White soldiers die in Iraq


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
How did this happen? We haveseen affirmative action programs devastating whites for decades. The average sports fan doesn't seem to care that NFL rosters are mostly black and that NBA teams are almost entirely blackor thatMLB is phasing out whites in favor of minorities. We've been told to sit at the back of the bus and like it! And we do like it! It's white people who buy the tickets and cheer fortheir favorite Negro player. All our major playing fields are under represented with white men.

But there is however, another field of activity, the battle field of Iraq. Ah yes, here is the ONE area AmericansLOVE to see their white sons, brothers, husbands andfathers over represented! Do we realize that 3 out of 4 sodiers killed are white? No room for them anywhere else. Hey white man, do your duty for God and country... be all that you can be... DEAD.


U.S. Deaths in Iraq by Race
<LI>American Indian or Alaskan Native: 0.91%
<LI>Asian: 1.82%
<LI>Black or African American: 11.01%
<LI>Hispanic or Latino: 11.19%
<LI>Multiple races, pending, or unknown: 1.31%
<LI>Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 1.02%
<LI>White: 73.03%
<LI>Israelis ("America's greatest ally"): 0.0%
<LI>American Jews: 0.2% â€â€￾ That's approximately 1/10th of their percentage in the general population!</LI>

I read on an article somewhere on this same subject.

Apparently, overall enlistment of blacks and Hispanics exceeds their numbers in the general population. However, they tend to seek out and congregate in non-combat positions more than whites. White males, on the other hand, enlist in combat arms in much greater numbers than minorities and in greater percentage than their overall enlistment numbers would indicate, if it were based on the law of averages.

Not to mention that white men, by far, constitute the majority of special forces soldiers.

So there is an explanation for why there are more white deaths than minority in the Iraq conflict. The real question is, why do more white men enlist in combat arms than other races?
Many of those white men that enlist are warriors. They want to fight and kill and they are glad there is an opportunity. Men that join the special forces and many of the ground pounders have trained all their life for this opportunity. While you and I may think that they are being "sacrificed" they would much prefer to be doing what they are doing. I know the war is not popular but the casualty numbers are incredibly low for a major engagement. The number of men lost in Iraq are about the number that died the first hour of a typical WWII landing. And they are killing a tremendous number of the enemy.

Their parents are proud because their sons are the epitome of the type of white "warrior" that others talk about here. That type of pride runs deep in the human soul. Doesn't matter if they are dying for a power mad president, oil, or the Jews, they are distinguing themselves as fighters.
Somebody tell this to that annoying, brain dead moron, Chris Rock. I heard him recently say that if they were sending "white boys" to Iraq instead of blacks and hispanics, people would be desperate to bring the troops home. Just goes to show how ignorant people can be.
Of course the best and brightest of all recruits are white.Our government officials know this to be true.Whites have been pushed to the rear to make room for minorities in sports and other areas but when it comes to life and death situations EVERYONE knows in their heart of hearts that white men will get the job done or give their lives trying.Manywill gladly risk periland great danger for a higher cause. Astrong, healthy, youngfootbal player making tons of moneyand living the American dream, left it all behindto fight the enemy in Iraq. His name is Pat Tillman and he came back home in a coffin. Was anyone surprised he was a white man? Hardly.
JD074 said:
Chris Rock. I heard him recently say that if they were sending "white boys" to Iraq instead of blacks and hispanics, people would be desperate to bring the troops home.

It's bad enough the squealing little chimp can make that statement and not get blastedbut most Americans probably believe it's true.
It may seem gruesome, but I'd be interested in cause of death for each group. How many died in actual combat engagements, as opposed to car accidents or convoy ambush.
Look at any film report of U.S. combat forces in Iraq or Afghanistan and the vast majority of the guys carrying guns are white.

The sad thing is they are dying/being sacrificed for the wrong cause. The whole of that anthropological rubish heap known as Iraq is not worth one of these men's lives.

What a shock it would come to the comfortable, well educated elite who sit in safety far from the clatter of gunfire if these working class white kids just said no; I ain't fightin' for this system.
American Freedom News