White professor is accused of posing as a Black activist!


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011

Here's the whore before she turned into a Negro.

"she's the head of the local chapter of the NAACP"

For many years the head of the NAACP wasn't a negro, it was a jew, and in fact the NAACP was created by Jews...



Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011

Before and after. Voila, instant negro wat sneers at de camera an hate de muthrfkun wite blond haired debil opresors dats rite!!
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Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
This story is blowing up across all the media. This dummy has a history of mud sharking and spawned an negro child. To making matters worse. The white parents who outed her and put her on blast, also have a soft spot for negroes. They adopted 4 orphan hard core african negroes. They are part to blame. If I was a neighbor I would ask them. Would it be too much trouble to offer a loving home for at least one White orphaned child? Amerika on the slow slide to the sh*tter.
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The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
Ha ha ha. White is right finds it. Werewolf takes it and runs with it. That's why I gotta check Caste Football every day. My laugh of the day.


Jul 15, 2011
This story is just way too funny. I'm looking at the picture and thinking how stupid do you have to be to think this woman was black. She has blue eyes and pale skin most of the time. I wonder if I go to a job interview wearing one of those afro wigs they sell at party stores, will I be an affirmative action hire.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
This story is just way too funny. I'm looking at the picture and thinking how stupid do you have to be to think this woman was black. She has blue eyes and pale skin most of the time. I wonder if I go to a job interview wearing one of those afro wigs they sell at party stores, will I be an affirmative action hire.
I knew I had seen this story somewhere.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVtsvIpJFTw

Who would have thought that a b movie that I would only watch while inebriated would have a remake 30 years later.....:grin:


Jul 15, 2011
So Bruce Jenner's a woman, and this lady is black, so since we are all pretentending to be something else, I want to be a ninja.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
So Bruce Jenner's a woman, and this lady is black, so since we are all pretentending to be something else, I want to be a ninja.

LOL! I was thinking of "becoming" a T-Rex or a Viking.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
So Bruce Jenner's a woman, and this lady is black, so since we are all pretentending to be something else, I want to be a ninja.

Did you say a ninja or a n'r? You'll get a lot farther in the USSA by turning into the latter.

That charming young lady is being discriminated against just because she is transracial - yep, they invented a new word for her - but if they can make up "transgender" to call sex pervert maniacs, they can make up "transracial" to call raving maniacs like de blak militant Professu Rachel Dolezal, no?


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Did you say a ninja or a n'r? You'll get a lot farther in the USSA by turning into the latter.

That charming young lady is being discriminated against just because she is transracial - yep, they invented a new word for her - but if they can make up "transgender" to call sex pervert maniacs, they can make up "transracial" to call raving maniacs like de blak militant Professu Rachel Dolezal, no?

The blacks are already running racist articles claiming everyone wants to be black these days. Yes, I too would like a low iq and to be ugly as sin.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
The blacks are already running racist articles claiming everyone wants to be black these days. Yes, I too would like a low iq and to be ugly as sin.

But you'd have NATURAL RHYTHM!


1932: Osa and Martin Johnson dropping in on one of those great black african civilizations that taught the white man everything he knows that they teach about in the USSA schools and on their tv and movies.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The blacks are already running racist articles claiming everyone wants to be black these days. Yes, I too would like a low iq and to be ugly as sin.

...and (also) lack any modicum of civility, work ethic & impulse control.

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
Using the B- in Psychology 101 that I earned several decades ago at a Community College, I'm working on a theory that the seeds of this women's bizarre behavior began when her parents chose to adopt black children into the family. I speculate that seeing the special status her parents conferred on her African "siblings" somehow affected her sense of self worth in relation to her whiteness.

In an effort to compensate for her racial confusion Ms. Perfesser decided to switch to black and not go back.
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Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
Using the B- in Psychology 101 that I earned several decades ago at a Community College, I'm working on a theory that the seeds of this women's bizarre behavior began when her parents chose to adopt black children into the family. I speculate that seeing the special status her parents conferred on her African "siblings" somehow affected her sense of self worth in relation to her whiteness.

In an effort to compensate for her racial confusion Ms. Perfesser decided to switch to black and not go back.
I had similar thoughts when reading this story. Makes sense to me. Those parents deserve the shame brought upon their family by their mentally ill daughter. They most likely made her that way.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Here's an interesting take on this in the Federalist comparing Dolezal being "black" to Jenner being a "woman":

[h=2]If Rachel Dolezal Isn’t Black, How Is Caitlyn Jenner A Woman?[/h] June 12, 2015 By Sean Davis
Spokane NAACP president Rachel Dolezal, a professor of Africana Studies at Eastern Washington University, was outed earlier this week by her parents as being white.
In what has to be one of the more bizarre news stories of 2015, Dolezal pretended for years to be black. Social media accounts posted pictures of a black man who she said was her father (he’s not). She regularly wrote about her black son Izaiah (he’s actually her adopted brother).
It also appears as though she repeatedly lied about being the victim of race-based hate crimes. She claims to have been the victim of at least nine separate hate crimes.
As you might expect, this story has gotten a lot of attention, namely because Dolezal isn’t black. She’s white. Very white. According to her parents, her heritage is primarily German and Czech. Naturally, people are a bit shocked that a white person would so brazenly pretend to be black for so many years.
There seems to be little argument, on both the Right and Left, that Dolezal appears to have some serious psychological issues to sort out. Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post tweeted that he agreed that she is “mentally disturbed“:
After reading this, I have to agree —> http://t.co/OdkRRJcKEn https://t.co/xdB5gCSD8m

Jonathan Capehart (@CapehartJ) June 12, 2015
He’s not alone. Just search for “dolezal crazy†or “dolezal nuts†on Twitter for a sampling of the near-universal opinion that she’s nuts. Try as I may, I can’t find any person of any notoriety defending Dolezal’s bravery or courage.
Which of course brings us to Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner.
How, exactly is what Dolezal did any different than what Jenner is currently doing? Rachel Dolezal is not black, and Caitlyn Jenner is not a woman (putting aside the basic biological facts of how sex-selection and chromosomes work, Jenner’s not even undergone the so-called sex change surgery; by all accounts, his equipment is still intact). Rachel Dolezal changing her wardrobe, her makeup, and her hair do not make her black. Pretty much everyone seems to agree on that, for obvious reasons. You don’t turn red into blue by magically declaring that red is now blue.
And yet, the Left and the media would have us believe that Bruce Jenner can become a woman by…changing his name, his wardrobe, his makeup, and his hair. How can you logically square the belief that Jenner is a hero while Dolezal is a mental case? Well, you can’t.
Take Jonathan Capehart, for example, who’s outraged by Dolezal’s con job:
White person running chap of NAACP? No problem. White person pretending to be black and running chap of NAACP. BIG problem.

Jonathan Capehart (@CapehartJ) June 12, 2015
I agree with him. The whole thing is bonkers, and there’s something just not right about Dolezal’s long-running race hoax. So I asked Capehart if he’d be bothered if Jenner took over the Girl Scouts:
.@CapehartJ Would it be a big problem if Caitlyn Jenner ended up running the Girl Scouts?

Sean Davis (@seanmdav) June 12, 2015
FTLOG, Caitlyn Jenner is not "pretending" to be a woman. Move along… https://t.co/BbWGFCSFRL

Jonathan Capehart (@CapehartJ) June 12, 2015
Wait, wait? How can anyone with even the most tenuous grip on reality possibly argue that Jenner, who’s undergone zero surgery (not that that can change one’s chromosomes, which are entirely responsible for determining one’s sex), is not pretending to be a woman? How can you not see the glaring similarities between Jenner’s shtick and Dolezal’s? Nearly overnight, it would appear that the long-standing ideas of race as a social construct and gender as a biological construct have been flipped on their heads.
In a 2013 essay for The Atlantic, writer Ta-Nehisi Coates explained the social, not biological, foundation of race in the modern age:
Our notion of what constitutes “white†and what constitutes “black†is a product of social context. It is utterly impossible to look at the delineation of a “Southern race†and not see the Civil War, the creation of an “Irish race†and not think of Cromwell’s ethnic cleansing, the creation of a “Jewish race†and not see anti-Semitism. There is no fixed sense of “whiteness†or “blackness,†not even today.
He makes a great point. We know precisely the definition of male (an X and a Y chromosome) and female (two X chromosomes)–or at least we did before society lost its collective mind–but is it possible to give a precise, quantifiable definition of black or white? Coates argues that you can’t, because so much of it depends on the social and historical context of a given culture:
Race is no more dependent on skin color today than it was on “Frankishness†in Emerson’s day. Over history of race has taken geography, language, and vague impressions as its basis.
Which brings us right back to Rachel Dolezal. She’s no hero. She’s a fraud, and likely one in need of serious mental help. She deliberately lived out a charade. At least in this instance, society seems to recognize that you cannot change who you are merely by playing dress-up and declaring that white is now black.
There will be no reality shows for Rachel Dolezal. No prime-time interviews. No photo-shopped magazine covers. Nobody will declare that Dolezal is brave, courageous, or worthy of being placed on a pedestal as a heroine. She will not be lauded by ESPN during its annual gala. There will be no Arthur Ashe Courage Awards given to Rachel Dolezal.
This is America in 2015, and the Dolezal and Jenner cases teach a valuable lesson about media relations: if you want to be celebrated for identity fraud, stick with gender and leave the race card at home.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Here's an interesting take on this in the Federalist comparing Dolezal being "black" to Jenner being a "woman":

[h=2]If Rachel Dolezal Isn’t Black, How Is Caitlyn Jenner A Woman?[/h] June 12, 2015 By Sean Davis
Spokane NAACP president Rachel Dolezal, a professor of Africana Studies at Eastern Washington University, was outed earlier this week by her parents as being white.
In what has to be one of the more bizarre news stories of 2015, Dolezal pretended for years to be black. Social media accounts posted pictures of a black man who she said was her father (he’s not). She regularly wrote about her black son Izaiah (he’s actually her adopted brother).
It also appears as though she repeatedly lied about being the victim of race-based hate crimes. She claims to have been the victim of at least nine separate hate crimes.
As you might expect, this story has gotten a lot of attention, namely because Dolezal isn’t black. She’s white. Very white. According to her parents, her heritage is primarily German and Czech. Naturally, people are a bit shocked that a white person would so brazenly pretend to be black for so many years.
There seems to be little argument, on both the Right and Left, that Dolezal appears to have some serious psychological issues to sort out. Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post tweeted that he agreed that she is “mentally disturbed“:
After reading this, I have to agree —> http://t.co/OdkRRJcKEn https://t.co/xdB5gCSD8m

Jonathan Capehart (@CapehartJ) June 12, 2015
He’s not alone. Just search for “dolezal crazy†or “dolezal nuts†on Twitter for a sampling of the near-universal opinion that she’s nuts. Try as I may, I can’t find any person of any notoriety defending Dolezal’s bravery or courage.
Which of course brings us to Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner.
How, exactly is what Dolezal did any different than what Jenner is currently doing? Rachel Dolezal is not black, and Caitlyn Jenner is not a woman (putting aside the basic biological facts of how sex-selection and chromosomes work, Jenner’s not even undergone the so-called sex change surgery; by all accounts, his equipment is still intact). Rachel Dolezal changing her wardrobe, her makeup, and her hair do not make her black. Pretty much everyone seems to agree on that, for obvious reasons. You don’t turn red into blue by magically declaring that red is now blue.
And yet, the Left and the media would have us believe that Bruce Jenner can become a woman by…changing his name, his wardrobe, his makeup, and his hair. How can you logically square the belief that Jenner is a hero while Dolezal is a mental case? Well, you can’t.
Take Jonathan Capehart, for example, who’s outraged by Dolezal’s con job:
White person running chap of NAACP? No problem. White person pretending to be black and running chap of NAACP. BIG problem.

Jonathan Capehart (@CapehartJ) June 12, 2015
I agree with him. The whole thing is bonkers, and there’s something just not right about Dolezal’s long-running race hoax. So I asked Capehart if he’d be bothered if Jenner took over the Girl Scouts:
.@CapehartJ Would it be a big problem if Caitlyn Jenner ended up running the Girl Scouts?

Sean Davis (@seanmdav) June 12, 2015
FTLOG, Caitlyn Jenner is not "pretending" to be a woman. Move along… https://t.co/BbWGFCSFRL

Jonathan Capehart (@CapehartJ) June 12, 2015
Wait, wait? How can anyone with even the most tenuous grip on reality possibly argue that Jenner, who’s undergone zero surgery (not that that can change one’s chromosomes, which are entirely responsible for determining one’s sex), is not pretending to be a woman? How can you not see the glaring similarities between Jenner’s shtick and Dolezal’s? Nearly overnight, it would appear that the long-standing ideas of race as a social construct and gender as a biological construct have been flipped on their heads.
In a 2013 essay for The Atlantic, writer Ta-Nehisi Coates explained the social, not biological, foundation of race in the modern age:
Our notion of what constitutes “white†and what constitutes “black†is a product of social context. It is utterly impossible to look at the delineation of a “Southern race†and not see the Civil War, the creation of an “Irish race†and not think of Cromwell’s ethnic cleansing, the creation of a “Jewish race†and not see anti-Semitism. There is no fixed sense of “whiteness†or “blackness,†not even today.
He makes a great point. We know precisely the definition of male (an X and a Y chromosome) and female (two X chromosomes)–or at least we did before society lost its collective mind–but is it possible to give a precise, quantifiable definition of black or white? Coates argues that you can’t, because so much of it depends on the social and historical context of a given culture:
Race is no more dependent on skin color today than it was on “Frankishness†in Emerson’s day. Over history of race has taken geography, language, and vague impressions as its basis.
Which brings us right back to Rachel Dolezal. She’s no hero. She’s a fraud, and likely one in need of serious mental help. She deliberately lived out a charade. At least in this instance, society seems to recognize that you cannot change who you are merely by playing dress-up and declaring that white is now black.
There will be no reality shows for Rachel Dolezal. No prime-time interviews. No photo-shopped magazine covers. Nobody will declare that Dolezal is brave, courageous, or worthy of being placed on a pedestal as a heroine. She will not be lauded by ESPN during its annual gala. There will be no Arthur Ashe Courage Awards given to Rachel Dolezal.
This is America in 2015, and the Dolezal and Jenner cases teach a valuable lesson about media relations: if you want to be celebrated for identity fraud, stick with gender and leave the race card at home.

The answer is simple...they're both nutso & worthy of the nut house.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Maybe other wiggers will follow her example and paint their faces black. At least then we can separate the wiggers from the rest of us whites, ha.

So will these black wanna be ' s also receive favour able treatment in the job applications process? Does affirmative action extend to wiggers and other transracials?

What a god damn freak show.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Maybe other wiggers will follow her example and paint their faces black. At least then we can separate the wiggers from the rest of us whites, ha.

So will these black wanna be ' s also receive favour able treatment in the job applications process? Does affirmative action extend to wiggers and other transracials?

What a god damn freak show.
Here's a story about another freak show who claimed to be a ******* 30+ years ago and was elected as a school trustee. At least he didn't fall asleep in a tanning salon......http://abcnews.go.com/US/white-councilman-campaigned-black-man-31-years-ago/story?id=31825268


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
From article:

Dolezal has also revealed she is bisexual, 'empathizes with Caitlyn Jenner'

DailyMail.com revealed she accused ex-husband of forcing her into sex tape

She also 'accused older brother of sexual assault when she was 17'

So let me take a guess at why this bisexual wiggeress is so screwed up in the head.

Women are very suggestible to begin with and it appears she faced mental and physical abuse as a child and teenager. During her formative years she had to deal with her bleeding heart, wigger parents adopting 4 Africans which probably made her feel jealous and unloved in her parents eyes. If only she were black, her parents would pay more attention to her. After all they clearly love negroes, which she was not.

She then claims her brother sexually abused her, which I believe since he is now being accused of diddling a black child. This negro-loving pedophile abused her which probably caused her to hate Whites (and to a lesser extent men) and engage in homosexuality. It also is mostly likely why she ended up marrying an abusive negro, as abuse victims seem to subconsciously seek out the same type of monsters that have hurt them in the past. That could also explain the brother being a pedophile. He was likely sexually abused as a young child. Wigger father or another adult family member maybe?

Anyway, this Dolezal family is a screwed up as any I've ever seen and I put alot of blame at the feet of the parents. I can't imagine Rachel ending up this deranged if she were raised in a traditional, loving, normal White family. In many ways, I feel sorry for her.