESPN is the quintessential media advocate of the Caste System. Which is why I don't waste my time watching that tripe anymore.
Someone ought to define "racism" it seems its used here with all the liberal assumptions attached to it. We ought not play on the liberals turf we ought tear it up, and we do that by asking tough questions of the purveyors of the Caste System and the audience for their crap. The propieters of this site could easily destroy any of the gimps sent out by ESPN the Caste Professionals if they stayed out of the traps set by the "mainstream." "Racism" whatever it might be to whomever seems to me to be the ploy that white and jewish liberals use to maintain influence and power triangulating themselves between the hapless clueless minorities and the confused masses of whites.