White High School Sprinters


Nov 12, 2006
Anybody have Information on White High School Sprinters and their times?I would like to keep up with them.
I think the long list of replies tells us something depressing. White kids male amd female stay away from sprinting it seems and until that is rectified we will have to suffer. Does anyone know wnat race Jeremy Rankin is?--he is out of Overland high in CO--only a soph.
Well it's a bit early to put together a list.
No doubt that what you say is partly true.
However, track season hasn't started yet at most high schools.
The situation regarding white sprinters is not what it should be. Typically whites and their coaches don't think that they can sprint and choose other events.

Ivividly recall my first season as coach at a multi-racial high school. All the whites self-declared themselves to be distance runners. Fortunately, having come from an all-white high school that usually had champion sprinters and hurdlers, i required all team members to race each other in the 100 meter dash. Turned out that the best 400m. sprinter, hands-down, was a white boy.

I think that a lot of athletes and coaches short-change themselves by simply assuming that all whites are slower than all blacks. There will be more outstanding white sprinters when the athletes and coaches believe that they can be.
One white high school sprinter to follow may be Shane Crawford of Winamac IN. He finished 2nd in the 60m. dash with a time of 6.72 in the Nike Indoor Nationals. He finished only 3rd in the 100m. (10.71) and 8th in the 200m. (22.30) in the 2006 Indiana state championships, but may be ready to do much better this season.
Shane Crawford--yep from IN I noted him to myself a while back but forgot his name. Man he lost to winner Rankin 6.72 to 6.71. Damn. I assume Jeremy Rankin is black--almost certain. Crawford is 5'11" 175 but does not play other sports as far as I can tell--I was hoping he played baseball or something. Anyway there is one notable white guy--any more?--thanks hsc for info.
Thanks for the links.This kid looks like he could be special.How many high school kids are already keeping track of their diet to get faster?He is motivated and he has the genetics.Let's keep an eye on him.The last two or three really good white high school sprinters have not lived up to the hype.That would be Matt Bruno,Steve Koehnemann,and Drew Morano. Drew is still competing however and could still improve.
OK Rankin is black but Crawford looks like he is built better for the 100M than the two guys flanking him.
Any thought on why real fast white high school girl sprinters and hurdlers are so rare? I follow high school track pretty closely and am hard pressed to name anyone beyond Ryann Krais of Pennsylvania and the Stewart twins of Utah.
Crawford has run 6.70 twice this season and 6.72.
Just to put that in perspective ...he would be tied for the 24th fastest collegiate in the country with that time.
It's faster than Jared Connaughton, Travis Picou, Trey Giffin, or Colt Davis ran this season in college.
I'm pretty impressed.
A side note....it's still mind boggling to think Casey Combest ran a 6.57 to set the HS record. I'm so pissed that he never followed through with his career.
Anybody care to venture an opinion about the lack of national-caliber white female high school sprinters and hurdlers?

Myobservations as a high school coachindentify2 factors:

1) Self-selection out of those events by participating in another sport or a "race-appropriate" event.

2) Coaches who automatically put whites into "race-appropriate" events, never even considering that they might have the talent for sprints and hurdles.
highschoolcoach said:
Anybody care to venture an opinion about the lack of national-caliber white female high school sprinters and hurdlers?  

My observations as a high school coach indentify 2 factors:

1) Self-selection out of those events by participating in another sport or a "race-appropriate" event.

2) Coaches who automatically put whites into "race-appropriate" events, never even considering that they might have the talent for sprints and hurdles.


Well the same can be said of the boys, and although there are not a ton of white hs boy sprinters, there are for all practical purposes, no white hs girl sprinters.
On top of all the reasons you listed, the fact that girls are more group/team orientated and less independent than boys, might be a big factor as well.
It is probably more difficult for a white girl to fit in as part of the group with the black girl sprinters than it is for a white boy to fit in with his black counterparts. And as a girl, she would feel the need to 'fit in' more than the boy would.Edited by: jacknyc
Hey highschoolcoach,

I just starting sprinting at a track club this season and for a guy who never ran before my start is better than all of them, and these are guys who ran track in college. I've played football, martial arts, and have been an avid weightlifter, which has helped me tremendously. I can finish really well in the 55-60m. However, i get burnt when we do intervals of 150m, 200m, 400m, and sprint endurance events. Do you have any workouts that could help me? I would really apprecaite a routine that incorporates drills, plyos, weightlifting, intervals, and starts?
it really depends what race your aiming for. are you going for a 100/200 or 200/400. what are your time in the 55 or 60? in the early season try to get in a few of each race (100/200/400). report back to here with times, age, weight and i could give you a good program for the events you'll be running. good luck!
jacknyc said:
highschoolcoach said:
Anybody care to venture an opinion about the lack of national-caliber white female high school sprinters and hurdlers?

Myobservations as a high school coachindentify2 factors:

1) Self-selection out of those events by participating in another sport or a "race-appropriate" event.

2) Coaches who automatically put whites into "race-appropriate" events, never even considering that they might have the talent for sprints and hurdles.

Well the same can be said of the boys, and although there are not a ton of white hs boy sprinters, there are for all practical purposes, no white hs girl sprinters.
On top of all the reasons you listed, the fact that girls are more group/team orientated and less independent than boys, might be a big factor as well.
It is probably more difficult for a white girl to fit in as part of the group with the black girl sprinters than it is for a white boy to fit in with his black counterparts. And as a girl, she would feel the need to 'fit in' more than the boy would.

Thanks for the thoughtful answer. It seems to me to be a very plausible reason for the dearth of really good white female high school sprinters and hurdlers. I have long believed that their is a psychological component to the disparity. I noticed long ago that once the percentage of black students reaches a certain point, whites virtually stop participating, especially in football, basketball, and track & field. And i seriously doubt that it's totally because of lack of ability.
albinosprint said:
it really depends what race your aiming for. are you going for a 100/200 or 200/400. what are your time in the 55 or 60? in the early season try to get in a few of each race (100/200/400). report back to here with times, age, weight and i could give you a good program for the events you'll be running. good luck!

Thanks Albino Sprint. I haven't been offically timed yet. I am basing my progress/performace on beating some more experinced sprinteres in start drills (30 meter) and 60 Meter wind sprints. My sprint endurance falls fairly quickly so I'm guessing I am better suited for the shortest sprints possible.

I will try and follow some of Tom Green's workouts posted on bodybuilding.com. I mentioned Green in a previous post; his workouts are intense.
Tom Green had alot of potential but had a rash of injuries that shortened/ended his career.Some have said that his workouts are too intense.Be careful and make sure that you stretch out really good.Plyometrics can give one incredible results in a rather short period of time.Diet and rest are also equally important.Keep us posted Alpha Male & let us know if you need any advice.
jacknyc said:
highschoolcoach said:
Anybody care to venture an opinion about the lack of national-caliber white female high school sprinters and hurdlers?

My observations as a high school coach indentify 2 factors:

1) Self-selection out of those events by participating in another sport or a "race-appropriate" event.

2) Coaches who automatically put whites into "race-appropriate" events, never even considering that they might have the talent for sprints and hurdles.

Well the same can be said of the boys, and although there are not a ton of white hs boy sprinters, there are for all practical purposes, no white hs girl sprinters.
On top of all the reasons you listed, the fact that girls are more group/team orientated and less independent than boys, might be a big factor as well.
It is probably more difficult for a white girl to fit in as part of the group with the black girl sprinters than it is for a white boy to fit in with his black counterparts. And as a girl, she would feel the need to 'fit in' more than the boy would.
I would also tend to think the Tom boy factor is huge in why very few white females take up sprinting. Females have to shape their bodies into unfeminine physiques. The last pure sprinter that was a white female that became world class was Sandra Meyers and she never represented the US(she represented Spain and won a bronze at the worlds).
Thanks for the good reply white is right. It may also be a partial explanation of the dearth of really fast white female high school sprinters and hurdlers. However, there are plenty of really good white female throwers and they cannot be mistaken for fashion models.

I hope that others will comment on this topic. And, even more, I hope that someone will help do something about it. Why do England and Australia have white girls who medal in the World Championships and Olympic Games, butnot the U.S.?
Yes, Yulia Nesterenko of Belarus won the womens 100 meter dash in the 2004 Olympic Games. In addition, Anna Guevara of Mexico and Natalya Natyukh of Russia finished 2-3 in the 400 meters, and Olena Krasovska of Ukraine was 2nd in the 100 meter hurdles. White women were 1-2-3 in the 400 meter hurdles.

However, white American women were non-existent in the sprints and hurdles and have been for decades, as far as I know. The last American whitefemale sprinter who I know of to even participate in the Olympics was Kathy hammond, who won the bronze in the 400 meter dash.

So, although few American white men are top sprinters, there are and have been some since 1972, but NO women. Why not? As stated before, I think that there is a significant psychological component to the explanation, and wonder what can be done about it.

Tezdzhan Naimova of Bulgaria, who won both the 100m. (11.28) and 200m. (22.99) in the 2006 World Jr. Championships is certainly not unattractive.


It wasn't a race, it was a slaughter. Tezdzhan Naimova, winner at 100 meters earlier in the meet, dominated from start to finish as the strong and slim smooth striding Bulgarian was clocked in 22.99. Second place went to Vanda Gomes of Brazil in 23.59. Naimova's winning margin was the biggest since the Championships began in 1986.
highschoolcoach said:
Yes, Yulia Nesterenko of Belarus won the womens 100 meter dash in the 2004 Olympic Games. In addition, Anna Guevara of Mexico and Natalya Natyukh of Russia finished 2-3 in the 400 meters, and Olena Krasovska of Ukraine was 2nd in the 100 meter hurdles. White women were 1-2-3 in the 400 meter hurdles.

However, white American women were non-existent in the sprints and hurdles and have been for decades, as far as I know. The last American white female sprinter who I know of to even participate in the Olympics was Kathy hammond, who won the bronze in the 400 meter dash.

So, although few American white men are top sprinters, there are and have been some since 1972, but NO women. Why not? As stated before, I think that there is a significant psychological component to the explanation, and wonder what can be done about it.
As far as I know only Grace Upshaw, Ulrike Mayfar(Not sure on the spelling) and Jenny Adams have represented the US at world or Olympic meets. All were longshots for a medal. As bad as the US men have done until recently they have been by far more competitive than the women.Edited by: white is right
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