Why do the scorn the Middle Distances?


May 20, 2005
According to Caste Whore Sailer, Whites can do well at the middle distance races because we are "mediocre runners at all distances."

He could have more easily (and honestly) pointed out that we have more speed than East Africans, and more stamina than West Africans. And more strength than either, of course. No doubt the skin tone of those who have the best athletic attributes for middle distances is our answer to the question.

To me, it seems middle distance ability is more useful (in an evolutionary, stuff that early man spent his time doing, kind of sense) than either being able to run 100 yards really quickly and burn out, or run an extreme distance. It seesm to me that being able to keep up a relatively fast pace for quarter to half mile is just the ticket for trailing wounded game, evading enemies, and other activities for which beating feet would be practiclly useful.



Jun 15, 2006
New York
I hear your point, and we are definitely the all round athletes. that's why white usually dominate the decathlon. but the issue with white track and field isn't the mid or long distance. we have had great runners here, and most people (I mean whites) believe this. just ask Sebastian Coe. the problem is people (white, block, red, yellow, etc) tend to think we can't be great sprinters. if you looking for evolution I would have to say that people of Asia decent are further along then any other race. that's why they tend to be weak, slow, smart and not strong, fast, dumb. its a funny thing that most whites have no problem admitting Chinese / Japanese people tend to be on a whole smarter then us, but blacks have a real problem admitting mental inferiority to white. the fact is just like a Chinese man can hold the record for the 110h, there can be a black Einstein. what we all have to say and believe is there will be a white man to break 10 sec in the 100m. that is are goal!

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Middle distance events tend to be dominated by whites and caucasian arabs because you need a hybrid body type. You need near world class sprinter speed(for the quarter)and world class endurance with strength for the power drive phase. You will tend to notice that the caucasian runners have alot more bulk than east african runners in these events. Even as scrawny has Hicham was he had alot more bulk than Ngeny did and Walker and Coghlin made Hicham look look like a pencil neck.....


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
albinosprint said:
I would have to say that people of Asia decent are further along then any other race. that's why they tend to be weak, slow, smart and not strong, fast, dumb. its a funny thing that most whites have no problem admitting Chinese / Japanese people tend to be on a whole smarter then us, but blacks have a real problem admitting mental inferiority to white. the fact is just like a Chinese man can hold the record for the 110h, there can be a black Einstein. what we all have to say and believe is there will be a white man to break 10 sec in the 100m. that is are goal!

I think too many people, and many on this site, are a little quick to grant asians mental superiority over whites. I strongly disagree. The IQ difference is not that large to make wholesale claims like "the chinese are smarter then the swedes" or something like that, the difference is not 20 points aveg. like black vs. white.

I work with alot of orientals and believe me the "asians are smart" stereotype disappears when you deal with these imbeciles everday. And don't get me started on certain "sub-groups" of asians such as the hmong, those clowns are about as smart as a box of rocks.

My feelings on the IQ numbers of whites vs. asians is that small, less intelligent white sub-groups (ex: appalachian whites) have been well IQ tested while remote asians (ex: chinese mountain villages) have not. Thus only higher IQ asians make up the test samples used to determine the IQ differences. This to me accounts for the very small IQ gap.

I also think that the "demeanor" of asians helps improve their reputation as smart. Yes when I was in school Kim Su Young got better grades then me because I was partying all of the time but I will be damned if he was one iota smarter then me IQ wise.

And also if asians are so further developed then how come they are just now catching up to white society in every aspect and really just copying us. The only reason they are doing so well by comparison is not because they are better, but because they still live in racially homogenous populations and are not under assault like we are.

Asians smarter then whites?? No f*cking way!!!!


May 20, 2005
albinosprint said:
If you looking for evolution I would have to say that people of Asia descent are further along then any other race. that's why they tend to be weak, slow, smart and not strong, fast, dumb. its a funny thing that most whites have no problem admitting Chinese / Japanese people tend to be on a whole smarter then us, but blacks have a real problem admitting mental inferiority to white. the fact is just like a Chinese man can hold the record for the 110h, there can be a black Einstein. what we all have to say and believe is there will be a white man to break 10 sec in the 100m. that is are goal!

Whoa fellow, you are making alot of assumptions and claims that are shaky.

Like Jaxvid said, there is no evidence that Asians are alot smarter than us, the maximum gap is six points.

Also, it is abit of a false idea to believe that evolution inherently proceeded from strong/dumb to smart/weak in humans. It is alot more complicated than that...the ancestors of Whites and Asians for instance, evolved in an enviroment that tended to favor strength and endurance over the flat-out fast-twitch speed of Blacks, on average, as well as requiring the evolution of more intelligence. Asians have gone through a bottleneck (lack of food resources at some point in their history) that made them smaller than Blacks or Whites, but they do quite well in relation to their size. They are more like Whites in bodytype, for instance, they do quite well in weightlifting and wrestling within the weightclasses in which they have reasonable numbers. As we all know, an Asian now holds the 110 meter hurdle record.

Now the ease of modern civilization probably does present a DE-volving trend, while conversely, some of the starvation conditions of early agricultural civilization also presented food resource bottlenecks. For instance, Cro-Magnons, who are from their skull the proto-Caucasians, were larger, more robustly muscled, and had larger brains than modern Whites. I'm talking, these fellows would destroy modern Whites and certainly Blacks as strength athletes, wrestlers, fighters, etc. Also, have you seen any documentaries about those White mummies they have found on the Asian steps? One of them was a couple, the man was 6'6, his presumed wife was 6'!, obviously left over from the Cro-Magnons. But the rise of increasingly tightly-packed agricultural cultures, which were actually entered into in most places in Eurasia after the absence of mega-mammal which had previously been hunted, actually led to lower quality diets, less protein, and more famine generally than had been the case when small groups of early Eurasians could just slaughter all the mammoths or aurochs they wanted.

And of course, as the White man's and Asian's civilization has progressed to a truly high level, it has become more and more possible to not be as physically robust and still survive and reproduce. Death is evolution's carving tool for creating species after all. This would not have been as true for Africans who never evolved much but savagery.

Of course, now ******** are surely devolving, rapidly, in our civilization. I just wish the White man would devote even a hair of his attention to breeding himself as carefully as he breeds his animals. Look at men like the Klitschko brothers-HW champions, PhDs, speak 5 languages. With just a little selective breeding, most Whites of the future could easily be much stronger AND more intelligent than any other race.


Aug 9, 2005
I've read the books by Hernstein and Murray, Rushton and Levin and they all agree that the white curve is flatter than the Asian. The Asians score ~ 5 points higher and their curve is very narrow. Asians do better on the performance half than whites, but not the verbal. This results in their communication systems not being as advanced as European societies and less innovation. Although they don't produce the Isaac Newtons and Albert Einsteins, their higher ability in performance on average leads to a more competent work force, especially in manufacturing.

Physically they are smaller and have less bone density than whites who in turn have less bone density than blacks. Check out J. Phillipe Rushton's Race, Evolution and Behavior.


Jun 15, 2006
New York
any race with selective breeding can achieve greatness. look what eastern Europeans did for the west African blacks with a little selective breeding? as for the Asians, I didn't flat out say they are smarter then whites. it might have read that way. not to defend Japanese or Chinese people, but how many dumb Asians do you know? I think on a whole they are smart people. now does this mean book smart, street smart? its fair to say that there academic performance is a byproduct of hard work. I can say every asian I ever knew personally was hard working, devoted and driven. just giving credit where credit is do. I'm not saying they are smarter, and I'm not say whites are dumb by any means. one of the most brilliant mind of the past century was a Jew and I'm pretty sure Hitler (nor Japan) was to happy about that. what I will say is that out of all the blacks I've know personally, that they are pretty dumb. that may be "product of their environment" though I personally don't believe that. with blacks I tend to think its the opposite of the Asians, LAZY!now as for evolution, how many time do you have to run fast or long for your survival? with evolution the body will loose functions / parts it doesn't need any more for it to survive. we don't chase our food anymore nor do we have to run from predators. the smarter we get the more gadgets will have doing things for us, therefore making our physical abilities almost obsolete. so let me through a wrench in my own theory, why is it people are running faster, jumping longer, throwing further? I have know idea! this really is a crazy topic. god dam it! cant we all just get along!



May 20, 2005
I've never figured out what the purported lack of bone density in Whites has to do with most sports. I follow alot of fightsport, and I see Blacks getting cracked orbitals, etc, just as much as White fighters.


May 20, 2005
Evolution does not have a purpose or a direction. It does not deliberately "loose" things like athleticism you theoretically wouldn't need as much of. In certain conditions, it may ALLOW the non-athletic to reproduce in equal numbers with the athletic. However, the genes of the White (dare I say it?) savages we are all descended from are still floating about, to the extent that we are still the strongest people on Earth for instance. With a little effort, such genes could be intensified.

"now as for evolution, how many time do you have to run fast or long for your survival?"

-I don't. That's why we civilized people have experienced a certain amount of devolution. Frankly, I don't believe you have to be as witty as say, the Iceman was, to get by and have lots of kids today, either.

We are setting records because the genes for strength and speed, as I said, don't disapear, just the genes for the opposite become relatively more common. And because we have better training methods, enough to eat, and performance-enhancing drugs.

Getting back to primeval times, however, you would sometimes have to run fast or long for your survival. Especially long. Discovery recently printed a story about the fact that while nearly every large mammal can outrun a human, a human can outlast and chase down nearly every animal over a long distance. This is probably an important factor in why humans evolved as they did. Comparing the West African to the Nordic, the West African evolved in an enviroment with edible material practically everywhere...if you are not too picky. You wouldn't nessecarily have to be as clever a hunter, fisherman, or trapper. A woman wouldn't nessecarily need a provisioning male. You might not have to doggedly run down that ungulate, kill it, and then lug the meat back to your women and children on your back, because you might spot some fish, or a large snake, or some big fat grubss...whatever, theres alot of biomass. Meanwhile, your woman has probably gathered enough fruit for herself and the offspring to survive while you were away. So you have no evolutionary pressure to replace your sprinting ability (which remember, is feeble in man compared to almost any animal) with as much endurance as other people, or the pressure to develop as much I.Q., or the same general social and sexual tendencies.

While primeval Eurasia had a good amount of rich biomass, alot of it was comparitively hard to come by. Vast herds of steaks-on-the-hoof, yes, but mean, far-ranging, difficult to hunt. Like I say, you had to run it down, figure out a good way to kill it without being killed (using the latest weapon technologies like the atlatle, and coordinating with your fellow man), etc. Then you had to carry it back, otherwise your family probably dies an icy death, not being able to gather too much in the Winter. Did I mention you have to do all of this in the snow, and probably do a huge amount of heavy lifting and carrying to get adequate shelter and firewood?

It's funny, I've read White Nationalists more than once opine something along the lines of "Blacks evolved just to hunt." Well, if you know anything about hunting, you realize the mental and physical attributes of Whites (the intelligence, the stoicism, the patience, the endurance, the spacial cognition) are alot better suited to hunting than that of the average Black. Even formerly civilized Whites who became savvy to their new enviroments often became as good or better woodsmen than the natives, like the Mountain Men of the American West. Even today, I think Whites are about the only people with a hunting instinct so strong that vast numbers of them still endure all of hunting's discomforts and trials for the sheer enjoyment of the chase.Edited by: White_Savage


Aug 9, 2005
Yes, blacks are definitely better gatherers than they are hunters. They're natural born opportunists.


Oct 19, 2004
Our manufacturing has declined because of failed free trade policies. We've gutted our industrial base on purpose. We could rebuild it if we had decent leadership that cared more about our welfare than their special interests.