White Pride is Immoral


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
A man tried to trademark the term "White Pride Country Wide" but the Feds denied the request saying it was -Immoral and Offensive. [url]http://www.amren.com/mtnews/archives/2005/08/feds_rule_white .php[/url]

This is a list of some slogans which were acceptable to the government:and have been registered as trademarks:
"African Pride," "African Man Pride," "Asian Pride," "Bahama Pride," "Black Pride," "Brazilian Pride," "China-Pride," "Chippewa Pride," "Choctaw Pride," "Colombian Pride," "Cuban Pride," "Dakota Pride," "Dominican Pride," "El Salvador Pride," "Ecuador Pride," "Gay Pride Apparel," "Guyanese Pride," "Havana Pride," "Honduran Pride," "Indian Pride," "Jamaica's Pride," "Jewish Pride," "Kwanzaa Pride," "Long Beach Lesbian and Gay Pride," "Mayan Pride," "Mexican Pride," "Native Pride!," "Nicaraguan Pride," "Orgullo Hispano" (Hispanic Pride), "Orgoglio" (Hispanicâ€â€￾'Great Pride' (supremacy?)), "Qisqueya Pride" (Dominican Republic Pride), "Rainbow Pride Coach," "Red Pride," "San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride," "Spanish Pride," and "West Indian Pride."
The only two of those I can relate to are Indian Pride, if it means Native American, and Choctaw Pride, because I am a little Indian, but I am horribly offended that the other 90%+ of me is not allowed to be represented in the same way. Boo on the feds. Micronuke on their diversity!
Pride is a sin
Shoot, you got me on that one pilgrim! Pride indeed goeth before a fall. As much white pride as I have, I'm in for one long fall.
I wonder if the trademark "Straight White Male Pride" is available or is it immoral for me to be straight, white & male?
Bear-Arms, it's not immoral to be a straight, white, proud male but to admit to the fact publicly means certain death to your career. Any hopes of advancement in the government or privatesector will be snuffed outlike a lit candle in a hurricane.
What about pride in a particular white
ethnicity. Italian pride, German pride, French pride, Irish
pride, Greek pride, etc.
I've seen an Irish pride t-shirt before, but maybe he made it himself.
The whole concept of Whites describing themselves racially as "Irish, English, Dutch, Norwegian" and so forth is an example of a divide and conquer tactic forced on us by political correctness and ultimately has bad consequjences. Latins do not typically describe themselves as "half Mexican and half Honduran" or whatever, nor do blacks describes themselves as "Part Nigerian and part Ghanese". A White man is a White man-the biolgical race is the im portant part.
That last sentence is the truth White_Savage! We shouldn't get caught up in using all these categories. They are good to know, but can be trouble when used by the wrong people, as we have already seen.
Yep, there is a huge difference between being "Irish, Norwegian, and Welsh" or "Italian, German, and Czech" and whatever and being saying, "German, Nigerian, and Chinese".

The P.C. monolith would like us to believe that Europe is really populated by a bunch of different "races", that race is a cultural thing, that the tiny racial differences between Irishman or Russian are equivalent to the differences between white and black, that everybody is really a mutt anyway, etc. They want us to forget the inconvenient fact that the "melting pot" that made this country was basically something into which different European nationalities were poured.
As pointed out by Jared Taylor in this months AMREN newsletter the best example that Europeans are a single race is exhibited by the examples of the United States and Australia where the various nationalities of Europe have immigrated and intermarried without incident and forming a similar single culture. And of course that culture is the without dispute the best in the world.
American Freedom News