White men taking black chicks??


Apr 14, 2005
What do you all think of the above question of white guys going out/hooking up with black women? This popped up in my mind a couple of weeks ago when I was watching the AFL playoff game on ESPN bewteen Cleveland and Georiga. They were talking about how good a favorite player of ours' on here Troy Bergeron is and then showed his wife in the stands who happens to be black. Then the other day I saw Venus Williams' boyfriend is a white man as well. So we've discussed on here black men and white women so how do you feel about it the other way around? Or just in general white guys going with women outside of their race?
50% over 25 have herpes. STDs are rampant among black women. Be careful. Don't reproduce with or marry them. I think white women are much better looking and than other races of women. I even prefer fair skin and green or blue eyes. The whole description of brown hair, brown skin, brown eyes that 95 - 98% of the world posseses is not appealing to me. I think it's good to have that look on some women and men but I don't like the way that it is becoming the ONLY look.
Jeez. This site is getting more depressing then amren. Any good news out there?
Amren is by far the most depressing site I have ever read. Good , intelligent folks who operate the site. Just very depressing news on a daily basis. I stopped going there some time ago.
OK if you have a 1-night stand with black women. After all, they f*** our girls all the time. Besides, at least in the DC area, black chicks are easier to "pick up" than white girls.

But don't marry or reproduce with them.
Black chicks have a high rate of STDs. I'm staying away from them. Besides they are ugly- just look at Michelle Obama.
I don't find black women attractive, although I'm attracted to some East Asian women and I find many white Hispanic women to be hot.

I find brown eyes and dark hair to be just as appealing as blue eyes and blond hair. However, the woolly hair, ape-like jaw protrusion, flat nose, oversized lips, and rather masculine body structure of the female negro turns me off.

I remember one time in my late teens, an athletic black girl made herself sexually available to me, but I couldn't go through with it - she just seemed too masculine and primitive. I don't understand why any white man would date a black woman, when there are so many beautiful white, latina and Asian women available.

Most Black women don't seem to have the sweet, lovable, supportive personalities that make for wise choices for lifetime companionship - they seem too childlike, disrespectful, self-centered, abrupt and aggressive. Can you imagine the horror of being married to Oprah Winfrey?

And the white men who use black prostitutes because they are less expensive, or pick up black women for easier one-night stands, are being foolish because of the high probability of catching a STD.

Edited by: JD1986
Black men don't even want black women and they'll copulate with ANYTHING.

Just walk on by.
whiteCB said:
What do you all think of the above question of white guys going out/hooking up with black women? This popped up in my mind a couple of weeks ago when I was watching the AFL playoff game on ESPN bewteen Cleveland and Georiga. They were talking about how good a favorite player of ours' on here Troy Bergeron is and then showed his wife in the stands who happens to be black. Then the other day I saw Venus Williams' boyfriend is a white man as well. So we've discussed on here black men and white women so how do you feel about it the other way around? Or just in general white guys going with women outside of their race?

Me and brother watched some of that game. He asked me if Troy was mixed race. I didn't give him much of a response because I had a gut feeling that Troy might have been mixed when I saw him on TV earlier this season. I also saw his wife when they showed her in the stands and I didn't peg her as "black."

She was light-skinned and I thought she might have been part "native" or got a little sun exposure. Southern Whites have been known to get some sun, whether it's through hard work outside or for recreation.

If a broad has 75 to 85% White blood in her veins, it's really up to her when it comes to what she considers herself. Other than Asian broads, you have considerable numbers of mestizas and mixed colored woman (in particular) that are aggressively trying to date and bed White men.

I have a blonde haired/blue eyed cousin, who is very short, and he married and procreated with a mestiza-looking Puerto Rican. It should come as no surprise that his 2 children have the dark features (eyes/hair) of the mother.

I have dark hair and green eyes and I have an affinity for dark-haired ladies with creamy skin. Dreaming of creamy-skinned, curvy Italian sweethearts.
Their eyes have to be green, blue or light brown -- though. For me, light brown or green eyes go best with dark hair and blue eyes go best with strawberry blonde and red hair.

As for Venus Williams, I don't care if she mixes. She is coal black and the kid will probably be freakish and wouldn't look White. As for Troy and his wife, I really wouldn't be surprised if they both were mixed -- be it with native, black or whatever...
JD1986 said:
I don't find black women attractive, although I'm attracted to some East Asian women and I find many white Latina women to be hot.

I find brown eyes and dark hair to be just as appealing as blue eyes and blond hair. However, the woolly hair, ape-like jaw protrusion, flat nose, oversized lips, and rather masculine body structure of the female negro turns me off.

I remember one time in my late teens, an athletic black girl made herself sexually available to me, but I couldn't go through with it - she just seemed too masculine and primitive. I don't understand why any white man would date a black woman, when there are so many beautiful white, latina and Asian women available.

Most Black women don't seem to have the sweet, lovable, supportive personalities that make for a wise choices for lifetime companionship - they seem too childlike, disrespectful, self-centered, abrupt and aggressive. Can you imagine the horror of being married to Oprah Winfrey?

And the white men who use black prostitutes because they are less expensive, or pick up black women for easier one-night stands, are being foolish because of the high probability of catching a STD.
Speaking of Winfrey I know Howard Stern used to have running joke about Stedman Graham being a unich who dated her. Supposedly years ago he flipped out when he was called Mr. Winfrey when he was addressed....
whiteCB said:
What do you all think of the above question of white guys going out/hooking up with black women? This popped up in my mind a couple of weeks ago when I was watching the AFL playoff game on ESPN bewteen Cleveland and Georiga. They were talking about how good a favorite player of ours' on here Troy Bergeron is and then showed his wife in the stands who happens to be black. Then the other day I saw Venus Williams' boyfriend is a white man as well. So we've discussed on here black men and white women so how do you feel about it the other way around? Or just in general white guys going with women outside of their race?

Venus Williams has a white boyfriend,her father said once that every black that has a realtionschip with a white must be killed.Funny that one of the most hatefully aginst caucasian's has a daughter that has a white boyfriend.I hope that the white guy watch out for daddy williams.
I am attracted to white girls,my girlfriend is but I have to say I am sometimes attracted to light skinned black girls( with white admixture not fully black african).I think i am the only here
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