White fans suck

What a piece of garbage. I don't think I have ever seen white players belittled so much, and only for the color of their skin. This guy should be eating his own puke!

Here's the reply I just posted:

AWG article is racist!

The article about white college basketball stars is full of anti-white comments and should not even be allowed because they are racist. What is wrong with a few white guys having success at the so called "black man's game" for one year out of the last 15? Nothing! Maybe Robert should ask himself why he "loves to hate" white athletes so much, as opposed to the countless black players who are a whole lot more than annoying. It is a shame that there cannot be a single white athlete who can have success without being criticized over nothing more than the color of his skin. What a horrible double-standard the media supports! Simply inexcusable!
Dan I read that article that you accessed for us. The author is a f*****g prick! It is not even intelligently written. That crap about sneaking 500 throws a day as if dedication was some kind of cheating! What is he trying to say? Was the black athlete that spent his entire youth on the court near his apartment cheating? No, he was "naturally gifted". That is the kind of brainwashing that makes white kids not believe in themselves.
Now I'm not American but you can understand that it is articles like that which made me enjoy seeing that all black basketball team lose so badly at the Olympics. Where was their "superior natural talent" there? It is articles like that which help make it difficult for whites to succeed at some sports in the United States where outside the country they excell. Athletes like the Klitschkos laugh at that stuff.
Here's another one, by Skip Bayless of ESPN. Apparently Dick Vitale had a rare moment of non-Caste System clarity and declared that Adam Morrison "will be a flat-out superstar in the NBA." Bayless goes on a rant about how Morrison will never be the next Larry Bird. I can't recall anyone saying that Morrison will be the next Bird, but this article is filled with the same type of anti-white feelings and stereotypes, just not ascrudely putas the one above.

[url]http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=bayless/0603 20[/url]
Bayless is a clown. He is in the love with the system and does whatever possible to belittle white players, and then tries to make it sound ok by saying he'd like see a great white player as much as the next guy. Um, no you don't that's obvious... and then compares him to "great college players but not as good in the pros" white players Van Horn and Sczerbiak. Hm.. out of all the blacks who can't live up to the hype, you compare him to Wally, averaging 19 a game and a perennial spurn off the all star team. Hm.. what a B.S. comparison.
Skip says Morrison will be slightly better than Van Horn and Szerbiak and never make one all-star team. Hey Skip, both Van Horn and Szerbiak despite the caste system have been on the all star team in their careers.Skip has always been a idiot, back in Dallas when he worked for the Morning News, he always sided with Steve Walsh over Troy Aikman in the early stage of their careers and we all see how that worked out. He's always been full of crap and it's a shame he has two hours everyday on ESPN to inflict himself on the rest of us.
Here's my reply to Skip:

Your article on Morrison and Redick makes me wonder why you seem to despise all white players. What's wrong with accepting the fact that there could be a white superstar every now and then? Nothing! Whether Morrison or Redick become superstars really isn't the point, but the constant belittling of them and most other white players by the media is despicable. It doesn't mean you pander to the "majority white crowd" who wishes for a "great white hype." Why not give these guys some credit and let them decide by their play in the NBA whether they will be superstars or not. White athletes in general get far too much criticism from you guys in the media. I have always wondered why. It is as if you are scared to compliment them for doing well because you might get called a racist by some idiot. Morrison is the first white player to lead the NCAA in scoring in quite a number of years. Why not celebrate the fact that basketball is becoming more diverse, instead of just being the so called "black man's game." It would do the NBA a whole lot of good to get rid of some of its thug image and also inject some good basketball fundamentals back into the game. I hope I don't have to read anymore of this anti-white garbage. The American people hear way too much of it as it is.
And has any black aff-lete ever received as much ribbing for their appearance as has Morrison?

The world according to the Controlled Media:
Cornrows, afros, huge tattoos on oily black skin that look like bruises or sarcoma, tattooing your OWN NAME on your arm = LOOKING GOOD!

Neatly trimmed beards or moustaches on White men = LOOKING STOOOOPID!

As for past-player comparisons, people seem to be missing the obvious one: moustachioed Morrison looks a heckuva lot like Pistol Pete Maravich. He even has a similar build and unorthodox shooting style.
You are right SK. He does look alot more like Pistol Pete than any other comparison(Bird). His game is not as tricky as Pistol Pete but who's game is.
Oh, where to begin......

The Slate article is classic Yiddish hate-filth by a creature known as "Robert Weintraub." The article is literally dripping with the typically virulent jewish hatred for the White man.

There is so much that the Weintraubs of the world despise about Whites, as the author suggests. But Weintraub (like all his ilk) needs to be slapped down a bit.

First, where does this **** get off criticizing McNamara's "backstory"? Every story ever written about a black aff-lete MUST contain a mention of his noble struggle to overcome socio-economic disadvantages, father-in-prison, couldn't afford basketball shoes, etc. Does this filthy Hebe criticize this? Of course not.

Secondly, "Weintraub" is not a "White" fan, as he deems to call himself. He ain't White, at all. He's a jew, and an especially offensive one, at that (which is saying a LOT!).

Lastly, this filthy *******roach fails to acknowledge that Gerry McNamara has more heart in his toejam than Weintraub and his entire lousy race will ever have as a whole. Actually, I think he DOES kind of acknowledge this fact (implicitly) because, ultimately, that is what these people hate the most about us. That is why they seek to demean us at every opportunity.

As an aside, I'm sure it made this bastard feel even smaller when the cameras panned to Gerry's girlfriend in the crowd -- my goodness gracious, I didn't think they made 'em so blond and pretty. And she doesn't seem to have any problem at all with his "problematic facial hair" or the fact that he looks just like the Irish leprechaun that he is.

Instead of "Point-Guard Envy" this article should have been titled "Jewish Racial Envy."
SK, I used to feel the same way about Jews as you do. Sometimes I still do if I get angry enough ,but things aren't as simple as they seem. Jews aren't the biggest threat. If we could get them on our side we could make this country White again much easier than if they are against us. There are a few who subscribe to American Renaissance. Michael Levin wrote the book Why Race Matters and has spoken at AR conferences. There were Jews who fought for the Confederacy. Now I realize that there have been many more Jews against us than with us ,but I think this could change because if we lose Western Civilization so do they. Also, they are intermarrying with Whites. At first thought, I don't like this ,but they are in much smaller number than we are. If they are absorbed into our population they are no longer a foe. That is much better than the alternative which is the destruction of the West altogether through a non stop tide of non Whites. Nazism scared the hell out of the Jews and they really turned on us after that. We were the goy of choice before that. If we can convince them that we're not going to exterminate them, they may help us save the West. I've had this view for a while but I came across an article by Nick Griffin, of the BNP, where he says it better than I can. I'm in agreement, survival and victory are more important than ideological purity. Here's the link-
http://www.bnp.org.uk/columnists/chairman2.php?ngId=30Edited by: KG2422
I hesitated to respond to your post because of the fact that I am part Jewish and I thought it would seem self-serving. But I agree with much of what you said and the Nationalist movement is making a big mistake to continue to make Jews their boogeyman for everything. For every Jew up to no good there are ten Gentiles doing the same thing. I agree with your statement on how Nazism scared the hell out of Jews and it was for good reason! I don't even like the phrase White Nationalism and I agree with some of JD074 sentiments that maybe American Nationalism is the better word.
Nobody in this country will ever take the Nationalist cause seriously if all they see is Anti-Semitism and making a difference should be the goal of a Nationalist. So a little pragmatism and compromise can go along way.
I also like your endorsement of Michael Levin. I have listened and watched him on many a occasion and I love what he has got to say on alot of things. I'm sure your post may generate some heat and I hope my "backing you" in part doesn't make you think you made a mistake
Richard Hernstein collaborated with Charles Murray in authoring The Bell Curve and The Holocaust Industry by Finkelstein is also heresy to any communistic Jew.I hate the commies too but not all Jews are ,so we shouldn't get so obsessed with them that we don't make good decisions. Edited by: KG2422
KG2422, while I respect your position, I think you are falling into a dangerous trap.

AmRen is a false-front operation, and it has been completely co-opted by the jews. Jared Taylor is a brilliant man but a poor judge of character. White nationalists, by and large, despise AmRen for what it is NOT willing to do, which is to identify the root of the problem -- jews.

A history lesson: Communism? jewish. Feminism? jewish. Multi-culturalism? jewish. Desgregation? jewish. Federal Reserve monetary system? jewish. Afro-firmative action? jewish. Destruction of immigration system? jewish.

At one time or another over the past 1500 years, Jews have been run out of EVERY COUNTRY IN EUROPE. Germany was only the most recent of numerous expulsions.

Do you see a pattern? Is this merely a coincidence?

Do yourself a favor and read the Talmud (you can borrow guest301's copy). Jews, literally, do not consider non-jews as anything more than their cattle ("goyim") who will do their heavy lifting. Jews have ALWAYS employed a policy of racial warfare against their host nation by introducing non-White "immigrants" in the hopes of destabilizing the government and polluting the White gene pool. (Shortly after jews became prominent in the Roman Empire, Rome was flooded with non-Whites, the gene pool was destroyed, and Rome fell in a shockingly-rapid fashion).

The jew leaves no place for Whites in their organizations, and we must adopt the same policies.

Allowing jews to masquerade as "White" is inviting a Trojan Horse into your midst.

My apologies to guest301 (or other jewish lurkers) but there simply is no place for jews in a European society because jews have shown that they are incapable of conducting themselves in any way other than as usurpers, destroyers, and traitors.
That's why you white nationalists will never get anywhere because some of you are so obsessed with the jewish boogeyman that you can accomplish nothing toward advancing or even protecting white-western civilization. Did you read the link KG2422 had with his post? Do you see how inept the nationalist movement in this country as compared to the BNP! You guys will never advance your cause if you can't get beyond expousing your views in cyberspace and having a few conventions from time to time. Get on the ballot box and you might win some elections if you lose the anti-semitism. But you won't!
I'm certainly familiar with all the Jewish conspiracy theories, but I think in this day and age, when we stand on the brink of ethnic/racial civil war in this country, that we need to find support wherever we can. Jewish influence is definitely there, and wildly disproportionate to their meagher numbers in the population, but we also need to keep in mind that there are very few "pure" jews any more. With so much intermarriage over the past century or so, there are a lot of Americans with 1/4 and 1/2% jewish ethnicity in them. For instance, I have a niece and nephew who are both 1/4 jewish. Both were raised Catholic, and know nothing about Judaism. I think that powerful jews have been key players in most of the significant events in the world over the past few centuries, but this doesn't mean that the average jew has any special power or influence. Yes, I'm familiar with the Talmud, and its nasty references to Jesus and to us "goys." Yes, jewish pressure groups like the ADL pretty much rule what can and cannot be said in our "free" press (holocaust revisionism or any other debate about the events in WWII, for instance). Yes, they thoroughly dominate the entertainment industry. Yes, our foreign policy is completely dictated by our attachment to Israel. Yes, if Israel were run by any other group in the world, it would be the most condemned state in history. But, having said all that, I don't feel comfortable in labeling every working stiff who happens to be 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 or 100% jewish, as a disloyal parasite who is automatically my enemy. The problem for jews is that, as long as subjects like the details of the holocaust or the mistreatment of Palestinians by the Israelis continue to be censored and not debated in the mass media, the more actual anti-jewish sentiment is created. Decent people of any race or religion should not just be hated irrationally.
How can you call jewish influence in the US a "conspiracy theory"? Conspiracies usually have no evidentiary support "because the less evidence you have, the deeper the conspiracy goes."

Here are the plain facts about jewish influence, which are known to everyone:

Jews own every major television network;

Jews own 90% of the newspapers read in the United States;

Jews own the major publishing houses in the United States;

Jews comprise a majority of the faculty at Ivy League universities (which lead all of academia into the commie-liberal mess that it is today);

The largest political action committee (lobbying outfit) is the American-Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC);

Jews control the Federal Reserve (and have for decades);

Due largely to AIPAC's ability to purchase politicians, Israel is by far the largest receipient of foreign aid from the US, receiving approximately $3 BILLION per year;

Jews sponsored the recent Federal Hate Crimes Bill, which would have the result of criminalizing non-approved thought, as is the current condition in Europe;

I could go on and on and on but if you can't see the forest for the trees by now, there is probably no helping you.

I'll ask again: What is remotely "conspiracy-theorish" about these facts, which are common knowledge?
That is all true except I thought Israel received 6 billion a year. But this is exactly why I think their help could definitely be used if an alliance could be made. I don't think the ones with any real power, Ivy League excluded, want to live in gated communities like the Whites in Brazil. Their numbers are dwindling, and it may be an option they are receptive to given the threat of Islam. We're running out of options. It's getting late in the game. If we choose not to organize and make inroads with TV networks etc. a bloody civil war will be the only option. In that weakened state, who knows what the Chinese or other non Western country will do in the power vacuum? What do you think we should do? I don't think the country is ripe for revolution, not by Whites anyway. I do see some positive signs like resistance to illegal immigration. Hopefully global capitalist neocons, like Bush, don't sneak in a guest worker(amnesty) program. But then again, that could accelerate the country's decline and provide the catalyst for a cleansing and horrible civil war. Our options seem to be a organized, pragmatic approach or waiting for a civil war. Heck, we may be too old by then or dead. Edited by: KG2422
I am coming to the conclusion that the United States of America, as a nation that we loved and cherished in our youth, its proud history and grand ideas, is finished. If the United States does not ultimately break up into constituent states the way the Soviet Union did, we will still eventually cease to be a super power. China and the EU are going to fill the power vacuum left behind when our economy and military prowess finally crash.

Just today, the report is out that the housing market is down by 10%, the worst drop in the last nine years. But still the pundits are saying this is not a bursting of the housing bubble, merely a 'minor correction. Gas prices are up AGAIN. Our military is overstretched to the breaking point but our 'leaders' are talking about attacking a bigger nation, in both land mass and population, than Iraq. Our borders our porous, Mexicans are streaming in faster than an invading army, in larger numbers, without a shot being fired, yet at the same time we're inviting in East Asians by the hundreds of thousands to take the best paying technical jobs. We're losing jobs at both the top and bottom of the job market. If that wasn't mad enough, at the same time our businesses are leaving in droves to set up shop in 3rd world nations to avoid paying taxes and living wages here in the USA. So we're importing people to take what few jobs are left, that haven't yet been moved overseas. I mean, this is sheer madness.

We're borrowing money from probably the greatest threat to US national security, immigration not withstanding, in the form of the Chinese government purchases of our debts, ports, and other businesses. They will call that debt due one of these days, and when we don't pay up, they're going to flush the US economy down the toilet.

If anybody has some good news to relay about the way things are going, I'd sure like to hear it. Otherwise, I'm thinking its about time to start learning Punjabi, in addition to the rudimentary Spanish I already speak, and mentally prepare to be moved by takeover into a 3rd world nation.
I used the term "conspiracy theory" because the clear facts you set forth (and they are facts) lead some people-like you-to conclude that all jews are in on this. That's not true. Some jews control the networks, etc.- not all jews. That is significant, and should be discussed publicly. But I have known, and know now, lots of jews who are not benefiting from their ethnic brethern's power and influence. What about the point I made regarding partial jews? There are a whole lot of people in America today who have at least some jewish blood. How would you categorize them? I agree with your points about jews controlling everything. I just have strong reservations about where you're going with it. I think that the facts about jewish control should be publicized freely in the mainstream media. The fact that it is instead covered up invites more sinister explanations for that control, imho. We're on the same page here, except for the fact I don't believe that just being born jewish makes one inherently evil. If I was jewish, I would certainly want to expose these things. A little sunlight is good for everything.
Guest301 is one of those "partial jews". I am living paycheck to paycheck and not certainly a part of any jewish power structure thats allegedly destroying our nation.
White Shogun..all is not lost. The American people are getting increasingly worked up over the immigration issue even some Hispanics who are here legally are getting concerned and who knows it might actually spark some needed changes in the next election. It's just a hope and not a prediction. We will see. This country needs a spiritual renewal more than anything else but I won't preach about it.
KG2422 said:
That is all true except I thought Israel received 6 billion a year. But this is exactly why I think their help could definetly be used if an alliance could be made.

There are plenty of Jews who are conservatives, but any alliance between them and people like us is pretty unlikely. Then again, unlikely ideas are our bread and butter! (All white nations, WN political party and candidates, repatriating blacks and deporting hispanics, etc.)

BTW, I'm sure you all have seen the hispanic protests in Chicago, Georgia, and California. Is this a foreshadowing of things to come? Is it protests today, riots tomorrow? Hmm....
Edited by: JD074
JD074 said:
There are plenty of Jews who are conservatives, but any alliance between them and people like us is pretty unlikely. Then again, unlikely ideas are our bread and butter! (All white nations, WN political party and candidates, repatriating blacks and deporting hispanics, etc.)

Yes, even if we did have a political party or interest group that was organized and spoke for us, an alliance would be unlikely, but it would be a smart move by both parties. My real point was that not all Jews are as hateable as the Sumner Redstones and Jerry Bruckheimers of the world. To realize that helps bring understanding and relief from letting bitterness eat us up as much. So if there were a nationalist party that served our interests, like the BNP, that didn't threaten Jews with death or deportation we might be able to make some headway in state legislatures etc. If that hypothetical party were ever to take power of the country or a region of the country, we could then solve some of our problems with the media through very skillful action. Sometimes we nationalists let our balls get in the way of our brains.
White Shogun said:
We're borrowing money from probably the greatest threat to US national security, immigration not withstanding, in the form of the Chinese government purchases of our debts, ports, and other businesses. They will call that debt due one of these days, and when we don't pay up, they're going to flush the US economy down the toilet.

That is a good point White Shogun. China is a growing threat on a number of fronts. They are building a war machine as well.

There are difficult days ahead.