Will the Draft Return?


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
It looks like both NeoCONs (Lute) and Marxist "liberals" (Rangel) are pushing for a return to the draft. This is indeed part of the further expansion of the Globalist Elite's Military-Industrial complex.

Bush War Adviser Says Draft Worth a Look

Aug 10 06:25 PM US/Eastern

Sen. Clinton Grills Lt. Gen. Lute During Confirmation Hearings

WASHINGTON (AP) - Frequent tours for U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan have stressed the all-volunteer force and made it worth considering a return to a military draft, President Bush's new war adviser said Friday.
"I think it makes sense to certainly consider it," Army Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute said in an interview with National Public Radio's "All Things Considered."

"And I can tell you, this has always been an option on the table. But ultimately, this is a policy matter between meeting the demands for the nation's security by one means or another," Lute added in his first interview since he was confirmed by the Senate in June.

President Nixon abolished the draft in 1973. Restoring it, Lute said, would be a "major policy shift" and Bush has made it clear that he doesn't think it's necessary.

The repeated deployments affect not only the troops but their families, who can influence whether a service member decides to stay in the military, Lute said.

"There's both a personal dimension of this, where this kind of stress plays out across dinner tables and in living room conversations within these families," he said. "And ultimately, the health of the all- volunteer force is going to rest on those sorts of personal family decisions."

The military conducted a draft during the Civil War and both world wars and between 1948 and 1973. The Selective Service System, re- established in 1980, maintains a registry of 18-year-old men.

Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., has called for reinstating the draft as a way to end the Iraq war.

Bush picked Lute in mid-May as a deputy national security adviser with responsibility for ensuring efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan are coordinated with policymakers in Washington. Lute, an active-duty general, was chosen after several retired generals turned down the job.

***Reference article...

[url]http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D8QUECGG1&show_artic le=1[/url]
I would be shocked if they even came close to reinstating the draft. For one, the democrat controlled congress would never vote for it. For two, the army is throwing sh!tons of money around, so I don't think they really need a draft. Maybe if they did it right after 9-11 it would have been accepted, but it would be political suicide to do it now for anyone. I put the odds at 5000-1 for the draft returning.
JoeV said:
I would be shocked if they even came close to reinstating the draft. For one, the democrat controlled congress would never vote for it. For two, the army is throwing sh!tons of money around, so I don't think they really need a draft. Maybe if they did it right after 9-11 it would have been accepted, but it would be political suicide to do it now for anyone. I put the odds at 5000-1 for the draft returning.

Ditto, JoeV. It's just not politically feasible right now to bring back the draft. It would be political suicide for either party to try to make it happen. I don't think the Army likes the draft all that much anyway with all the lowlifes they would have to take in because of the draft. Right now with our all-volunteer force we are largely getting the best of the best. Let's keep it that way.
Actually, the volunteer army is more and more taking riff-raff. Gangbangers, those with mental problems, low IQ recruits and more are now being taken in by a military increasingly desperate to come close to needed recruiting levels. Just about the only potential recruits turned downthese daysare those with obvious pro-white leanings (as given away by tattoos). The pool of Middle Americans the military has always relied on has understandably lost a lot of enthusiasm for joining.

The solution is to end the wars of aggression supported by both of the Empire's two nearly identical parties, but that doesn't appear to be in the works. If the neo-cons that dominate the power structure want a draft though, it won't be instituted until after (from their perspective) a fortuitously timed "terror attack."
A conscription type of recruitment allows much greater selectivity because you pool is young men between 18- whatever minus the rich and powerfuls sons who will be protected from conscription by one mechanism or another. So due to the large number of "applicants" given the honor of serving their country ( extrme sarcasm ) gangbangers, low IQ ,those with mental problems etc. can be rjected and the front ranks can still be filled with nice young middle class and working class white boys as always.
I'm not sure why you guys seem to doubt the government's ability and desire to reinstate the draft. They have already shown they are willing to do whatever they want, when they want, 'political suicide' not withstanding. I wouldn't be surprised to wake up one morning and see that His Eminence Jorge Bush reinstated the draft over night by executive order.
Tired old White said:
A conscription type of recruitment allows much greater selectivity because you pool is young men between 18- whatever minus the rich and powerfuls sons who will be protected from conscription by one mechanism or another. So due to the large number of "applicants" given the honor of serving their country ( extrme sarcasm ) gangbangers, low IQ ,those with mental problems etc. can be rjected and the front ranks can still be filled with nice young middle class and working class white boys as always.
If there is a war the riff raff, boderline IQ types are welcomed(or were when technology was simpler). I recall reading about people with minor criminal records being given the option of enlisting in the armed forces during Vietnam. Also after small town whites the next class or recruits were ghetto blacks,browns and the few remaining whites. The army even took in future mobsters like Sammy the Bull Gravano(who was a fine soldier from all accounts), he was a car thief from what I read.
It's my view that if there was a draft today, they'd have to have pallet loads of 4F and Section 8 forms on hand. Years ago, during the Vietnam era, young men ran away to Canada or Sweden, or some other country to avoid going into the army. Today all many/most young guys would have to do to get out of serving would be to go down to the induction center and be themselves. That'd do it.

Also, I'd like to do a reality show at the induction centers each day to air each evening. It'd be hilarious. I'd be rich beyond belief.

Tom Iron...
Can't say as I'd blame anyone for not wanting to serve in the United States Armed Forces right now. Why should they? They're not fighting to protect our 'freedom,' that's for damn sure.
Something will have to give -- either the Empire's foreign policy changes in response to an overworked and overstretched military, or the draft will come back.
I doubt there will be a draft -- very few people really want to fight for America anymore whether it's a war for empire or a legitimate war.

I was in the USMC in the early 1980s and there were "riff raff" then, but also a whole bunch of good guys as well. Considering how I acted back then, I could have been considered riff raff as well.

A friend of mine who served in the Navy well after I served told me about the organized gangs on the carriers, so, yes, there is a sorry element in the ranks but no worse than if you scooped up every 18-year-old kid in the nation.

I know of several kids and grown men who are in the military right now who are solid people and I do not want that forgotten.
The U.S. military has largely become co-opt'd by/for Globalist interests. In addition to recruiting gang-bangers and other assorted riff-raff, the military is also actively recruiting foreign nationals (including illegal "invaders"). When Marshal Law/the police state is totally implemented, they want a military force that won't hessitate to haul Americans off to FEMA camps and "neutralize" any dissenters (ie - patriots/freedom fighters). For any doubters that the military is actively recruiting foreigners (illegals, etc.), please read the following article...

[url]http://www.infowars.com/articles/military/recruitment_number s_fall_us_army_looks_toward_illegals.htm [/url]
Bronk said:
I know of several kids and grown men who are in the military right now who are solid people and I do not want that forgotten.

Same here.
The fact is that good patriotic soldiers are the most exploited people in the country. Statistics and various biographies indicate that the government makes it very difficult for people who ever served in the military, especially as a non-com, to succeed in intellectual/white collar/big money labor. Truman is the only president ever to have been in the armed forces with the rank of private.At least in 100 years. How many enlisted men ever became doctors or lawyers or high end engineers ever?
Cheney supported Vietnam and received 5 student deferments. Bush had his father bump him up the waiting list in the guard. While others were getting killed and fighting against their will, they were planning their careers.
So it really would not fair to force some people to forfeit three years of their life without making everyone forfeit three years of their life. Entering college as a 21 year old freshman simply doesn't work in general.
If the government needs more men, they should simply make it easier for soldiers to succeed. They should raise their wages to $50,000 a year and provide legitimate assistance. They should stop all the scape goating court marshals too.
With the way soldiers are treated today, the draft would essentially give the government power to pick and choose who could succeed and who couldn't.

Of course, there are no statistics on what you claim, but I think there are plaenty of GI's who do well after their service. Remember, if a man does well in the service, chances are he'll do well as a civilian. I've known plenty of men who did great after they got out, most of them draftees.

i know this is only one guy, but a friend of mine (a complete idiot in HS, took over his father's bakery after he got out of the army (Vietnam - Big Red 1) and now has about eight bakeries. I'd say he did okay.

We've got to get ahold of ourselves about this "education" baloney. Formal education is fine, but if a man doesn't have it, it shows itself pretty quick after graduation. You've stil got to do the footwork to succeed in this life.

Tom Iron...
Think about it, the draft puts draftees at a pretty big disadvantage though. I know some people make it with hard work and a little luck, but service(especially as a non-com) appears to stack the cards against them.
I mean, I have heard of few people who started to attend college at the age of 21-22 and wound up on top. If you look up most high powered people(presidential candidates, CEOs, and professionals), very few of them ever had any military service and if they did, it was probably as an officer.
Freedom said:
... Entering college as a 21 year old freshman simply doesn't work in general.

I entered college as a 37 year old freshman, worked full time as a cop, and had no problem graduating 4 years later. If I could name one factor that helped me out it would be the discipline that I acquired as a soldier.
I'll say it again. White men should boycott the military. We have fought more and died more then any other race. Let the blacks and mexicans get drafted.
Menelik, that's very admirable but that is unusual these days. First off, to get a good job like a cop today, at least where I'm from, you already need a 2 year degree and they prefer a 4 year degree. Just out of curiousity, did you feel awkward sitting next to guys 20 years younger than you?
Anyways, if the government is so committed to the "free market" that they wont pay for soldiers' body armor they should raise benefits to a more appealing level and give soldiers more of a competitive edge if they really need to raise recruitment.
You get lots of benefits from being a veteran when applying for government jobs, especially if you are a combat veteran. You can also earn plenty of money for college, too. Texas has the Hazelwood Act, which will pay all your tuition and other costs but for a few fees, for those veterans who have exhausted their education benefits.

There are some benefits to serving, but nothing in my opinion that warrants risking your life in a war that has little or nothing to do with protecting your country or your way of life.
Bush and Cheney both supported the Vietnam War, but they both got out of fighting in it. That shows what this government thinks of military service right there. Last time I checked, the GI Bill covers a maximum of something like $38,000. College costs over $200,000 at most private institutions. It can go as high as $100,000 in a state institution too.
Well, at least in Texas a veteran with no remaining educational benefits can attend any state university for nothing more than fees running a few hundred dollars. But I don't want to appear to be on the side of advocating military service just for educational benefits, either. I'd only recommend military service these days if you want to obtain combat training for personal use after your release from service.
$38,000 is standard, with the option of purchasing greater coverage, up to around $43,000 or so. Not to mention that while you're in the service, tuition is fully paid by the military if you have the time to take night, weekend, or online classes. It doesn't allow you enough to say, buy your way into Princeton but it is more than adequate to pay for a four year degree if you start at a community college. The nice thing is that you get the same amount of money per month no matter how little your college costs.
Freedom said:
Menelik, that's very admirable but that is unusual these days. First off, to get a good job like a cop today, at least where I'm from, you already need a 2 year degree and they prefer a 4 year degree. Just out of curiousity, did you feel awkward sitting next to guys 20 years younger than you?
Anyways, if the government is so committed to the "free market" that they wont pay for soldiers' body armor they should raise benefits to a more appealing level and give soldiers more of a competitive edge if they really need to raise recruitment.

If anything the 20 year old student felt awkward setting next to me as I usually attended classes in the morning right after I got off of work as a cop.
I would also check those tuition figures that you mentioned . $100,000 is real steep even when you figure in room and board. I went to school on the GI Bill and Hope scholarship and if I would have had to pay the bill would have been in the high 20s. Thats at a 4 year state university in GA.
I checked, at most state schools the tuition and fees are much lower.
Also, there are financial aid grants, but you're still looking at well over 50 Gs in the absolute worst cases.
Plus, in the past 20 years, college is now obligatory for most jobs as manufacturing moves over seas and retail relies on illegal immigration.
I guess in some states, state schools are also very competitive. Like Georgia, where there's Georgia Tech. But way up here in MA., a UMASS grad, no matter how talented, faces brutal competition from private college students with a declining middle class. Someone coming out of an expensive private college(Not just MIT and Harvard but Tufts, BU, Northeastern or BC) is often in a much better position than a state school grad. There are a few very prominent UMASS grads, but not too many. Jack Welch comes to mind.
I guess if these private colleges were shut down, the draft could be fair.