Why is the magic number 30%

Maple Leaf said:
Jaxvid, your point about keeping the league to 30% because it is a controllable number rings true. It has now become the norm and not challenged very much. But I dispute the original reason for that 30%. I think the NFL wanted a 70% black majority primarily to employ disorderly rabble that would not unite and work cohesively. A large group of intelligent, aggressive, media savy and organized whites became a pain in the ass to the owners. White players had to be kept in check. The '70s and early '80s were a tumultous time for labour relations in the NFL. The changes to the league's racial makeup became status quo and became the culture. Cultural Marxism has become a dominant shaping force in North America, and justifies what the owners have done, and gives the owners a reason to hide behind. But what evidence do we have to show that the owners took it upon themselves to be politcally correct and create some kind of psywar against whites by blackening the league? Are there letters of direction anywhere that came out of the head office or boardrooms? Are there taped or written minutes of meetings that prove the owners planned to deracinate whites by making them feel inferior because they could not play football? While those may be the affects they do not seem to hold up as the original reasons to keep whites out of the NFL.

There's not going to be a paper trail on the Caste System any more than there is going to be a paper trail for your contention that the league decided to become 70% black as a way to control uppity white players.

The "psywar" is part of a general psywar being waged against whites. That was the thrust of my argument -- that the Caste System is acohesive part of a larger picture and that only by understanding the larger picture can one understand the Caste System.

If society's social planners really wanted to influence white culture, why use football? Why not use Hollywood?


And for that matter, the NFL is part of Hollywood and the general media/government/information complex. Sports, entertainment and even patriotism are all wrapped up together in the way the NFL is presented by the media.

If the goal of the social planning by the cultural marxists is to ruin white culture through sports then why is it that the NFL and NBA are the only black majority professional sports? And recently the NBA has been trying to do an image makeover and is trying to bring whites back into the game. All other professional team sports and almost all other professional individual sports have white majorities. So these cultural marxists -wherever they are- have a lot of "splaning" to do.

Quite simple -- football and basketball are the two sports blacks play far more than any others and are the two they're best at. That should be self-explanatory. The powers that be would love it if the NHL or the PGA Tour or the tennis world was 70% black butthatbe as impossible as expecting the Geico cave man to beat Billie Jean King in that tennis commercial.

I still think when it comes down to it the league's owners are following the 30% rule because for the moment it is a good business plan. Their workforce is majority zombie. They fill their stadiums for 16 weeks a year with the other zombies. The zombie customers buy anything and pay anything with the NFL logo on it. The TV networks pay the owners billions for the rights to broadcast to zombies. Sunday Night Zombie is the most watched sports program on televison. The NFL is the richest sports business on the planet. Valuations go up every year win or lose. The Washington Redskins are valued at over a billion and they love losing. Oh how they just love losing -on the field! For the moment it seems the sky is the limit for all of the NFL franchises even though interest in football is slowly waning. So why should the owners make any changes to a good thing for them? The owners already have the white customer so they do not need to go out to try and sell to them.

Blacks are even more materialistic than whites. As has been documented in other threads, NBA players make the most money of any pro athletes, on and off the court. Sports labor unions are run by sharp lawyers; it doesn't matter what the demographic composition of the union is when it comes to pro leagues. Over the past decade each of the four major sports leagues in the U.S. have reached labor peace by allotting a fixed percentage of their revenue to player salaries, generally around 60 percent or so. Labor negotiations now are mere quibbling over details and perks. The NFL has a business plan that was very successful long before the Caste System went into effect. The NFL could deliberately be all-white and be just as profitable as it is now or more so because its business model isn't predicated on how many whites or blacks it employs.

Edited by: Don Wassall
If this 30% figure is indeed enforced thru some backdoor agenda, it takes a good deal coordination amongst the teams, as well as the league office to pull it off. For instance we know that teams such as San Diego, Green Bay, NE, Indy, Buffalo, etc, are the white-friendly teams where the ratio is very much in the 60/40 range.

So, in order for it to fall in its pre-determined 70/30 ratio league wide, some behind-the-scenes collaboration is needed. The league must be monitoring all roster moves from training camp leading up the 4th pre-season game, right before rosters are finalized. So, when the Packers 53 man roster contains 23-24 white players, someone is probably placing a call to Black Jack Del Rio, and informing himthat he must keep his white players under 15 in order to maintain the balance. He of course is more than happy to oblige, and with Blacksonville keeping 10-11 whites, all of a sudden, just between those two teams, you now have 35 out of 106 players white, and there's your 30% right there. With similar moves happening across the rest of the league, the desired numbers are achieved.

My theory is certainly wacky, but I can't think of any other way to always maintain this 30% figure, unless there's some sort of communication. If one team becomes a little too white-friendly, another must cut back.
foobar75 said:
If this 30% figure is indeed enforced thru some backdoor agenda, it takes a good deal coordination amongst the teams, as well as the league office to pull it off. For instance we know that teams such as San Diego, Green Bay, NE, Indy, Buffalo, etc, are the white-friendly teams where the ratio is very much in the 60/40 range.

So, in order for it to fall in its pre-determined 70/30 ratio league wide, some behind-the-scenes collaboration is needed. The league must be monitoring all roster moves from training camp leading up the 4th pre-season game, right before rosters are finalized. So, when the Packers 53 man roster contains 23-24 white players, someone is probably placing a call to Black Jack Del Rio, and informing himthat he must keep his white players under 15 in order to maintain the balance. He of course is more than happy to oblige, and with Blacksonville keeping 10-11 whites, all of a sudden, just between those two teams, you now have 35 out of 106 players white, and there's your 30% right there. With similar moves happening across the rest of the league, the desired numbers are achieved.

My theory is certainly wacky, but I can't think of any other way to always maintain this 30% figure, unless there's some sort of communication. If one team becomes a little too white-friendly, another must cut back.

It's not enforced through any kind of overt or covert cooperation imo. It's an unspoken agreement, no different than the way all the major I-A programs don't recruit whites at many positions. They know how it works, and though they have some leeway, none are going to buck it too far. That explains why there's a noticeable difference between Jacksonville and New England, but both stay within the allowablebounds of the Caste System, i.e. no team is going to be 100% black and no team is going to be over 50% white.

That's the way PC (or Cultural Marxism) works throughout society in all areas of society, especially including politics. Everyone in public life knows what the ground rules are, and if they don't and overstep them deliberately or accidentally, they are rebuked as a lesson to others. There are no memoranda or late night calls because there's no need for them. All those who are part of theinstitutions of the power structure understand the code by which it operates and maintains power and implicitly agree to abide by it. No one wants to be the next Jimmy the Greek or John Rocker.

The elites decide what the trends are, and then it filters down the line through the media, government and academe, and everyone who benefits from the system or who is trying to better their position within it follows the cues and stays with the ever changing PC party line. There can be various levels of covert resistance and stubborness but over time the ideological agenda of Cultural Marxism has been extremely successful in remolding American society and ways of thinking. One of the unchallengeable PC orthodoxies is that blacks are superior athletes to whites. Any coach or GM or owner who tries to openly challenge that Big Liewill be treated as though he's a Klansman determined to bring back segregation.Edited by: Don Wassall
I agree, basically white players in football are getting assf..ked by the elites who are undoubtly comprised of whites and jews and a few selected blacks.White players are eternally screwed. Its going take a prolific white player ie; Brady or Farve to awake the white masses to the overt racism that is the NFL. Brady and Farve have nothing to lose, they have made millions and their legaciesare secure. It is going to take someone of their stature to sound the alarm. I hope to see it.

I believe in the White Race finally exposing this Cultural Marxism. It is my hope for me and my chilidren. If not, we as whites will be subjagated to second class citizens. I ,for one will never subscribe to being anything than a prooud white man who dominates his householdand immediate reams of influence.
I believe in the White Race finally exposing this Cultural Marxism. It is my hope for me and my chilidren.

I have a feeling it will take divine intervention, if not in this life, certainly in the next. From the Lord no secrets are hid, even by the practitioners of the NFL's caste system.

Don Wassall said:
foobar75 said:
If this 30% figure is indeed enforced thru some backdoor agenda, it takes a good deal coordination amongst the teams, as well as the league office to pull it off.  For instance  we know that teams such as San Diego, Green Bay, NE, Indy, Buffalo, etc, are the white-friendly teams where the ratio is very much in the 60/40 range.

So, in order for it to fall in its pre-determined 70/30 ratio league wide, some behind-the-scenes collaboration is needed.  The league must be monitoring all roster moves from training camp leading up the 4th pre-season game, right before rosters are finalized.  So, when the Packers 53 man roster contains 23-24 white players, someone is probably placing a call to Black Jack Del Rio, and informing him that he must keep his white players under 15 in order to maintain the balance.  He of course is more than happy to oblige, and with Blacksonville keeping 10-11 whites, all of a sudden, just between those two teams, you now have 35 out of 106 players white, and there's your 30% right there.  With similar moves happening across the rest of the league, the desired numbers are achieved.

My theory is certainly wacky, but I can't think of any other way to always maintain this 30% figure, unless there's some sort of communication.  If one team becomes a little too white-friendly, another must cut back. 

It's not enforced through any kind of overt or covert cooperation imo.  It's an unspoken agreement, no different than the way all the major I-A programs don't recruit whites at many positions.  They know how it works, and though they have some leeway, none are going to buck it too far.  That explains why there's a noticeable difference between Jacksonville and New England, but both stay within the allowable bounds of the Caste System, i.e. no team is going to be 100% black and no team is going to be over 50% white.

That's the way PC (or Cultural Marxism) works throughout society in all areas of society, especially including politics.  Everyone in public life knows what the ground rules are, and if they don't and overstep them deliberately or accidentally, they are rebuked as a lesson to others.  There are no memoranda or late night calls because there's no need for them.  All those who are part of the institutions of the power structure understand the code by which it operates and maintains power and implicitly agree to abide by it.  No one wants to be the next Jimmy the Greek or John Rocker. 

The elites decide what the trends are, and then it filters down the line through the media, government and academe, and everyone who benefits from the system or who is trying to better their position within it follows the cues and stays with the ever changing PC party line.  There can be various levels of covert resistance and stubborness but over time the ideological agenda of Cultural Marxism has been extremely successful in remolding American society and ways of thinking.  One of the unchallengeable PC orthodoxies is that blacks are superior athletes to whites.  Any coach or GM or owner who tries to openly challenge that Big Lie will be treated as though he's a Klansman determined to bring back segregation.

I absolutely believe that. There is no need for any kind of stringent rules or secret caste police giving calls to coaches in the middle of the night to make sure everyone follows the script. It is a gentlemans agreement, or perhaps more truthfully, an agreement between scoundrels. It is just like anything else in America regarding race. You toe the line so that you aren't branded as a racist. It is classic Marxist/Communist thought control in action. The perception and compliance is all that is important. Just like in the old Soviet bloc how it was more important to place party slogans in your store windows, or repeat them ad nauseum, than it actually was to believe in them. Most did as was expected, even if they could care less, because doing so granted them relative freedom from the prying eyes of Big Brother. The same can absolutely be said of the NFL. I just think somewhere along the line someone had to come up with the accepted parameters. The NFL had to come to terms with what would be the status quo. Somewhere along the road they had to determine that if you are in line with the caste you better be employing a team that is no more than 50% whites and your black starters better be a heck of alot more than that or you aren't doing enough to promote non-whites. There might not be a paper trail per say, but there definitely has to be a people trail who could speak out on these policies if they chose to do so. There have to be some kind of figures that are quantifiable, because like clockwork when a team in the spotlight tends to approach the accepted limits of white players, they come under increased media scrutiny for their lack of diversity.
foreverfree said:
I believe in the White Race finally exposing this Cultural Marxism. It is my hope for me and my chilidren.

I have a feeling it will take divine intervention, if not in this life, certainly in the next. From the Lord no secrets are hid, even by the practitioners of the NFL's caste system.


The weakness of cultural Marxism is that is not a natural state of humanity and must be enforced through either physical force or some other form of coercion like what we see with white guilt, or hate laws. This gives the impression that the system is physically strong when it is actually weak. Everything is built on an illusion and when the ullusion can no longer be maintained the system falls on its own. All it needs is one spark to set the revolution ablaze and the curtain is pulled back, reavealing all, before the perpetrators of the system even realize what is happening. This is primarily because the system does not promote free thought and easy adaptation which are hallmarks of the white race. This is why Marxism when entrenched in the non-white world is harder to uproot, and should give a clue beyond the abject greed of elites in exploiting non-whites, just why they want to flood white societies with non-whites. It will take a revolution no doubt to destroy the Social Marxism and the NFL caste system which is just one of its symptoms, but revolutions don't always have to be violent or physical. As long as there is a majority population of whites living in countries under the spell, the potential for success is good. Once the white population falls under majority status, then is when it becomes more difficult and failure or Balkanism becomes more likely. So don't lose hope, we are by no means down and out yet. The fight isn't over until the last white out of the room turns off the lights. Edited by: Bear Backer
Bear Backer said:
foreverfree said:
I believe in the White Race finally exposing this Cultural Marxism. It is my hope for me and my chilidren.

I have a feeling it will take divine intervention, if not in this life, certainly in the next. From the Lord no secrets are hid, even by the practitioners of the NFL's caste system.


The weakness of cultural Marxism is that is not a natural state of humanity and must be enforced through either physical force or some other form of coercion like what we see with white guilt, or hate laws. This gives the impression that the system is physically strong when it is actually weak. Everything is built on an illusion and when the ullusion can no longer be maintained the system falls on its own. All it needs is one spark to set the revolution ablaze and the curtain is pulled back, reavealing all, before the perpetrators of the system even realize what is happening. This is primarily because the system does not promote free thought and easy adaptation which are hallmarks of the white race. This is why Marxism when entrenched in the non-white world is harder to uproot, and should give a clue beyond the abject greed of elites in exploiting non-whites, just why they want to flood white societies with non-whites. It will take a revolution no doubt to destroy the Social Marxism and the NFL caste system which is just one of its symptoms, but revolutions don't always have to be violent or physical. As long as there is a majority population of whites living in countries under the spell, the potential for success is good. Once the white population falls under majority status, then is when it becomes more difficult and failure or Balkanism becomes more likely. So don't lose hope, we are by no means down and out yet. The fight isn't over until the last white out of the room turns off the lights.

I wish I knew how to give rep.
DWFan said:
Bear Backer said:
foreverfree said:
I believe in the White Race finally exposing this Cultural Marxism. It is my hope for me and my chilidren.

I have a feeling it will take divine intervention, if not in this life, certainly in the next. From the Lord no secrets are hid, even by the practitioners of the NFL's caste system.


The weakness of cultural Marxism is that is not a natural state of humanity and must be enforced through either physical force or some other form of coercion like what we see with white guilt, or hate laws. This gives the impression that the system is physically strong when it is actually weak. Everything is built on an illusion and when the ullusion can no longer be maintained the system falls on its own. All it needs is one spark to set the revolution ablaze and the curtain is pulled back, reavealing all, before the perpetrators of the system even realize what is happening. This is primarily because the system does not promote free thought and easy adaptation which are hallmarks of the white race. This is why Marxism when entrenched in the non-white world is harder to uproot, and should give a clue beyond the abject greed of elites in exploiting non-whites, just why they want to flood white societies with non-whites. It will take a revolution no doubt to destroy the Social Marxism and the NFL caste system which is just one of its symptoms, but revolutions don't always have to be violent or physical. As long as there is a majority population of whites living in countries under the spell, the potential for success is good. Once the white population falls under majority status, then is when it becomes more difficult and failure or Balkanism becomes more likely. So don't lose hope, we are by no means down and out yet. The fight isn't over until the last white out of the room turns off the lights.
 I wish I knew how to give rep. 

All the rep should go to my good friend who grew up in the Soviet Bloc.
I think it's stuck at 30% so that those who live in denial can occasionally point at the television screen and falsely claim to skeptics that whites are as prevalent in the game as ever.

Using, of course, the same logic that idiots use when they think that if an airliner has 200 passenger seats, a maximum of 200 humans will be in the airplane if it is filled to capacity, completely forgetting the crew.

"See? There's the punter. It's just like he's a running back."