Who speaks for whites


Oct 15, 2004
Don brought up a good point in another thread. Who speaks for whites? Really. Every other group has someone they can count on to advance their interests. I know most people would say that most white politicians or Republican politicians advance the interests of white people but we know this is not true. Who would you say is the number one person in the US that stands for whites and white interests. I do not mean a Klan member or a marginal fringe figure but someone in the public eye. A few years ago I would have said Jesse Helms hands down. But who now? Let me throw some names out. I know they are not very pro-white but the best we have.

Rep. Ron Paul. Gov. Arnold Schwarzegenegger? Jesse Ventura, Sen. Bill Frist, Rep. Tom Tancredo (my vote) any others?
Thats the problem with america today whites get made fun of in movies (white chicks), sports (basketball),and music (rap) and are the last ones to get good paying jobs (hiring black quarterbacks) and very little academic scholorship money (charities love to give to poor black kids), when the black population reaches 25% (i believe its at about 20% now but the cenus says 14%) and the hispanic population reaches 30% they will probably call the black population the majority minority so they can keep getting every thing handed to them.
No one from the establishment (ruling class) speaks for whites. The closest is Pat Buchanan, who straddles the fence between what the system maintains are "respectable" opinions and viewpoints and those considered "racist" or otherwise unacceptable. But when push comes to shove, Pat always returns to his inside the Beltway roots.

Buchanan beat a sitting president in the 1992 GOP New Hampshire primary, and was on the way to winning his party's presidential nomination in '96 before a vicious hate campaign against him "put him in his place" with the old sleep-inducing establishment warhorse Bob Dole winning instead.

But Buchanan's 2000 presidential run with the Reform Party was a disaster and he is now finished with politics. Pat was always a better speaker and writer than politician anyway. He was never interested in the nuts and bolts of organizing. He should have been building Buchananite GOP organizations in every state, spawning candidacies at all levels across the country, but it was always the Pat and Bay (his sister) traveling speaking tour instead, with nothing left behind to show for it.

Buchanan often spoke on behalf of white interests, sometimes subtly, sometimes not so subtly, but never directly. He still does, but at his age and with previous heart problems his days as a potential white leader are over.

Buchanan was most likely the last potential white leader who could have come from the system itself. Now all bets are off. There are three main possibilities:

1. No individual or group ever does speak on behalf of white interests and whites become a minority numerically and in every other way.

2. Strong individuals or groups emerge to lead whites from entirely outside the system. Certainly the Internet has been a great asset in bringing together like-minded people and allowing them to maintain virtually instant communication with each other. Maybe Caste Football will be able to grow into a strong, multifaceted, pro-white sports media. But whether the Internet can ever bring about a strong pro-white movement in America remains to be seen. The thorough dumbing-down of the U.S. population isn't cause for extreme optimism.

3. Grassroots pressure and mounting crises force the system to begin reversing its anti-white agenda. The immigration issue has the most potential. Here is an encouraging article about fed-up Americans taking matters into their own hands: http://www.newswithviews.com/Wooldridge/frosty23.htm

The establishment has a stranglehold on all the levers of power, but the American Empire is increasingly run by madmen, the neo-conservatives being Exhibit Number One. Whites are pretty much powerless to do anything about their situation right now, but the ever increasing corruption and stresses of the ruling system will bring about dramatic changes in the days to come. That's when whites will be able to take advantage and take their country back. In the meantime, we must persevere and educate those with eyes to see and ears to hear.
Don,Please be reminded that Pat Buchanan chose as his running mate,Ezola Foster,a black woman who was an office worker who had not a lot of experience in the political arena. I have not seen a reason stated to explain that.
That's one of the things I was referring to when I said his 2000 presidential run with the Reform Party was a disaster. I don't know what his exact reasoning was, but would imagine it was related to his tendency to go only so far and then pull back when the heat becomes too intense.

I can't be too critical of Pat because he is head and shoulders above anyone else from the establishment. His time has come and gone as far as running for office, but he still serves an important function as an author, writer and commentator in keeping issues front and center that aware whites care about.
well hopefully this web site turns into a huge organization,and we can speak out in public together. I do not know what everyones intention is on this site. I am not affraid to speak out in public by myself in what I believe in ,and none of you guys should be affraid either,but it would make mefeel better knowing that I have backing.
Money talks. Billionaire Blocher heads and funds Switzerland's nationalist party. The Front Nationale has many wealthy supporters. Berlusconi, Italy's richest citizen, leads the ruling Italian coalition. In terms of product branding European nationalism has the aura of progress and prosperity while anti-White elements have the threadbare look of Trotskyite cranks.

That wealthy Europeans actively promote White interests is admirable, but why should it be remarkable? Only because wealthy Whites in America and Canada are strangely anti-White. Perhaps they imagine they'll gain the status enjoyed by the White elite of mixed-race Latin American countries. It could be the vastness of North America gives the illusion of insulation. As if the slums could never threaten gated communities and Montana estates because the peons never learned to drive.

But things can change quickly. Whites of modest means often complain they have no voice. Who cares about that? But what happens when Whites of means make the same complaint? A 15% tax on dividends and elimination of estate taxes can hardly compensate for America becoming a third world country.

Ultimately it may come down to aesthetics. When someone realizes, through travel, just how beautiful New Zealand is, how well-run Singapore is, and how safe Chile is they will no longer accept the American political status quo. Progess requires dissatisfaction. Jealousy over what someone else has. So much wealth and so little to show for it.

An elderly money manager said he wants to be reincarnated as a Norwegian. How odd.
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