White Nationalist Sites?


Oct 4, 2013
I'm looking for a white nationalist/separatist website. I'd like this site to have an active discussion forum.

I would also like for this site to be relatively progressive/moderate/liberal. I know that sounds like a contradiction...but surely there is some white nationalist site where the average user doesn't despise gays or think all women should be subservient to their husbands?

I would appreciate recommendations if you know of a place like this.
VNNforum is by far the most anti-women and anti-christian of WNst boards

I do however love Alex Linder. He's one of the few WNst leaders who is fully aware of the Castesystem and writes sports articles.
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It's virtually impossible to find a website where everyone agrees with you on every issue.

For example, most people here would be in disagreement with me on environmental issues (I think the current ongoing mass extinction on earth mainly due to overpopulation is the greatest tragedy in history).

So I don't bring up the environment, instead I usually post about topics on which most people here would agree with me, such as the anti-white agenda of the mainstream media.
It's virtually impossible to find a website where everyone agrees with you on every issue.

Very true.

And I should clarify, I don't expect to find a website where every single person is going to agree with me. I guess what I'm looking for is a place where alternative views, and the people who have these alternative views, aren't rabidly vilified and "chased off." I guess I could just keep my alternative views to myself, but I think it's worthwhile to explain why I have the opinions that I have because I think the White Nationalist movement would be able to get white people more united if the average person had more moderate opinions (or at least the ability to tolerate other people's moderate opinions) on gays, the role of women, religion, abortion, etc. Half the white population is female and you aren't going to get very many women supporting you if you talk about how awful it is that women have equal rights and are no longer subservient to their husbands. And a lot of white people, and certainly the vast majority of younger white people, have no problem with gays and think gays should have equal rights. Also an enormous number of white people aren't particularly religious, and a lot of white people are pro-choice although not necessarily pro-abortion.

What I'm saying is, I want a white nationalist site that understands that white people as a whole need to be united, and that taking these hardline stances that a lot of white people (particularly a lot of young white people) disagree with is bound to discourage a lot of white folks who would otherwise have supported white nationalism. Think about it--even the most liberal white person still participates in white flight when minorities move into a neighborhood, so this person is bound to have a latent racial solidarity for their brethren that just needs to be awoken.

I want a place that is inclusive and accepting of all white people and all opinions, as long as they care about the continued existence, relevance, happiness, and success of the white race.

Any place at all like that? Or am I going to have to start my own?
If you believe feminism and the agenda of the homosexuals are merely innocuous movements that care only about "equality," then you should go to liberal sites and try to awaken the "latent racial solidarity" of White liberals or alternatively start your own site, because with your views you will always be part of a very tiny minority on any pro-White forum.
What I'm saying is, I want a white nationalist site that understands that white people as a whole need to be united, and that taking these hardline stances that a lot of white people (particularly a lot of young white people) disagree with is bound to discourage a lot of white folks who would otherwise have supported white nationalism.

I want a place that is inclusive and accepting of all white people and all opinions, as long as they care about the continued existence, relevance, happiness, and success of the white race.

Any place at all like that? Or am I going to have to start my own?

VNNFORUM.COM is the place for you man.Unless you're a woman,in which case you'd have to be rather "submissive"
woman to be accepted there.
Hell,even blacks can(and do) post there as long as they follow the rules.
One thing though,there a few "antis" there who are hostile towards newbies.

This site calledCastefootball.us is not too bad either,mind you!Its up to you to take the initiative to start discussions.

Incogman & totalfascism have good comment sections with some lively discussion.

Alternativeright has a great community in the comments section,but I'll be bold enough to say its a bit above your level...as of now.The same applies to moreright.

Whatever you do,do not venture into Stormfront territory....its a WN website for pussies.

(I've only mentioned the names of most websites,use startpage or duckgogo to find their urls.Alternatively,pm me if you're too lazy to do that.)
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Pro-choice views have resulted in 55 million abortions since 1973. It is hard to separate pro-choice views from the practice of abortion.
VNNFORUM.COM is the place for you man.Unless you're a woman,in which case you'd have to be rather "submissive"
woman to be accepted there.
Hell,even blacks can(and do) post there as long as they follow the rules.
One thing though,there a few "antis" there who are hostile towards newbies.

I have to disagree about VNN. It's pretty hardcore. If a guy is upset with some attitudes here at CF then the VNN forum will send him into shock. It's nothing like what he mentioned he is interested in. The only places even close to what he wanted would be VDARE.com, maybe isteve.blogspot.com or Takimag.com
Pro-choice views have resulted in 55 million abortions since 1973. It is hard to separate pro-choice views from the practice of abortion.

Well said Colonel_Reb. Pro-choice is pro-abortion. Nothing good can come out of destroying life, before we know what would become of that life.

Who have we aborted in 55 million babies, more than likely we've destroyed people who would have done some kind of good in this weary world, perhaps that is America's punishment for the killing of 55 million babies!
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I'm looking for a white nationalist/separatist website. I'd like this site to have an active discussion forum.

I would also like for this site to be relatively progressive/moderate/liberal. I know that sounds like a contradiction...but surely there is some white nationalist site where the average user doesn't despise gays or think all women should be subservient to their husbands?

I would appreciate recommendations if you know of a place like this.

It's not a matter of being moderate/liberal or despising gays or anyone else, although I know for a fact that being gay is disgusting, sick and just wrong and unnatural period and abortion is murder! To be moderate or liberal means compromising truth.

No one's going to run you off here if you're liberal, but you may get offended and leave if someone here tells you the truth.
I have to disagree about VNN. It's pretty hardcore. If a guy is upset with some attitudes here at CF then the VNN forum will send him into shock. It's nothing like what he mentioned he is interested in. The only places even close to what he wanted would be VDARE.com, maybe isteve.blogspot.com or Takimag.com

I would add American Renaissance to the list. :thumbup:

There are also some good HBD sites if you're into that.
I have to disagree about VNN. It's pretty hardcore. If a guy is upset with some attitudes here at CF then the VNN forum will send him into shock. It's nothing like what he mentioned he is interested in.

Yes,I just went by the title,and in hindsight I should have noticed this:

I would also like for this site to be relatively progressive/moderate/liberal. I know that sounds like a contradiction...but surely there is some white nationalist site where the average user doesn't despise gays or think all women should be subservient to their husbands?

This dude will get murdered on VNN(I feel so stupid now).

I would also like for this site to be relatively progressive/moderate/liberal. I know that sounds like a contradiction...but surely there is some white nationalist site where the average user doesn't despise gays or think all women should be subservient to their husbands?

It doesn't sound like a contradiction....it is one.
Go to Stormfront.It maintains the facade of being a WN site.You can live out your fantasy there....if you aren't harassed and pestered by the constant begging on the part of the staff,members.

This guy isn't looking for a White Nationalist site if I'm honest.He just wants to live the fantasy of a macho "racist" or "skinhead" or something.This guy is very much like that troll the other day who wanted us to remain pro-white without going into anti-black,anti-semitic territory.He just wants to live the fantasy of a macho "racist" or "skinhead" or something.

I'm a "tr00 Kvlt metalhead" and I see this tendency among a lot of weak imbeciles:

They like the idea of listening to metal.
Who wouldn't?
Its fast(mostly),raw and headbanging is fun.
No christians.No *******.No pretty girls.

But when comes to the real thing,most just back off...cause they lack the cojones.

Ieroner isn't seeking the truth(far from it),nor is he seeking solidarity.....he is merely seeking comfort.So my piece of advice to him will be to stay away form this whole thing.
For guys like him Ignorance truly is bliss.
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