White sprinters slowing down?


In high school I was 6'/ 175 lbs. I never lifted weights and was able to run 10.71 in the 100m. my first year in college my coach put me a 5 day / week weight training program and I put on 10 lbs and dropped my 100 time to 10.53. so you should be weight training. it will help make you more explosive, more flexible, and if done right will help avoid injury. good luck with your training.
Thanks for the advices Observer & albinosprint!
I will put Plyometrics,from which I saw a lot of good exercises on youtube and weightlifting in my programm next season.maybe In combination with a visit in Jamaica and I´m unstopable and take off a second of my 100 meter like shelly ann Fraser in 2 years
but that is not going to happen because I like it legal
waterbed, what sports are popular where you come from?
Im from Utrecht a place in the Netherlands Europe.the popular sports are Soccer,speedskating and fightsports.fightsports mostly heavyweight because most people here ae tall. My favourite fighter is Peter Aerts and there are a lot of cool HL of him on youtube.I always played soccer and still play.simply because a lot of friends do it you start doing it(if i was american I think I did american football).Now I also do athletics I got interested in it because of reading track and field on this site.If I make good improvement I will continue with it if I don't or get a soccer contract then I stop.I simply like to know how fast I can run.I have had some nicknames for my speed.In soccer you mostly run sprints around 30 meters which is ideal when you have good acceleration.I always was the fastest in that sprints in soccer but not in school.I remember A guy a couple of years ago from my highschool.he was I think 15 years old and there was a day against obesity at my school and we did sports that day.One of the best national 800 meter came to our school( Bram Som).he let the students run rounds from around around 800 meters(we don't have a track court) he also did a sprint and the 15 year old beated him with around 2 meters it was a sprint of around 70 meters.so he beated the 800 meter runner who can run a 10.9 100 meter at 15 years without training.It was a white guy(we also have a lot of non whites all over Europe except of the poor countries in the east because they all go to the rich countries) three years ago.I remember also a guy who did run on our schools field with around 4 inches grass on it a 7.1 which was very fast because he was also around 15( this was 1.5 years ago).He also did no athletics his favourite sport was auroracing......There is alot of white talent but wasted because we nearly do no sports in Europe on schools.only like 2 hours a week you got some sport classes and then you do some sports with your classmates.
Our national record 100 meter record is 10.15.we have a couple of thousand who do atletics small % does running short distances.It is not popular.
Another excercise to try is to wear a mini parachute while your sprinting. The wind really slows you down. Also we used to do the start and some sprinting dragging a 50lb weight. It could be lighter if you want. The most important thing however is to get your form down. Good form is the ultimate key to being a great sprinter. Also if possible, try to work on running with a little longer stride. Many athletes have dropped their times signaficantly just by increasing their stride length. Only a little however because overstriding isn't good and can lead to injury. Just work on increasing your stride a moderate amount. I hope these tips help. I have many other tips as well if needed. I need to get into coaching kids in sprinting.

Good luck waterbed. May you run faster than white lightning!
you could also do hill work outs. find a road with a small slope (4-6 pitch) and sprint both ways on it. the uphill sprint will work on stride length while the downhill will work on stride frequency. you could do a downhill sprint with a jog back then switch to uphill with a jog back. take little rest between sets and you'll build good endurance for 200m sprinting. also, like white lighting said, make sure you practice good form. you should video tape yourself (front, back & side). use it to study your form and to see what needs improvement. as much as I can't stand Carl Lewis, he really had a smooth, fluid running style. so try and model yourself around his form. also, with weight training, make sure you work opposing muscle groups. since sprinting is mostly hamstrings, you should be working out quads & hip flexors in the weight room. remember that a imbalance of muscle leads pulls and tears. so if you hamstring is to strong you most likes pull you hip flexor. if you quads are to strong (from playing soccer) you will pull your hamstring. feel free to ask any questions you might have. good luck!
Do you guys know if anyone has ever marketed or used a "rabbit" for sprinters?

I kind of figure that the key to running fast is to run fast --- but that this is difficult to do in sprint training because you really have no feedback other than after the run is finished and you look at the clock (or videotape). It is easy to fall into the mode of running harder, but not faster.

I would think that a moving light beam or a ball on a string programmed to move at a certain speed would have as a by-product the betterment of form as the runner tried to keep pace with it. It could be programmed to move each 10 m split at a certain time. Racing against real people has some of this same speed-pacing effect, but it can also have the opposite effect of causing a break-down in form instead of paying attention to one's own race execution. A programmed "pace-ball" would be a more controlled condition, where the speed could be set in accord with the individual runner's current capabilities.

I once had a little dog who liked to run just ahead of me, and I think it really helped because I had instant feedback as my form improved and I gained on him a little.Edited by: Observer
chase the ball, its not a bad idea. some sprints have the ability to chase down the leader. this could actually help that kind of sprinter. it sure would help in practice to set real race scenarios. could be done with a R/C car. neat idea!
An honest White sprinter has no chance against Black
sprinters who use anabolic steroids! I'd say Jeremy Wariner is not on 'roids
but Tyson Gaye probably is on the juice. The White sprinter cares more
about integrity than he does about trying to set a world record. However,
many Black sprinters want a world record at any cost. The sport is unfair
now due to rampant use of 'roids and Human Growth Hormone. The true
blue athletes don't need to get roided up because they can use their natural
talents in sports.
The problem with steroids and track and field is that the skill set is much simpler than other sports such as baseball. So when somebody takes PED's they have a huge advantage over someone that doesn't take them. There isn't a curve ball to learn when you lose a stride or two in sprinting.
To show you some great white sprinters from the past, you need to look no further than the European Championships at 200 Meters over the pastthreedecades. Watch this link and you will notice that white sprinters win the majority of the titles. It is just a little reminder of the fact that whites have been competetive in the past and still can win titles at major championships. We need more sprinters in large numbers from everywhere and guys who are mentally tough. The stereotype is the biggest hurdle that they face. Bust through it. I really enjoyed watching these races again and so will you guys. Enjoy these races from 1978 - 2006 of the Euro Cup!



Edited by: white lightning
nice find! this is what young white kids looking to sprint need to watch.
albinosprint said:
chase the ball, its not a bad idea. some sprints have the ability to chase down the leader. this could actually help that kind of sprinter. it sure would help in practice to set real race scenarios. could be done with a R/C car. neat idea!
The R/C car... now you're cookin'... that solves the problem of curve running. Two strips of metallic tape could be taped all along the track, one carrying DC and the other acting as ground. The battery pack could be taken out of the car. Calibrate the car and you're ready to go!
white lightning said:
To show you some great white sprinters from the past, you need to look no further than the European Championships at 200 Meters over the past three decades. Watch this link and you will notice that white sprinters win the majority of the titles. It is just a little reminder of the fact that whites have been competetive in the past and still can win titles at major championships.
Interesting, in a bunch of ways. The drug thing looks pretty obvious after watching this. Also, the similar compilation of the 100m. Throw out Chambers and Christie, and things sure look different.Edited by: Observer
a question for you knowledgable track guys:

what top sprinters (past and present) have been busted for testing positive for performance enhancers?

i'd like to know a bunch of names, because that certainly alters the facts of any debate when we can point out that most of these "unreal" speedsters WERE unreal. ie, they cheated.

thanks in advance.
I will just name a few to start off:

Ben Johnson

Carl Lewis

Linford Christie

John Capel

Maurice Greene

Tim Montgomery

Justin Gatlin

Dwain Chambers

I could come up with a huge list if I take the time. It's only obvious just like with the women from Flo Jo to Marion Jones. PED use is everywhere in the sprints. It became popular in the late 60's to 70's and has grown to epic proportions these days.
white lightning said:
It's only obvious...PED use is everywhere in the sprints.
What surprised me about the Euro 200m YouTube compilation was how many were NOT on PEDs. Mostly a bunch of skinny white kids with good running mechanics. Put those kids on PEDs and Kenteris-like speed would be the norm, not the exception. The same could be said for most of the Euro black runners. Except for Christie and Chambers, most of the Europeans, both white and black, look pretty clean --- actually, kind of scrawny. Certainly, there are some that are bigger and stronger, both whites (Alan Wells looks pretty strong, and of course Kenteris) and blacks (Nigerian-born Obikwelu is a tall strong guy), but overall the field looks like something out of the 1950's --- thin fast guys, mostly white, some black, or mixed race (Gardener).

Of course, visible muscularity is not the only sign (example: Mennea is kind of scrawny and used HGH, although it was not illegal then), but in a short sprinter lean muscularity would be one of the more obvious things.

If it is true that HGH is visible in the growth of the jaw bone, then these guys must have been using only maintenance levels at most. Edited by: Observer
Good points Observer. It was a more level playing field back in the day in the sprints. No one was shocked to see whites winning in the sprints as they commonly won many times and more than held their own. Today it is very rare to see as many white sprinters. The ped use is at an all time high and alot of whites have just went into other sports. I would love to see our guys make a great comeback just like in Boxing. It can be done but it would only happen with a huge growth in popularity of the sport in the white community. We need guys like Pickering to break through and be the Allan Wells of his generation.
The greatest mystery of all has to be why white sprinters seem slower now than back 50 years ago while black sprinters keep breaking records etc. I have a few opinions on it but scientifically it makes no friggen sense and is depressing like grim and grimmer.

Good question, although Lemaitre with a 9.92 may have worked out part of the equation?.

decline in white sprinters. total bollox:crazy:. just more black/ indian / asian doping and outside of europe or oz no good doping controlling, fact!!!!!!!:crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy:
decline in white sprinters. total bollox:crazy:. just more black/ indian / asian doping and outside of europe or oz no good doping controlling, fact!!!!!!!:crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy:

Every bodies doping apart from Europeans.

Out you come from under your rock.
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