Wigger girl on the Maury show

With these TV shows the question always is, real person or actor. Either way, too annoying for me to watch it for more than 30 seconds.
Sick stuff, real or not. There are plenty of real-life examples of this though.
Totally fake. You cannot mathematically not have a child if you have sex over 300 times. I have heard strong whigger accents, and this one is super fake. I think this is the one that South Park parodied with the "Whateva, I do wut I wan" sketch,
I am still convinced that all the guests on these shows (maury, springer, orhra, ect.) are actors trying to break into show business. Real people are not like this.
Lance Alworth said:
wigger girl

This is funny and sad at the same time. Just more proof of the corruption and destruction MTV and the media has had on our youth

That had to be staged, because there is no way in holy hell that was real. Although, that little skank reminded me of one of my ex-girlfriends that I dated when I was like 16. Thank God I've matured since then.
.Edited by: Ground Fighter
Lance Alworth said:
"If I can't afford it, I guess I'm gonna sell it"

that line makes me crack up every time i listen to it

i think she said steal
backrow said:
Lance Alworth said:
"If I can't afford it, I guess I'm gonna sell it"

that line makes me crack up every time i listen to it

i think she said steal

LOL, i know thats what she said but it sounded like sell. I'm still on the fence about whether these shows are real or not. To average people like us, the sight of someone that retarded such as this girl seems surreal, but there are people out there that really are that stupid. Although I will say this, I do believe she was definately lying about having sex 300 times because as mentioned earlier, it is mathematically impossible to have sex that many times and NOT get pregnant. However, I wouldn't be surprised one bit if they did one of those update shows on this chick to find out that she has since been knocked up with a half-black baby.
Crap like this just makes me sick. This is going on more and more now in days. White kids think its so cool to be black. This garbage rap music is the reason we have this problem. It boggles my mind how people can buy these rap cds.
I think it's funny when the wannabe bangers hang out in front of the mall trying to act hard, then their mom rolls up in a nissan sentra to pick them up.
It is possible for a woman to have sex 300 times without getting pregnant. She could have any number of medical conditions that would prevent pregnancy..
yanling said:
I think it's funny when the wannabe bangers hang out in front of the mall trying to act hard, then their mom rolls up in a nissan sentra to pick them up.

In high school, I was part of the "skater" crowd. We used to regularly get into fights with retards like this all the time. They would call us "whiteboys" and "putos" (spanish for f*ggot), and our collective response would be to beat the holy piss out of them with our skateboards. Problem solved.
Edited by: Ground Fighter
People like this exist. If you grow up near subsidized housing you will meet whackos like that. Also the chemically imbalanced slut who has sex with half the football players at a party isn't much different. I have heard of whackos like this getting pregnant to get money to live on welfare, two people earn more than one on welfare..
white is right said:
People like this exist. If you grow up near subsidized housing you will meet whackos like that. Also the chemically imbalanced slut who has sex with half the football players at a party isn't much different. I have heard of whackos like this getting pregnant to get money to live on welfare, two people earn more than one on welfare..

My high school was FULL of whores like that. But the one thing that most of them all had in common was the fact that thier mothers were the EXACT SAME WAY. That explains where they get it from. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree after all.