Whitey w\first pick?? Naaaa


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Today i had an intersting conversation involving a black guy and a white guy on the topic of Jordy Nelson. He was brought up by antoher saying the Packers could have had another more "valuable" draft pick. He even suggested Desean Jackson. I came to Jordy's defense claiming they were no where near comparible as players, only in the sense that they were both rookies. I went on to explain Jackson is a slot receiver who is a home run threat. i went on to explain the Packers already had two wrs in DD and Greg Jennings who fit this mold. I said Jordy had size\speed and would bring strength to the position. He saw my point. Now another colored guy jumps into the conversation. Hold up, the packers drafted a black guy with their first pick? WTF? Thats racist! you can imagine the rage i felt when hearing his ebonics. I asked him how it was racist to draft a white guy? If a team were to draft all blacks is that racist?Another(white) guy jumps into the convo. Everyone knows you can only draft a white guy as a QB or OL haha. He thought it was funny... Did he realize what he just said? I went on to explain the SAME scenario defending Jordy. Black guy didnt budge. White guy well first off he thought Jordy was only 5'8???! He must have been confused with another white wr Wes Welker.Try again buddy he's 6'3 215 lbs and ran a 4.51 seems pretty athletic to me. He eventually commented that he did do pretty good for a roookie, especially being 4th string. A few others commented giving Jordy a few compliments, but for the most part it was my knowledge against their's. I directed this towards the black guy "Jordy had 108 receptions as a sr, he's good. If you dont believe me go to youtube and watch his punt return against your Long Horns."

I know i shouldn't let this bother me especially since this guy's two favorite Qb's are Vince Young and Mike Vick. He buys into this ultimate myth of black supremacy but yet he couldnt even cut it as a high school player. He obviously doesn't fit into this category. It's just ridiculous how much people listen to what they are taught by the media! Anyways i usually try to stay out of these uneducated fan talks but htis one really got to me. I felt i had to stand up and im glad i did. However; this will be my last talk on this matter to the public. I cannot break through to them without coming off as a white supremecist. I will talk and make comments to my close friends on the matter and will continue posting here, but the damage is done
. This is what your typical 17 year old believes. What's the use?Edited by: celticdb15


Mar 25, 2008
In terms of casual conversation, it's tough to find someone who views white athletes as equals. I make my affinity for whites known to my friends. The background on my laptop is Peyton Hillis, and someone remarked "What are you, racist?" I mean, really?

However, finding someone who sees the Caste System is a great joy. I liked to banter with my dad when we would watch football together, and I noticed he loved white athletes as much as I. A few days later I printed out Jimmy Chitwood's "Heisman Candidate / Blocking Fullback piece and he enjoyed it.

My dad has coached youth football for 15 years, and has only had one black player come through. He always loved coaching a team of white kids and told me as much. Watching his teams dominate is always a joy to me.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
CDB15 & DWF, remember...most DWFs have been completed indoctrinated with a combination of cultural marxist/propaganda & the incessent pro-caste glorification of the greee eeat black "afflete", that they've lost all semblance of racial identity and pride. It's a shame so many (otherwise good) folks have been duped by the Leftist caste media. All we can do is try to educate (by calmly presenting the facts). Don't get drawn in to emotional banter (when possible)...and always lay the facts on the DWFs. Hopefully, we can wake these sheeple back up!

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005

good job in speaking up! everyone should do the same.

i make it a point to speak about the caste system every time i attend a sporting event, especially college games (and i attend a lot). i speak respectfully and use examples from the teams that are playing to make my points.

it's amazing how many people will initially be negative but will quickly change their tune if you stay calm, don't exaggerate, and use facts to make your case. i've done this time and time again, and you might be surprised how many people leave the game with a thoughtful expression on their faces.

i believe Colonel Reb can attest to this. he and i attended a bowl game together where this exact scenario played out. we can't be bashful about speaking up, or no drunken white fans will ever open their eyes.
Jul 14, 2007
Yes celticdb good job raising awareness. I have run into the issue where a lot of people around me know my views on the caste system. Unfortunately I get a number of different reactions. A lot of my teammates in college would say I was a "racist," even though they were sort of half joking when they said it. So whenever we're watching games and I cheer for a white athlete doing something good, someone will say "wait, you're only cheering for him because he's white!" Even before I have a chance to cheer for someone, someone will say "oh, I bet I know who you want to win," based on which team has more white players.

Another interesting reaction I have gotten from a number of people is that they too cheer for white players, especially ones in unlikely positions. They say though that they just don't agree with me that it's based on racial stereotypes at all, and that the few white players in those positions are the only ones good enough.

The absolute worst reaction I ever get is from bums who know nothing about sports and say that blacks are athletically superior. Even one idiot said something about boxing, to which I embarrased him about who the best heavyweights are. But those people are worthless and have no hope I guess.
Nov 30, 2008
I've been able to convince most of my close friends who follow sports that a caste system is in place. Some probably still believe blacks are superior overall, but they have started to think about it. I'm shocked at the response some have when I point out just one white speed burner like Kevin Curtis. When it dawns on them that he is one of the fastest players in the league it's like some amazing discovery, like they just found the city of Troy or something. They are so set in the notion that all white players are slower, just one example shocks them. Of course, the first response is that he's the exception to the rule, but then I bring some more facts.


Aug 25, 2008
I'm writing a college research paper and im thinking about writing the difficulties for white players to get noticed. Would you guys mind letting me know what websites you get the stats on football players (40 times, height, weight, etc).